Javahelp and JDIC

Hi All,
I am developing help for swing application.
But the default help viewer was unable to load stylesheets.
But in java hekp users guide they mentioned that we can use JDIC for native browser support.
Then, i think that it may solve my probelm.
I have the following doubts regarding this.
How to use the JDIC components and render the help through the Native Browser?
How to integrate JDIC in to our applications?
How to get DefaultContentViewer?
How to set these native browser?
Please help for this questions.It helps me a lot.
If there is any other alternative please suggest me.
Correct me if i am wrong.
Thank you

sindhumourya wrote:
..Thanks for your reply.
I am using classes in my style sheet.
The java help viewer was unable to load these styles.
this is the actual probelm.Are you absolutely positive?
for example:
.pageGeneralTextStyleNormal {
     font-size: 13;
     font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
for example via: []
Sorry! We found the following errors (1)
3      .pageGeneralTextStyleNormal      Value Error : font-size only 0 can be a length. You must put a unit after your number : 13 That should be..
.pageGeneralTextStyleNormal {
     font-size: 13px;
     font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
}Or, since Arial is considered the poor cousin of Helvetica..
.pageGeneralTextStyleNormal {
     font-size: 13px;
     font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
1) How are you referring to the style-sheets in the HTML? Copy/paste an import statement.
2) What is the run-time classpath of the application, and what are the contents of those archives?
I hoped you might have the initiative to do these things and report them after my first post..

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    Two things I can suggest if you're building JavaHelp,
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    Hi there
    Indeed RoboHelp *CAN* produce JavaHelp and Oracle Help as advertised. However, it isn't configured out of the box to do this. I consider it to be similar to advertising that a pickup truck (errr, sorry Peter, Craig and Colum - I mean LORRY) is able to tow a Boat or a Camper to a lake. Sure, you can tow these items, but there are a few requirements!
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    In order to produce these help output types you will need to separately install the Java Development Kit. Fellow Adobe Community Expert Peter Grainge has some information on his site at the link below.
    Click here to visit Peter's site
    That covers JavaHelp. I'm unsure about Oracle Help, but would expect it to be similar.
    Are we to assume the code referring to E:\test... is your own code?
    If so, I see an issue with it. E:\ likely refers to a network location. In my many years of supporting RoboHelp via the forums I can't begin to tell you how many folks have arrived reporting issue after issue after issue that was caused by working on projects while they are stored on network locations.
    HTML Help 2 never took off for public use. Mostly Microsoft used it internally. As there is no real generic public outcry for it, I'd be shocked if RoboHelp were to suddenly begin offering it. If you would like to cast your vote for it to be added as an output option, visit the Wish Form.
    Hopefully this helps... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
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    RoboHelp eBooks

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    You should install Java 2 SDK Standard Edition. Even Enterprise Edition need it!

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    I already read the similar messages from this forum but those do not fiw my problem.
    Here is the code I use to open my help in my application :
    try {
                   String dirHelp = MyAppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
                   URL url = new URL((new File(".")).toURL(),dirHelp);
                   System.out.println("URL "+url);
                  hs = new HelpSet(null, url);
                  hb = hs.createHelpBroker();
              } catch (Exception ee) {
                  System.out.println ("HelpSet "+
                      "Qrtpcr.hs" + " not found");
              }My helpset file is found and I can get my help files from my application but I cannot perform a search. The URL is a network URL, the full path \\networkPlace\MyHelpset.hs
    Thanks in advance for your help

    I haven't been able to get image bullets to work in JavaHelp with css .
    " I believe it's because the "url" attribute is not part of the HTML 3.2
    specification. I hope I'm wrong, I'd like to be able to use bullets"

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    you need to set the location of, jhbasic.jar or jhall.jar in the project properties within JBuilder (Menu Project -> Project Properties -> Required Libraries)

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    Hi there and welcome to our community
    First, we would appreciate it if you would take a few moments and familiarize yourself with the link below. It's intended to help you get the best forum experience.
    Click here to read
    As for the issue of htm VS html, this is something you will need to manually change by editing the properties of each topic. Sorry. The thing is, there simply is no technical reason that a page requires to be named html. The only cases we have seen where it makes a difference are when a developer is simply being hard headed about it or when something has uniquely been set up at a company where the html file extension is actually required to make things work.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

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                   <property key="Tree.leftChildIndent" type="integer" value="12" />
                   <property key="Tree.rightChildIndent" type="integer" value="24" />
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    ApplicationDispatcher[VWPTutorial] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /com_sun_webui_jsf/help/navigator.jsp(43,40) File "/jhlib.tld" not found
    Anyone familiar with this error?

    Hi Raymond,
    Thanks for the reply. The issue we are having currently is rendering nested jsf components and in particular the centering of them on a browser page. I have a grid panel containing 3 columns containing two spacer text labels separated by another grid panel which contains the page content.
    When previewed the page looks good when the app is run the spacer text labels are not rendered....
    Any ideas welcome

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    Is this possible?
    Has anyone done this?
    Would each user have to install JavaHelp on their workstation?
    I know I can download the JavaHelp jar files via jnlp, but how would I set the JHHOME variable?

    I didn't try the demo apps, I went and added JavaHelp to my application. This part was the same as the demo apps. I then added the following to my .jnlp file under resources:
    <extension name="JHelp" href="jnlp/jhelp.jnlp"/>
    I then created the jhelp.jnlp file as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://localhost/ccs" href="jnlp/jhelp.jnlp">
              <vendor>Sun Microsystems, Inc.</vendor>
              <jar href="lib/jh.jar"/>
    That was all that's to it.

  • Security Exception with JavaHelp and Webstart

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    When I download the app using webstart, my helpset seems to get loaded properly, but I get the following error when trying to launch JavaHelp from within the application:
    Parsing failed for null
    Exception caught while parsing access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.home read)
    I'm not quite sure why it's trying to access the property user.home, but it doesn't seem that others that have post get this error.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Ok... this appears to be an issue with the new JavaHelp 2.0 because it works perfectly fine in version 1.3
    It appears that version 2.0 has a "favorites" section that, I'm guessing here, stores the users favorites locally. That would be why the user.home property gets accessed and the security policy is violated with Webstart.
    I can't say that this is a bug... maybe I can disable the "favorites" feature... either that or I need to stick with JavaHelp 1.3

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    The idea is for me to process that file in Java and be able to display it in the application as it looks in FrameMaker. Can this be done through the JavaHelp API?
    I tried looking at the SAXP and DOM and JDOM APIs too to process the FrameMaker .xml files but since I discovered JavaHelp I think it should be the right tool to use.
    I need not be an expert in xml too because I still have the Java side to learn.
    Does anyone have any experience or ideas on this?

    Take a look at AurigaDoc ,
    If your source document is xml and if can make the xml structure similar to AurigaDoc than
    you can convert your source document to a lot of formats like html, dhtml, pdf, postscript, rtf,
    Java help, HTMl Help(.chm), etc using AurigaDoc.
    Even if your source document is different that what is reqd for AurigaDoc you can write custom
    xsls for your document and invoke AurigaDoc with your custom xsls. This way you can convert to various o/p formats without having to know the Xerces, xalan, FOP apis

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    Hi java coders,
    I'm trying to apply search system to my application that uses JavaHelp. My probleme is that I don't know how to use indexer. Can someone help me ?? plz ! (some lines of code ?)

    you can try this
      public void createSearchDb(String[] args) {
          Indexer ixr = new Indexer();
      }args is an array of Strings having the arguments usually typed when calling jhindexer through the command line (see jhug.pdf in the JavaHelp package). Every argument must be in its own string, i.e. "-db" is one String and "C:\myDirectory\JavaHelpSearch" is the next String, and so on

  • Javahelp and css problem

    I haven't been able to get image bullets to work in JavaHelp with css .
    " I believe it's because the "url" attribute is not part of the HTML 3.2
    specification. I hope I'm wrong, I'd like to be able to use bullets"
    background-image: url("fondo.gif");
    this don't work in javahelp but yes in firefox

    I haven't been able to get image bullets to work in JavaHelp with css .
    " I believe it's because the "url" attribute is not part of the HTML 3.2
    specification. I hope I'm wrong, I'd like to be able to use bullets"

  • JavaHelp and disabled buttons

    I'm having a problem with JavaHelp. Everything works fine until my buttons are disabled. Then the context sensitive help does not come up for it.
    Example that is ok
         CSH.setHelpIDString(btn, "mytopic");
    Example that is NOT ok
         CSH.setHelpIDString(btn, "mytopic");
    Thanks in advance for your time.

    Hi all,
    has anyone solved this problem?
    Leonid Pavlov

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