Item returned to me undeliverable, Pay Pal refunded buyer shipping costs.

I shipped an item out of the country. The package came back undeliverable.I advised the buyer it was returned to me. They wanted it re-shipped, but did not want to pay shipping charges of over $70!I told them I could not ship it again, but I would refund their purchase price. I did that, they opened a claim with Pay Pal.Actually the reason for their claim was "item not as described" I uploaded proof of the papers on the returned package showing the address was "unknown" Pay Pay decided in favor of the buyer and refunded their shipping cost. Now I am out that money.How can I protect myself as a seller in cases like that?Thank you in advance

Well to be fair the item was not delivered to the buyer so they deserved a full refund. There is always someone that loses out and it always has to be the seller as if someone pays a seller to deliver an item to them and it does not arrive then of course they want all their money back. There is not a lot you can do to protect yourself in these situations apart from not selling internationally as that will reduce the risk a tad.      *************************************************  I give up my time to help you so a thank you or kudos would be cool.
Marking one of my replies as a solution would be appreciated if I sorted your problem. 

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  • Help - Item Damaged - Seller Opened ShipCover Claim - Refuses to Refund $ Until Item Returned

    I purchased an item on eBay and it arrived not as described. Its a claret jug - the foot is loose, the jug unstable and it leaks all over the place rendering it useless and not "excellent" as described. In attempts to be as honest as possible I contacted the buyer first and stated the issue requesting to return the item because i don't buy things that are damaged. I also stated that because it was not as described i wasn't paying return shipping because the error wasn't mine. (I've returned two items before (they were one purchase) and paid the return shipping to be honest, even though the seller wasn't and had completely misrepresented their items which is angering as I sell on eBay as well and go out of my way to be overly accurate.)
    The buyer said it wasn't like that when he shipped it and that it must have been damaged in the mail. He then proceeded to open a ShipCover insurance claim. Giving the seller the benefit of the doubt that it was functional without a broken foot when shipped I verified the claim that it arrived damaged (because it is).
    Now the seller informs me that I need to send the item back before he refunds me my money. As it is an issue with postal damage and not an "item not as described" there is no reason for the item to be returned. The item is useless and I'm not paying return shipping (not to mention the duty I was hit with through customs).
    What should I do??

    Just to doublecheck...this item was not sent through the GSP but was sent to you directly by the seller..correct? The item is not as described because it wasn't in the same shape as it was described and ebay requires that an item be returned in order to get the refund...the fact that there is insurance isn't taken into account.  However, the seller is supposed to pay return shipping but because you are in two different companies the seller can't print a return label for you. If you had check off that the item was damaged in shipping then the case should already mention that the seller pays for return shipping...does it?  You should ask the seller how they want to handle this. You might want to suggest that you can print the label and send them a copy of the receipt and ask them to reimburse you before you send the item back. If you print the label through paypal there is a bit of a discount, you would probably have to use the  Canada Post service expedited USA to ship it back. btw, if it ends up that you don't have to use the label, you can void it in a certain amount of days although it does take some time to get your money back.  If the seller flat out refuses to pay the money back, I would phone ebay and ask them how to handle it. You could use the option of asking ebay to step in but contacting them in person might work better. If you paid duty/taxes when you picked the item up, there should be info on the back of the customs form telling you how to claim your money back since you are not keeping the item.         

  • How to use pay Pal payment method?

    Hello there! i was trying to buy a movie using my pay pal account, but after clcking on the pay pal option asks to click on the link to validate pay pal account, but nothing happens when i click on the link! thanks

    Liam is correct.
    You have to make sure that you have IPN enabled with the return URL in there and also return URL added to Website Selling preferences.
    Your return URL would be

  • Making CCV field in checkout mandatory for on site credit cards, but not for getting to Pay Pal site

    Hi.  I posted this on December 1st and am still waiting for a response after a failed attept with chat.
    When my clients are making an order, the CCV field, even though it is marked as required, they can actually place an order without entering the CCV.  I’d like the CCV to be required.  A chat rep said Pay Pal and BC don’t require a CCV, but I would like it to be there for extra security.
    I’ve put the correct webform under Module tempaltes > online layouts > registration buy using both html and module insert methods to test it.  Neither worked.
    The rep gave me this code to put at the bottom of my web form (note this is just the bottom of the web form field code as the top and middle have nothing to do with CCV).  The bold text is the extra text that is supposed to make the CCV required. 
    It works. This code does render a CCV requirement for direct credit card transactions on site.  Problem is, if a client selects Pay Pal in my checkout as their choice and clicks "Place Order" a Pop up window appears telling them they must enter their CCV. So its being required for direct CC on site and offsite for Pay Pal.  Of course a CCV shouldn’t needed on that screen if a client wants to pay by going to the Pay Pal website. 
    So I was wondering if you could help me modify the code so that the CCV code IS required for direct credit card purchases on my site, but when a client wants to use Pay Pal, that the CCV required field pop up does NOT appear and the client can be taken to Pay Pal to compete their order.  Many thanks!  My website is and I am using the latest BC version and normally Firefox, though I have tested in Safari and IE 9 and 10.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
    var submitcount44260 = 0;function checkWholeForm44260(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.PaymentMethodType) why += checkSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType, "Payment Method");if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1) { if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card"); if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number"); if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount"); } if (theForm.WorkPhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.WorkPhone.value, "Work Phone Number"); if (theForm.BillingAddress) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingAddress.value, "Billing Address"); if (theForm.BillingCity) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingCity.value, "Billing City"); if (theForm.BillingState) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingState.value, "Billing State"); if (theForm.BillingZip) why += isEmpty(theForm.BillingZip.value, ""); if (theForm.BillingCountry) why += checkDropdown(theForm.BillingCountry.value, "Billing Country");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number");if (theForm.CardCCV) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardCCV.value, "CCV Number"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.CAT_Custom_511186) why += checkSelected(theForm.CAT_Custom_511186, "Billing Address same as shipping address?");if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount44260 == 0){submitcount44260++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}

    I thought I had and a few others in that with the answer. Because it was a javascript issue.
    As I said in that other post, The code you get from the registration form has a condition on the radio options, none of the fields for credit card become required if you choose paypal.
    if (!theForm.PaymentMethodType || getRadioSelected(theForm.PaymentMethodType) == 1)
                        if (theForm.CardName) why += isEmpty(theForm.CardName.value, "Name on Card<br>");
                        if (theForm.CardNumber) why += isNumeric(theForm.CardNumber.value, "Card Number<br>");
                        if (theForm.Amount) why += isCurrency(theForm.Amount.value, "Amount<br>");
    And in there and when that case is met you put in the CCV script.

  • Exasperated trying to do a pay pal button, plz help!

    I am trying to add a buy button to an image on my website.  Pay pal gave me the code.  But where do I put it?
    The image is a rollover image but at this point I'll settle for just getting it up there.  I do want the custom image, not the pay pal logo, which will disturb the site design.
    Also, I tried going the route of adding a dreamweaver extension, but could not find "api" information on the paypal site.
    thx in advance.

    Hi  all -
    Sorry, I got called away to another task and this is my first chance to get back.  Desperately need to get this page up.
    Here's the code to the page.  Here's the line to search for that refers to the image I want to link to a pay pal page: 
    <img src="images/cx_paypal_u_NEWEST.jpg" alt="Order with Pay Pal" name="paypal" width="235" height="80" border="0">
    Just for a test, when I replaced the button text with the pay pal code, a drop-down box appeared with the test amounts I had set up.
    I only want the button to link to the page.  And honestly, I really don't even want drop-down options, just a field where a customer can enter an amount with their credit card.
    I'm sort of old school when it comes to privacy and like maintaining my anonymity in the forums. I'd be happy to send a link but could I do it by email?
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
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  • Pay Pal help

    I've got Dreamweaver MX with a Pay Pal facilty where I can
    isert all the buttons and enter the info to buy items Just got
    Dreamwaever 8 yet there is no Pay Pal included. Can't remember how
    / where I got the Pay Pal extension. Can any one help? ..
    click on Extensions.
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner''s
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "evetsyads" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ernbc5$701$[email protected]..
    > I've got Dreamweaver MX with a Pay Pal facilty where I
    can isert all the
    > buttons and enter the info to buy items Just got
    Dreamwaever 8 yet there
    > is no
    > Pay Pal included. Can't remember how / where I got the
    Pay Pal extension.
    > Can
    > any one help?

  • Pay Pal to SagePay

    I've got a client whose site uses Pay Pal to process orders. It works well - all the information is dynamically generated to fill out the Pay Pal variables in the form which is then added to the Pay Pal cart - all works great
    Now the client is looking to use SagePay. I have zero experience of Sage Pay - so my question is: How difficult is it to go from Pay Pal to Sage Pay.
    Also does anyone know of a good tutorial for Sage Pay integration because after extensive hunting on Google I can find buggar all.
    Does Sage pay even have an 'add to cart' button like Pay Pal? Will it return information to the client server so a database can be updated like Pay Pal IPN?

    hans-g. wrote:
    Hello osgood_,
    according to my information SagePay is spread in good old Europe (UK, Spain, Ireland and Germany). Did you already explore their UK website here:, where you will find many answers to your questions, what I took from the German side.
    Good luck!
    Hi Hans. Yep already been to the UK SagePay website and it's about as clear as mud. No real examples of form intergration. Looks like you need a 3rd party shopping cart as well.
    I guess this is simple if you know how but when you don't like everything else web related its a ••••••• nightmare. Is it me or does everyone else take 1 step forward and 11 backwards.
    Looks like the best solution is going to tell the client to shop around for someone with SagePay experience. Shite - you can't be expected to know everything.
    Seems you need to be an expert in, html, css, database, php, jquery, paypal, worldpay, sagepay, mobile, SEO, Wordpress, Drupal, CMS, front end designer -  to be able to offer anything worthwhile on the web. I'm missing my old job as a Graphic Designer. Just need the copy and the images and you're good to go, simple and it paid more!
    Yawn! I'm getting tired of this.

  • Pay pal on site

    I am in touch with pay pal and they are helpful, but just thought that someone might be able to solve this.. put pay pal button on several items on page then when click on item all pay pal buttons stay in place but all over the enlarged image? click on image to get the teeny bar at the top with all images but basket button is for the larger image on first page and not for the one on screenis that as muddled as I am ?

    See this topic ...

  • How to pass drop down selection to pay pal when "Add to cart" is clicked

    I have a drop down that is populated from my items table..
    the drop down displays fine and you can pick from any of them
    items.. issue
    im having is that i need that value passed to pay pal.. but
    if i select any
    of the items and hit the add to cart, the value that is being
    passed is the
    first one in the list all the time.. ( actually its not even
    the first one
    in the list ) its selecting the 2nd option which as seen
    below woudl be 94
    MVP instead of the blank value for the Please Select
    Here is my drop down code:
    <select name="item_name" id="extra">
    <option value="">Please Select </option>
    <option value="94 MVP">94 MVP</option>
    <option value="94/95 Champs">94/95
    <option value="HOF 08">HOF 08</option>
    <option value="94 Finals MVP">94 Finals
    <option value="Top 50">Top 50</option>
    Here is my paypal code:
    <form target="paypal"
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
    <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="business"
    <input type="hidden" name="item_name"
    <input type="hidden" name="item_number"
    <input type="hidden" name="amount"
    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
    I have removed our personal account information from the code
    but provided
    the pieces that deal with the selection i have problems
    Can anyone offer any suggestions on where to look or add to
    my code to
    capture that value?
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio

    Here is the actual recordset code for that drop down..
    <select name="extra_inscript" id="extra_inscript">
    <option value="" <%If (Not isNull("extra_descrip"))
    Then If (""
    = CStr("extra_descrip")) Then
    Response.Write("selected=""selected""") :
    Response.Write("")%>>Please Select a
    While (NOT reInscrip.EOF)
    <%If (Not isNull("extra_descrip")) Then If
    (CStr(reInscrip.Fields.Item("extra_descrip").Value) =
    Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") :
    If (reInscrip.CursorType > 0) Then
    End If
    On the page the drop displays all the items as shown below..
    but no matter
    which on you pick the value never gets passed to the shopping
    cart.. its
    always picking up the first one in the recordset..
    Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to capture the true
    value onchange?
    or select or whatever i can do to get it before the data is
    sent to paypal..
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript, Access
    "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have a drop down that is populated from my items
    > the drop down displays fine and you can pick from any of
    them items..
    > issue im having is that i need that value passed to pay
    pal.. but if i
    > select any of the items and hit the add to cart, the
    value that is being
    > passed is the first one in the list all the time.. (
    actually its not even
    > the first one in the list ) its selecting the 2nd option
    which as seen
    > below woudl be 94 MVP instead of the blank value for the
    Please Select
    > Here is my drop down code:
    > <select name="extra_inscript" id="extra_inscript">
    > <option value="">Please Select </option>
    > <option value="94 MVP">94 MVP</option>
    > <option value="94/95 Champs">94/95
    > <option value="HOF 08">HOF 08</option>
    > <option value="94 Finals MVP">94 Finals
    > <option value="Top 50">Top 50</option>
    > </select>
    > Here is my paypal code:
    > <form target="paypal"
    > method="post">
    > <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
    > <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
    > <input type="hidden" name="business"
    > <input type="hidden" name="item_name"
    > value=Request.Form("extra_inscript")>
    > <input type="hidden" name="item_number"
    > <input type="hidden" name="amount"
    > <input type="hidden" name="currency_code"
    > </form>
    > I have removed our personal account information from the
    code but provided
    > the pieces that deal with the selection i have problems
    > Can anyone offer any suggestions on where to look or add
    to my code to
    > capture that value?
    > --
    > ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript, Visual Studio 2005, Visual
    Studio 2008

  • Error :cannot show the value of the filter.The Field may not be filterable or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by administrator

    Issue : In sharepoint 2013, I am experiening below error while using filter in the list view due to the number of items in this list exceeds the list view threshold, which is 10000 items. Tasks that cause excessive server load (such as those
    involving all list items) are currently prohibited.
    Error :cannot show the value of the filter.The Field may not be filterable or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by administrator
    Could you please suggest a way to avoid this issue apart from incrementing the list view threshold limit .

    Reorganizing content, or creating more specific views. sharepoint is warning you that the content is structured in such a way that it can cause performance issues, which should be addressed in some way.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

  • Purchase order Item return

    Hi All,
    when the customer return a material in ME23N transaction return check box is checked then in the back ground what will happend? i mean what abt the quatity, net price and gross value? when the item returns will the data of quantity, net price, gross value are updated in database with the - values?
    Please help i am BI guy this information is urget for me

    Please check these answered links:
    return po
    Return Po
    return PO
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on Jun 14, 2010 2:46 PM

  • Need help with EVENT BOOKING: option for multiple, payment (pay pal standard or pro only) add cost, etc

    I'm at my wits end: please help! It seems straight forward, and I sold my client on BC thinking this was doable in the events module, but it seems maybe not so without a ton of custom coding.
    1. Book an event online,
    with option for multiple (say 1-5 people at a fixed cost per person),
    and checkout using only Pay Pal (standard or pro, doesn't matter, but I think Standard won't work without shopping cart).
    2. The events are every day but Sunday all year long (just admission to an attraction), so is there a way to upload months in advance so they don't have to be manually entered?
    I'm so grateful for any assistance.

    This is all very achievable:
    • Events you can add multiple people to book.
    • PayPal you use use our APP that's in the BC Appstore (Liam to confirm is works with bookings)
    I'm sales and marketing at Pretty, so I'm not the person to advise on how all this fits together. But I'm sure Liam can point you in the right direction.
    If you need some consulting or us to do it for you just let me know [email protected]

  • "Pay Pal is not supported on this device"

    I have updated my iTunes account and my Pay Pal account information but am still getting "Pay Pal is not supported on this device" message on my iPhone.  Anyone else?  How do I fix this?

    I had this same problem also.  The problem has to do with your credit card number associated with you iCloud account.  To solve this problem, you need to update your credit card/payment information by doing the following on your iPad / iPhone / iTouch:
         Settings > iCloud > click on your account > Payment Information
    Update this section with your correct credit card information and Save.

  • HT204088 can you use a pay pal account to add credit to an existing iTunes account

    can you use a pay pal account to add credit to an existing iTunes account?

    Yes, I've done it myself.
    See the I do not have an iTunes Store account section of the How to redeem an iTunes Gift Card on a computer section of the following document:
    iTunes Store: How to redeem a code

  • HT1937 I purchase some Apps and get billed to my e-mail address. How I pay the bill with my "Pay Pal" account?

    I purchase some Apps at the Apple Store and get billed to my e-mail address. How I pay my bill with my "Pay Pal" account? Is a bit silly request but I'm a newbie.

    Hello John
    Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner.
    Thanks very much for your help, your solution solved my problem.
    Thanks again and kind regards

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