Java after installing latest 10.7 ios update

Browser = Firefox.
A business website that I use no longer works right after installing the update.  I read that  Java is the problem.  The functions on the site are not working properly.  How can I uninstall the last update?

MadMAC0 posted at that:
Apple has posted (10/22/12) the approved solution for restoring the Java 6 plug-in:
Java for OS X 2012-006: How to re-enable the Apple-provided Java SE 6 applet plug-in and Web Start functionality.

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      Referenced from: /Applications/iWork '09/
      Expected in: /Library/Application Support/iWork '09/Frameworks/SFArchiving.framework/Versions/A/SFArchiving

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    Path:            /Applications/iWork '09/
    Version:         4.3 (1048)
    Build Info:      Pages-10480000~1
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
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    User ID:         501
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    Report Version:  10
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    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
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    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @rpath/SFCompatibility.framework/Versions/A/SFCompatibility
      Referenced from: /Applications/iWork '09/
      Reason: image not found
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        0x1000 -   0x354fe3 (4.3 - 1048) <3F2BE397-E81E-3355-C0DE-8B0F014E897B> /Applications/iWork '09/
      0x3ec000 -   0x46bff7 (2.7.2 - 546) <24A0A118-874B-3C7C-B50C-C80BED03A15F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeMediaBrowser.framework/Versions/A/iLifeM ediaBrowser
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    Hello Robert,
    First, Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), use Disk Utility from there to Repair Permissions, test if things work OK in Safe Mode.
    Then move these files to the Desktop...
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    Hello Howard,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    You can use the following article to sort your your audio issues on your MacPro:
    Troubleshooting issues with no audio from built-in speakers on Macs
    Jeff D. 

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    I suggest you do one of two things:
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    2. Try the freeware, Libre Office.

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