ITunes Connect Application - Digital Rights Question

I'm in the process of applying through iTunes connect to publish several e-books on iBooks. I was a little unclear about two questions, and wanted to see if you could resolve this for me. In the application, it's asking to list the # of titles with digital rights and the # of titles with digital rights in PDF format. When Apple says digital rights, does it mean that you own the rights to the book both in print format and digital format? So in essence you have rights to the book digitally? Or is it alluding to DRM (Digital Rights Management)? I have 6-10 books I'd like to get onto iBooks, they all have a ISBN #s both for print and electronic versions, they'll be in epub format, etc. They've been physically printed as books as well. Could you please give explanation to this part of the application. Thank you very much.

OK. Thanks. I guess it is just a matter of waiting.
Just when you think everything is done, you run into another hurdle!

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    Hi evanVIT, 
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
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