ITunes 9: program error when closing iTunes9

Ever since updating to iTunes 9 on my pc running Windows XP SP3 a couple of weeks ago, I get a program error right after having closed iTunes 9. The program error reads: +The instruction at "0x7c90100b" referenced memory at "0x0fc528dc". The memory could not be "read".+
Updating to 9.0.1 didn't help, and repairing and reinstalling didn't help either. Spywarescans and virusscans reveal nothing wrong. iTunes seems otherwise to be working normally, but I'm curious as to what's the problem. I've been searching the net to find help, but these kind of program errors are seemingly very specific, as are the solutions.
Has anyone got any idea what causes this program error and how to fix it?

Dear Madhavi,
we just upgraded our CRM-systems. The problem is now solved. So it seems to be one of these hundreds of oss-notes, which are installed with the patches.
I'm sorry for this unsatisfying answer! We now are on release:
So probably you should show these WEBCUIF content for problems or update it.
Best regards

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    Thanks again,
    Mike Jackson

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    Hi. Because this forum is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop, I'm moving your question to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.

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    Could I know which version of Workbench you are using? Was it installed as a
    standalone or an Eclipse plugin? Any other plugins you have installed?
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    Hello Lisa,
    I have came across this issue before. I suggest that a messaged be logged with the SAP Support Team. They may need to get a copy of the database to verify this.
    Lorna Real

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    That would depend on the error.
    If you really want help, be as specific as possible.
    Being vague will simply get you ignored or result in snarky responses.

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    Thank you so much for reading this. It sucks to work so long on an ad and then have this happen for seemingly no reason. Please help if you can.

    Looks like issues with some linked smart objects... You could try and copy/ move the whole shebang to another location in the hopes that it either fixes the issue or PS completely forgets the linked files completely so you might relink/ replace them.

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      Problemereignisname:    BEX
      Anwendungsname:    AcroRd32.exe
      Anwendungszeitstempel:    4c1d77af
      Fehlermodulname:    Updater.api_unloaded
      Fehlermodulzeitstempel:    4c1d65ab
      Ausnahmeoffset:    6f59da0f
      Ausnahmecode:    c0000005
      Ausnahmedaten:    00000008
      Betriebsystemversion:    6.1.7600.
      Gebietsschema-ID:    1031
      Zusatzinformation 1:    ac2d
      Zusatzinformation 2:    ac2d4d93f130824cf6e0604c6efd7140
      Zusatzinformation 3:    fc43
      Zusatzinformation 4:    fc432586ebf8c5580efaba8ac38abb52
    Lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen online:
    Wenn die Onlinedatenschutzbestimmungen nicht verfügbar sind, lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen offline:
    I have deinstalled and installed the reader but there is the same effect.

    Mozilla doesn't host any Adobe programs for downloading.
    Adobe support is here.

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    A shortdump called OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED appears:
    ST22 says that the line, where the error occurs is the following one:
      lv_xml = ir_controller->configuration_descr->get_config_data( ).
    I will copy the whole method program code for overview.
    Method Handle_Close:
        ls_config_data TYPE bsp_dlc_ovw_assgnm_xml,
        lv_xml         TYPE bsp_dlc_xml,
        lr_tray        TYPE REF TO bsp_dlc_ovw_assgnm,
        lv_sequence    TYPE numc4,
        ls_parameter   TYPE ihttpnvp,
        lt_parameter   TYPE tihttpnvp.
    * get personalization
      lv_xml = ir_controller->configuration_descr->get_config_data( ).
      CALL METHOD cl_bsp_dlc_config_ovw=>conv_xml_to_data
          iv_xml  = lv_xml
          rt_data = ls_config_data.
    * read ID of entry to hide
      lv_sequence = iv_index.
      READ TABLE ls_config_data-views REFERENCE INTO lr_tray
                 WITH KEY sequence = lv_sequence.
    * don't do anything, if the requested entry can't be found
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    *   hide entry
        lr_tray->traymode = gc_hidden.
    *   Save the changed configuration
        lv_xml = cl_bsp_dlc_config_ovw=>conv_data_to_xml( ls_config_data ).
        ir_controller->configuration_descr->set_config_data( iv_config_data              = lv_xml
                          iv_personalization_for_user = sy-uname ).
    It is a standard report. On development system it first works, but I look for differences to production system and in the user role display the crmui_navbar-function profile was different and I changed that value to the one from production system and it doesn't work furthermore. But when I change back the value to the old one, it do not work, too.
    Hopefully you can help me with this issue. I have to say I am new to this topic at all and do not find anything on SDN or in web to solve this problem.
    Best regards

    Dear Madhavi,
    we just upgraded our CRM-systems. The problem is now solved. So it seems to be one of these hundreds of oss-notes, which are installed with the patches.
    I'm sorry for this unsatisfying answer! We now are on release:
    WEBCUIF 700 0011 SAPK-70011INWEBCUIF
    So probably you should show these WEBCUIF content for problems or update it.
    Best regards

  • Read error when closing bridge

    When closing bridge I sometimes get an error for bridge.exe.
    That an read operation couldn't be done and that something with the addresses was wrong. I will post the exact error message as soon as I get it again.
    This is in Bridge CS4. But I remember having the same or a similar problem for CS3.
    Thanks in advance
    Please note that this is only when closing bridge and hasn't happened for any other Adobe program yet.
    Also I cannot open Bridge after the error has occurred.
    Some other Adobe products (Photoshop, After Effects) don't seem to open either after the error message.

    Doesn't seem to be the problem.
    I closed a couple of times with the wheel still spinning and everything went fine.
    I haven't had the error since I posted this thread.
    Maybe it was a three-times-only-thing...^^
    But I've found other forums about a similar problem just with other programs, so I thought it might be something not related to Bridge. Still it only happens when closing Bridge.
    Hope it's gone.
    While opening an closing i've taken some looks at the new icons and i have to say that the CS3 ones looked way better.

  • Firefox application error when closing 0xc0000005

    Hi I've been getting errors every so often when closing firefox.
    This is what I'm seeing
    I've been looking for a way to solve this error and figure out what is causing it. My search has brought me here. Some details.
    This crash doesn't happen every time I close firefox
    I can't find a way to "make" it happen when closing it to reproduce it but it happens fairly often. I could go 2-3 days without it happening, the next day it might happen 3 times.
    The error only happens when closing firefox, it does not crash.
    Been happening for months.
    Reinstalled firefox many times
    The extensions I use are:
    adblock plus 2.2.2
    I've gone to about:crashes in my browser and looked at the most recent crash and found something odd. It lists 2 crashes for the same time.
    1 is (this one is showing up as firefox verison 17.0.1)
    Signature: F_2060112065______________________________
    2nd is (this one is showing up as firefox verison Firefox 18.0)
    ID: 5ff65935-890a-4541-bd20-ac9b12130202
    Signature: F2102588022______________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Does this mean I have 2 firefox verisons installed and running at the same time? Only one shows up in task manager. So what do these crashes mean and why are the crash reports listing two verisons?
    Thanks for the help.

    It happen because of Malware/Virus problem.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    [ Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • PhotoShop CS2 "Program Error" when printing

    I am posting this to the Adobe Forums as well, but thought someone here might have some ideas. am having an intermittent problem printing from PhotoShop CS2 to an Epson 9800. When printing large files (200 MB average) to the Epson, PhotoShop will spool the job, taking about 50% longer than normal, and when complete, displays the following message..."The file XXXX.tif could not be printed because of a program error" No job ever gets to the print que. This happens about 80% of the time when printing. Quitting and restarting PhotoShop generally fixes the problem, and the file can be printed from another computer without issue, so this is not file specific. I have 8GB of RAM installed and PhotoShop running under 100% available memory, cache level at 8, with a dedicated 180GB scratch disk. Memory should NOT be the problem, though I do often have the full layered version of the file open in the background (I am printing from a flattened copy. I have observed that the problem is less likely to occur if no other files are open. I have a second G5 with the exact same software setup (OS, Print Driver and PhotoShop down to the decimal version #) that works perfectly every time. I have run all of the System utilities (Repair Permissions, FSCK, etc), reset the OSX printing system, reset PS preferences, trashed and re installed CS, as well as the Epson printer driver, all with no success. Any other trouble shooting ideas would be greatly appreciated. I would love to avoid a System reinstall.

    See the Adobe Knowledge Base document"Error 'Could not complete your request...' or 'Could not create a new document...' (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)"
    I suggest whenever you have problems with third-party applications, the first place to start troubleshooting is with the application's documentation, then vendor's web site. Usually their sites have FAQs, lists of known bugs, or application-specific forums similar to these Discussions. Sometimes, unlike the Apple Discussions, the questions are even answered by employees of the vendor.
    The document cited above was found in 10 seconds by searching the Adobe support site.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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