ITunes Sync Mystery

Here is a strange one! My iPhone will not sync with iTunes, but there is a twist:
+*If I reinstall iTunes, it works until I shut down and restart.*+ It is not just my iPhone – I observe the same behavior with my iPod Nano as well.
Here are some of the relevant facts:
• New MB Pro 15
• OS X 10.6.3
• iTunes v 9.1.1 (12)
Any ideas on this one?

CroweMan wrote:
Here is a strange one! My iPhone will not sync with iTunes, but there is a twist:
+*If I reinstall iTunes, it works until I shut down and restart.*+
you could try *removing iTunes completely* (click here and follow the instructions), then reinstalling it.
you could also try to_*remove and reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Service*_.

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    Wynne Hunkler
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    I think the device stores those selections along with which library they belong to. That's why you get the prompt to erase and reload with a different library. If you had restored the backup taken immediately before the upgrade that would probably have restored your selections.

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    The iPhone, like all iOS devices, is not and has never been a backup device.
    If content is missing from the computer, copy it from the old computer or the backup of the old computer.
    Not syncing regularly is simply asking for problems.
    Devices are easily lost, stolen, or simply fail.  In your case, had your device simply failed or been lost you would be out of everything.
    Unfortunately, if they are not on the device or in iTunes on the computer they are gone.
    The only reason syncing would cause them to "disappear" is because this is not the computer the device is synced with.
    I would strongly encourage you to read the User's Guide to better understand how the device is designed to be used.

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      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    As much info. as possible would be appreciated

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    The problem is with Windows Vista using the NTFS file system, check out this post for the official solution. This has worked perfectly for me everytime I've tried it: ing-itunes-sync-pictures-solution/

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    How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer
    How to Share a Family iPad
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    iOS & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family r-family/
    How To Best Use and Share Apple IDs across iPhones, iPads and iPods
     Cheers, Tom

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    Iphone will sync with one and only one cpomptuer at a time.  Syncing to another will erase the current content and replace with content from the new computer.  This is the design of the  iphone.
    It will erase the content when you sync.
    Why not update from the comptuer with which you normally sync?

  • I have DELETED calendars showing in my iTunes Sync Calendars list!?

    iMac late 2009
    OSx 10.10.2
    iPhone 6 Plus
    iOS 8.1.3
    Completely Up to Date!
    no clouds involved, no calendar subscriptions.
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    My problem now that I'm ready to put my calendars back onto my phone, is that my Calendars Library (library/calendars) still has many of the intermediate calendar files (that have NOT been DELETED) and in iTunes, the list of Calendars includes all these same intermediate calendars, as well as the new calendars that I want to transfer to my phone.  I would prefer to "select" "ALL CALENDARS" but I can't do that until I can remove the calendars that were supposed to be deleted/removed in the first place.  In other words, I have 33 good, clean Calendars, but there are 71 Calendars in my Calendar Library.
    What are the correct steps to remove the Library/Calendars folder so that the iTunes "Sync Calendars" list only shows the 33 good calendars, and not the 38 unwanted (deleted) calendars.
    What do I have to do to finish the job?

    I have/had the same problem. I tried deleting all the "Library" "Calendar" preference files I could find and like others nothing worked. Like others they would just recreate themselves.
    BUT, I did find the solution. Not sure which part worked, but this is what I did.
    I quit all the apps, Calendar, and iTunes.
    I went into the folder pointed to by job-seeker above:
    Manually went through each cached calendar folder and looked in the info.plist for the calendar title listed below "<key>Title</key>" and deleted the parent folders of no longer existent calendars.
    Then find an app called "Reminders", open it and you will find all the deleted calendars that you have deleted over the years, they seem to get cached in it, delete them and quit.
    Relaunch iTunes and find the deleted calendars in question are gone.
    I think you could skip all the above and just try deleting the old calendars from this Reminder app and it may work, but the above is what I did when it worked for me and I do not want to recreate the problem just to verify my theory. ;-)
    Hope this helps,

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    I am trying to seperate her contact info from mine.  Is that possible?
    Thank you for any help and insight on solving this problem.

    Did you enable your Menu and Sidebar?
    Ctrl+S to view Sidebar
    Ctrl+B to view Menu Bar

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    contacts and calendar are not syncing? the word info is not in the selection iTunes sync menu

    Hey jimneeds,
    Thanks for the question. This feature was discontinued with OS X Mavericks:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    What you can sync
    […] - Contacts*
    *To sync this content on an iOS device using OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later, use iCloud or another cloud-based service.
    Matt M.

  • ITunes Syncs Podcasts to iPhone - Podcast App only Shows 1

    Hi all,
    I'm experiencing an odd bug with Podcasts that I'll try to explain as succinctly as possible.
    There is a local radio show that I manually download from their website and listen on the Podcasts app through my iPhone.  Typcially, I download the MP3 of the daily broadcast, copy into iTunes, change the "Media Kind" to "Podcasts" and sync with my iPhone.  It's worked fine for a year.
    However, since doing a clean install of Mavericks and iTunes, it's been acting wacky.  In this example, let's say I have 5 episodes of the radio show from last week.  They're named by their air date (10-28-2013, 10-29-2013, etc.), and look fine within iTunes.  When I sync them to my iPhone, I can see on the progress bar that all 5 episodes copy over.  But when I open up the Podcasts app, all I see is the newest epside (11-01-2013).  If I try to play that episode, it says it is playing the 11/1 episode, but it ends up playing one of the other 4 episodes.
    I've tried unsyncing Podcasts through iTunes (so everything is deleted from my phone), and then synching again.  Same problem.  I've also tried unsyncing, deleting the Podcasts app, and then reinstalling the app.  Same problem.
    Any thoughts or ideas on what I should try next?  Is there a cache or library file on my phone or Mac that I need to reset?  Thanks!

    After a lot of troubleshooting, I found a fix.  It seems the newest versions of the Podcast app rely heavily on ID3 tags, so you've got to have a bare minimum of tags set in order for the app to properly recognize them. 
    To get started, you'll need an ID3 editor.  I used this one.
    Before you import the MP3 file into iTunes, open it in the ID3 Editor and adjust the following tags...
    1) Starting on the "Standard" tab, make sure "Enable V2 tag" is checked, and you have something for Title, Artist, Year, Genre ("Podcast").
    2) Still on the "Standard" tab, if "Enable V1 tag" is selected, go ahead and de-select it.
    3) On "Extended" tab, add a date to "Released" in the following format - YYYY-MM-DD
    4) On "Podcast" tab, make sure the "Enable podcast tab" box is checked.  Then, enter any website under "Identifier" and "Feed."  I just used 
    After setting those tags, just click on the "Update" button, and you can now import the file into iTunes, sync with your iDevice, and the Podcasts app should stop acting a fool.

  • I can no longer view my iTunes "sync in progress."  where did this window go, and how do I get it back?

    Hi; I can no longer view my iTunes "sync in progress" window--the window that tells me each thing that is syncing, etc.  Where did it go, and how do I get it back?  Thanks if you can help--I was on the phone with Apple for 7 minutes on hold and then they just cut me off.  (Nice).

    Now, I find myself unable to update my version of Itunes. it asks me if I wish to update the version, I say yes, and then nothing happens.
    With that one, I'd try updating using an iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe) installer file, downloaded from the Apple Website:

  • "Itunes sync. 55 items could not be synced. See itunes for more information

    I am having problems syncing songs from cds onto my ipod from itunes.
    I upload a cd onto my itunes account and it clearly works there and plays but when I plug in my ipod and click and drag the songs onto my device, itunes makes a weird noise and a message shows up on my ipod saying “Itunes sync. 56 items could not be synced. See itunes for more information” And, of course, there’s never anything on itunes to help me.
    Last time I did this, three of the 25 songs from the cd I wanted synced played on my ipod, and none of the others. Sometimes, if I do this enough, over the course of a few weeks, I can get the whole CD onto my ipod.
    The weirdest part is that the songs show up on my Ipod, but they are shaded over almost and cannot be played. It’s irritating.
    My Ipod is 4G and is in need of the latest update, but last time I updated my Ipod, all the songs were deleted and I had to resync all of them…so you can see why I’m hesitant to do this.
    My Itunes on the other hand, is all up to date.
    I just want my music please!

    Were they purchased with the SAME Apple ID you have registered the phone with?

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