Item availability

Dear all,
I have a problem about item availability in sales orders. I want to change the scheduling by the sales order type. I want to inactive delivery scheduling. bu I have a lot of sales order. I have to current them after change the scheduling status. I tried to change a sales order with item availability button. it was success. But How can I change all sales order at once time?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Try using V_v2 t.code. this will reschedule all your backorders and give current schedule lines based on the availabiltiy of the items.
Hope this is useful.

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    User created sales order with 5 materials, out of this 5 material first one material X not appear in MD04 transaction.
    I try to re activate the item availability in sales order,but system not showing the availability control screen.
    but in schedule line tab system show the order qty and confirmed qty on request dalivery date.
    If I enter same material X in new sales order or same sales order once again it’s working properly.
    Like to know the root cause for this issue and any solution to avoid this issue in future.
    Karthikeyan R 

    This is why the SO item does not appear in MD04.
    You can manually enter KSV in VA02, if you are sure this is the proper RqTy.
    The most likely reason this field is blank is that a user manually removed it.  In general, this field is 'determined' automatically during Sales order processing in one of several ways.  However, in most implementations, a user can remove this entry, and the system will not repopulate unless the sales item category is somehow altered (which can also happen in a number of ways).
    If a user did this manually, you can probably see this in the change log.  VA03 > Environment > changes.
    Beyond this attempt at finding a root cause, it is not usually time well spent to troubleshoot something that has only happened once.  If it happens 'often', you may have to revisit.  Unfortunately, the NEXT most common root cause that I have seen is 'enhancements', which can be a bear to troubleshoot.
    Best Regards,

  • Alert box:No more free items available, please create new one

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    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

    We are running a SAP ERP Ecommerce, we get a strange alert box message "no more free items available, please create a new one". This alert window pops up only when you have created one order in a session and you are trying to create another order. Has anyone come across this issue?
    Steps to recreated this issue
    1. Create an order with any product - quantity is rounded to next possible value.
    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

  • Item availability for selected items and directly create the delivery

    Hi All,
    For a very big sales order ..lets say having 700 line items there any convenient way to create the delivery for selected items ..e.g. 30-40 line items rather going and selecting the line items then doing the item availability.
    do you have any LSMW format by which we can do the item availability for selected items and directly create the delivery.
    kindly Guide me..
    With Regards

    Hi ,
    There is no stand way of doing it . You need to take help of abaper to do this :
    1. Create a t code where if you give sale order number , it displays a report with all the items with a check box near to it as we see in SE16 .
    2. This report could be best in ALV form where users can do "ctr+f" and search only the required materials then select those lines and press a button on the top of report .
    3. Once the button is pressed , program will run vL01n ( create delv in backgrnd) in a BDC form . At time of delev creating , the bdc program in backgrnd uses only those items which were selected by user and not the other items .
    4. Program will create a delv using a BDC in background and return the delv number for user to view tht.
    U can also try using FM : RV_DELIVERY_CREATE to create delv in backgrnd after user selection if BDC is getting tricky.
    Hopefully ,this shuld work and will be a easy process for the customers.
    Let us know the outcome .. .
    B O L ..
    Hope this Helps !!!

  • Unable to skip Item Availability Check form

    I am trying to skip the Item Availability Check dialog (FormTypeEx = "65050") which comes up in Sales Order if an item's available quantity is less than ordered quantity. I know I won't be able to completely skip it since it's a system UI form, so I tried to do "Click" on the OK button as soon as form 65050 is activated, using the following code:
    If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_ACTIVATE and pVal.FormTypeEx = "65050" Then
    End if
    Seems simple enough, and the form does close as I wanted it to. But the events that followed backed me into a corner, almost making me think this just can't be done.
    First, after the form closes, the focus is back at the quantity column of the Sales Order form (139). If I tab out of that field, another Item Availability Check form opens up, as if the first one never opened, unlike if I clicked on the "OK" button on form 65050 manually through UI, the second time I tab out of the quantity field, the 65050 form won't pop open again.
    So I thought instead of having the focus stay in Quantity field, why don't I force the entry of the Unit Price field, which won't trigger form 65050 to open again. And it did not open form 65050 just as I expected. Great, just when I thought everything is working the way I want it to, as soon as I enter a price in the Unit Price field, then tab away from there, the Order Quantity value keeps getting changed from my last value to the previous value. That is, by default the qty is 1 when a new line is added. If I change the qty to 5, after I click on OK in form 65050, and click into Unit Price (all thru code), then I enter a unit price, and when I tab out of the price field, the order qty is changed from 5 back to 1. At that point if I try to force 5 back into the qty field, then form 65050 keeps popping up in a loop.
    I tried to use Event Logger to debug, what I realized is that clicking OK button on form 65050 thru UI and SDK generate different event sequences. If I do it in SDK, even though I have the click action in the After Action of FORM_ACTIVATE event, the event logger shows the FORM_ACTIVATE entry of form 65050 after all the entries of CLICK and ITEM_PRESSED and even FORM_UNLOAD as a result of my "clicking" of the OK button. Maybe this is why coming out of that form, tabbing out of qty field still triggers it to open again, because B1 doesn't recognize it as having opened before?
    Anyway, hope this long description make some sense, but I certainly am running out of ideas to get around this. Any help would be much appreciated!

    i would try some situations - for example freezing/delfilters after leaving the quantinty field.
    when you use a function like i post here no events will get executed - its like a "silent" mode
    Public Sub DelFilters()
        Set oFilters = New SAPbouiCOM.EventFilters
        appl.SetFilter oFilters
    End Sub
    maybe this will help you !
    regards & nice weekend
    (iam not sure if iam online today again)

  • Sales Order - Item Availability Check

    Hi All,
    Currently I am doing some integration work between SAP B1 and another ERP system.  The inventory data is maintained in the other ERP system and not in SAP B1. When I create a Sales Order in SAP B1, I need to replace SAP B1's default Item Availability Check with a customised routine.  Is there a way to trap the action and replace it with my own customised check using the UI/DI API?

    I have made something like that, to replace the defaut Check by one that check purchase order shipping date.. Here is a exemple code for trapping :
    You must place it in SBO_Application_ItemEvent
    if ((pVal.FormTypeEx == "139") & (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_VALIDATE) & (pVal.ItemUID == "38") & (pVal.ColUID == "11") & (pVal.Before_Action == true) & (pVal.InnerEvent == false))
    Don't forget to disable the SBO Check Availability in the document's config form.
    Sorry for my poor english and good luck
    Message was edited by:
            Christophe Vuignier

  • Automatic Item availability check on Sales Order

    We use SAP B1 9.0 PL 08 HF1
    I have two questions:
    When Automatic availability check is activated on Sales Order in Document Settings, there will pop-up a windows for each sales order line which cannot be delivered.
    My question is, since we could have more than 100 item lines in one order, and we have maaany orders, this pop-up is taking to much time. Is it possible to define one alternative (e.g. "Change to Earliest Availability") as standard, and avoid the pop-up window?
    We also use B1if to import orders in SAP B1 using XML files. Is there any way we could get B1if to use one of the alternatives from the Item Availability Check when importing the order lines? Right now, the imported order lines will have the exact same date on all lines.
    Please advice,
    Kind regards
    Kjetil Sandvik

    1. I don't think it is possible to change system design. Better remove this function to avoid waiting time, if not necessary.
    2. Not sure about second question.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Disable the Item Availability Button based on Order type and Item category

    Hi ,
    My requirement is to disable the Item availability check button in VA01 based on the Order Type & Item category. Is there any user Exits/ Badi / FM available for this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Although it is an old post I need to answer for people who search an answer to the same type of question. To hide a field
    you can use transaction variant 'tcode:SHD0'. But it is not based on Order type and Item category. May be you can use
    USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION form in user-exit MV45AFZZ. You can loop at screen and set screen-active = 0 in fields
    where you want them to be inactive.

  • Disable Item Availability Button based on Order Type and Item category

    Hi ,
    My requirement is to disable the Item availability check button in VA01 based on the Order Type & Item category. Is there any user Exits/ Badi / FM available for this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi ,
    the screen 4050 in program SAPMV45A controls this push button
    write the code to hide the button in this enhancement point
    using the screen-name and screen-group2
    Hope it helps you solve your problem
    Reward if helpful

  • BAPI for Sales Order item availability check

    hi all !!!!!!!!!
    May I know how to force SO item to perform AV check?
    What BAPI or function should I use (In custom program, not user-exit)?
    I use BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE to insert or update schedule lines but the confirm qty is always zero!!!! When I go into the SO to click the "Item Availability" manually, the AV check is run and qty is confirmed
    I am using product allocation

    Could you please tell me how to use ISM_ITEM_FCODE_AVAILABLE_CHECK?
    I can't find any document of it
    I am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE in Z-program.
    Thanks in advance

  • Sales Order function module to retrieve the item availability values

      Is there any function module to retrieve the item availability schedule line values.
    Go to sales order (Change Mode) -> Schedule lines tab ->  In application toolbar you can find Item availability icon.
    When this is pressed, next screen you can find the split up of schedule line values. I am developing an ALV report and is required to retrieve the Split up of the schedule line values.
    Is there any function module to retrieve the same.
    BR/ Josh

      I have found one function module ATP_EXPLANATION. I am not able to figure out the parameters that needs to be inputted to this function module. If anyone has used this before, could you kindly help me out.
    This function module returns the Split up for Schedule lines in the tablea 'MDVEX'.
    BR/ Josh

  • Item availability in background for make to order scenario

    hi to all
    i have a requierment for our project ,out client process is make-to order . once Sales creates the sales order this order will go for process order converted into production order.onec the goods produced against this sales order by doing MIGO the stock is posted to the unrestricted storage loaction.This is about the process.
    My requirement is as an when the material is posted to storage location i have to do item availability  manualy in the sales order.This will be done with checking with stock over view MMBE. But the client requirement is that process of confirming the item availability in the back ground .That is as an when the stock is produced against this sales order the item availability (schedule line ) should be confirmed in the back ground.
    I need your valuable sloution to this scenario. My requirement is very critical as this requirement has come after golive. I have to do this at the earliest.
    Looking for the reply

    Hi All
    Since no response for this requirement, I am closing this issue

  • Changing Schedule Line Category after checking Item availability

    Hi Expert,
       I would like to change the schedule line category according to the result of item availability check, i.e. change to another self defined schedule line category in case confirmed qty < order qty.
       Could any one please suggest where I can implement this logic? Which user-exit is required to modify? Thanks a lot!

    U can change the SCH line category manually in sales order
    Menu path:
    Spro-->Img> sd> sales -> sales documents>sch lines-> assign sh line categories---->
    here find ur current combination
    <b>TAN + ND=CN+---<u><i><b>here u give teh sch lien cate u want</b></i></u>----</b>
    this will aloow u changing sch line cat manually in sales order
    Arun prasad

  • Open Item available in FBL5N but not in F-28 & F-32 - URGENT.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a problem in customer open items.  I am able to see open item in FBL5N but while generating document in F-28, this document no is not available. 
    Please let me know what are the reasons at the earliest.
    Thanks in advance for the same.

    Please check if dates are ok, multiple cocd is not present,
    also in F-28 only one document type is not selected, even document date , posting dates can be different , which is not available in FBL5N, anyother fields if selected, also currency, FBL5N may have multiple currencies.
    Also note when in FBL5N
    Selection: Normal Items
    There are two things
    Items are displayed from documents that have neither a <b>special document status</b>, nor do they portray a special <b>G/L account transaction</b>.
    so in F-28, if you don't give special G/L account it will take all also note special document status.
    you can probably down both list and check one-to-one in excel and let us know what exactly the difference is. what is document type of that transaction

  • Items available in CVC not in planning book

    Hi Team,
    we are facing some error... we need to activate some new products in the forecasting process so the items are already transferred to SCM .Items are available in SCM data base and even in CVC but it not reflecting in the planning book.
    Pls help me to solve it.

    After looking into your response, I tried to reproduce the scenario in my system. However, the master data maintained using RSDMD (with or without nav attributes) being reflected immediately in /sapapo/mc62.
    Have you checked your infoobject and master data activation status? May not be a valid question as you already mentioned that other InfoCube can show the added value.
    Probably, executing report RSDDS_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN might fix the issue. Pl check.

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