ITunes file locations

Hello. I am running iTunes on a windows 7 x64 PC, and have a question about iTunes writing files to certain hard drives. I have a SSD (C:) that I have my OS installed on, and two HDDs (D:, E:) that are used to install programs/games on, and to save media. I've installed iTunes on a HDD (D:) and have told it to save any media related information to the same hard drive. Upon looking around on the filesystem on the SSD (C:), I noticed that iTunes is trying to save album artwork, and some other stuff to this hard drive (in my C:\users\\My Music\iTunes directory) despite me telling iTunes to stay off of that drive.
I'm trying to avoid writing data to the SSD so I can prolong its life. Is there any way to completely prevent iTunes from using my SSD? I also noticed that before I had this setup, I wasn't able to get iTunes to save apps downloaded from the app store to a specific hard drive. I've gone into iTunes preferences, advanced tab, and told it to save media to a specific location, but it seems like iTunes doesn't want to use that location to save apps.
Thanks for your help.

Quit iTunes.
Drag the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder to another drive.
Hold Shift and launch iTunes.
Select *Choose library* and select the iTunes folder you copied to the other drive.
iTunes will use this location from now on.

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    Setting the path to the media folder only tell iTunes where to put new content, not which library file to open. If you moved your entire library to the external drive then hold down shift as you start iTunes and browse to the iTunes Library.itl file. If you only copied the media folder you'll either need to redo the migration from your old computer, or import the media folder into a fresh library.

  • ITunes files locations

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    i just found some stuff at I:\Music\iTunes:
    Album Artwork
    iTunes Media
    iTunes Library Extras.itdb
    iTunes Library Genius.itdb
    iTunes Library.itl
    iTunes Music Library.xml
    i can tell by the date/time info that iTunes is using these items. i can't find any reference to this location in iTunes preferences.
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    Here are typical layouts for the iTunes folders:
    The library files plus the album artwork folder comprise the database and supporting files that together with a collection of media files make up an iTunes library. iTunes would normally put the library files in the C:\ drive, in the current users default music folder. Either you have redirected the user folder to your data backup partition at some point, or if iTunes prompted you to locate an existing library at some point, you have navigated to the backup data folder instead of the original data folder. When first installed iTunes doesn't ask where to build the library, it just does it.
    You can move the folder containing your iTunes library files to any new location and it should remain connected to your media at G:\iPod. You should not however move the folder G:\iPod or change the drive letter.
    Although you may have no use for the folder iTunes\iTunes Media, iTunes needs to have a designated media folder where it will create an *Automatically add to iTunes* folder (does what it says on the tin) and the iTunes Preferences.plist file. Any files that iTunes is responsible for creating, store purchases, rips, podcast downloads etc. are set out in the iTunes Media folder in the layout shown above.
    I suppose you could move the I:\Music\iTunes folder to G:\Program Files\iTunes (mixed in with the app?) or G:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes (or as a sub-folder of it?) however I would suggest the library folder is better at the root of the drive, i.e. G:\iTunes.

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    iTunes 7 XP Pro
    I changed the default location and moved the contents of the iTunes Music folder, however iTunes does not automatically recognize the new location for existing files. Is there anyway I can globally change the location in iTunes so I do not have to change the location of hundreds of files one at a time?
    Thank you

    The location you set in preference only sets the location for all FUTURE additions to the library. Anything already in your iTunes library will remain in the location they were already being accessed.
    If you want to move all the files to the new location, then use the consolidate command. This command copies all files not located in the preference location into that location, thus consolidating them to one location. As I said, I think it copies, not moves the files. So after a consolidate, you may need to go and delete the old locations manually.

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    Thank you in advance.
    --- Gary
    HP Pavilion 9795c, HP Media Center 673n, and Toshiba Satellite 2405-S201   Windows XP  

    Hi, Gary.
    Have a look at this article in the Apple Knowledge Base.

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    Thanks. I obviously am lost here and appreciate your help.

    Thanks so much for the info. This helps alot but I have a couple fo followups. When you say "
    Any files on the disconnected path will be assumed to be missing until you connect the drive and restart iTunes." I had disconnected the network "maooed" drive in Windows by accident. Igave the message, something to the effect that it could not locate the files. I simply reconnected the mapped drive, restarted the PC and got the same error when I opened iTunes. I ended up simply going to file/add folders and selected all the music files to re-add. The only reason I had mived the "My Music" folder to the network folder in the first place was in case the PC hard drive failed. I didn't want to lose all the music but the network folder is automatically backed up. Is there a better way?
    Also, I don't quite understand the steps to make sure I don't keep getting duplicates and I will check out your DeDuper. Can you explain more? I don't understand what I need to do to avoid your comment "Care needs to be taken when deleting this kind of duplicate as there is only one file on the drive connected to both entries. If you delete one, and the file it is connected to, then you break the other entry."
    Finally, I could not find in the preferences, or anywhere, where I can tell it not to convert the .mp3's when it adds them back to the library. Where in the world is that? I think the version being used is like 10.0.7.....
    Thanks again for yout assistance. It is very much appreciated and helpful.

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    The article below will explain in general how your iTunes files are organized on your computer.
    Where are my iTunes files located?
    Hope this helps ....
    - Judy

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    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization -

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    How exactly did you move your library?  Many people think they are moving their library but they only move their media, but for iTunes there is a big difference.  The exact sequence of steps you did will help in figuring out what is going on.  I am guessing you didn't really move your whole library but managed to instead move some of it at one time and leaving the other part behind.
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
    The simple solution might be to delete the broken links and re-download the items you purchased.

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    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.

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    Try assigning Queen as the Album Artist on the compilations in iTunes on your computer.

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    Put everything back the way it was.
    Them move the folder correctly.

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    Is there a way for me to set the file location up as a field in iTunes?  What I want to do now is to move all of my music to one location, then delete duplicates, before backing the entire library up.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

    I use CoderPlus workspace & tabbed panels.  For me, the file url is on the far right side. See screenshot. 
    If you click the "Page Icon" in upper right corner to tile, the URL shows on the left side.
    Nancy O.

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    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Ah, I was assuming you would search in Finder and display some details. All alternative approach is to Option start iTunes and click the Choose option. It should show a file selection box targeted at the folder of the currently active library.

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