IWeb pages appear different on different machines

i've tested my site on both my mac and PC and it appears exactly as i would want it, however, when other people view it from their PC's it becomes enlarged and too big for the screen. Any ideas as to what might cause this?

Most likely it is the font. What happens is that many websites out there force internet explorer to change its font size automatically, and that affects websites browsed after the fact as it attempts to force font sizes onto each website you visit. Images also I've noticed on Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows in the Apple website occasionally appear bigger than normal. Unless you specify the number of pixels in your HEIGHT and WIDTH tags an image should be when using it, you may get some odd side effects in terms of the size of the image if you get proportional values. I prefer when publishing my website to entirely drop the image HEIGHT and WIDTH tags, by editing with a straight forward text editor my HTML files. http://www.barebones.com/ BBEdit and Textwrangler are both great for HTML editing.

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    Try the basic and quick fix of deleting the iWeb preference file, com.apple.iWeb.plist, that resides iny your User/Library/Preferences folder. Then launch iWeb, do a Publish All to MobileMe and see if there's any change.

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    #nav_549633 {
              float: right;
              list-style-type: none;
              padding-top: 5px;
    #nav_549633 li {
              float: left;
              text-align: left;
    #nav_549633 li a {
              text-decoration: none;
              margin: 0 27px 0 0;
              font-size: 13px;
              text-transform: uppercase;
    #nav_549633 li a:hover {
              color: yellow;
    .selected {
              color: green;
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      color: green;
      padding: 20px
      background-color: blue;
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    Can anyone help me?

    Hi Mario,
    Here's the link to my site:
    I have found a solution myself for 2 of the 3 questions i had:
    I have deleted/changed this div: #nav_1371057 li li
    And created a few new ones:
    #nav_1371057 li li a, #nav_1371057 li li a:visited (To control the link en visited link colors in the sub-menu other than the root-menu)
    #nav_1371057 li li a:hover (to control the hover in the sub-menu other than the root-menu if nessesary)
    #nav_1371057 li li.selected a (to control the selected link and let the link change color or bolder like in my case)
    Here are the CSS styles I used:
    #nav_1371057 li li.selected a { /*Dit veranderd de dikte (bold) van de geselecteerde link in het submenu, dus de pagina waar je bent*/
    #nav_1371057 li li a, #nav_1371057 li li a:visited{
    background:  #006;
    #nav_1371057 li li a:hover{
    background:  #999;
    Only thing i can't figure out is how I can change/control the color of the arrow which is black now. And i want to make it blue.

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    Add a counter to your page. It's under the Insert menu.

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    I don't know if it will work, but have you tried setting up a new account on your machine and working with iWeb from it for the different iDisk?

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    Hi James,
    Your response definitely helped me since my boss and I are trying to maintain a website on both of our computers...
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    Thanks for the reply.
    I will review those sites and see what I can find.

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    colored line through the middle of the screen. Is the problem on my

    Yes. You haven't given us a link to the page so we can try to
    help you.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "mrsdark" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fcpaob$cfd$[email protected]..
    > My web page appears correct in Windows 2000 but in XP
    the graphics appear
    > outside of their border and there is a horizontal
    colored line through the
    > middle of the screen. Is the problem on my end?

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    Post a URL to the page please.  The answer is in your code.
    HTML Validator - http://validator.w3.org
    CSS Validator - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
    Video Streaming Tutorials http://www.mediacollege.com/video/streaming/
    Nancy O.

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    Apple - Support - Downloads

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    I am developing a Java Swing application, which launches an external exe.
    Then I am using a Thread to monitor whether the launched exe is running or terminated abruptly by using its PID. If it terminates then the thread shows a msg box.
    Everything works fine in my machine and in few other machines.
    But the same thread stop abruptly on some other machines... and displays the msg box even though the exe is running correctly.
    And I heard thread behaves differently on different CPUs'.
    How to handle this situation??
    Please help.
    This is my code:
    public class SolverPoller implements Runnable
            String solver = null;
            int PID;
             * Constructor to initialise the Thread
             * @param programName - Solver execuatable name
             * @param pid - Process ID of the running solver
            SolverPoller(String programName, int pid)
                solver = programName;
                PID = pid;
                //reset the blnClosedAbruptly
                blnClosedAbruptly = false;
            public void run()
                File deleteFile = null;
                    //if the stored PID and refreshed are same
                    //Continue waiting
                    while(checkPIDOfSolver(String.valueOf(PID), solver))
                        //sleep for a sec
                    //When the solver process terminates
                    //interrupt ProgressBarIncrementer Thread
                    if(Delia.getProcessorType() == 'T')
                        deleteFile = new File("TIP3DSolver.res");
                    else if(Delia.getProcessorType() == 'S')
                        deleteFile = new File("SPLITVISSolver.res");
                        //set it to true, indicating solver terminated abruptly
                        blnClosedAbruptly = true;
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(DentonIntegratedToolApp.getDentonInstance().getFrame().getContentPane(), "Solver terminated abruptly!", "Solver Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                catch(InterruptedException ie)
                catch(Exception e)
                    deleteFile = null;

    I'm not sure if this matters, but it appears that you are calling Swing methods off of the EDT beginning with "progressBar.setValue(0);". What happens if you wrap those calls in a Runnable and call them with SwingUtilities.invokeLater(...)?

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    Thanks and Regards,
    Sameer Joshi

    Hi Raymond,
    Yes it was due to the BADI.
    Thanks for your reply.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sameer Joshi

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    Dear All
    In HumanTasks Workflow, On task details page, I want to add a custom link or button. Clicking on this link or button, should load a different task details page.
    The exact business usecase is like this:
    1. We have some human tasks with very detailed payload like about 100 attributes. When the task is submitted for Approval, we send notification emails. These emails shows the Task Details with all these 100 attributes along with standard Approve, Reject buttons etc. NOW in addition to this, we want to add extra custom button/link like Custom View. When we click on this buton or link, it should replace the task details page with the Custom task details page contents. The reason is most of the managers/approvers access their emails on smart phones like iphones. So in these phones, seeing full task details (100 attributes) is very tedious. So we want to provide a simplified view of same task with very minimum attributes like about 10 with Approve, Reject buttons. Now this compact view details will have a button called Detailed View on click on which it loads details page.
    So we want to have 2 pages for a task:
    taskDetails1.jspx -> Has all 100 attributes with a custom button/link called "Compact View". Click on Compact View switch to below page.
    taskCompact1.jspx -> Has only 10 attributes with a custom button/link called "Detailed View". Click on Detailed View switch to above page.
    1. I tried implementing this using the VacationRequest sample where the payload is like creator, startdate, enddate, reason. I already have taskDetails1.jspx page, which shows this information in the email body.
    2. I want to add another button to taskDetails1.jspx so that when I click on it, I want to load a different page like taskCompact.jspx which has only say creator, reason.
    I already added a link and gave the url with parameters like taskId, taskContext etc which I got from bindings, but nothing is displayed when I click on custom button. The taskId, context values are comming correctly in the url.
    So bottom line, what is the URL that I can provide in the task details page, to load a different task details page contents. I want to pass other taskdetails jsp details.
    Please let me know, if there is any other approach to implement this usecase.
    Thanks in advance
    Ravi Jegga

       I am not sure if you can add your own custom buttons to the application tool bar because your table control is in a sub screen area in a standard screen so the menu area would be controlled by the standard screen and not the subscreen , but along side the table control you can give buttons for scrolling and handle the same in the subscreen if you check the FM EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_002 it has a variable IM_UCOMM which would have the ucomm set in the subscreen so here you can handle your user command to scroll on the table control.

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