Items dont line up when published

when i preview my site or publish it, the items dont line up they way they did in design mode...tried grouping them together but that doesnt help.
the site can be seen at

Could you plaese elaborate the concern in more details like what items you refering to,which "dont line up the way they did in design mode." Please provide us with screen shot of, how these items show up in design mode so that we may check and see the concern to help you further.

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    Hello people,
    my requirement is:
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    Do you know what User Exit ou BADI must be used?
    Thanks a lot!

    please try to implement additional checks via  badi ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST and / or EXIT_SAPLMLSP_030.

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    Thanks Peter.

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    Could anyone please help me with this?

    Hi there
    This could be the Flash Player silently blocking the call.
    Click here and follow what is offered
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
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    Captivate eBooks

  • Buffer Table Not Up To Date Short Dump When Publishing Change Version of Bid Invitation

    Hi experts,
    We are running SRM 5.5 with Support Level 16.
    We have a bid invitation for which a user is trying to publish a Change Version. This bid contains two bid outlines, with one line item in each bid outline:
    ITEM 1: HIER (Bid Outline)
    ITEM 2: Line Item
    ITEM 3: HIER (Bid Outline)
    ITEM 4: Line Item
    However, upon clicking on the Check or Publish button, the system throws a CX_BBP_PD_ABORT exception short dump. The reason for the exception given in ST22 is "Buffer table not up to date".
    Due to organisational system security restrictions, I am unable to copy-paste the dump from ST22, so I will be typing out some of the details here.
    Transaction: BBP_BID_INV
    Program: SAPLBBP_PDH
    Screen: SAPLBBP_BID_INV_1000
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLBBP_PDH" - in "BBP_PD_ABORT". The main program was "SAPLBBP_BID_INV".
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 73.
    Active Calls/Events
    (formatted below as "No: Type: Name")
    24: Function: BBP_PD_ABORT
    23: Form: ABORT
    22: Form: ITMADM_UPDATE
    19: Form: ITEMLIST_F_CHECK
    18: Function: BBP_ITEMLIST_CHECK
    17: Form: PROCDOC_DB_CHECK
    16: Form: PROCDOC_CHECK
    15: Function: BBP_PROCDOC_CHECK
    12: Form: PROCDOC_UPDATE
    11: Function: BBP_PROCDOC_UPDATE
    8: Form: PROCDOC_CHECK
    7: Function: BBP_PROCDOC_CHECK
    6: Function: BBP_PD_BID_CHECK
    4: Form: FCODE
    3: Function: BBP_BID_PROCESS
    2: Form: PROCESS
    1: Module (PAI): PROCESS
    The ABORT subroutine is being called in Step 22 (ITMADM_UPDATE), at the following line:
    * parent guids have to be identical ...
    if gt_itmadm-parent <> w_itmadm-parent.
      perform abort.
    Upon tracing the variable values in the ST22 dump, it appears the program terminates when processing line 3 (i.e. the second Bid Outline). It appears that the first Bid Outline processes fine.
    In the iteration for Line 3, the dump provides that gt_itmadm-parent contains the GUID to the Change Version document header, whereas w_itmadm-parent contains the GUID to the original Bid Invitation document header, resulting in a mismatch and subsequently program termination.
    We have tried to replicate this bid invitation in our Development environment, but when executing, both gt_itmadm-parent and w_itmadm-parent contain GUIDs to the Change Version document header, hence the program does not abort.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Kwong How

    Hi Janu,
    For Note 1561750, I have looked at the Correction Details and observed that it makes changes to an IF-ELSE block, but will result in the same path of code execution as before. I.e., the Note changes the code from "IF a THEN b, ELSE c" to just "c", but according to my code trace, we are already executing the "ELSE c" block in its current state.
    We will look further into Note 1877600. The unfortunate situation here is that since we are unable to replicate this issue in our Development/QA environment, and the Note description does not explicitly fit the situation we are facing, we need to be very sure that the Note can address the issue before bringing it into Production.
    Otherwise, we will raise a message as suggested.
    Thank you so much for your help!
    Best regards,
    Kwong How

  • Error when publishing a catalog

    Hello Experts
    We are on SRM 4.0 EC and using CCM2
    When Publishing the catalog we get the following error message
    Catalog item 4462E4E0CE721B3DE10000000A70D7C7 not found 
      Catalog update was terminated 
      The exception occurred (program: /CCM/CL_PE_REQUEST_SERVICE====CP, include /CCM/CL_PE_REQUEST_SERVICE====CM00F, line: 89) 
    Any suggestions why this is happening?
    How can identify what the catalog item "4462E4E0CE721B3DE10000000A70D7C7" is ?
    Thanks in advance

    <b>Please go through following SAP OSS Notes as well.</b>
    <u>Note 904420 - Tolerating inconsistencies in the view relationship
    Note 852622 - "Category not found" termination at publication
    Note 821533 - Value assignment for characteristic invalid; Not assigned ch</u>
    Hope this will definitely help.
    - Atul

  • Wrap-Text bug when publishing - When will it be fixed?

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    Well, I can't see any problem with the feed, and the episode media file is correctly referenced and plays. Incidentally you do have a 'copyright' tag - it says 'Wippenberg'.
    When a podcast feed is rejected, corrected and resubmitted there is a minor bug in the Store which causes you to be told that the podcast has already been submitted (which is true but irrelevant - it's really meant to prevent duplicates). To get round this you need to make a small change to the title - for example you could add a hyphen and space before 'Podcast'. You can always change it back once it's been accepted.
    The other issue might be the content. The reason given for rejection tends to be technical issues, whatever the actual reason is. I haven't listened to your podcast, so I can't comment directly. Possible reasons for rejection are unacceptable content, sexual content or strong language when the 'explicit' tag is not said to 'yes', and copyright infringement: a lot of people fall over this one by including 'mixes' or indeed full plays of commercially issued recordings without having written permission from the copyright owners or alternatively a valid Podcast Licence (not available in all countries, possibly only the USA). I have no idea whether this might be an issue with yours.

  • Credit limit check cause the item schedule line confirmed qty empty

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    For usual SO that is without credit checking, the confirmed qty will immediately shown as in 1 schedule line. Does anyone know why is this happening and can we amend this problem?

    If an order is subject to credit check once you save the order the confirmed quantities becomes 0 because if the settings done in t code OVB8 Number of the routine used for copying is set as 101and System FORM routine number is set as 1 (and this is the standard settings)
    This is kept like this in standard so that if a material stock is say 10 units and order from customer X has come for 10 units and that order is blocked on crediit limit so that when the next order from customer Y has come for another 5 units and this customer Y has a better credit limit and this order is not blocked on Credit limit check then she should not suffer for stocks
    A genuine customer should not be deprived of stocks
    For you between the order registered and released thro VKM3 another order has come from another customer for 20 units and hence the 100 units has become 80 now and balance 20 is confirmed for a future date thro forward scheduling
    In T code OVB8 you can do the customizations for this scenario according to the business requirement

  • Item not being saved when item is in a jquery modal  dialog

    Hi all,
    I followed instructions found here :
    to create a jquery modal dialog, this is the code I added in html header :
    <link rel="stylesheet" href = "
    redmond/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""> </script>
    <script src=""> </script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
            modal : true ,
            autoOpen : false ,
            width : 425,
            closeText : 'Close',
            stack : false,
            resizable : false,
            buttons  : {
                Cancel : function() {
                Save : function() {
    function openForm()
    function closeForm()
        //$('#ModalForm input[type="textarea"]').val('');
    function updateMEMOVELD ()
       var get = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID.,   
                        'APPLICATION_PROCESS=f_memo', 0);
       var gReturn= get.get();
    </script>my situation is a little different, my modal does not have to perform an sql update, just change a field
    the user will then save in the main form
    for some reason the field never gets updated in the db
    I even created a on demand application process called f_memo :
    END;why is my field not send to the db ?
    it works when I delete this from the region header :
    < d i v id="ModalForm" title="Add Person" style=" d isplay:n one  "   >but then of course I no longer have a modal dialog
    what's wrong ?
    I put the code online at
    workspace XONIXRS
    login/password demo/demorun the application
    click on lijst facturen (invoices) (in the right sidebar region)
    then click on the zoeken (search) button
    a report appears, click on edit on the first line (200900017)
    now a form appears, click on the outright button memo
    now the modal shows up, change the field and click on save
    click on ok (for the alert) and then click on Save invoice
    you will remain on the same page
    now click on annuleren
    and then click on edit on the first line (200900017) again
    then click on memo again, you will see the memo has not been changed
    how comes ?

    The issue is that creating a modal of a region lifts that region from the HTML. Just have a look at the DOM when you run your page and not the source html, because that does not reflect changes to the dom made on page load. This means that your memo-field is removed from the FORM-tags, and effectively won't submit to session state. The item is not processed when you submit the page! You can track that through debugging your page. Memo is not saved and not processed.
    Trying to save the value to session state is not enough, it doesn't really matter in this case. The moment you submit the page, the session state will get overwritten by the submitted values of the items.
    So what i did:
    <li>move P9_MEMOVELD to region FACTUUR, together with all the other db fields</li>
    <li>change the type to hidden</li>
    <li>set value protected to NO</li>
    <li>in the modal region create a new page item P9_MEMOVELD_POP, type textfield</li>
    <li>set the source to always use a page item as source, with source P9_MEMOVELD</li>
    <li>changed function updatememoveld:
    function updateMEMOVELD ()
       var get = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID.,   
                        'APPLICATION_PROCESS=f_memo', 0);
       var gReturn= get.get();
    }Whether you want or need the session state set is up to you, it depends on if you use this somewhere else dynamically on the page and thus would influence results there, but i don't think it will (it's a memo field...)</li>
    Extra remarks:
    <li>be careful with including jquery libraries! The standard libraries are included, yet you add previous versions too! (1.4.2) This might lead to issues...</li>
    <li>use your templates better. Why would you wrap a region in div tags? Change or add a region template to be div tags. You can then easily assign a static id to this region, and target it. This will save you from wrapping wrapped wrappers (cause that is what the generated code looks like in the end).</li>

  • Duplicate Item Number Lines Sync

    Hey guys,
    We were having problems with custom information not coming into Netpoint properly and we were able to trace it to some logic that the programmer wrote which prevents custom information from being populated when the number of the lines in Netpoint is not equal to the number of lines in SAP.
    When we reviewed the lines in Netpoint, one line was missing and it happened to be the only line with the same item number as another line in that order. 
    By adding more duplicate item codes in the order in Business One, we were able to establish that if the same item code is entered in two separate lines in SAP, the duplicate item code lines will not be synced!
    What is the logic that determines which lines will be synced and is this an expected result?
    Kevin Lee

    Yes, it's happened to everyone who has tried to recapture. Are you using Media Manager? If not, try that.
    The upshot is that you need to convince FCP the clips are no longer available regardless of their corporeal existence. That may mean restarting the machine, repairing permissions or deleting your prefs or, at least changing enough of your prefs so that the file is altered significantly.
    Wait, you're saying these files are not associated with your project?

  • Item Overview Lines not showing in ME21N

    When we run the T.code ME21N, in Item Overview, lines not showing, in which we insert Material number, qty and other details...This is happens from today morning...
    What should be problem... Is there any Configuration Setting...
    Please guide...

    Thanks.... Solved Myself...@

  • Static text in textfields renders differently when published in CS4/CS5

    I am experiencing an issue where legacy files I created in Flash CS4 look different when published in CS5. Fonts are rendered differently. I have noticed it so far on DIN and Goudy Modern. The output when published in is CS5 is markedly different than the output when published in CS4.
    Can anyone offer any pointers on how to think about, deal with, avoid etc.
    Many thanks.
    A little more logic to add.
    It seems to be opening the file in CS5 changes the fonts somehow. CS4 files that I have not opened in CS5 publish as I would expect in CS4. CS4 files that I have opened in CS5 publish differently whether then published in CS5 or CS4. On Goudy for example. In CS5 adding .5 to the character spacing and 3.5 (not 2) to the line spacing makes the font render similarly in CS5 as it did in CS4 at 0 character spacing and 2 on the line height.

    Yes. It's static. I recreated the text and now it works. Weird.
    Thank you for your reply and time.

  • EMERGENCY! All site content disappearing when publishing to HTML

    When publishing to HTML, ALL content on the site (inclusive of header nav and footer content) is disappearing. Only the browswer image is visable.
    I quite Muse. Dumped cache. Rebooted. Have tried creating new layers and copy and pasting content. Nada.
    Some are seeing: MuseJSAssert: Error calling selector function: TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'toBrowswerWidth'
    ISSUE RESOLVED: Truncated line of Java script in the header.

    The site seems to be working fine on my end. Please refer to the following screenshot :
    Please try in a different browser.

  • Display Line Items - Define Line Layouts?

    I cannot understand what  Define Line Layouts means in SPRO.
    Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Line Items -> Display Line Items -> Define Line Layouts
    I can see that there is some Line Layout Variant (D0,D1D2...), with some Fields, but i cannot understand where this fields or Line Layout Variants are used, in what transactions i can see changes if a made some. This variant reflects line layouts when i post something (f-02, ,f-03, f-04, f-51...) or when i want to see account items or balances ???.

    You can use these line layouts in the display of line items in various transactions and you can default a particular line layout for a user master, so that by default the line items comes in that layout for that user.
    Go to FB00 > Doc Display tab and there you can assign the line layout
    And then when you see the doucment say in FB03, you will see the line items in that format.

  • Update Column value after current item is Approved and then publish major version using Sharepoint 2013 designer workflow

    We have a requirement to update a column value once the item has been approved.
    Following settings have been made in the publishing articles list:
    Require content approval for submitted items : yes
    Create major and minor (draft) versions
    Who should see draft items in this document library? :Only users who can edit items
    Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? : yes
    I have createdatu a Sharepoint 2013 workflow to check if Approval sts of current item = 0 i.e. Approved , then check out and update the item and finally checkin the item. Everything works fine till this point except that the minor version of the item is
    checked in. Due to this the updated columns are not published to others.
    Also, I created a Sharepoint 2010 workflow to SET CONTENT APPROVAL = APPROVED and started this workflow from my list workflow above, but the item does not get checked-in and always shows "In Progress" status with comment "The item is currently
    locked for editing. Waiting for item to be checked in or for the lock to be released.".
    Please let me know where I am missing out so that once the item is approved, column value gets updated and current item is still in Approved status.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to update Column value after current item is Approved and then publish major version using Sharepoint 2013 designer workflow.
    You will get into this kind of Catch-22 situation trying to set the Content Approval Status in SharePoint Designer workflow:
    - You must check out the document before you can change the Content Approval Status
             - You can't change the Content Approval Status once the document in checked out
    Since you set the Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited=Yes, you will need to check out the document when run the workflow on the item. But you cannot approve a document when it is checked
    out. So the logic in workflow conflicts.
    As a workaround, you can use the Start Another Workflow action to start the normal Approval workflow on the document.  The built-in Approval workflow can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    The designer approval workflow also can work with a document that’s not checked out.
    You can create two workflow using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    First, create a SharePoint 2010 platform workflow.
    Then, create a SharePoint 2013 platform workflow.
    Then when the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow start, it will start the SharePoint 2010 platform workflow to set content approval status, then the SharePoint 2013 platform workflow will update current item value.
    More information:
    SharePoint Designer Workflow Content Approval Issue
    SharePoint 2010 Approval Workflow with Content Approval
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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