ITunes Account Temporarily Unavailable?

Getting the following message when trying to d/l app updates:
Anyone else getting this?  I've gotten that message since last night.  Not sure if iTunes has been down or if it's something I should be worrying about.

Nevermind...seems to be working.  Took about a day to get back up.

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    Ive googled everywhere including every question here.
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    I had the same issues with iPad itunes radio. I called and was transfered to a senior advisor at Apple who has cheerful and knowledgable but couldn't fix it.  I searched around my devices and came across something that happened to work. Without explaining too much of my situation, here is what worked for me.
    Attach iPad to computer with caple, open itunes.
    In the Summary tab, under Options, check the box "Sync with this iPad over Wi-Fi"
    I've read many forums with users who offered a fix, but it didn't work for me.  If this doesn't work for you, I apologize. This is my first post in Apple forums. Perhaps there's another setting I already have configured that needs to work in conjunction with this.

  • Why is itunes store temporarily unavailable?

    Why is itunes store temporarily unavailable?

    Choose one that suits you:
    they forgot to pay their electicity bill
    someone tripped over the power cable and pulled the plug out
    because someone wants to find out how many people don't understand the word temporarily
    Since you don't tell us which country you're in, it's hard to say. But if I were to get that message when I tried getting into the Store (which I can at the time I'm writing this), then I would simply try again later. Even though "later" is an unspecified time -  to occur in the future, I would not try after two minutes.
    If after 24 hours, the same problem occurs, don't give up.
    If after three days, I might wonder if everyone had left the country and not included me.
    I'm sure it will be available soon.

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    You don't have the typical symptoms that I associate the following issue with (normally the error kicks in just when folks visit the Store), but just in case try gn_id's suggestion from the following post:
    Re: iTunes 11 crashes when opening the store - no error message

  • Account temporarily unavailable try again later

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    I think I didn't receive any email asking me to verify anything. I have the ipod for 2 days only. Didn't made any purchases yet. Now that I tried it won't let me.

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    What is the add-on that's keeping you from installing Firefox 14?
    A problem was noticed last week with certain ways of managing Facebook cookies. You can check these threads and see whether that issue is relevant to you:
    * [ Certain websites do not work properly in normal browsing mode but work in private browsing perfectly.]
    * [ facebook post area when clicked gives]

  • "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" & "iTunes store temporarily unavailable"

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    I spent hours trying every solution offered on these discussion boards as well as an on non-Apple sites to no avail. I went to the local Apple store and after an hour and a half wait had someone at the Genius Bar check it out and say he couldn't fix it. I emailed Apple Help on this website and received a boilerplate reply pointing to 2 KBs that I'd already tried ( and ( When I replied I tried all that, and still needed help they pointed me to Apple Care. My husband called Apple Care who wouldn't talk to us because supposedly you can only purchase it during a window of time after buying your new device. Our iPad is the youngest at only 4 months old, so I don't know how that can be. Maybe he didn't want to pay for it just yet. I was ready to chuck these into the trash until my husband figured it out.
    So... if you're experiencing the same error messages, here was our fix. In hindsight it's so simple I can't believe it.
    Went to the MAC desktop that we use to sync and update all our devices. In iTunes in the left hand column under "Store" click Download. The app at the top of the queue was "stuck" (similar to a printer that won't print because of a problem with the first job in the queue). Click the first App in the queue to get it downloading. That's it!
    Once they all chug through then you can start updating apps on your devices using the App Store app. Relief!
    I hope this helps someone because it was a frustrating experience!

    I had this exact issue.  However, I was not even able to "see" the pending downloads when I tried fixing them using the solution above.
    In another thread, I saw that someone mentioned an issue with the use of the "&" (ampersand) symbol in your appleID information.  I had recently changed my name and it did include the & symbol in my name (not the appleID itself).  I replaced the ampersand with the word "and" and saved.  I then went to the iTunes store and logged into my account there and made the same change on my billing name.
    Voila!  I could now access the 7 pending downloads on my desktop Mac and download them, and all iPhone/iPad/Ipods were again able to download from the app store.
    incidentally, I had several support tickets open on this issue and never once did the Apple person even suggest that this might be the issue. 

  • ITunes credit temporarily unavailable?

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    First off, I don't have any credit (from gift cards or otherwise). Second, I'm "buying" FREE apps so I don't even need any credit. So what's the deal?
    Did iTunes decide I'm buying too many apps so they temporarily suspended my account in case my account was compromised? That's the only logical solution I can think of.
    Has anyone else ran into this issue? Is there a quick fix? I would like to continue gorging myself on apps ASAP!

    Not a very helpful reply, I know, but I'm getting the same message - must be a glitch in the Store... caused by the 10.1 update?

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    So...I don't see anything about this particular issue...where all other macs and Apple devices are working but one isn't...and where the one not working is the upgrade to OSX 10.9.
    Also, I haven't changed any passwords or email addresses for my Apple ID lately.

    After receiving the "temporarily unavailable" error message on the iMac for three days, rebooting multiple times, etc., without effect, this morning the store started working on this computer as well.
    Since I could access my Apple on the Apple site and in iCloud during this whole thing and also access my ITunes account (store) on my other macs, I'm figuring this was some strange anomaly.

  • Account Temporarily Unavailable - New Zealand Store

    I have not been able to make a cd purchase since 5th July. I keep getting this message that my account is temporarily unavailable. I have sent an email to Apple using a web form on their Website. But had no response from them.
    Do I have any options? This is very disapointing. I am in New Zealand so use the New Zealand Store. I upgraded to the latest version of iTunes, I think on 5th July, so maybe this caused the issue.
    I have tried changing store preferences to use a Shopping Cart and not, and that did not get around the issue.
    I'm not very happy!

    Who is your ISP? Do you have any firewalls or anti-virus turned on at the moment? If so, try disabling them for just a bit. Also, try power cycling (removing power from and plugging back in) your broadband modem.
    Be it the problem still exists -- if you're connected via a router, try connected directly via that modem.

  • I can't seem to download anything on my iTunes when I use Check for available downloads. I have preorders that I can't download cos it just says 'iTunes store temporarily unavailable' even tho when I actually go on iTunes itself it work fine..

    I've been in contact with Apple support team regarding this issue. I have about 9 items available for download(preorders mostly) but it's not listed under download. When I click on Check for available download, a message with 'iTunes temporarily unavailable' appears but when I go to the iTunes store itself, its working just fine. I've already been charged twice for the same movie which Apple have kindly refunded me for one of them but I still haven't managed to download that movie yet. Apple says its a problem with my computer and given me all sort of ways to rectify the issue and still no hope. Everything else seems to work just fine including the actual iTunes store, wifi syncing and cable syncing etc. Can somebody help me with this if you know how to solve this problem or if you've had the same issue now or before?
    I am using the latest Software updates on my iTunes and these 9 items were purchased whilst on this new updates

    Launch iTunes on your computer.
    From the menu bar click iTunes > Preferences then select the Advanced tab.
    Click Reset warnings and Reset cache
    Click OK.
    Restart your computer, launch iTunes.
    Click Store > Check for Available Downloads...

  • ITunes U Temporarily Unavailable Errors?

    We are getting multiple errors like...
    We could not complete your iTunes U Store request.
    The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
    When trying to edit our iTunes U podcast content, etc.
    I was wondering if others where having issues and this was a global problem, or if it might be just an issue with our backend?
    So, are you having these issues too?

    Wrong forum. This thread is specific to iTunes U ("U" equals "University"), not iTunes generally. There is never any cost to download things from iTunes U ... so this makes me think you've got the iTunes Store in mind. We can't help you here (this thread has to do with a specific iTunes U problem ... the problems could be related ... but you would be better served by posting to a different forum).

  • Is the Itunes store temporarily unavailable

    I have been trying the past few hours to download a song and I get a message that says I can't use my credits, but that I will be charged. I hit ok, and it then says that credit card purchases are temporarily unavailable.  Is this something on my end?

    I've had the same problem since making 32 purchses 24 hours ago. thought it might be my work firewall but it still did not work at home. however i could download new music with no problem. of course i can;t re-download the purchases as they are already logged as downloaded.
    Anyway, i have had a response from a fault log i sent, they say the are working on it but in the meantime, maybe it's my ISP/firewall/etc etc/blah blah blah. this arrived this morning from an email i sent last night. since then i've sent another report but received no reply. got through to apple support by following a telephone number associated with iTunes support, but the guy told me he couldn't help and that there is no telephone support for iTunes, only online. he had no knowledge of any fault with iTunes.
    Apple are highly regarded over here in the UK for their high standard of postsales customore care on the high st, and the 'class of it's own' Mac store on Regent st. Shame it does not extend to the online community. I've only just started using iTunes due to the highyl bitrate of the iTunes plus i discovered only the other day. Wish i hadn't bothered now, could have nipped to the store and had the CD's buy now.

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    I have the exact same problem. I have tried hard resets, logging in and out of iTunes store, turning on and off iTunes Match.
    The funny thing is iTunes Radio works on all computers with iTunes and 3 - 4s iPhones, The only iPhone 5c we have is the only device that iTunes Radio will not play.

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