Java projects

Hi ,
I request you all to give me any good - resource(website) for JAVA/J2EE projects which contains code and explanation.
Thank U,

I will assume you have bad english and that this is the reason why you used the word "request"!
There are plenty of open source projects out there! pick your choice! They all come with source code and documentation for both users and developers. It all depends on what you need.
Try the Apache Software Foundation for a starters ;)

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              /ISessionMgr sessionMgr = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();/
              IEnterpriseSession boEnterpriseSession = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr().logon( "Administrator","","BOSAP","secEnterprise");
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    Assuming that you are facing this problem in NDS, here is the solution.
    Go to Windows--> Preferences --> WorkBench -->File Associations
    In the File Types list select *.xml
    This will display the default associated XML editor as
    XML Editor(default) in the bottom list box.
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    Click Ok and close the preferences dialogue.
    Now create a new xml file.You wont see the error this time.
    Please note that this will treat all simple xml files you will create as TEXT Files and always open with Text Editor.You can override this behaviour with right click on the file and select appropriate editor from the "Open With" context menu.
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    PS.If you mean SDE....
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    Hi Peggy,
    In Component Model we divide software projects into small components.Components can use other components in well defined manner.
    A development object is a part of a component that can be changed or developed in some way; it provides the component with a certain part of its functionality. A development object may be a Java class, a Web Dynpro view, a table definition, a JSP page, and so on. Development objects are always stored as “sources” in a repository.
    A development component can be defined as a frame shared by a number of objects, which are part of the software.
    Software components combine components (DCs) to larger units for delivery and deployment.
    A track comprises configurations and runtime systems required for developing software component versions.It ensures stable states of deliverables used by subsequent tracks.
    The Design Time Repository is for versioning source code management. Distributed development of software in teams. Transport and replication of sources.
    You can also find lot of support in SDN for the above concepts with tutorials.
    Refer this Link for a overview on Java development Infrastructure(JDI) development infrastructure jdi overview.pdf
    To understand further
    Working with Net Weaver Development Infrastructure :
    In the above link you can find all the concepts clearly explained.You can also find the required tutorials for development.

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    You need to completely rewrite the app to use the mobile APIs as they're very different from the PC ones, I suppose.

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    How to create the exe file for java project.Have you ever heard of google? I pasted your exact "question" into a google search:
    and got several useful links.
    Better search terms might yield even better results.

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    Exception occurred during launch Reason: Source locator does not exist org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.javaSourceLocator
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    This may be because of the metadata(registry) cache when it was written out by a second instance of NWDS.
    So the plug-in appears in the file system but NWDS doesn't see it in the metadata
    Delete the .metadata file from your workspace and then start up NWDS. It might work.
    Edited by: PG on Dec 16, 2008 3:18 PM

  • [Urgent] using javafx object in java project

    Suppose I here created a very simple java project and the main file is like below,
    public class test {
        public static void main(String[] args){
                System.out.println("Hello World!");
    }and in this particular java project, I need to use another javafx object which is defined as (the javafx and java file are in the same package),
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
    var stage: Stage = Stage {
        title: "Declaring Is Easy!"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 300
            height: 250
            content: [
                Circle {
                    centerX: 150  centerY: 120 radius: 80
                    fill: Color.MAROON
                    stroke: Color.INDIANRED
                    strokeWidth: 10.0
                }, //Circle
                Rectangle {
                    x: 25, y: 80 width: 250, height: 80
                    arcWidth: 20 arcHeight: 20
                    fill: Color.web("#6699ff")
                    stroke: Color.web("#003399")
              strokeWidth: 5.0
                } //Rectangle
            ] //Content
        } //Scene
    } //StageSo how could I achieve this?

    Thanks for your reply.
    But would you please elaborate on this sentence: create the fx class using Class.forName("....").newInstance()?
    Indeed I implemented an interface which was extended by the javafx class, and in the main java file I need to write following codes to use this object,
    Context context = FXLocal.getContext();
            FXClassType instance = context.findClass("packageName.JavaFXClass");
            ObjectValue obj = (ObjectValue)instance.newInstance();
            JavaInterface ji = (JavaInterface)obj.asObject();The problem that I encountered right now is, the exception was thrown at context.findClass("javatest.MyChart");, since it's not able for the compiler to find the JavaFXClass.class.
    I checked the folder build\classes\packageName and noticed that both my main JavaClass and JavaInterface have been compiled with .class file, while the JavaFXClass was not, which means the file JavaFXClass.class doesn't exist.
    What's the solution?

  • How to open java files in a java project

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    i have to implement a java program analyzer and now i have implement a java parser using javaCC. My parser parse a java file at a time and i have to read and parse all java files in a java project. my idea is to enter
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    i am a beginer of java language and i don't know where to start to do it.
    is there someone tell me which way is easier and better for my case and some ways to implement it. i search sample files that is similar to my case but i cannot find any.
    thanks in advance.

    if u don't mind , can u tell me which tutorial i
    should read for that?
    This... for example.

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    Can anybody help me with the following questions.
    1.How to create a java project in eclipse(I am using jsp,servlets,jsf,spring,jasper,struts).
    2.How to debug my application in Eclipse Europa by putting break points. should i add Tomcat6.0 to my project in order to debug my application so that i can put break points while running the applications and observe the values.

    You may find this tutorial useful regarding to JSF, Eclipse and Tomcat:
    To put breakpoints, just doubleclick on the left gray rule of the code, you'll get blue bullets at the left rule, indicating a break point. Run Tomcat in debug modus (rightclick Tomcat � debug). Use the Eclipse debug perspective to step in the code (window � open perspective � debug).

  • Open Forte for java project in Sun java studio enterprise

    Hi Everyone, I am new to Java development. I have a java application developed in Forte for java 4 and I need to open and compile it in Sun java studio enterprise. Could anybody tell me how to do that? Thank you very much.

    The recent versions of the IDE (starting with NetBeans 4.1 and JSE 8) are based on a more-robust project system that is ant based. Projects from Forte for Java 4, unfortunately, cannot be directly opened in JSE8, NB4.1 and later.
    If you do have access to the original source code, pl. try the following in the latest version of JSE or NetBeans:
    - Create a fresh project in jse using File | New Project. (For a java standalone app, you would choose General | Java Application from the dialog).
    - Add the existing files to the empty project. You can do so by right-clicking on the project, selecting properties and adding the existing source directories under 'Source Packages' in 'Sources' category.
    Or from the new project dialog, you could select 'General | Java Project with existing sources' option.

  • Using a java project in a web which is part of a ear

    i have an ear (jspkeepEAR) that includes a web project (jspkeep). The web project uses a java project (common).
    I don't want the EAR to know about the common, so i've added the common as a j2ee module to the web project.
    when publishing, i can see under
    the .beabuild.txt file:
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeepEAR/EarContent/APP-INF/classes = APP-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/WebContent = jspkeep.war
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/build/classes = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/build/jws/.src = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/common = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/lib/common.jar
    the problem is, when i'm surfing to a servlet in the web, i get NoClassDefFoundError for classes in the common.
    I've also noticed that if i publish the web project by itself (and not as part of the ear), it works fine.
    any idea?
    Edited by reformy at 12/12/2006 2:24 AM

    Hi Yair
    It appears that WLS only supports mapping a directory to a jar in APP-INF/lib/
    C\:/runtime-New_configuration/Common/bin = APP-INF/lib/Common.jar
    but NOT to a jar in WEB-INF/lib.
    Engineering will look into it sometime to fix it.
    Workaround Suggested:
    As a workaround, you can include the Java/Utility project as part of the EAR and set as dependent J2EE module to the Web project.
    Hope this helps.

  • Bug in workshop Project Properties for a Java Project !!

    I have a Java project which i am trying to make work with junitee so
    that i can automate my test cases. I have installed junitee as a web
    application named 'junitee' and configured it no problem.
    I have my JUnit test cases in Java Project named 'UnitTest'. What i want
    to happen is that when i build my UnitTest project i want the resulting
    JAR file UnitTest.jar copied into the WEB-INF\lib of the junitee project.
    In order to do this i needed to change the project 'Build' options and
    select the "Copy JAR file from Libraires to Project as" and refer to the
    junitee web app as follows:-
    Unfortunately when i do this and select Ok to save my changes workshop
    gives me the following error:-
    The JAR name contains illegal characters. Please correct the name.
    However i have managed to get around this and make it work by manually
    modifying my .work file by hand and not through workshop. This works and
    achieves exactly what i want however it must be a bug in workshop to not
    allow this through the Project Properties window !.
    Else if it is deliberate then i cant see why as you should be able to
    copy a JAR file to any lcoation inside the project if you wish to. I
    hope this gets fixed in SP3.

    .. I tried using iPhoto to export a QT file of an image slideshow....
    I would start here to play on the knobs&sliders ..
    what were your settings for export? "QT file" => that is many dozends of options of compression, codecs, resolutions, etc. pp ...
    the consumer apps FCE and iM are meant for TV display only => reduced res + reduced colors, quality reduced due to interlace (due to TV standards) ...-
    a Full Res, h264 encoded should display your photos in shining quality ...

  • First Java Project - Document Management and Workflow

    We are about to embark on our first java project around document management and workflow.
    I would be interested to know how others have approached similar projects – Open Source applications or other tools/APIs.
    It would also be good to know of any issues encountered along the way.

    Hi Husein,
    I appreciate your interest in procuring a Document Management/Workflow solution for your AP department...its a very smart move toward streamling that process!
    I sent an email today to Richard Braddock about our solutions. I would be happy to discuss them with you.
    My office phone number is 215-646-8000

  • How to Compile java project on command prompt

    Hello Friends,
    I have created one java project in eclipse. It has 3 packages, 4 external jars and one Link source (meaning it uses other java package that is not in the same project folder)
    It runs perfectly using eclipse.
    Now I want to compile my project and want to run that project.
    I tried using "javac -classpath........." but it didn't work for me. Here is the command I used:
    I am running this command under my main project folder
    javac -classpath ./../../../lib/tools/lib/blur/blur_formats-1.0.jar;./../lib/commons-codec/commons-codec-1.3.jar;./../lib/commons-httpclient/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;./../lib/commons-logging/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;./../lib/org.json/org.json.jar;./../lib/smack/3_0_4/smack.jar;./../../../device/branches/viper/Service/blur/common/push/src* ./src/*
    1) /device/branches/viper/Service/blur/common/push/src - is a different package I am referring (not in my current project folder) - it has java files in com.pushsync package
    2) ./src/ is my main class, com.proj.hnm package also contains another 2 package, and those other packages also have .java files
    Please tell me how do I run my java project?

    Since it works fine in Eclipse you should install the [Fat Jar eclipse plugin|] which will pack everything thats in your eclipse project into a single jar file. Then you can run: java -jar myProject.jar and it should work.

Maybe you are looking for