ITunes and Nero 9 conflict

Hello all,
Hopefully I've posted this in the proper forum. I just recently purchased an iPod touch (3G) 64g which I love! The problem with this is that I've had to uninstall my Klite and Ace codec packs to install iTunes/Quicktime. Now I'm unable to burn any of my movies, purchased as backups or camcorder (.avi). Anyone have any suggestions or advice as to how to fix this?

The K-lite packs should be okay so long as you don't install QuickTime Alternative with them. (It's the Codecs Guide people's third-party chop-down of QuickTime.) The problems generally arise when the QuickTime componentry from QT Alternative and the QuickTime componentry from "QuickTime itself" get out of sync version-number wise, at which point you start getting QuickTime and iTunes launch errors.

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    Since I installed iTunes (, the following errors appear:
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Buffer overrun detected!
    Program: …d\9.0\Roxio Central33\Main\Roxio_Central33.exe
    A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program’s
    internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must
    now be terminated.
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!
    Program: …Roxio Shared\9.0\Roxio Central33.exe
    -pure virtual functional call
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    Message was edited by: driver011549

    COME ON! Isn't there anyone from Apple/iTunes that can help me with THIS?

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    The default configuration for iTunes (for Windows) is to store BOTH the catalogue iTunes uses and the actual music in
    C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\
    The catalogue is contained in the following files (in the above directory)
    iTunes Library.itl
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    It is possible to tell iTunes to look for or store music in a DIFFERENT location (in my own case I use E:\Music\iTunes). However the catalogue will ALWAYS still be in the original location (on drive C as above).
    Therefore if you have chosen to store your music in a non-standard location you must not only restore the music to that non-standard location but you must also restore the catalogue to the standard location.
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    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Not going to happen the way you want it to.
    When you add a gift card balance to the Apple ID, it's available for the Apple ID.
    Probably best to create unique Apple ID's for each... this will also make things easier in the future as purchases are eternally tied to the Apple ID they were purchased with.

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    Finally got it working..  Ok so First read this
    Just start with verifying the Apple Mobile Device Support is up and working, Just follow the steps here:
    After Stopping it and Restarting and it is still not reconizing your device Then start uninstalling
    Start with: Itunes, Quicktime, Bonjour, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device.
    I had an issue uninstalling Apple Software Update, and was unable to get it off my computer.
    But after all that download and reinstall itunes.
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    Hope it helps

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    Dear Tim,
    I saw your message. Below are the problems:
    Whenever I connect my iphone 3GS to my PC through a USB. My itunes software comes up automatically.
    1. After that a message appears from the itunes that states that 'itunes could not connect to the itunes store, an unknown error cccured (306).
    2. After the above, an alert message comes up which states that A new iphone software version 5.1 is availlable for my iphone. It then states would you like to download it and update your iphone now? With the options buttons as Cancel or Download and Update or Download Only. Whenever I clicked on Download and Update or Download Only, the next message that comes up is that The iphone Software Update Server Could not be Contacted and suggest make sure your network setting are correct and active or try again later.
    The above is the challenges I am facing now.

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    (2) When I plug in the AverMedia video capture hardware to the USB port, I get a message that the new hardware was not installed properly. And the bundled video capture software cannot find the device. Usually, if I reboot and use only the AverMedia product without using iTunes at all, it will work fine.
    Any suggestions about how to resolve this apparent conflict?
    Gateway 9310X   Windows XP   AverMedia DVD EZMaker Pro USB2.0 (analog video capture device)

    OK, what exactly have you tried? I don't want to waste my time and yours suggesting things you've already done.
    A little tip for the future; when something starts to degrade, that's the time to look at it, don't wait for it to fail altogether, the remedy is likely to be more costly, painful, difficult and time consuming (or all of the above).

  • Itunes and ace mega codecs pack conflict

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    hi Laurent!
    Then I install the codecpack, (that works when i was using last version of itunes), and itunes new version crashes.
    gaah. okay, this is
    b speculation
    that is partly based on the few reports i got in about the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.38 "breaking" working copies of itunes 5.0.x.
    what i noticed with the details of that mega codec pack was that it contained all the
    b QT 6.5.2
    codecs. so my suspicion is that
    b either
    it was installing a version of QT 6.5.2 somewhere on the computer that itunes 5.0.x thought it should be using (resulting in 5.0.x crashing because it needs at least QT 7.0.2 to run),
    b or
    the old QT 6.5.2 codecs were desperately confusing the existing QT 7.0.2.
    so, perhaps try to see if you've got a new copy of QT 6.5.2 somewhere on your machine after you've installed that Codec Pack, and uninstalling that. if you still get errors (or different errors), try downloading and saving to your hard drive a copy of the standalone QT 7.0.3 installer. (run the installation from there rather than online. switch off antivirus and antispyware prior to the install.)
    keep us posted on developments.
    love, b

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    Hey there 79usma79!
    I have a couple of articles for you that can help you troubleshoot the issues you are seeing with iTunes on Windows XP. The first is a general troubleshooting article, which can be found right here:
    iTunes for Windows XP: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues
    This article can help you find out if there are any conflicts between your copy of Windows XP and iTunes, and can tell you what to do if there are. Before going down the troubleshooting route though, you should take a look at this article, which can help you back up your entire iTunes library to an external hard drive, so if this issue is recurring, you will be able to restore from that backup and will not have to worry about losing your playlists or music again:
    iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • Itunes refuses to recognise my ipad telling me that i need to uninstall itunes and reinstall the itunes 64bit version for windows - i am on windows 7 and all was working fine until suddenly for no reason at all itunes had some apple support error

    I have windows 7 and all has been fine until 2 days ago when suddenly i turned on my laptop and i got some error message about some apple support program error - i didnt tkae notice of it only that i couldnt run itunes, so i uninstalled and reinstalled itunes and it now runs as normal, but now it wont recognise my ipad saying that 64bit version is not installed - WHAT RUBBISH IS THIS? i downloaded and installed the 64bit version from applie and yet the error persists - can some one please tell me how i can get itunes to recognise my ipad again - this seems like such a ridiculous error for these two apple products to be conflicting with each other - please help

    well i have found that i needed to not just uninstall itunes, but also apple mobile device support, bonjour apple software update and apple application support - uninstall all these and then install itunes - that seesm to have fixed it, though now i am sync fail - that's a different matter perhaps

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    I opened my iTunes a day ago, and the "Download new version" came up.
    I went and downloaded it and ever since iTunes will not open no matter what, I have tryed many ways to open it and it still wont open.
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    I do not know what to do, I have unistalled iTunes and Quicktime, then installed it again and still nothing. I even tryed to do the "Repair" that comes up when you already have it installed and still nothing.
    Can anyone help me? Or does anyone else have this problem?
    hp   Windows XP  

    hey peeps i got a possible answer to our prolems. i contacted apple support and this is what they gave me:
    Using MSCONFIG to troubleshoot conflicts in Windows
    In Windows, some background processes can cause issues for other programs and processes. These conflicts can prevent applications such as iTunes and QuickTime Player from working correctly, opening, or even installing. You might be able to resolve these conflicts by disabling some items using the System Configuration Utility (MSCONFIG) in Windows XP. This utility is not included with Windows 2000.
    Important: Disabling third-party System Services and Startup Items can prevent some software or OEM hardware on your computer from working correctly. For example, this can affect the CD/DVD control buttons on portable computers.
    1. On the Start menu, click Run. A Run window (command prompt) appears.
    2. Type msconfig in the Open field and click OK. The System Configuration Utility opens.
    3. Click the General tab.
    4. Select the "Selective Startup" option.
    5. Deselect the "Load Startup Items" checkbox.
    6. Click the Startup tab.
    7. Select the "iTunesHelper" and "qttask" checkboxes in the list.
    8. Click the Services tab.
    9. Make sure that "Hide All Microsoft Services" is selected.
    10. Click Disable All.
    11. Select the iPodService checkbox in the list.
    12. Click OK.
    13. Click Restart.
    If following these steps resolves the issue, you may want to use the System Configuration Utility to turn on the third-party System Services and Startup Items one or a few at a time (restarting your computer after turning on the item or items) to identify which System Service or Startup Item is causing the conflict. You can turn all of them back on by selecting the Normal Startup option under the General tab of the System Configuration Utility window, but please note that this may cause the issue to recur.
    Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
    Thank you,
    Apple worked for me, and after i got iTunes to work i went back on the msconfig and i enabled all of the third party system services and start-up items so that all of my stuff worked again. read the dirctions carefully and thoroughly before using these directions. i was being helped by a professional and i am not taking responsibility if anyone does antyhing bad to their computer. my advice is you should set a system restore point before making all these changes.hope it works for ya guys!!!
    Asus, AMD Athlon 1.7 ghz, 1 gb RAM Windows XP

  • Why won't my iPod work on iTunes or my computer?  It shows up (not on iTunes) and the iPod shows connected but it has to be "formatted." And why are half my songs unable to play on it anymore?  It just skips them!

    I've read through several discussions and I've seen a lot of similar issues but none that were quite like mine.  Every time I plug my 3rd gen. iPod nano in it shows it connected on the iPod screen and iTunes opens up but the device does not show up in iTunes.  The icon on the iPod shows connected and gives the arrows circling showing syncing even though it still says connected.  But it won’t show up in iTunes.  It shows up on my windows computer but I can’t click it or make it do anything.  It keeps saying “You need to format the disk before you can do anything.”  And when I hit cancel it beeps and says "Location not available.  Dara error (cyclic redundancy check)."  As if I know what that means!!  And I have 800 songs on it but they aren’t all on my computer and some are on my parents’ computer but I can’t get to that one.  It shows it is a “FAT32” which I have no clue what that means but I’ve never noticed that before.
    Windows "can't access the disk" and I don't know why.  It gives me that notification if I try to check the drive or disk or device for problems.  And if you click it on Windows it pops up a screen with formatting things (which I don't know anything about).  And then it closes and says that it CANNOT format the device.
    The iPod works almost okay when it isn’t plugged in, but I’ve noticed that half my songs won’t play.  You click on it and it plays the next one in the album.  And it isn’t always the first song in an album but random songs.  And songs I listen to a lot.  You can’t go back (you can only go forward and you can’t skip over the ‘missing’ song) or even click to select those songs.  But other songs play normal, just not half of them that are on the iPod but all of a sudden no longer work.  And I don’t know why.  I have another 3rd gen. iPod nano that doesn’t have ANY of these problems.  It hooks up, it doesn’t need formatting, and all its songs play.  I don’t know what is wrong or what to do.  I’ve tried re-downloading iTunes and everything.  I don’t want to have to reset my iPod and lose everything.
    I’ve tried locating the device in iTunes and it shows the iPod but it gives this weird symbol and I can’t select it.  It’s like a white box with a box that is outlined in blue with six random icons in the middle.   I’ve seen it before and it always means something is wrong or a file (which is where I have seen it before) is corrupted.  And like I said I have a second iPod nano of the same generation and it does not give this weird symbol.  Plus it connects just fine.  It’s this one iPod.
    I don’t understand what is going on.  It worked just fine and then all of a sudden I noticed songs wouldn’t play so I went to plug it into iTunes and nothing has worked.  I’ve searched discussions and none of the tips help.  But I want my songs to play again and I want my iPod back.

    Hey briannagrace96,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities! I'd check out the following article, it looks like it applies to your situation:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    You'll want to go through the following troubleshooting steps, and for more detail on each step follow the link to the article above:
    Try the iPod troubleshooting assistant:
    If you have not already done so, try the steps in the iPod Troubleshooting Assistant (choose your iPod model from the list).
    If the issue remains after following your iPod's troubleshooting assistant, follow the steps below to continue troubleshooting your issue.
    Restart the iPod Service
    Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service
    Empty your Temp directory and restart
    Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed
    Change your iPod's drive letter
    Remove and reinstall iTunes
    Disable conflicting System Services and Startup Items
    Update, Reconfigure, Disable, or Remove Security Software
    Deleting damaged or incorrect registry keys
    Take care,

  • HT1692 Have recently installed itunes and outlook on a new computer.  Have multiple email accounts set up in Outlook tho only use contacts and calendar in relation to one of these. Cannot sync itunes with the correct contacts and calendars, Help!

    My new computer is 64-bit running Windows 7 pro, SP1 and Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus 32-bit
    My phone is a 4S runing iOS 6.1.3
    Very frustrated now that I have recently installed itunes and outlook on this new computer.  Everything worked perfectly ok on my laptop which was also 64-bit Windows 7 and running 32-bit Microsoft Office 2010 Pro.  I have multiple email accounts set up in Outlook tho only use contacts and calendar in relation to one of these. Cannot sync itunes with the correct contacts and calendars, when I sync the calendar and contacts are empty.  Not sure if there is any way to point itunes to particular address books and calendars.
    I have installed and uninstalled itunes 3 times and thank goodness have a backup
    Can anyone help please?
    thanks in anticipation

    I had my home computer set up to sync to work's Exchange server. It worked well, but I didn't like seeing work email messages and other programs trying to sync with my default Outlook folder, which was then the Exchange (& work related) .ost file. I know there are various ways to manage those problems using filters, view, subfolders, etc., but it was a hassle for me. I think it could work well for many other folks.
    For now, I have published my work calendar and subscribed to that calendar on my home computer. So I have view only access to my calendar on my home computer (and I can add/edit calendar items on my iPad (or Outlook Web Access) when away from work). This is not quite what I wanted, but it may work.
    It almost makes me long for the days when I used my Windows Mobile Treo to sync back and forth between exchange at work and outlook at home (but had many sync conflicts as a result).

  • Back to square one: new iTunes and QuickTime CRASH, CRASH, CRASH

    I've been struggling with iTunes and QuickTime ever since the upgrade to 6.0.4. Everything worked just fine until then, and has worked fine since I got my iPod last June.
    A couple of days after the upgrade to 6.0.4 iTune started crashing, with the error message: iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    Please note this is only about using iTunes to play music on my computer (my iPod seems to be working fine.)
    I've removed iTunes and QuickTime, reinstalled them, and this works for a couple of days, then iTunes starts crashing again (this has now happened twice.)
    Strangely, this time, tunes in Party Shuffle at start up (from the last normal exit of iTunes) play just fine, but when I try to play something out of Library or swtich to a different genre or playlist in Party Shuffle, the programme crashes: iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've tried opening QuickTime alone, and it fails to open (no error message) it gets as far as the player, then there's a windows "thunk" and QuickTime closes.
    So now I will uninstall, reinstall (starting with QuickTime, which seems to be the real culprit here) and maybe it will work for a couple of days. Computers are supposed to save time, not take up time in this way.
    I don't seen any sign or word of a new version of QuickTime with a fix to this problem (many seem to be having it). How long do I have to go on this way. Perhaps the best is just to use another Windows Media Player or Nero ShowTime ... these seem to function without any sort of problem.

    Thank you Katrina and MossMan,
    I do keep my computer under pretty tight wraps: Outpost firewall, AVG anti-virus, MS Anti-spyware. Ran the Ewido scan as suggested, Ewido did find quite a few cookies it considered of medium threat spyware ... removed these, and this did not resolve the problem with iTunes/QuickTime. Anyway, I'm not sure that cookies can cause programmes to crash?
    I still think that it's unlikely that the problem with iTunes and QuickTime starting right after the upgrade to iTunes 6.0.4 and its QuickTime counterpart, is just a coincidence.
    And if QuickTime is particularly vulnerable to some malware that none of the security programmes on my machine can find, and malware that has no effect on any other programmes, including other media players, then maybe this vulnerablity should also be something Apple should try to address.

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