JavaFX 1.3 and css

Hi guys, I would like to change button size, font size and font family in my buttons using new css. Where could I find any doc to clarify me the use of css?

Hi Rezende...
for css please check [Dean Iverson's Blog|]
i hope it helps you

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    CSS Styling
    Here is the css reference guide, which is an excellent start.
    Complement it by thoroughly studying caspian.css (the JavaFX 2.2. stylesheet) and modena.css (the JavaFX 8 stylesheet).
    There is also css styling info scattered throughout the Oracle JavaFX tutorials.
    Try using the material from the css reference guide to style some of the simple default controls, like buttons etc.
    Once you have the hang of that, move on to more complex things like graphs and tables.
    Don't forget tricks like overriding some of the default paint constants as it makes styling much easier if all you need is a color change, for example try the following stylesheet:
    .root { -fx-base: antiquewhite; }
    FXML Reference
    There is (and never will be) any such thing (as least not a complete one).
    FXML works by reflecting on classes.
    As you can add more classes to your classpath or modify existing classes, you can add more elements and attributes to fxml.
    Best current documentation of fxml is the Introduction to FXML as well as the FXML tutorials from Oracle.
    In terms of learning some of the more common elements and attributes for FXML for standard JavaFX controls, try loading up SceneBuilder and examining the FXML it generates.
    Also, as FXML is a reflection of the JavaFX Java API, you can get to know what attributes and elements it can use by looking at the standard JavaFX javadoc.
    All that said, I think the FXML documentation could be improved, so if, after you go through in detail studying the available information I provided in this post, you have concrete ideas for improvement of the documentation, feel free to file specific detailed requests in the JavaFX issue tracker, or send feedback to the JavaFX documentation team's email address: [email protected]

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    I think you should be able to put all your CSS into a single file, or only a few files, like in a normal web project and that you can include this file using the regular HTML tag.
    You store your CSS file(s) in a folder that is accessible by your website. Normally this is achieved by adding an Alias in the Apache webserver that is embedded in the Oracle database.
    If I remember it correctly (it has been a while since I saw the embedded webserver) your request for your PSP goes to an url like Everything of the url that comes after /pls/ is handled by the mod_plsql Apache module that is repsonsible for sending the request to the database and returning the result to the screen.
    If you can define an alias like 'css' (without the quotes), which makes the url something like, then you can try to include your CSS file(s) referring to /css/file.css. Once you get this working, you can do the same for images.
    This is a generic approach that can get you started hopefully.
    Good luck.
    I hope this can get you started. Information on the alias can be found

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    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("/resources/styles/style.css");
    </style>How could I add an external javascript file to my jsf?

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    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./resources/styles/style.css" />
    <script language="JavaScript" src="./resources/javascript/util.js"></script>The ./ tells that the external file can be found by starting at the current directory and working down the path to the specified file. This is my directory structure. Index.jsf is the file that references the external js and css files.
    | |__style.css
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    2. Template button images are broken. See
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    <script src="/i/javascript/htmldb_get.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    < link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/core_V22.css" type="text/css" />
    < ! -- [ if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/core_ie_V22.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
    < link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/themes/theme_10/theme_V2.css" type="text/css" />
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    The #HEAD# substitution string in my page templates automatically pulls in the appropriate JS/CSS libraries
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_ns_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_get_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_builder.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_3_1.css" type="text/css" />
    < ! -- [ if IE ]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ie_3_1.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/themes/theme_10/theme_V2.css" type="text/css" />
    Sorry for the false alarm

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    My name is Ben and I am a Web Designer. I am currently looking for any guidance on HTML and CSS best practices when working with Eloqua. I am interested in the best practices for e-mail and landing pages.
    Thank you,

    Personally I like to upload my custom created html/css into Eloqua instead of using the WYSIWYG.
    But if you must then right clicking on text boxes and click edit source is the way to go.
    There was a good discussion on editing your forms with CSS:
    Energize Your Eloqua10 Forms with CSS
    created by Ryan Wheler on Nov 2, 2012 8:44 AM, last modified by Greg Stotler on Sep 19, 2013 2:00 PM
    Version 2
    CSS can be used to heavily customize the layout of forms in Eloqua10.  In this article we will provide sample cover some common formatting use cases on Eloqua10 Landing Pages.  Further details about uses of CSS in Eloqua10 form templates can be found here: EE12 - Do It - Eloqua - Energize E10 Forms
    Eloqua10 Forms HTML Structure
    Below is an outline of the structure of the HTML generated by Eloqua when a form is added to a landing page.  By targeting the HTML classes highlighted below, we can control the layout of any form on your landing page.
      For the rest of page:

  • HTML layout and CSS handling in CQ5 this may sound like a newbie question...because it is.  Kinda.
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    What layout/design tools do you recommend for creating HTML and CSS pages for use in CQ5?  I have wireframes in-hand and ready to translate to HTML.

    None of the enterprise content management systems that I've used, including CQ, provide WYSIWYG tools for building the layouts/templates of the site.
    I always build complete static versions of the designs/wireframes by hand entirely outside of CQ.  I prefer Textmate, but of course you can use whatever visual tool you prefer.  After the static HTML passes muster it then needs to be integrated, by hand, into CQ in the form of page and content components.  This is generally straightforward (depending on the design).
    CQ 5.5 does give you the Site Importer to help bring an existing page (or set of pages) into CQ which it then breaks up into the beginnings of a project, but in reality the developer will still need to break that up even further anyway.  Applying this integration by hand from the ground up will likely give you better control and awareness of what's going on in your project. Letting to much "magic" happen behind a slick wizard or WYSIWYG won't help you when something (inevitably) needs debugging and dissection.
    Having said all this, since the Adobe acquisition of CQ, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of Dreamweaver plugin in the works for connecting to CQ!
    Good luck!

  • Html and CSS in JEditorPane

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    I would like to know what is JEditorPane capable of doing in terms of displaying HTML with CSS, and how do you set it up.
    If JEditorPane is not the best option with HTML that has positioning in CSS, can somebody suggest something else that has better support for CSS than JEditorPane?
    I would greatly appreciate any response (Any suggestion or links to additional information will be great too!)
    Victor Gutierrez

    I would like to know what is JEditorPane capable of
    doing in terms of displaying HTML with CSS, and how
    do you set it up. JEditorPane has no support for CSS
    If JEditorPane is not the best option with HTML thatit's not
    has positioning in CSS, can somebody suggest
    something else that has better support for CSS than
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    I would greatly appreciate any response (Anylet's not get carried away here
    suggestion or links to additional information will be
    great too!)
    Victor Gutierrez

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    Want to know any addon or menu tool in Dreamweaver to validate HTML and CSS error.
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    Please let me know your suggestion for that.

    DW does provide tools to help with validation: x06.html
    I find it a bit more comfortable though to use teh W3 Validator and I always access that with the Firefox Browser and the Web Developer plug-in.  Another good plug in for FF is Firebug.

  • About HTML and CSS styles in the Contribute Style menu

    This question was posted in response to the following article: html

    I'm building my website in Muse, using a few Adobe typeKit fonts - Open Sans and Bebas Neue. There's plenty of code and css developed when I export the muse file QUESTION: Will Contribute maintain my font choice integrity? Or do I play it safe with standard web-safe choices?

  • Pdf  document on  custom template and CSS

    There was a small pdf document on CSS and templates in the turial section of APEX. Anyone know where is this?

    Raizel wrote:
    > In article <e4ovcd$eei$[email protected]>,
    > "billugs" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> It seems that my template and css style are still
    not showing up on my page,
    >> I
    >> uploaded both and I am out of ideas. Does anyone see
    a problem that I can
    >> fix?
    >> <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge
    >> href=""></
    >> a>
    > Can't help but ask -- why do you post your URLs as <a
    > class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge
    >> href=""></
    >> a>
    > instead of just the URL?
    Raizel: it's a problem with the forum and how stuff from
    there gets
    posted to the newsgroup. Per a recent post by Murray, the
    Adobe team
    are working on the problem. It's driving us all crazy.
    Bonnie in California
    kroko at
    pixelplum dot com

  • Including external javascript and css files in servlet

    I am struggling to generate an HTML page from within a servlet using external javascript and css files. I am not sure how to point the servlet to the external files.
    Any code sample to accomplish the above will be much appreciated.
    Thanks inadvance,

    Can't you just include the following in your servlet?
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            out.println("<title>Getting CSS</title>");
            out.println("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='yourCSS.css' />");
            out.println("<script language='JavaScript' SRC='yourScript.js'></script>");

  • Newsletter creation and CSS export in Adobe Fireworks

    I am a new to adobe fireworks and am currently in the trial mode of my download.
    I was advised that Adobe FIreworks CS6 is the ideal program to create graphics and text to build a newsletter for my company.
    Not knowing much about the program, I was able to add graphics, text and hotspots on specific images and text with an html link for customers to be able to click to sign up for the newsletter via our website.
    The million dollar question I have is how in the world do I export this document and paste it into the "body" of an email to send to 5k contacts?
    I do not want an attachment, I want the body fo the email to be html or css coded, but I know nothing about either of the two or how to do it.
    I did find one video that walked me thru the export css process, but none of my images were shown and 90% of the text was missing.
    I believe I need to understand "layers" to get this to work properly but could really use some help!
    I am dangerously close to missing out on advertising to all 5k contacts before the holiday. Please help!!
    BTW - the reason for doing this instead of using standard mailchimp or constant contact is because I purchased my email list and those are forbidden in both constant contact and mailchimp hence why i need to create my own opt-in newsletter to get people to opt-in via my website.
    Thanks in Advance!!

    Seriously, do not use Fireworks to generate the html for your webpage.  It is graphics program with *some* html capabilites, but I would never use it for a live site.  It is always best to create the layout in Fireworks, slice it up as for use as individual images, or uses 'pieces' for background images and write the markup (html + css) in Dreamweaver or a HTML editor of your choice.
    This tutorial may help you make the transition.  Naturally it helps to have at least a basic knowledge of html and css before working with Dreamweaver, it will make using DW so much easier.
    Creating your first website (series)  (using Dreamweaver) 000.html
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates | Tutorials | SEO Articles

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