Iwatermark insert copyright symbol

I have downloaded iwatermark. I can add text, but I can't seem to put a copyright symbol (C in circle), anyone know how? I tried to copy and paste one from Word, but it wont paste into the text box.

Beowolf1 wrote:
I have downloaded iwatermark. I can add text, but I can't seem to put a copyright symbol (C in circle), anyone know how? I tried to copy and paste one from Word, but it wont paste into the text box.
Try option-G (©).

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Hazlett ([email protected]):
    --- No dice<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    oops, it did work perfectly. Thanks!!

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    Or you can try option (alt or ⌥) + G to type ©.
    For future reference, enable the keyboard viewer;
    System Preferences > Language and Text > Input Sources tab. Top of the left column, tick (check) "Keyboard and Character Viewer", Bottom of window next to search field, tick "Show input menu in menu bar"
    System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard tab; tick "show keyboard and character viewers in menu bar"
    All the standard diacritical marks and common symbols can be accessed directly from the standard keyboard. ü is produced by pressing alt (option) + U, release them and type U. Similarly é is alt+e, followed by e.
    If you open Keyboard Viewer and press the alt (option) key, the location of the marks will be revealed. Note that five of them are highlighted in orange; these are the ones which can be used with multiple  letters (acute, umlaut, gràve, circumflex and tilde)
    Shift+Alt will show more.
    These are the results of holding down option and shift+option for a standard UK keyboard (US is similar, but a few keystrokes are reversed)

  • How can I insert the copyright symbol

    How can I insert the copyright symbol, I have tried the ALT + 0169 with no success.
    I want to include in a watermark brush

    Did you use the the alpha-numeric keys, the ones on the right of the keyboard?
    You can also get it (WINDOWS) via the character map:
    Type character map into the search box. You will find the symbol there. Select it, then copy, then paste into your document.

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    - NOT a meta data question --
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    Thank you!

    © Option G © Option G © Option G
    Also open International Pref Pane. Check "Show input menu in menu bar" at bottom of the Input Menu tab window. Among the keyboard layouts, input methods and palettes turn on the Character Palett and Keyboard Viewer. Now they will be available from a menu extra near the clock.

  • HELP! Copyright symbol not displaying properly!

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    Can I assume that you either copied this straight from word or pasted the text into Design View?
    If you go into the code view, you will probably see the diamond symbols there too. For the copyright symbols:
    �� Copyright 2012 New England Adventure, LLC. All rights reserved.
    Replace with:
    &copy; Copyright 2012 New England Adventure, LLC. All rights reserved.
    For your bullets, you can either modify what you have or change it to an unordered list which is the correct way to display such information.
    To change to unordered list, select the bulleted text and in the Dreamweaver menu go Insert > HTML > Text objects > Unordered List.
    In code view you should see each line now has <li> around it.
    To replace what you have, remove the symbols in code view and replace with &bull;
    �Ģ Meals: Four Breakfasts and two Dinners<br />
    Replace with:
    &bull; Meals: Four Breakfasts and two Dinners<br />
    For your em dash:
    Insert > HTML > Special Characters > Em-Dash
    add &mdash; in code view.
    As for the footer, it seems to be a basic spacing issue. This can be amended several ways - increasing the width of the div/table cell, decreasing the font size, removing margins/padding etc. Or it could simply be caused by the additional diamond symbols on the copyright.

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    Message title was edited by: Brett N

    In elements 10, if your on a windows machine and when using the Type Tool, you can press the keyboard shortcut Alt+0169 from the numeric keypad to insert a copyright symbol.
    On a mac i believe it would be Option+G
    There is also a copyright symbol in the custom shapes>symbols preset
    As far as i know pse 11 is the same.

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    You do not HAVE to put a © symbol on each photo. If you own the photos, you hold the copyright. However, nothing stops a viewer from downloading the photo and using it without your permission.
    To protect yourself there are alternatives: put a ©2013 by ME in the description of each photo. Always add your copyright notice to the metadata in every photo.
    I once had several of my photos taken off the internet and then used in a commercial catalog without my permission. I was outraged, the catalog company was naive, and in the end I received $100 compensation and an apology. - Fabini

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    The user may include © (Copyright) symbol in the goal section (performance management module) and save it to oracle.
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    But, when i run the XML publisher report, getting the error "The webpage cannot be found"
    Its happening only when there is a non-ascii characters like copyright symbol. Otherwise, it is working fine.
    How to resolve this? Please share your ideas.

    Thanks for your reply Duncan.
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    >can u pls tell me more about Character Map !
    Character Map is a standard part of Windows, which is a vital tool in
    adding characters you cannot type.
    >I know about All Programs → Accessories → System Tools, and you will see Character Map
    That's what I mean.
    >But this will help a little bit, because i have 330 words with that missing symbol, and i have to stay all day to arrange it on every phrase.
    If Character Map works, there is hope. But why do you need to take any
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  • Best way to insert Degree symbol?

    I have an inspection form set up for restaurant/health inspectors.    Often times during an inspection they need to enter temperatures of food and like to use the degree symbol.    They're running this form on a convertible tablet pc, so a normal keyboard is not available to them in tablet mode and when in laptop mode using the combination of ALT+0176 that's still a PITA because the keyboard doesn't have full number pad and the people using this form aren't the most computer literate people out there to be able to activate the Function keys to endable number pad keys and then enter an ASCII code many times during an inspection.
    I was looking for suggestion on how to inforporate something into the form to assist in entering the degree symbol in any text field they are in at the position of the cursor.
    The idea's I've though of are:
    1.) A command button that inserts the symbol, but I'm afraid clicking the button would lose focus of the destination field and there'd need to be a lot of scripting to remember which field was the last one they were in to insert it in the correct one.
    2.) A Button or On Load event which somehow inserts the degree symbol into the Windows clipboard, but during the course of an inspection they might copy and paste something else thus clearing it out.
    3.) Some kind of auto-replace of text.  Not sure if that's possible in an adobe form.  E.g. if they type 'deg.' have the form auto replace it to '°'.
    4.) A special key press.  Not sure if Adobe can listen to a special key sequence not used by Adobe and Windows, say CTRL + D which when pressed inserts a degree symbol in the current location.  
    5.) Any way to place a special icon on Adobe's tool bar to insert the degree symbol at the currently location?
    Those were some ideas I'm thinking of.  Many are probably dead ends.   If you had this problem, how would you approach it?

    Magnus, thanks for not giving up on this yet.   In your last post that is making some progress, but there's also some con's too.
    1.) That's running off of an 'On Exit' even which inserts the ºF at the end of the text.   In some cases that would work, but it others it would not work, like in this text field example of real data:      "White fish was a 51°F.  *Corrected* Witnessed manager throw away fish."    
    With your proposed java, that would put the °F at the end of the line when it needs to be in the middle of the line.
    2.) Many types of written text can be put in these fields.  Not every scenario would involve a temperature, so having it pop up your popupmenu might get in their way when it is not needed.
    What I'm thinking needs to be done is to somehow insert the °F exactly wherever the cursor is at the time when it is triggered to do so (how to trigger it?).   
    On an On Exit event searcingh for and replacing the text they have entered.   Perhaps replace ' deg' with '°F' so that if they type:
          "White fish was a 51 deg.  *Corrected* Witnessed manager throw away fish."
    When the On Exit fires it replace deg with °F so that the text field now reads:
          "White fish was a 51°F.  *Corrected* Witnessed manager throw away fish."

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    If you just want a textual watermark with a copyright sign, simply paste the sign in as part of the watermark's text.

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    Just set the nls_charset.zip in classpath and then try to insert into db.I think it might not be a problem with database.(note. if u insert euro character it will be reside in db, as some format but u retrive it and stream it thru servlet it will be displayed in the browser properly, if u write using printwriter then it might give "?" / "O" in browser. refer http://www.inter-locale.com/faq/blacksquares.jsp).

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