ITunes 12 Volume

After upgrade to OS-X and latest iTunes, my iTunes song volume is significantly reduced--even with system volume at maximum. Anyone having similar problems? Thanks.

Disregard previous post; the upgrade to OS X reset volume output to USB display vice "line out" for my external Bose speaker system. Set sound to line out; All is ok.

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    DId you try a comparioson when exporting the same song with and without "Auto Normaize".
    Technically there is the possibility that "Auto Normilize" will reduce the overall level of your final mix. If there is a short spike above 0dB that you don't hear as an audible pop and GarageBand brings down the overall level to that that spike to 0dBFS, and by doing so, lowering that level of your mix by that amount.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
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    skip down to the bottom of the Mastering answer:

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    brianjude wrote:
    everything I export to iTunes comes out way too soft
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    Hummel, Hummel!  

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    louischutney wrote:
    I downloaded iTunes again, restarted my Mac and still, same problem.
    FYI, I can't say for sure this will fix your prob, but reinstalling an app on a Mac does NOT re-do the Preferences file, so if the Prefs are wonky, the reinstall will make no difference.
    *Renewing the Prefs*
    with iTunes not running, move the file Users>YourAccountName>Library>Preferences> to the desktop
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    Hmm, I don't see volume data on any of the iTunes Get Info tabs.
    Perhaps there's a preference in iTunes that's affecting the tracks, like the Soundcheck option under Playback.
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  • ITunes Burning Volume

    Has anyone noticed a change in the volume when burning CDs in iTunes.

    Make sure "Sound Check" is not enabled in Edit->Preferences-> Advanced Tab -> Burning
    Sound Check tries to equalize the volume throughout the songs. Sometimes this leads to decreased volume.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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  • Disconnect between Itunes play volume and burned CD volumes

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    Sound Check and EQ settings only affect playback in
    iTunes. They will not affect how the song is burned
    to CD.
    Just to expand on this, SoundCheck is specifically designed to normalise playback from iTunes in direct playback. That's why it takes up CPU cycles and screws with your battery life if you're on a laptop.
    To be honest, the best product for creating CDs that have a bit of craft attached to them is Roxio's Toast/Jam product. The Jam part allows adjustable gain on a track-by-track basis, or automated normalisation. The product also gives you complete control on crossfades and both Toast and Jam support CD-TEXT which is nice if you have a compatible head unit in the car or whatever.
    That said, you may wish to try and see if altering the gain/eq in the individual tracks info (Click on a track, and CTRL+I or CMD+I depending on platform) follows through to a CD burn. I would check myself, but I've just used my last disc in the flat and I'm not going to the car till tomorrow morning.

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