Itunes track links via chapters in garageband

i have produced a lengthly podcast enhanced for itunes playback (chapters, images, lnks). 50% is narrative and 50% musical excerpts. i tried to link each audio excerpt via the chapter to itunes (using itunes linkage code) so people could buy the track if they enjoyed while listening to podcast, etc. but i am finding that itunes track linkage is not working or even showing up. i can link to web pages but just not to itunes tracks specifically. is this an itunes bug or what? any suggestions? (btw, i am using garageband 3 to assemble podcast)

I believe Final renders the file to 48KHz on import. I haven't used final cut in a long time but you shouldn't have to re-render at every edit but I could be wrong. Probably best to ask this in the final cut thread.

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    Just to follow up with a more comprehensive example of looping through a Library to detect & repair "missing" file-tracks:
    property kErrAENoSuchObject:(-1728)
    on run
    tell (application "iTunes")
    set theLibraryPlaylist to (first library playlist)
    tell theLibraryPlaylist
    set theNumCandidateFileTracks to (count (every file track))
    repeat with i from 1 to theNumCandidateFileTracks by 1
    -- Get a reference to this file-track
    set thisFileTrackRef to (file track i)
    -- Get this file-track's info (useful for debugging, etc.)
    set thisArtist to (artist of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisAlbum to (album of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisName to (name of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisFileTrackInfo to (thisArtist & " > " & thisAlbum & " > " & thisName)
    -- Display a diagnostic message every 500th file-track
    if ((i mod 500) = 0) then
    tell me
    display dialog ("Checking file-track #" & i & ": " & ¬
    return & return & thisFileTrackInfo) ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "•"} giving up after 2.5
    end tell -- me
    end if
    -- Retrieve this file-track's target file (an AS 'alias' object), if any
    -- {!!! NOTE: Due to a bug in iTunes 7.x+ (esp. when downloading), AS might
    -- be unable to access the 'location' field of some file-tracks !!!}
    set thisFileTrackTargetFile to (location of thisFileTrackRef)
    on error errMsg2 number errNum2
    -- Check whether it's that bizarre error: (-1728) "Can't get location of …"
    if (errNum2 = (kErrAENoSuchObject of me)) then
    -- Set up to just skip this track (assume it's being downloaded)
    set thisFileTrackTargetFile to (anything) -- (Other than 'missing value')
    else (* Re-signal all other errors *)
    error errMsg2 number errNum2
    end if
    end try
    -- Check whether this file-track is "missing" its target file
    if (thisFileTrackTargetFile = (missing value))
    -- Inform the user
    tell me
    display dialog ("Repairing this missing file-track: " & ¬
    return & return & thisFileTrackInfo) ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "•"} giving up after 2.5
    end tell -- me
    -- Set up this target file's new pathname (e.g., via explicit user input, or
    -- better yet automatically reconstructed from this file-track's tags such
    -- as Artist, Album, Name, Kind, etc.)
    -- ... Translate this file-track's kind into a filename-extension
    set thisKind to (kind of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisNameExt to "m4a" -- ... Default
    if ({thisKind} is in {("Protected AAC audio file")}) then -- Older DRM'd file
    set thisNameExt to "m4p"
    else if ({thisKind} is in {("MPEG audio file")}) then -- MP3
    set thisNameExt to "mp3"
    else if (thisKind contains "movie file") then -- E.g., interactive booklet
    set thisNameExt to "mov"
    end -- (thisKind = "MPEG audio file") ... else if ... else ...
    -- ... Auto-build this target file's new pathname
    set thisTargetFileNewPathname to ("New Disk:New Path:" & ¬
    thisArtist & ":" & thisAlbum & ":" & thisName & "." & thisNameExt)
    -- Assign this new target file (as an AS 'alias' object) to this file-track
    -- (This is the crucial step that was impossible in older versions of iTunes!)
    set (location of thisFileTrackRef) to (alias thisTargetFileNewPathname)
    end if -- (thisFileTrackTargetFile = (missing value))
    end repeat -- with i from 1 to theNumCandidateFileTracks by 1
    end tell -- theLibraryPlaylist
    end tell -- (application "iTunes")
    end run

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    Signed - an Apple computer user since 1982, Gojirasan.
    Message was edited by: gojirasan

    gojirasan wrote:
    I backed up all my music files the prescribed way via the iTunes support article to a different, external hard drive.
    i'm guessing you mean this article:
    unfortunately, this will only backup your media files but not the heart of your library, the iTunes library file. in the library file, location of the media files, playcounts, ratings, etc. are stored.
    How else can I do this???
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    To Fix your issue, try to override monitor rule of KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via task – Red (>5%) and also rule of KHI: Too many failed message tracking requests via task – Yellow (>3%)
    Also you can refer below link
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    Hi Littlemee,
    Try iTunes Calling from the link on this page
    11:11 PM Sunday; July 30, 2006

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    Have a look at Doug's AppleScripts, there are a couple in there to help you identify and delete duplicates: Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes

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    This could be logged by linking to an intermediate page on your own site.
    For example (if your server supports PHP), you could link to instead of a direct link to
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    header("Location: $_GET[url]");
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    Then you may be much better off posting your question in the ExportPDF forum,

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    I am not sure there is a way to do that, but if it is possible you need Apple's help. Contact with iTunes Store support ->

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