IWeb & iDVD

I just purchased my new iMac and brought it home. Looking forward to creating a movie with iMovie and iDVD, i discovered that iDVD nor iWeb is installed on the machine! However the website clearly shows that iLife 11 is included on every new iMac, which lists, iPHoto, iMovie, Garageband, iDVD, & iWeb as being contained in iLife 11!!!!   What's going on?

i have the same problem as yours, it is very frustrating especialy with a DEADLINE and the project is already paid.. i just purchased a mac, i am a new user.. i find it amazing and all, but i cannot copy my videos to a dvd because i dont have idvd!! i became so frustrated over it.. and i tried all the forums and apple support, only to find-out there is no telephone support for the Philippines.. what should we do about it?? HOW can you import imedia to idvd if you dont have idvd?!!! I purchased my macbook pro in its full priced yet my software ilife'11 is not complete.. in apple store, if you purchase the ilife'11 os the iweb and idvd is bundled, i already paid for the package pre-installed why don't i have those?! and why dont we have a dvd copy of our softwares?!! i REALLY REALLY REALLY need to import my videos so i could keep my projects because it is already paid.. PLEASE PLEASE HELP! i dont even know where to contact support for my mac... i hope you understand and you could help...

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  • Fixed: crashes on iWeb &iDVD fixed!!

    By uninstalling "Flip4Mac" all of the freeze problems that I had with iWeb, iDVD, and GarageBand have been eliminated! The iLife 06 Suite works flawlessly now!.
    Flip4Mac is the windows media plugin for Quicktime, and the uninstaller is located in the Flip4Mac folder in the apps folder.

    Rather than cross post I'd thought I'd include this pointer regarding crashing iApps such as Garageband and components 3ivx, Divx, Flip4Mac in Quicktime so we can keep it all "under one roof" as a Quicktime thread. All the above are Quicktime Components.

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    I fixed my problem by rebuilding the Launch Services database and restarting Finder. I also had to delete the lo-res icons from the dock and grab new ones from the Applications folder.

  • Is Apple about to introduce a replacement for iWeb?? and where can I download iWeb to replace the one I lost??

    Having spent a little time searching for a replacement download for iWeb (details of why below)  it seems that I cannot find it anywhere in Apple Land.  From my limited experience here (iphone,  macbook pro, airport extreme and airport express)  it looks like Apple gradually withdraws stuff prior to introducing something really exciting  to replace it.
    Question:   Is there a new super replacement for iWeb about to be introduced?  
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    Question:  can you confirm that the iweb programme will be on one of the disks that came with the machine?   (they are 100 miles away so I will have to wait, unless there is an easier way)
    Sorry,  rambling a bit.
    Hope you can help out there

    The iWeb application was specifically created to be used with .Mac and then MobileMe and Apple withdrew support for iWeb several months ago, when it was announced that MobileMe would be no longer and would be replaced by iCloud.  MobileMe ceased at the end of June this year and has been replaced by iCloud, that does not offer web hosting, so no need for iWeb.
    Apple stopped selling iWeb in its stores several months ago and has withdrawn support for iWeb, so no, you won't find either iWeb or iDVD for sale in the Mac App Store because Apple no longer sells it.
    You cannot download iWeb, so if you want iWeb, you will have to purchase the iLife 11 boxed set from Amazon and this contains iWeb 09 which is the latest version of iWeb.  Apple does not sell this either.
    If your Mac was running Snow Leopard, then it would have come with installation CD's, so yes, you should be able to re-load the whole of the iLife series, which includes iWeb, iDVD and iPhoto back onto your Mac running Mountain Lion.  You did not need to make an additional purcahse of iPhoto from the Mac App Store - you could have re-loaded from these CD's.  The only place you will get a refund is by contacting the Mac App Store. Nobody here can help you with that.
    So if you want iWeb back, check to see if it is on you installation CD's - it should be if you have a Mac running Snow Leopard and put it back on your Mac from there.  If not, then your only option is to purchase the iLife 11 boxed set from Amazon and you can load iWeb from there.
    As Apple no longer supports iWeb and there is no MobileMe any longer, then there are unikely to be any further updates to the programme and nothing else will come along.  You can still use the app though if you have it and it works with Mountain Lion, however, there may come a time when it won't work with future iOS updates, so it would pay you to look at the alternatives out there which are many and varied.  Take a look at RapidWeaver, Sandvox, Freeway Pro/Express, Flux 4 etc.  You can download free trials of most and some are for sale in the Mac App Store.
    Also, please be advised that this is a user to user forum and everyone here who replies to you is a user, so you are not talking directly to Apple here.
    Give Apple feedback directly by going to http://www.apple.com/feedback.

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    As, Roddy has mentioned. You will need to install iWeb from an iLife DVD either iLife '09 or iLife '11 (both have the same version of iWeb & iDVD).
    Installation of iWeb

  • Media Browser in iWeb not showing Photos

    I have read through many of the threads on here from people who seem to have the same problem and tried many of the suggestions, but still do not seem to have improved matters.
    I have the message saying that I need to open iPhoto 2 or later. I am running iPhoto 6 and iWeb 1.1.2. I have an iBook G4 with 1GB Ram.
    I know it is nothing to do with the little dot and I have also tried deleting various preference files.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I am having the same problem in Pages 2, Keynote 3, iWeb, iDVD, iMovie ....etc.
    iTunes and iMovie's material will show in the Media Browser in all the above apps. But iPhoto will not. If I move the iPhoto Library to my desktop and open iPhoto it will ask me to build a new library. I do, and in all the above apps I can see iPhoto and the library tree. If I grad some of the picture in the Originals folder on my desktop and put it into the new iPhoto library, it imports them just fine and then I open Pages 2 (Media Browser and there is the iPhoto tree.
    Sounds like a solution right? Nope!
    When I got back and import the rest of the photos from the Original folder on my desktop the Media Browser "loses" or drops the tree and I am left with the Message, "Open iPhoto 2......"
    I then deleted the new iPhoto library, keeping my Originals on the desktop and created yet another blank library, opened Pages 2 or Keynote 3 and again I can see the iPhoto tree.
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    I have found no reason or particular file to be causing this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this a Media Broswer error or iPhoto? iWeb?
    I ran the test each time by completely opening and closing Pages and iPhoto. I am running iPhoto 6.0.6 and Pages 2.0.2
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   I

  • Where do i download iweb from?

    where do i download iweb from?

    When you get to Installation Type: Click on the customize button at the bottom
    Here the installation will allow you to choose which applications to install.
    Select iWeb & click install. (iDVD can be installed at this point if you want. In that case you would select iWeb & iDVD then click install)
    After the install is complete run “Software Update” from the apple menu or the app store. There will be some updates for iWeb/iDVD to allow them to work with the other iLife apps

  • Fixed: iWeb crashes eliminated

    By uninstalling "Flip4Mac" all of the freeze problems that I had with iWeb, iDVD, and GarageBand have been eliminated! The iLife 06 Suite works flawlessly now!.
    Flip4Mac is the windows media plugin for Quicktime, and the uninstaller is located in the Flip4Mac folder in the apps folder.
    Dual 2.5 G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   5 gb ram

    My hunch is that the crash happens with people who have AVIs in their Movie folder or are otherwise using AVIs.
    Someone might try moving their AVIs and that might fix the problem until the Flip4Mac fix the AVI conflict (if that's the issue).

  • Can someone help me with iWeb.

    i bought a MBP, but i dont see there is a application called iweb in my computer??  i dont know why??
    my version is 10.7.3  
    can anyone give me a link of iweb application, so i can download it.
    or tell me where can i download it,  please,, 

    Apple no longer sells iWeb.
    You can still purchase a box set of iLife '09 or '11 you need the actual DVD in order to install the latest version of iWeb
    iLife '11 [OLD VERSION]
    iLife '09 [OLD VERSION]
    the '09 is cheaper than the '11 & is the latest version of iWeb/iDVD you can purchase
    "I may receive compensation for recommendations made in reference to the products or services in my links."

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    iphoto its pictures are still on your computer under the pictures folder.. it will be one file that says iphoto library. Its a separate file from the actual program.
    If you still have the disks that came with your unit they have the ilife applications on them. put the disk in your drive that says mac os x applications dvd. it will auto mount and there should be a folder called bundled software open this and there should be a .pkg file to reinstall the ilife suite which includes imovie iphoto iweb idvd and garageband .  After installing don't forget before runnig the program run software updates to download the any fixes
    if you r unit has disks labeled disk one and disk 2.. you need to boot off of disk one and choose install bundled software.
    I believe there is a KB article through apple.com/support

  • Can't open Preferences System in Leopard

    good Day everybody
    Last night, i tried to switch to Mail , but i get a message error that said that it crashes on start up , so i tried to switch to iCal but it wont start too, and even for garageband iMovie iphoto iWeb , iDVD . Any of them would start up. I get a message error of crash. So i look for the console to see what 's wrong. And today i entered the preference system to change screensaver option and when i click on "Desktop and screensavers" i got the message error "impossible to load desktop and screensaver preference tab".
    Process:         Mail [1133]
    Path:            /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail
    Identifier:      com.apple.mail
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Build Info:      Mail-9360000~1
    Code Type:       PPC (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [61]
    Interval Since Last Report:          86143 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           16
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  0 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   5
    Date/Time:       2011-09-22 15:08:21.807 +0000
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)
    Report Version:  6
    Anonymous UUID:  525A49FF-5106-4DD8-93A1-DC3CD3B34A12
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000008fe0105c
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeMediaBrowser.framework/Versions/A/iLifeM ediaBrowser
      Referenced from: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail
      Reason: image not found
    When i switch to GarageBand or iMovie or iDVD or iWEb , it says the samething.
    Please any advice will be really really reaallllllllllly helpful. The one thing i would hear is that i will have to reinstall the operating system , cause i loose the DVD install of Tiger.      

    As this sounds more like an OS10.5 software issue than a hardware problem at this point, you might want to post in the forum dedicated to that system software here:

  • Projects "Shared to Media Browser" don't actually appear in Media Browser

    Hello all. I've got one of those "it seems so easy I must be doing something wrong" questions. (I accidentally posted this in the iMovie HD forum by accident, the first time. I'm actually using iMovie '08.)
    This is the first time I've tried this, and I can't seem to get it to work. I've made a bunch of projects in iMovie that I now want to bring into iDVD. I've started "Sharing" them to the Media Browser, but they're not showing up there. Doesn't matter which other iLife app I use to look -- iWeb, iDVD, GarageBand all do the same thing -- when I look in the "Movies" section, iMovie is there, as are all the Events in my Event Library, but from the screen shots I've looked at, I think the "Shared" iMovie projects are supposed to show up there, just above the Event Library clips, right? They don't.
    In iMovie, they look "shared" -- the shared projects all have the "row of square boxes" icon next to them, so it looks like something did happen -- but I can't select them in any other iLife app. My next thought is I'll just export them instead of share, and import the files directly from the Finder, no big deal, but I was just wondering if anyone knows why the Media Browser thing isn't working for me?
    I'm using iLife '08 and I have my Movies folder on an external drive (could that be part of the problem?)
    Thanks in advance, everyone, for any assistance you can render.
    Los Angeles, CA

    I've started "Sharing" them to the Media Browser, but they're not showing up there.
    1) Sharing to the "Media Browser" stores the project export file in your named_Project folder. As long as you do not delete (or modify) the project, the file(s) will remain available there.
    2) Your "Media Browser" files should be located under the "Movies" tab at the very top of your "Media" browser list immediately under the "iMovie" heading and not under the "Movies" heading. (I.e., they have the yellow icon as opposed to the purple source "Event" icon.

  • Running OSX and apps on a portable drive

    Hi all, I share an iMac with my family and I do heavy photo editing and takes tons of pictures for a website I'm doing in iWeb.
    My question is how to save hard drive space? I cannot figure a way to make iWeb only use pictures from a portable drive and be able to work with them via iPhoto (and videos via iDVD).
    Is it possible to buy a new external drive, load OSX onto it and run my programs on that portable drive -- and have the files also remain on that drive?
    That way, I wouldn't suck up all the HD space on what is still our family computer

    You can run a separate copy of OSX on the external drive (just use the OSX install disc that came with the computer), but it would be simpler and easier to just store your iPhoto library on the external drive.
    I'm assuming you're using your own user account on the computer that's separate from your other family members. If not, this procedure will move the other family members' photos as well as yours, so you might want to make a separate account if you don't already have one (System Preferences -> Accounts -> click the plus sign to add an account).
    1) Drag the iPhoto Library file (inside your Pictures folder) onto the external drive to copy it.
    2) Open up iPhoto while holding the Option key
    3) In the resulting dialog box, choose the iPhoto Library on the external drive. If it isn't in the list, choose Other Library and find the file on the external drive.
    All your apps that work from the iPhoto library (iWeb, iDVD, etc) should now use the copy on the external drive.

  • Recently did an update, and a restart, now iphoto gives me this error message when I try to open it You can't open the application iPhoto because it may be damaged or incomplete' how can I 'repair' or replace missing files?? Thanks!!

    I have an imac with snow leopard and really wish there was a how to database in the computer for this !!! I still love this computer tho.  Thanks in advance for any help!!

    iphoto its pictures are still on your computer under the pictures folder.. it will be one file that says iphoto library. Its a separate file from the actual program.
    If you still have the disks that came with your unit they have the ilife applications on them. put the disk in your drive that says mac os x applications dvd. it will auto mount and there should be a folder called bundled software open this and there should be a .pkg file to reinstall the ilife suite which includes imovie iphoto iweb idvd and garageband .  After installing don't forget before runnig the program run software updates to download the any fixes
    if you r unit has disks labeled disk one and disk 2.. you need to boot off of disk one and choose install bundled software.
    I believe there is a KB article through apple.com/support

  • Can I copy macbook library to imac?

    My itunes account is on my Macbook pro where i sync my iphone, etc.
    I can share this library to my imac but this doesn't allow me to use that music within iweb, idvd, etc.
    I copied the tunes and the associated files to the imac but a message saying i was not authorised to play this music prevented me from using it. Am i trying the impossible (or immoral?) and is there a solution.

    Songs purchased on the iTunes Store can be copied to an unlimited number of computers. However, only five computers at a time can play your iTunes DRM-protected music.
    See this: http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store/authorization/

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