Itunes store downloads keep re downloading

For the last few downloads that i have started have finished downloading, gotten to the processing file part, then started downloading all over again. I am on my third try with "Heroes" - Collision. Any suggestions?

Heroes - Collision. Is that a video, or song?
Videos go to some temp file. If the PC has some antivirus software that stops temp files from being written to the hard drive, it could cause a problem like that.
Do you have itunes v7.0.2 or later?

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    No credit card.              Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    It is important to understand that these instructions apply to the creation of a new Apple ID with an email address not previously associated with an Apple account.

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    On 25th I got the following mail from iTMS:
    1) Before proceeding, make sure you're using the latest version of iTunes. It can be downloaded free of charge:
    Note: Installing the latest version of iTunes will not affect your Library or any items in your account that you haven't downloaded.
    2) Open iTunes.
    3) From the Store menu, choose "Advanced" and then "Deauthorize Audible Account" and then re-authorize it from the same drop-down menu.
    4) Enter your account name and password and click OK.
    To start downloading your recent purchases, please follow these steps these steps:
    Enter your account name and password when prompted, then click the Check button. Your purchase should begin downloading.
    This article provides more information about resuming interrupted downloads:
    Once your purchases have downloaded, they will appear in your Purchased playlist as well as your iTunes library. However, you will need to authorize your computer again (1) to play your purchases. To authorize your computer, choose "Authorize Computer..." from the Store menu
    - I do not have an account with Audible
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    Thanks one and all,

    I, for one, can hear the difference between 256 Kbit AAC and uncompressed AIFF over my Imac's tiny speakers. Over a good sound system, the difference is not subtle.
    Compressed audio is inferior to the original, and there's very little argument about that. It's my understanding that most people can hear the difference between lossy compression and uncompressed audio.
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    There are two very good reasons why you might wish obtain your audio on physical CD's: 1) if you care about the artistic intent of the musician and you want to hear everything they created, that's only available on CD, and 2) you might not wish to be overcharged for an inferior product. The "iTunes Plus" compression throws away about 80% of the information in the original audio, yet the cost is about the same as a physical CD. Why anyone pays $10 for one fifth of the data on a CD, when all the data is available for about the same price, is beyond me.

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    Finally, I got it.
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    Did you check your trash can? Did you make a backup copy of your videos that you purchased? That is something that is always reminded to users that purchase from the itunes make a backup copy to their purchased music. The idea is once you buy the music and you lose it well then its gone forever. I highly doubt you can get what you purchased from the itunes music store back again without purchasing them again. But that is weird that you had the videos and and their gone now. Have you tried searching for them on your computer harddrive? Did you do a recent hard reset to your ipod? Are you manually updating your ipod and deciding what to sync and not?

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    Since about Feb 1 2012 was having this same problem - seemingly started after I had downloaded latest iTunes and Lion updates. I got the error both when trying to update apps on iPhone 4S and MacBook Pro.
    I found the solution on another discussion list.  My iTunes account had an "&" in the name.  I edited the account details through iTunes and this solved the problem immediately.

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    You can log out of the account on the iPad by tapping on the id in Settings > iTunes & App Store and then tap 'sign out' on the popup - you can then sign in with your account/
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    try this:
    From home screen, go to settings - > general -> reset - > reset all settings.
    You may lose your wallpaper to the default wallpaper, but none of your content will be erased.
    I'm willing to bet this will solve your problem.
    Hope this helps!
    <Edited By Host>

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    Hi there michael j d hehir,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    -Griff W.

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    rodbelt wrote:
    This is really frustrating and looking at the date of the initial post, nobody has replied for a solution yet.  What is Apple doing about it?   WHERE IS APPLE'S TECH SUPPORT??????
    This area's description, in Apple's own words is: "Our communities are filled with thousands of Mac, iPod, iPhoneand iPad users from around the world."
    Please note the word users. This is a peer to peer area, that Apple employees are free to contribute to on their own time, and sometime do. It is not a place to ask Apple for official replies or support.
    To get help from Apple, I suggest you goto and use the appropriate link under the Contact Us navigation to the left.

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    Hello babichanjacob
    Change how it syncs by enabling Manually manage music and videos, then you can drag and drop the music that you want on your iPhone. Revert it back to test to see if that resolves the issue.
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

  • HT5621 other country iTunes store and keep US purchase items

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    I'am in the same situation as you, I'm french and I'm in America now. I have a card for Itune ($15) but I need to change the country for use the code and I can't because I need to "clear" my account (to have 0€), I have 0,54€. 
    Help?! ^^

  • How do I delete Movies and TV Shows in my iTunes Store download Queue?

    Please help...
    I have Apple TV and I purchase TV shows and Movies via iTunes Store. These programs and movies have successfully downloaded to my Apple TV and I have watched them and deleted them off the Apple TV Hard Drive.
    My problem:
    I do not have much free Hard Drive space on the older laptop that I currently have iTunes running on. Everytime I open iTunes on my laptop it starts downloading the very large movie and TV show files and I do not have enough hard drive space for them and I do not want them now that I have alredy watched them.
    My questions:
    1. Can you delete everything that is currently in my iTunes Store downlonad queue so these programs and movies will not try and download? If so, how?...
    2. Is there a way I can prevent this from happening in the future?
    Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    iTunes will not show me where the files reside (by right-clicking and selecting "show file" because the option doesn't exist for TV shows.
    I don't understand, it does exist for tv shows.
    Also, using the "delete" commend does nothing!
    How are you using the delete command if you can't locate the file.
    I have several shows taking up several gigabytes of disk space, and I can't locate them on my hard drive, or remove them from within iTunes!
    Have you tried spotlight.

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