ITunes 11 proxy authentication

Hi Guys,
We have a proxy rule in place that allowes users in an itunes group through our proxy server and gives them access to the oTunes store.
I have just upgraded to iTunes 11 and now it says iTunes cannot connect to the iTunes store, make sure your network connection is active and try again.
Now in iTunes 10 when we clicked the store link it would prompt for a username and password twice but we could live but now it doesnt do that at all.
Does anyone know if any of the ports or addresses or methods used by iTunes 11 differ from 10?

I have this issue too with the same experience as Alimac23.  I can't believe that proxy server authentication has been left out of the latest upgrade.
I use a PC.
I am now unable to access the store. 
I hope a new version fixes this soon.

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    As all we know, since we've installed iTunes 10.6, we're having issues with proxy authentication. Whenever i want to connect to iTunes Store or open iTunes it always asks me about my username and password even thoug i check Remember Me check box.
    I wonder if you did gave any feedback or answer from Apple?

    same issue, even w/ the 10.6.3 update.
    very disappointing.
    looks like this thread is a duplicate of

  • ITunes Proxy Authentication & iTunes Store can't connect

    1) Stop Proxy Authentication Window
    To solve the issue with the Proxy Authentication window coming up over and over please add the following to lines to your Proxy Configuration above the first DENY rule:
    acl iTunes browser iTunes
    http_access allow iTunes
    2) Access Content in iTunes Store with Proxy
    If you are having any issue with Content being displayed in the Store with Proxy, please follow the steps below:
    In the Internet settings remove the tick next to "Autodetect" and "Proxy Server"
    Launch iTunes and Connect to the Store (you should see no result when on Corporate network with Proxy)
    in the Internet settings add the tick to "Autodetect" (or) 'Proxy Server" (set as you had before)
    Launch iTunes and conenct to the Store, you should see content.
    If you did above whilst on Corporate network with Proxy you will see badly rendered Content.
    If you did above off Corporate network with no Proxy conencted to the Internet you will see the Store rendered correctly.
    If you try this step once off the Corporate Network, the rendered content looks correct even when you connect to iTunes store via Proxy after the fact.

    I have the same problem. The only firewall which I use is the wondoes firewall
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    System manufacturer System Product Name
    Current user is an administrator.
    Current date and time are 2007-12-27 21:25:50.
    Info on the screen:
    NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS
    ** Network connectivity tests **
    About Network Adapter
    Adapter Name: (02E5BAB0-654B-4891-A2D6-D1EB7766ECA4)
    Description: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP enabled: Yes
    DHCP server
    Lease receive: Thu Dec 27 2007
    Lease ends: Tue Jan 19 2038
    DNS Server: 83,169,185,161
    Active: LAN connection
    Connected: Yes
    With the Internet: Yes
    Modem in use: No.
    LAN in use: Yes
    Proxy in use: No.
    About Firewall
    Windows firewall is activated.
    ITunes is in Windows firewall enabled.
    Connection with the Apple Web site has been successful.
    Connection with the iTunes store had failed.
    The network connection has been rejected.
    Secure connection with the iTunes store had failed.
    The network connection has been rejected.
    The establishment of a secure connection to the iPhone activation server was successful.
    I'm german so this is a translation with google, because I don't have time now, sorry

  • ITunes proxy authentication BUG

    Hello there,
    i´m starting the iTunes 10.7 under Windows 7.
    iTunes 10.7 gets the proxy settings from the IE9. Now the iTunes wants an proxy authentication o.k. ... but in my case i must repeat the loggin 5 TIMES.
    Remember my Passwort ... dont work....
    Anyone else have the same Problem?
    Does anyone know iTunes 11 fix the proxy authentication BUG ???
    How can i solve this problem ?

    I have this issue, but at least 10.7 gives you the option to put in your authentication details.
    iTunes 11 does not have proxy authentication at this point in time so do not upgrade if you require this.
    I have upgraded to version 11 and now can't access the iTunes store.

  • ITunes proxy authentication

    How to use itunes through a proxy server with transparent authentication with Microsoft AD? Itunes constantly asks for a password, and if you specify to save the password after password change attempts to authenticate the user under the old password does not work and has not deleted the file keychain.plist? How can I fix this?

    I have this issue, but at least 10.7 gives you the option to put in your authentication details.
    iTunes 11 does not have proxy authentication at this point in time so do not upgrade if you require this.
    I have upgraded to version 11 and now can't access the iTunes store.

  • Mac Adobe Flash Player not supporting Web Proxy Authentication

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    You may need to be in the UK for this, but try accessing BBC iPlayer content - and you should discover that the content won't play. the error says "This content doesn't seem to be working. Try again later.". The content will never work as the Mac version of Flash (currently is not able to respond to web proxy authentication requests. The BBC use various streaming server which are randomly selected when a user starts a stream and they have no DNS. Just IP addresses. They don't publish a list for security reasons. So it is almost impossible to exempt all their servers from authentication.
    I've logged a bug with Adobe. If you have this issue too, please add a comment and vote so that they can begin to grasp the impact of this problem:

    I have the same issues in Australia trying to access flash content from the ABC website. The strange thing is the content will play if your leave the browser open for 5min.
    After several packet data captures we identified that it has to do with the amount of time it takes the Mac timeout from the proxy before it plays the video content.
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    My app store is not working after installing mavericks. When I open app store it repeatedly asking me to login with apple ID and to provide User name and Password for proxy authentication in a loop.I am a newbie to mac,Please help me.

    Hmmmm... would appear that you need to be actually logged in to enable the additional menu features.
    Have you tried deletting the plists for MAS?
    This page might help you out... _mac_app_store
    Failing that, I will have to throw this back to the forum to see if anyone else can advise further.
    Let me know how you get on?

  • How to set proxy authentication using java properties at run time

    Hi All,
    How to set proxy authentication using java properties on the command line, or in Netbeans (Project => Properties
    => Run => Arguments). Below is a simple URL data extract program which works in absence of firewall:
    public class DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy {
       public static void main (String[] args) {
          URL u;
          InputStream is = null;
          DataInputStream dis;
          String s;
          try {
              u = new URL("");
             is = u.openStream();         // throws an IOException
             dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is));
             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(dis));
          String strLine;
          //Read File Line By Line
          while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null)      {
          // Print the content on the console
              System.out.println (strLine);
          //Close the input stream
          } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
             System.out.println("Ouch - a MalformedURLException happened.");
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
             System.out.println("Oops- an IOException happened.");
          } finally {
             try {
             } catch (IOException ioe) {
    }However, it generated the following message when run behind the firewall:
    cd C:\Documents and Settings\abc\DnldURL\build\classes
    java -cp . DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy
    Oops- an IOException happened. Connection refused
    at Method)
    at at at DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy.main(
    I have also tried the command without much luck either:
    java -cp . -Dhttp.proxyHost=wwwproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy
    Oops- an IOException happened. Server returned HTTP response code: 407 for URL:
    at at at DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy.main(
    All outgoing traffic needs to use the proxy wwwproxy (alias to http://proxypac/proxy.pac) on port 80, where it will prompt for valid authentication before allowing to get through.
    There is no problem pinging from this system.
    I am running jdk1.6.0_03, Netbeans 6.0 on Windows XP platform.
    I have tried Greg Sporar's Blog on setting the JVM option in Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish) and
    Java Control Panel - Use browser settings without success.

    Hi All,
    How to set proxy authentication using java properties on the command line, or in Netbeans (Project => Properties
    => Run => Arguments). Below is a simple URL data extract program which works in absence of firewall:
    public class DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy {
       public static void main (String[] args) {
          URL u;
          InputStream is = null;
          DataInputStream dis;
          String s;
          try {
              u = new URL("");
             is = u.openStream();         // throws an IOException
             dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is));
             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(dis));
          String strLine;
          //Read File Line By Line
          while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null)      {
          // Print the content on the console
              System.out.println (strLine);
          //Close the input stream
          } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
             System.out.println("Ouch - a MalformedURLException happened.");
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
             System.out.println("Oops- an IOException happened.");
          } finally {
             try {
             } catch (IOException ioe) {
    }However, it generated the following message when run behind the firewall:
    cd C:\Documents and Settings\abc\DnldURL\build\classes
    java -cp . DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy
    Oops- an IOException happened. Connection refused
    at Method)
    at at at DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy.main(
    I have also tried the command without much luck either:
    java -cp . -Dhttp.proxyHost=wwwproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy
    Oops- an IOException happened. Server returned HTTP response code: 407 for URL:
    at at at DnldURLWithoutUsingProxy.main(
    All outgoing traffic needs to use the proxy wwwproxy (alias to http://proxypac/proxy.pac) on port 80, where it will prompt for valid authentication before allowing to get through.
    There is no problem pinging from this system.
    I am running jdk1.6.0_03, Netbeans 6.0 on Windows XP platform.
    I have tried Greg Sporar's Blog on setting the JVM option in Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish) and
    Java Control Panel - Use browser settings without success.

  • Powershell Error for SharePoint Online -"The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required."

    I am trying to call sharepoint online from powershell. Below is the code. I get 
    Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required."
    $loadInfo1 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client")
    $loadInfo2 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime")
    $webUrl = "ZZZZ"
    $username = "XXX"
    $password = "YYYY"
    $ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webUrl) 
    $ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $password)
    $web = $ctx.Web
    $lists = $web.Lists 
    $lists| select -Property Title

    About how to access SharePoint online site using PowerShell, the blog below would be helpful:
    Another two demos for your reference:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Administration of APEX in SQL Developer with Proxy Authentication impossibl

    We are using latest version of SQL Developer to administer APEX. We are connecting to the database with proxy authentication. The syntax is:
    e.g.: mdecker[apex_demo]
    When trying to deploy APEX application I go to "Database Object" -> Application Express -> Application1 [100] -> right mouse click: "Deploy Application". Then I select the appropriate database identifier and next, I am presented with a screen showing import options. In second line, it says: "Parsing Schema: MDECKER".
    This is wrong: it has to be Parsing Schema: APEX_DEMO. It seems that managing APEX with SQL Developer does not support Proxy Authentication.
    Could you please confirm?
    Is there a way to formally ask for this enhancement?
    Best regards,
    I found out that if I check the flag "Proxy Authentication" in the connect details and provide both passwords, the deploy application parsing schema is set to the correct APEX_DEMO account. However, we are using Proxy Authentication in order to avoid having to know the application password.
    Edited by: mdecker on Jan 28, 2013 4:48 PM

    There is a write-up about connecting to APEX here: <a href ="" >SQL Dev Oracle APEX Integration</a>
    <p>You do need to have updated to Oracle APEX 3.0.1.
    <p>Regards <br>

  • How to pass Proxy user dynamically in Toplink proxy authentication?

    I'm using Toplink Proxy Authentication with my ADF JSF application and want to pass the Proxy user dynamically to the preLogin(..) method of mySessionEventListener (Currently proxy user is hard coded).
    This is to make my application user as the Proxy user.
    I have tried to do this in two ways:
    1) In my Login screen Backing Bean, I retrieve the session as
    session = sessionFactory.acquireSession(); and set the application user in it as
    session.setProperty("proxyUser1", inputText1.getValue());
    session.getProperty("proxyUser1") returns null in the preLogin(..) method
    2) I add a loginUser property to the mySessionEventListener class and create a constructor to set it.
    Then I call the constructor from my Login Backing Bean as
    mySessionEventListener eventMgr = new mySessionEventListener(<proxy_user>);
    session.getEventManager().addListener( eventMgr );
    But, the loginUser property seeems to be transient and does not retain value when retrieved in preLogin(..) method.
    Please indicate if anything is wrong. Also, is there any other way to get this done?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vikas,
    Probably your sessions.xml defines a ServerSession, and acquireSession method returns a ClientSession. ServerSession is the object that connects to the database, it may have any number of ClientSessions associated with it - all of them use connections provided by ServerSession's connection pools.
    So if you'd like to alter the serverSession before login, acquireSession is too late - it triggers login of the ServerSession and returns a ClientSession.
    To get the ServerSession before login:
    // the first param indicates that the session shouldn't be connected
    Session serverSession = sessionFactory.getSharedSession(false, false);Now you have a serverSession on which login hasn't been called yet.
    You can set the property into the session, or directly into its login.
    In fact you may choose to do whatever you wanted to do in preLogin right here - in this case no preLogin event would be required of course.
    Finally to get a ClientSession, call the same api did:
    // the first param indicates that the session shouldn't be connected
    Session clientSession = sessionFactory.getSession();On the first such call the ServerSession will be connected.
    Note that because all the ClientSessions will connect through the connections provided by the same ServerSession they will all use proxyUser1.
    If you are interested in using different proxy users for different ClientSessions lists several scenarios for that.

  • Oracle Proxy Authentication and WLS 8.1/CMP

    Hey folks,
    Is there any way to configure WLS 8.1 to automatically set the Oracle CLIENT_IDENTIFIER
    variable or use Oracle Proxy Authentication on JDBC connections? I'm interested
    in using Oracle auditing with my CMP entity beans, but would like to capture the
    app tier user identity, instead of the data source pool user.

    "Brent Smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3fa15807$[email protected]..
    Hey folks,
    Is there any way to configure WLS 8.1 to automatically set the OracleCLIENT_IDENTIFIER
    variable or use Oracle Proxy Authentication on JDBC connections? I'minterested
    in using Oracle auditing with my CMP entity beans, but would like tocapture the
    app tier user identity, instead of the data source pool user.
    I would ask in the weblogic.developer.interest.jdbc newsgroup.

  • Acrobat Standard Proxy Authentication

    When we sign our PDF's we want to use an external timestamping server
    So we have configured both a Verisign and Globalsign timestamping server and made one of them as default
    Most of the time we got a response from Acrobat saying
    "Timestamp signature property generation error:
    Transport authorization failure"
    When it fails the doc is signed, but using the computers clock and we want to avoid that
    But sometime it did work which confused us but I think we have identified the problem with the Proxy authentication
    Our proxy requires full authetication against our Active Directory
    So when it worked was just because we just before signing had been surfing on the internet and the proxy had cached the credential approvals
    So when Adobe tried to get out to the timestamp server the ID was already authorized in the proxy
    But without a previous "IE-surfing" it fails, the proxy has nothing in its cache
    A network trace confirms this,  we see a "Authentication required" request from the proxy that Acrobat never responds to
    The proxy does not accept annonymous requests
    IE is configured to use a configration script for its proxy settings
    I cant find any relevant Acrobat settings that handles this and googling indicates that Acrobat has problems in this area
    But I haven't found anything for our version/release
    Now for the question, is Adobe Acrobat Standard 9.3.0 supposed to handle proxys that requires AD authentication?
    To bypass the proxy is not an option
    Setting a proxy exception for these servers is maybe an option
    Prefered is that Acrobat handles this

    To update my own question since it might help others
    I received assistance through the Adobe support channels
    Not what I was hoping for but it clarifies the problem
    The reason I asked the question is that we don’t support Shared Review with an Authenticating Proxy server. So this customer workflow isn’t too far off the mark with having a proxy server authentication expectation in the standalone client and wanting a timestamp server time.   The only workaround to this behavior is to do exactly what they have found.  Launch an instance of Internet Explorer, authenticate against the proxy server and then sign the PDF file.

  • Http proxy authentication for JDev 10.1.3

    I found the http proxy settings in the "tools->preferences->Web Browser and Proxy" but there are no settings for the username and password. Is there some other way that I can add these.
    The problem is that whenver JDeveloper wants to do some http stuff it (or something else is doing it) asks me for the proxy user name & password - this happens over and over again. If JDev is doing this then surely it should remember the username & password.
    I sometimes get a JDeveloper dialog "waiting for the connection" come up over the proxy auth dialog and I have to cancel the function so I can authenticate, then re-request the function.
    I wish I didn't have the proxy authentication but I have no choice in this dev environment. I do get to choose JDeveloper at least.

    I get it when I 'check for updates' and I get it again when I 'go to JavaDoc' - and this is the one where the "waiting for connection dialog" pops on top of the proxy log in and I have to cancel it to log in. Then all subsequent 'go to JavaDoc' requests go straight through.
    I would prefer it if I could just configure (in proxy preferences) the username and password so it never asks me. I dont care if it less secure storing the password since I think authenticating proxies are a dumb idea anyway. If the password is not supplied then JDev can ask for it like it does now to keep the security-paranoid people happy.
    Also, this morning I got this Exception which appeared at the same time I got a proxy auth window. When JDev finally started all my previously open windows were lost. No real problem but unexpected. Here is the stack dump:
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webdav.api.DAVAuthenticator.getPasswordAuthentication(
         at Method)
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.EditorUtil.getNode(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.EditorUtil.loadContext(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.TabGroupState.loadStateInfo(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.TabGroup.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.TabGroupXMLLayoutPersistence.loadComponent(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.DockLayoutInfoLeaf.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.AbstractDockLayoutInfoNode.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.AbstractDockLayoutInfoNode.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.AbstractDockLayoutInfoNode.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.DockLayout.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.dockLayout.DockLayoutPanel.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.Desktop.loadLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.editor.EditorManagerImpl.init(
         at oracle.ide.layout.Layouts.activate(
         at oracle.ide.layout.Layouts.activateLayout(
         at oracle.ideimpl.MainWindowImpl$2.runImpl(
         at oracle.javatools.util.SwingClosure$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

  • Proxy Authentication Error in Web Service with SAAJ on Weblogic 9.2 MP3

    I have encountered a problem with proxy authentication in SAAJ web service (WS) calls on Weblogic 9.2 MP3.
    My WS client (which uses SAAJ's SOAP classes) should use a proxy that requires authentication to call the external web services.
    However, it does not perform the authentication and receives HTTP Error 407 - Unauthorized.
    The reason seems to be that Weblogic's Http Handler ( ignores the proxy authentication.
    I was able to work around it by setting sun's http handler explicitly in the WS endpoint URL. Sun's handler ( makes use of the Authenticator class I provided.
    1. Please see my code below and let me know if this is the only solution or if I'm doing something wrong. While testing on Tomcat I did not have to set the handler.
    2. I have seen that there are also System properties for http.proxyUser and http.proxyPasword, however if I use these and ommit setting the SimpleAuthenticator, it also fails (with either handler!). An explanation of that is welcome.
    Thanks in advance.
    System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
    System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "localhost");
    System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "808");
    //System.setProperty("http.proxyUser", "myuser");
    //System.setProperty("http.proxyPassword", "mypw");
    Authenticator.setDefault(new SimpleAuthenticator("myuser", "mypw"));
    String urlString = "http://someurl:8080/webservice..";
    URL endpoint1 = new URL(urlString);
    URL endpoint2 = new URL(null, urlString, new;
    SOAPConnectionFactory soapfactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
    SOAPConnection connection = soapfactory.createConnection();, endpoint1); // Gives Exception with HTTP Error 407, endpoint2); // Works and uses the proxy
    For reference:
    public class SimpleAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
         private String username, password;
         public SimpleAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
              this.username = username;
              this.password = password;
         protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
              return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray());

    Sorry for the 3 posts.
    Administrator, delete this thread please!!

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