JavaFX: Specifying explicit type causes Illegal Forward Reference

I can't seem to find a way to work around this, but if I specify some code like:
var txtField = SwingTextField {
    columns: 3
    text: "60"
    editable: true
    action: function() {
var sceneMain:Scene = Scene { content: [
var stage:Stage = Stage {
    title: "My App"
    width: 300
    height: 300
    scene: sceneMain
}I get an error on the declaration of txtField, saying I seed to specify an explicit type. OK, no problem, change the code to:
var txtField:SwingTextField = SwingTextField {However, now the compiler reports a warning on the line:
var sceneMain:Scene = Scene { content: [
]}saying that there is an illegal forward reference to "txtField" here.
The really odd part is that this "illegal forward ref" only happens if txtField is defined with an explicit type. If I remove the need for an explicit type declaration by removing the action, the "illegal forward ref" warning goes away:
var txtField = SwingTextField {
    columns: 3
    text: "60"
    editable: true
    // action: function() {
    //    someMethod();
var sceneMain:Scene = Scene { content: [
var stage:Stage = Stage {
    title: "My App"
    width: 300
    height: 300
    scene: sceneMain
}I can't seem to find a way around this one... is this a JFX bug? Thanks for any help!
Edited by: rally25rs on Apr 1, 2009 8:04 PM
Fixed code markup

Well, I guess I figured out my "error", though I'd argue its a problem with the way JavaFX loads its classes.
I can add 1 line to reference the button earlier and force it to load. Its a completely useless line, but for whatever reason gives the compiler enough of a hint to fix the error:
package testapp;
import javafx.stage.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.ext.swing.*;
function setBpmFromTxt():Void {
    // validate some user input.
    // if a problem, show error scene:
    cmdStartStop;  // <-- Adding this fixes error. Does nothing at runtime, but tips off the compiler. Awesome!
    stage.scene = sceneError;
var cmdStartStop:SwingButton = SwingButton {
    action: function() {
var sceneError:Scene = Scene { content: [
var sceneMain:Scene = Scene { content: [
var stage:Stage = Stage {
    scene: sceneMain

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    ord scott.orderlines.T$orno%TYPE,
    pono scott.orderlines.T$pono%TYPE,
    cpva scott.orderlines.T$cpva%TYPE
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    n number;
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    l_data(l_data.count) :=
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    open p_recordset FOR select T$orno, T$pono, T$cpva
    from scott.orderlines
    where T$orno = ' ';

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    >> I am surprised how Implicit and explicit Type conversion works using Type object in heap.
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    Thanks Loren,
    I'll file a bug on this

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    Hello Jay,
    Loggings show the following:
    15:18:49 DIA  000 100 NLPURCOR                AB  0 Run-time error "MOVE_CAST_ERROR" occurred
    15:18:50 DIA  000 100 NLPURCOR                AB  1 > Short dump "100324 151849 dmzsv719 b_SRM_00 " generated

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    I am getting the dump "Dynamic type conflict when assigning references". In my application I have used a table control inside which I have  input field, text view and text edit.
    I guess the text edit is creating the issue. The error analysis report is below :
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    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR', was not
         caught in
        procedure "IF_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER~SET_CONTENT" "(METHOD)", nor was it
         propagated by a RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        It was tried to assign a reference to a rereference variable using the
        'CAST' operation ('?=' or 'MOVE ?TO').
        However, the current content of the source variable does not fit into
        the target variable.
        target type: "\INTERFACE=/1WDA/VTABLE_CELL_EDITOR"
    Information on where terminated
        Termination occurred in the ABAP program "/1WDA/L3STANDARD==============CP" -
        The main program was "SAPMHTTP ".
        In the source code you have the termination point in line 2290
        of the (Include) program "/1WDA/L3STANDARD==============CCIMP".
        The termination is caused because exception "CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR" occurred in
        procedure "IF_WDR_VIEW_ELEMENT_ADAPTER~SET_CONTENT" "(METHOD)", but it was
         neither handled locally nor declared
        in the RAISING clause of its signature.
        The procedure is in program "/1WDA/L3STANDARD==============CP "; its source
         code begins in line
        2034 of the (Include program "/1WDA/L3STANDARD==============CCIMP ".
    2265       if va__CONTENT_READONLY is bound and
    2266          va__CONTENT_READONLY->IFUR_NW5__CONTROL~_IID <> ifur_nw5_invisible=>_iid_invisible.
    2267         IFUR_NW5_SAPTABLECELL~HASCONTENT = abap_true.
    2268       else.
    2269         IFUR_NW5_SAPTABLECELL~HASCONTENT = abap_false.
    2270       endif.
    2271     endif.
    2273 *    >> ProvideCONTENT
    2276       finalize_adapter( mv_CONTENT_READONLY ).
    2278     ENDIF.
    2280 *   >> property-Aggregation mv_CONTENT_EDITABLE
    2283     data adp_uielement type ref to /1WDA/VUIELEMENT. "#EC NEEDED
    2284     if mv_CONTENT_READONLY is not bound and
    2285        mv_WD_TABLE_CELL_EDITOR is bound.
    2286           va__CONTENT_EDITABLE ?= mv_CONTENT_EDITABLE.
    2287     IF va__CONTENT_EDITABLE is bound and va__CONTENT_EDITABLE->m_view_element = mv_WD_TABLE_
    2288     ELSE.
    >>>>>     va__CONTENT_EDITABLE ?= create_by_view_element(
    2291                          view_element = mv_WD_TABLE_CELL_EDITOR
    2292                          parent       = me
    2293     ).

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for your replies.
    We raised an OSS call for the same and got the below response.
    Dear Customer,
    I've analized your actual problem and found out that you are using a notallowed combination of text edit as cell editor within table for
    clasical Web Dynpro ABAP rendering. The text edit as cell editor work in701 releases when the lightspeed rendering is enabled. However in case
    that you want to used
    lightspeed rendering, I would suggest to upgrade on a higher
    SP level than SP4 as for technical reason we can only deliver
    corrections for Unified Rendering first from SP04.

  • LDAP - eDir - Forward reference - Unknown objectclass

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    When loading a LDIF file and when "Forward Reference" is checked while
    importing the LDIF file, attributes which contains a DN like cn=a,o=b will
    automatic create an object from the objectclass "Unknown" when the object
    does not exist in eDir. When later on the object is found in the LDIF file,
    the object is changed and updated to its proper objectclass and properties.
    If the object is not found in the ldif file the created object stays from
    the type objectclass "Unknown" until later another LDIF file was loaded
    which contains the object.
    So far so good. But I need to do this manualy.
    I want to create is the following application which is loading objects from
    "a source", one by one and create them in eDir.
    If one of those objects contains an attribute with a DN like cn=a,o=b the
    object can not be created when the refering object does not exist in eDir.
    Although I can create an object of the objectclass "Unknown" before
    creating the object.
    This makes the creation of the object possible.
    But can I later overwrite the created object from the objectclass "Unknown"
    with its proper properties when the object is discovered from the source?
    So what I mean is, can I alter the objectclass attribute and fill in the
    proper attributes?
    Untill now I had no success or did not find any examples.

    I have the following question:
    When loading a LDIF file and when "Forward Reference" is checked while
    importing the LDIF file, attributes which contains a DN like cn=a,o=b will
    automatic create an object from the objectclass "Unknown" when the object
    does not exist in eDir. When later on the object is found in the LDIF file,
    the object is changed and updated to its proper objectclass and properties.
    If the object is not found in the ldif file the created object stays from
    the type objectclass "Unknown" until later another LDIF file was loaded
    which contains the object.
    So far so good. But I need to do this manualy.
    I want to create is the following application which is loading objects from
    "a source", one by one and create them in eDir.
    If one of those objects contains an attribute with a DN like cn=a,o=b the
    object can not be created when the refering object does not exist in eDir.
    Although I can create an object of the objectclass "Unknown" before
    creating the object.
    This makes the creation of the object possible.
    But can I later overwrite the created object from the objectclass "Unknown"
    with its proper properties when the object is discovered from the source?
    So what I mean is, can I alter the objectclass attribute and fill in the
    proper attributes?
    Untill now I had no success or did not find any examples.

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    public class G121 {
      void f() {
        <String>f2(); // compilation error
        <String>f3(); // compilation error
      <T> void f2() {
      static <T> void f3() {
    }but the class does not compile: jc -J-showversion generics\G121.javajava version "1.5.0-beta"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0-beta-b32c)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0-beta-b32c, mixed mode)
    generics\ illegal start of expression
        <String>f2(); // compilation error
    generics\ illegal start of expression
        <String>f3(); // compilation error
    2 errors
    >A bug or do I miss something?

    I get this error: cannot find symbol
    symbol : method <>sort(java.util.List<>)
    location: class java.util.Collections
    Collections.<File>sort( list );
    1 errorYou don't need the explicit type argument there, but anyway...
    If you look at the docs for Collections.sort(List<T> list) you'll see it is declared as:
    static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void Collections.sort(List<T> list) Unfortunately, although File implements Comparable, it doesn't actually implement Comparable<File> or even Comparable<Object>, so I guess it can't satisfy the bound.
    You can get it to compile by removing the explicit type argument and casting to the raw type List, but that's not very nice.
    This seems like an oversight to me - File already has both int compareTo(Object o) and int compareTo(File pathname) so I don't see why it can't implement Comparable<File>. This isn't the only such case in the API though, so maybe I'm missing something.

  • Message no. F5350 account type/account for invoice reference does not match

    Hi SD Experts
    Getting error message when the Billing document is released to accounting.
    "Message no. F5350 account type/account for invoice reference does not match item"
    Client is having 6.0 version , I have checked OSS notes, only available for upto 4.7 version.
    Please help to solve this issue.

    have you checked which account type is maintained in respective G/L account which supposed to be hit once invoice is released . eg: check in Reconcilation account assigned in Customer Master in FS00, Reconcillation account for accoun type should be - D= Customers.
    similarly for other accounts such as "Revenue account"  & check Field status group assigned in G/L account in FS00.
    Check & revert

  • SBO Mailer Error - The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file

    Hi Experts,
    I have created an alert in SBO and selected email and internal option for same. I get internal message however email is not getting delivered, I checked the Event Viewer of Windows and below error is shown for SBOMail.
    The description for Event ID 62 from source SBOMail cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    Failed to mark records error [-1]
    The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file
    I can send email from sbo for other documents but the alert is not delivering email.
    Please advise.

    Hi Deepak..
    Check with these threads...
    SBOMail Application log error
    SBOMail error in event log
    Hope Helpful

  • Error Dynamic type conflict when assigning references in EHP4

    Hi Experts,
    We are facing problem while customizing application wizard in EHP4.
    Based on our requirement, we need to create one more tab named "Notes" to add instructions for applicants while applying for Job. It contains only instruction. To achieve this, we have done below set up.
    1. We have created new WD component (WD window), OTR Alias
    2. Created one more additional steps in T77RCF_RM_STEP called "Notes" and maintained step 1 information
    3. In table T77RCF_RM_SEQ, under Application wizard (employee), we have added notes in sequence 1.
    Now our new tab "Notes" is reflecting in application wizard. But while cliking on send application, we are getting error "The following error text was processed in the system GEG : Dynamic type conflict when assigning references".
    Error Details:-
    u2022     The following error text was processed in the system GEG : Dynamic type conflict when assigning references
    u2022     The error occurred on the application server sapgeg_GEG_59 and in the work process 0 .
    u2022     The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    u2022     The ABAP call stack was:
    Can anybody guide what we are doing wrong?
    It would be great help.

    Hi Rajasekhar,
         Facing the same issue, can you please let me know how you solved the above issue.
    Best Regards,

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    FORM getcertainday
                       vacancies TYPE STANDARD TABLE
                       efirstday LIKE hrp9200-zfirst_day
                       lfristday LIKE hrp9200-zfirst_day.

    Are you asking about subroutine program to declare a variable for perform statement etc
    if it so check this coding
    NUM2 TYPE I,
    NUM1 = 2. NUM2 = 4.
    NUM1 = 7. NUM2 = 11.
           USING ADD_NUM1
           CHANGING ADD_SUM.
      ADD_SUM = ADD_NUM1 + ADD_NUM2.
           USING OUT_NUM1
      WRITE: / 'Sum of', OUT_NUM1, 'and', OUT_NUM2, 'is', OUT_SUM.
    If your issue is some other can u explain me clearly

  • MIRO-Account type/account for invoice reference does not match item-F5350

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    please help
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    This seems to be a configuration issue or you might be entering the wrong details.
    This is a standard transaction. IF you feel there is nothing wrong, then search for OSS notes on to see if there is a solution to this problem.
    sushil joshi

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    I have the following checked and activated-
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    What happened?
        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "CL_FDT_DB_LOOKUP==============CP" had to be
         terminated because it has
        come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Have I missed something? We are on SAPKA70207.

    Hi Carsten,
    I couldn't find an OSS note featuring-
    "CL_FDT_DB_LOOKUP==============CP" or "CL_FDT_DB_LOOKUP==============CM01K"
    Raised OSS note.

Maybe you are looking for

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