Java is good for you

Google [ [url=]coffee antioxidants health benefits ].

Actually, I seem to remember that, uh, chicken choking,
was associated with a lessened risk of prostate cancer
later in life. I heard this also but i fail to see how it relates to.
And yet, here I am, tall and not blind (oh, thatwas
another thing I was told :-)Ahh, thats why so many computer geeks wear glasses.:>)
I will say that I drank coffee and I am short with glasses. but I suppose my mom being 5 feet and having glasses didn't exactly give me the genes to be tall without glasses. Oh well life goes on. :>)

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    Any ideas what java is good for?? I mean in what area
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    thanksI'd stick to J2EE. That's the best area to concentrate in.
    That should narrow things down a bit. ;)

  • Java: Any good?

    Hello, I'd just like to know if anyone could recommend any good Java books to read. I'm quite competent in programming in C, although I haven't really done much C++. As far as I know, Java is good for writing programs that can be run on most platforms without rebuilding, although it is relatively slow compared to an equivalent C program.
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    The thing is, I actually started programming in Visual Basic (Oh the tragedy) and soon got to know all the little niggles that makes it difficult to write anything like efficient code.
    I'm not a fan of VB, but it does have it's use; especially in the area of rapid prototyping (and converting the world into dedicated drones that follow the queen bee found in the Gates of Bill)...ahem...sorry, flashback, must remind myself that resistence is NOT futile.
    The main reason I'd like to get into Java is because I've written a few programs in C for Windows that could (should) work on other platforms to do tasks centered around file format conversion.
    Sounds like a perfect reason to use Java. Like I said earlier, knowing which tool to use for a given set of circumstances is key.
    Given that there are security restrictions on what Java can and can't do, I'm wondering if it's worth bothering, or should I simply focus on making fully portable (Headers and all) C code.
    Technically, there aren't any "security restrictions on what Java can and can't do". You may be speaking of the sand-box associated with applets. However, the "restrictions" are configurable. Rights may be granted to Java programs (including applets if they are signed) to do pretty much anything usefull. Another very huge ++ for Java. In fact, I wish Sun would call it security considerations rather restrictions since it gives consideration to the needs/desires of the targets of your code. In other words, I can say "Hey buddy, I like your nice little file conversion utility, but I'm not gonna allow you to violate my private parts...Ryan" I go again with the flashbacks.

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    Good for you. Getting rid of un-needed material is an excellent way to free up disk capacity. And backing up to an external FW HDD or archiving on CD or DVD, conserves more space. The graphic interface permits quite sophisticated filing systems so that even if one has a lot of data is can be organized in a way so it can be easily accessed. For example I have on major folder called DATA, in which I have nested folders, one of which e.g. is Financial. In this I have other Folders such as Taxes, Investments etc. The investment folder can is further broken into the Brokerage firms, and each of those in individual accounts, and each account with Bought and Sold for transaction statements. In this way, even with large masses of data it is easily accessible if you know exactly where it should be. Of course, every now and then something gets saved in the wrong place and that breaks the monotony trying to find it.
    Incidentally, in your first sentence you said,"reduced the space on my hard drive from 2.6GB to 11GB!" I think you meant it the other way around (I hope).
    Good luck.

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    Microsoft really insists on trusting its programs, not Java'sDo you trust Microsoft?
    (see the installiation guide for Win2K: 'Java cannot be used for medical, technical (for example handling
    the nuclear enterprises) ...'), so I don't know what to do. The nuclear bit is in the Java license ("You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility.") I think it's probably either a result of US law requiring some certification or other for software used in nuclear facilities, or a preemptive move by Sun to forestall possible lawsuits.
    The JVM is stable, probably more so than .NET since it's older, and should be suitable for your use, based on the description so far. The things you need to worry about are primarily personnel and hardware configuration (i.e. disabling virtual mem).

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    Edited by: sdnhelp on Jul 15, 2009 1:50 PM
    Edited by: sdnhelp on Jul 15, 2009 1:51 PM
    Edited by: sdnhelp on Jul 15, 2009 1:51 PM

    you can choose PI of netweaver.

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    I can recommend "Java and XML" from O'Reilly. It's a very good book.

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    1. Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive (8th Edition)
    2. Core Java(TM), Volume I--Fundamentals (8th Edition)
    Or others?
    I haven't any programming experience!
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    This is the set of often recommended resources:
    [Sun's basic Java tutorial|]
    [Sun's New To Java Center|]
    Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    [Yawmarks List|]
    [The Java Developers Almanac|]
    Bruce Eckel's [Thinking in Java(Available online.)|]
    Joshua Bloch's [Effective Java|]
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's [Head First Java|]
    James Gosling's [The Java Programming Language|]
    Gosling is the creator of Java. It doesn't get much more authoritative than this.
    Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter [Java Puzzlers.|]

  • Say good-bye to pirated computer games. Reasons for you to buy generic games!

    Found this article!
    It is totally true. So many benefits of generic games!!
    Please check its source here for more picture reference:
    One of major reasons for most people installing pirated games is because they want to save money. However, they are wrong! If they play it wisely, purchasing generic games can be much cheaper!
    Thanks to this digital era; nowadays you can buy and download almost all games from internet. There are several major gaming platforms. Biggest ones are Steam, Uplay, and Origin.
    Steam is the biggest digital platform which houses thousands of games in more than 237 countries and in 21 different languages. Uplay started with Ubisoft games like Assassin’s Creed series and now expands to a much wider range of games. Origin, on the other hand, is (currently) purely for EA games.
    You can literally find so many game discounts EVERYDAY on these game platforms. Moreover, every now and then, they have big sales as well. For example, last month Steam had its holiday big sales which had more than 5554 games on sale!
    It is common to see many, many 90% off, 75% off, 60% off… You need to be very self-constrained before you put too many games in your Shopping Cart! Haha!
    Another good thing is that games in digital format do drop in prices.
    In Steam, it is common that after a couple of months of its launch, a game will start to have discount, and then it will drop in prices. For example, when Thief was first launched in 2014, the price was US$59.99. But if you check it on Steam, its price now already dropped to US$29.99.
    If you go to a retail shop and want to buy a box version of this game, the price will probably still be close to US$59.99.
    On the other hand, if you buy pirated games. It could cost more.
    Pirated games usually charges by number of DVDs, and one DVD costs around US$3.
    Because of nice visual graphic, it is common to see games exceed 15GB—which will requires roughly 3 DVDs or more. One DVD cost $3; in another word, you need to pay $9 for one game.
    Some games, for example, The Evil Within, requires more than 38.6GB of disk space. It will need, I’m not sure, maybe more than 8 DVDs? Which means US$24??
    What I usually do is to add games in Wish List. When the game is on sales, Steam will send me email, and I will be able to track if I am satisfied with the discount percentage or not. Easy!
    This is easy. No one will argue that almost all, if not all, pirated games (or software) have malware hidden inside! There is no free meal. If you want to save money, you need to trade in something else.
    I am not sure how those virus will do to me, but I don’t want it secretly downloading some funny stuff from internet, and definitely I don’t want my credit card or other personal info be stolen!
    Many games support cloud sync, meaning that you can go to any computer and start a game from where it left.
    It is quite convenient. I have two laptops for home and office. When I go to a business trip, I can still continue my games from my work laptop.
    In Steam, if you see a small cloud icon in front of games, it mean that the game supports cloud sync. The function works quite well!
    If you play pirated Battlefield 4 or Titanfall (and many others), say good-bye to team mode~
    Quite a number of games—especially EA games— require you to connect to game server via internet in order to play in multiplayer mode.
    If you want to play with friends or want to challenge other games, buy generic games!
    Many games have DLC packs which allow you to equip with different weapons, outfit, or special items. Sometime, pre-purchased games give you these for free.
    Well, no such benefits in pirated versions.
    How to install a game? You just need to click a “DOWNLOAD” button and then worry free. After installed, the game will update automatically; so you will always have the latest version of the game.
    Currently I have more than 140 games in Steam and many others in Uplay and Origin. I have quite a sense of fulfillment to see all those game icons in one place.
    Years ago when there is no those digital platforms, you need to keep your game DVDs (or VCDs) well. Once lost, then bye-bye to the game. The same applies to pirated games that cannot comply with game platform.
    If you own generic games, you will never lose them! You can change as many computers as you like; you can un-install games; you can buy-it-and-forget-it; you can keep games for generation for your grand-children. Those games will always be there waiting for you.
    Once you want to put your hands on the games again, you just need to click “DOWNLOAD” button, and the game will alive once again!

    So long, and thanks for contributing, in your way.

  • I will never order one because i got an i pod 3 g i have not had it long and it wont turn off or on or charge i cant believe that you would try  to sell me something when the one i have now is good for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho

    i will never order one because i got an i pod 3 g i have not had it long and it wont turn off or on or charge i cant believe that you would try  to sell me something when the one i have now is good for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do i talk to someone about it i called the 1800 # with no luck i would like to e mail someone!!!

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iPod fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.

  • Dear MrRandy Happy new year to you all!Good lucky for you every day!

    Dear Mr.Randy Thanks for your help!In the new sheep year,good lucky for you every day.The dream you think that you can true.Thanks

    Thank you.

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    is the ipod shuffle or nano good for exercise if you just use the clip on the unit, and connect to your shorts?  if so, does it feel like it's too loose, might fall off?

    I often use my shuffle while exercising, cleaning, and just generally going about my day. Never once has it come unclipped exept for when I got the earbud cord caught on something and got said earbuds yanked out of my ears. I have permanently solved that problem by simply running the cord under my shirt. Works like a charm! I can't answer you about the nano, though I'd say it has a higher likelihood of coming off as it is a bit heavier.

  • SAPGUI Java 6.40r6 for OS X on Intel Mac - no good

    hi everbody
    just received our first iMac with Intel inside. installed all our standard applications to find out if they all work. well, they do, except SAP.
    when opening the latest SAPGUI for Java 6.40rev6 for OS X I get the error:
    Cannot load shared library 'JPlatin' or some dependent library: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no JPlatin in java.library.path
    i can click ok, the sap logon window appears but i can not connect. When looking at the console i see a lot of errors reported.
    anything i can do to get this working or is a "mac os x intel-version" of the client on the way already?

    The SAPgui for Java uses <b>JNI</b> (Java Native Interface, see <a href=""></a>) to call code written in C or C++. On an Intel-based Mac, the libraries called via <b>JNI</b> need to be compiled for the Intel processor - libraries compiled for the PowerPC processor are not handled by Rosetta. (See Apple's explanation at <a href=""></a>).
    SAP is aware of the problem. I understand that they are working on a solution.

  • Can I use Java Web Start for my situation?

    Hi, we have a client/server application we're about to deploy to many customers, and I'm wondering if we can make use of JWS and/or JNLP. Here's our situation:
    - The server has a database and a small java application (running as a service) which runs scheduled tasks.
    - Clients connect to the database (server) and search/manage data; we've packaged the client so that it appears as an exe (on windows) or as a native Mac application.
    1) On a regular basis (usually overnight) the small task scheduler application on the server will connect (via internet) to our company database and download any upgrade. It then stores it in the local server (in a database blob), and needs to overwrite and restart itself (a download could include an update to the task scheduler program itself). There could be a new task in the update that alters data in the database.
    2) Whenever a client connects to the database, it first checks to see if there is any update (a new jar), and if there is we want to get it onto the local machine, stop & restart automatically, with no user intervention.
    (a) The clients will normally be on an internal lan with no internet access.
    (b) The client computers are often switched on and applications start automatically, so the auto-update process needs to be unattended.
    (c) We'll assume that we'll install the client and server with sufficient disk access to update themselves, regardless of who's logged in. Since this application runs on both Mac & windows, we need to consider this since an admin will often install the software but it will sometimes be someone else (with lower privilege) logged on to the machine.
    (d) We want these processes to be seamless with no user IO or gui (the server - if linux or OSX - may infact only have a console, and no gui subsystem). On the client side we see no need to indicate that we've updated the application (it's of no interest to the end-user), although it's likely when it happens the startup splash screen disappears and reappears.
    Can anyone tell me if JWS/JNLP can help to carry out these tasks more simply, or give me any suggestions in general?
    Thanks in advance,

    I would suggest storing the install on a network
    drive. This would make it simpler for the clients to
    install off.Thanks for the suggestion. This may be hard to make 'generic' though across multiple platforms. Also in some larger customer sites they may have a dedicated DB server, while at a small site there is only one computer with the DB and client on the same machine; thus creating a network drive on a machine that may not even have networking configured could be a problem.
    You could use JWS, but I am not sure it would make it
    any simpler to implement. It may be more trouble
    than it is worth in your situation.That's what I'm beginning to suspect.
    I would also suggest you consider using a VPN to make
    all these systems accessable, then JWS would do what
    you need for you.I think maybe the part I need to know more about is JNLP and how (if) that can assist in updating the software. Any good tutorials (maybe I missed them on the sun site)?

  • WAS JAVA add-in for ABAP install error on AIX Oracle

    Hi All
    I am currently trying to install a 640 WAS JAVA add-in for ABAP on AIX 5.2 running oracle for SAP 4.7 SR1.
    I have successfully installed the ABAP stack, however, when I try to install the JAVA add-in, I get an error on step "Start SAP J2EE engine". The error is
    INFO       2006-07-07 04:29:04
    Output of /usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs/jcmon 'pf=/sapmnt/BWP/profile/BWP_DVEBMGS00_rhubwp01' is written to the logfile jcmon.log.
    INFO       2006-07-07 04:29:04
    Execution of the command "/usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs/jcmon 'pf=/sapmnt/BWP/profile/BWP_DVEBMGS00_rhubwp01'" finished with return code 0. Output: snipped
    INFO       2006-07-07 04:29:04
    J2EE Engine DVEBMGS00 of SAP system BWP did not come up after 827 seconds: waiting for another 20 seconds.
    ERROR      2006-07-07 04:29:04
    CJS-20058  J2EE Engine DVEBMGS00 of SAP system BWP did not reach state "Starting Applications" after 827 seconds: giving up.
    I am new to JAVA, and I found some OSS notes (668606, 545422, and 943498) that might help, but they may as well be written in German for all I can make out what the notes are trying to say.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Oooops, I forgot to paste the error messages
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => Can't attach to administration shared memory (rc=3) [jcmonxx_mt.c 219]
    [Thr  1] *** ERROR => invalid return code of process [bootstrap] (exitcode=-1) [jstartxx_mt. 1433]
    [Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: error executing bootstrap node [bootstrap] (rc=-1)
    [Thr  1] JControlCloseProgram: started (exitcode = -1)
    [Thr  1] JControlCloseProgram: good bye... (exitcode=-1)
    Signal 6 encountered.
    => 64 bit R/3 Kernel
    => 64 bit AIX Kernel
    => Heap limit      = unlimited
    => Stack limit     = 4294967296
    => Core limit      = 1073741312
    => File size limit = 4294965248
    => Heap address  = 0x0x1111d9fe0
    => Stack address = 0x1111b7a80
    => Stack low     =  0x1111b5180
    => Stack high    =  0xffffffffffff2b0
    => Stack Trace:
            pthread_kill() at 0x900000000382c08
            praise() at 0x90000000038261c
            raise() at 0x900000000045890
            abort() at 0x900000000052dc8
            GetPropertiesMD() at 0x900000010639774
            ciCreateJVM() at 0x9000000106d19f4
            JNI_CreateJavaVM() at 0x90000001066529c
            Unknown at 0x90000001062a810
            JHVM_LoadJavaVM() at 0x1000918d4
            JLaunchIStartFunc() at 0x10008bb14
            pthreadbody() at 0x9000000003734ec
    !!! Invalid stack address encountered: 0x0
    !!! Stack corrupted.
    J2EE server info
      start = TRUE
      state = STARTED
      pid = 5926962
      argv[0] = /usr/sap/BWD/DVEBMGS84/j2ee/os_libs/jcontrol
      argv[1] = jcontrol
      argv[2] = pf=/usr/sap/BWD/SYS/profile/BWD_DVEBMGS84_mantas
      argv[3] = -DSAPSTART=1
      argv[4] = -DCONNECT_PORT=60977
      argv[5] = -DLISTEN_PORT=60978
      argv[6] = -DSAPSYSTEM=84
      argv[7] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD
      argv[8] = -DSAPMYNAME=mantas_BWD_84
      argv[9] = -DSAPPROFILE=/usr/sap/BWD/SYS/profile/BWD_DVEBMGS84_mantas
      argv[10] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
      argv[11] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
      start_lazy = 0
      start_control = SAP J2EE startup framework
    DpJ2eeStart: j2ee state = STARTED
    DpJ2eeLogin: j2ee state = CONNECTED
    DpJ2eeMsgProcess: j2ee state = CONNECTED (NIECONN_BROKEN)
    DpIJ2eeShutdown: send SIGINT to SAP J2EE startup framework (pid=5926962)
    DpIJ2eeShutdown: j2ee state = SHUTDOWN
    DpEnvCheckJ2ee: switch off j2ee start flag
    DpHdlDeadWp: restart wp (pid=5791744) automatically
    JVMCI200 - ERROR: User register saving is not enabled, Garbage Collection could be incorrect.
    JVMCI200 - ERROR: because of this the JVM library is explicitly aborting the process
    JVMCI200 - ERROR: You must either rebuild the executable using "-bM:UR"
    JVMCI200 - ERROR: or run with "export LDR_CNTRL=U

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