Javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't insert page '/common/MenuFiles.jsp' :

I am using WebLogic 11g.
In my application am getting following exception in my console
####<Jun 4, 2012 2:03:47 AM CDT> <Error> <HTTP> <> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1338793427049> <BEA-101017> <[ServletContext@2141448872[app:amsatms module:/paws path:/paws spec-version:null]] Root cause of ServletException.
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't insert page '/common/MenuFiles.jsp' : Connection reset
at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag$InsertHandler.processException(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag$InsertHandler.doEndTag(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doEndTag(
at jsp_servlet._tdms._common.__tdmspage._jsp__tag1(
at jsp_servlet._tdms._common.__tdmspage._jspService(
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
Previously I was used OC4J, in that I didnt get any error.
My MenuFiles.jsp is
<%@ page import="com.hillspet.atms.common.constants.IATMSConstants" %>
<%@ page import="com.hillspet.atms.common.constants.AnimalConstants" %>
<%@ page import="com.hillspet.atms.common.constants.IATMSAccessConstants" %>
<%@ page import="com.hillspet.atms.collectionkit.util.ICollectionKitConstants" %>
<%@ page import="com.cte.common.IConstants" %>
<%@ page import="com.cte.common.dto.UserDTO,com.hillspet.atms.common.util.ATMSUtil" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
<%@page import="com.hillspet.ahms.animal.util.IAHMSAccessConstants,com.hillspet.admin.common.util.HillspetUtil, com.hillspet.ahms.animal.dto.AnimalBaseDTO"%>
<%@page import="com.hillspet.ahms.animal.util.IAHMSAccessConstants,com.hillspet.admin.common.util.HillspetUtil, com.hillspet.ahms.animal.dto.AnimalBaseDTO"%>
<%@ page import="com.cte.common.dto.UserDTO, com.cte.common.IConstants,     com.hillspet.admin.common.util.HillspetUtil, java.util.ArrayList, com.cte.common.ums.dto.RoleListEntryDTO,java.util.Arrays,java.util.Collections"%>
<%@page import="com.hillspet.tdms.common.util.ITLMSAccessConstants,com.hillspet.admin.common.util.HillspetUtil"%>
boolean isInternal = false;
if(session.getAttribute("ANIMAL_BASE_DTO")!=null ){
     AnimalBaseDTO animalSummaryDetailsDTO = (AnimalBaseDTO) session.getAttribute("ANIMAL_BASE_DTO");
          isInternal = true;
UserDTO dto = (UserDTO) session.getAttribute(IConstants.USER_OBJECT);
     ArrayList userPermissionsList = dto.getUserPermissionList();
boolean isAdmin = dto.getRoleList().contains("" + IATMSConstants.ATMS_ADMIN_ROLE_ID);
//System.out.println("User Permission list is :" + dto.getUserPermissionList());
     java.util.ArrayList rolesList = dto.getRoleList();
     boolean isEUUser = HillspetUtil.checkEUAccess(request, dto);
     ArrayList atmsRolesList=new ArrayList(Arrays.asList ("126","125","109","108","107","106","105","114","103","102","101","100","99","98","97","96","95","93","90","89","88","87","86","67","111","85","83","73","84","116","113", "127","128","130","132","133","134","135","136"));
boolean displayATMSMenus = !Collections.disjoint(rolesList, atmsRolesList);
     var breadcrumb = "<%=IATMSConstants.SEARCH_AND_VIEW%>";
Initialize and render the MenuBar when its elements are ready
to be scripted.
YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("vmenu", function () {
Instantiate a MenuBar: The first argument passed to the
constructor is the id of the element in the page
representing the MenuBar; the second is an object literal
of configuration properties.
var oMenuBar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("vmenu", {
autosubmenudisplay: true,
hidedelay: 750,
lazyload: true });
Define an array of object literals, each containing
the data necessary to create a submenu.
var aSubmenuData = [
                              if(rolesList.contains("67") || rolesList.contains("84") || rolesList.contains("118") || rolesList.contains("111") || rolesList.contains("90") || rolesList.contains("83") || rolesList.contains("85") || rolesList.contains("88") || rolesList.contains("82") || displayATMSMenus){
id: "Tab1",
itemdata: [
<%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.CREATE_ANIMNAL_PERMISSION)) {%>
{ text: "Add Animal", url: "" },
                                                  <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.CREATE_ANIMNAL_PERMISSION)) {%>
{ text: "Record Manual Feeding", url: "",disabled:true },
                                             <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.SEARCH_ANIMNAL_PERMISSION)) {%>
                                   { text: "Search Animals", url: "" },
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.SEARCH_IMAGES)) {%>
                                   { text: "Search Images",url: "" },
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.SEARCH_IMAGES)) {%>
                                   { text: "Capture Images",url: "" },
                                   if(!rolesList.contains("95") && !rolesList.contains("98")){ %>
                                        { text: "Animal Panels", url: "" },
<% }
                                        if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
AnimalConstants.AR_RECOMMEND_ANIMALS_PERMISSION)|| dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
               { text: "Animal Recommendation",
submenu: {
id: "subtab11",
itemdata: [
if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(AnimalConstants.AR_RECOMMEND_ANIMALS_PERMISSION)) {
{ text: "Recommend Animals", url: "" },
//{ text: "Reserve / Un-reserve", url: "../ATMS/reserveUnreserve.html"},
                                        if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
AnimalConstants.AR_RECOMMEND_ANIMALS_PERMISSION)|| dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
{ text: "View Recommendations", url: ""},
                    <%} else {%>
                         { text: "Animal Recommendation", url: "#" , disabled: true},
                                   { text: "Move Animal",
                                   submenu: {
id: "subtab15",
itemdata: [
                                                            <% if( isInternal ){%>
{ text: "Change Location", url: "" },
<%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.ANML_DISPOSITION_PERMISSION)) {%>
                                                            { text: "Adoption Record", url: "" },
id: "Tab2",
itemdata: [
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.SCHEDULE_FMT)) {%>
{ text: "Schedule Facility Maintenance Task ", url: "", disabled: false },
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.SCHEDULE_GROUP_TASK) || rolesList.contains("99")) {%>
                                   { text: "Schedule Task", url: "" },
                                   <% } %>
                                   { text: "Daily Task List",
                                   submenu: {
id: "subtab21",
itemdata: [
                                                            { text: "Animal Care Task", url: ""},
                                                  { text: "Test Collections", url: "" },
                                                  <% } %>
                                                  { text: "Health Collections", url: "" },
                                                       <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.DAILY_TASK_LIST_MEDICAL_TESTS)) {%>
{ text: "Medical Test", url: ""},
                                                       <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.DAILY_TASK_LIST_MEDICAL_EXAMS)) {%>
                                                            { text: "Medical Exams", url: ""},
                                                            { text: "Status Phenotype", url: ""},
                                                            { text: "Surgery/Procedure", url: ""},
                                                            { text: "Facility Maintenance ",submenu: {
                         id: "subtab777",itemdata: [
                                                                      { text: "Facility Maintenance Task",url: "" },
                                                                      { text: "Search FMT Images",url: "" }]
                                                            { text: "Record Group ACTs", url: ""},
                                   { text: "Administer Medication", url: "" },
                                        <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IAHMSAccessConstants.RECORD_OBSERVATION_PERMISSION)) {%>
                                   { text: "Observations",
                                             submenu: {
id: "subtab222",
itemdata: [
                                                            { text: "Search Observations",url: "" },
                                                            { text: "Record Observations",url: "" },
                                   { text: "Shared Feed Diet Assignment", url: "" },
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.TRCL_PRINT_LABELS_LIST) || HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.HRCL_PRINT_LABELS_LIST)) {%>
                                   { text: "Print Labels",
                                   submenu: {
id: "subtab211",
itemdata: [
                                                            <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.TRCL_PRINT_LABELS_LIST)) {%>
                                                            { text: "Test Collections", url: ""},
                                                            <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.HRCL_PRINT_LABELS_LIST)) {%>
{ text: "Health Collections", url: ""},
                                   //{ text: "Controlled Drug Inventory", url: "#" , disabled: true},
<%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_SAMPLES )||
                                   HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_HEALTH_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111") || !dto.getRoleList().contains("123") && !dto.getRoleList().contains("82") ) {%>
id: "Tab3",
itemdata: [
{ text: "Sample Management",
submenu: {
id: "subtab41",
itemdata: [
                                   <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_SAMPLES )||
                                   HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_HEALTH_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111") || !dto.getRoleList().contains("131") ) {%>
{ text: "Samples Pending Receipt",
                                        submenu: {
                                             id: "subtabRecieve",
                                                  itemdata: [
                                                       <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_SAMPLES)) {%>
                                                  { text: "Biological Test Collections", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                                       <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVE_HEALTH_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111")) {%>
                                                  { text: "Biological Health Collections", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                                  <%if(!dto.getRoleList().contains("706")) {%>
                                                  { text: "Non Biological Collections", url: ""}
                                                  <% } %>
if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.LAB_SM_VIEW_RECEIVED_NON_BIO_SMPLS)||HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVED_HEALTH_SAMPLES) || HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVED_TEST_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111")) {%>
{ text: "Samples Received",
                                        submenu: {
                                             id: "subtabRecieved",
                                                  itemdata: [
if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVED_TEST_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111")) {%>
                                                  { text: "Biological Test Collections", url: "" , disabled: false},
if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SM_RECIEVED_HEALTH_SAMPLES) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111") ) {%>
                                                  { text: "Biological Health Collections", url: "" , disabled: false},
if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.LAB_SM_VIEW_RECEIVED_NON_BIO_SMPLS) ) {%>
                                                  { text: "Non Biological Collections", url: ""}
                              <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,"VIEW_SAMPLE_BATCHES") || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111")||dto.getRoleList().contains("706")) {%>
{ text: "Sample Batches", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                   <%     if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains("OUTSIDE_LAB_SAMPLES_LIST") || dto.getRoleList().contains("131") || dto.getRoleList().contains("706")){ %>
               { text: "External Lab Samples", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                   <% } %>
                                        if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
ICollectionKitConstants.GENERATE_CK_TEMPLATE) ) { %>
                         { text: "Sample Collection Kits",
submenu: {
id: "subtab421",
itemdata: [
                                        if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
ICollectionKitConstants.GENERATE_CK_TEMPLATE)){ %>
{ text: "Generate Collection Kits", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                   <% } %>
                                        if (dto.getUserPermissionList().contains(
ICollectionKitConstants.GENERATE_CK_TEMPLATE) ){ %>
                         { text: "Search & View", url: "" },
<%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SMIN_VIEW_SAMPLE_INVENTORY) ||
                                        HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.VIEW_FORMULA_INVENTORY) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111") || dto.getRoleList().contains("131")) {%>
{ text: "Sample Information",
                                        submenu: {
                                             id: "subtabSampleInventory",
                                                  itemdata: [
                                                  <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.SMIN_VIEW_SAMPLE_INVENTORY) || dto.getRoleList().contains("85") || dto.getRoleList().contains("111")) {%>
                                                  { text: "Biological Samples", url: "" , disabled: false},
                                                  <%if(HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,IATMSAccessConstants.VIEW_FORMULA_INVENTORY)) {%>
                                                  { text: "Non Biological Samples", url: "" , disabled: false},
<% if ( HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,"PENDING_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LIST") ||
          HillspetUtil.checkAccess(request,"PENDING_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_READ") ) {
{ text: "Collected Samples New Request", url: "" , disabled: false },

actually this mapping only identifies those requests to be handled by teh JSF servlet. Its not a redirect.
I see several namespace definitions in your page, but no taglib reference. Wondering how this is supposed to work
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="afh"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="af"%>
I assume the next crash you will see is when you add JSF components to
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
Note that mixing HTML elements with JSF is not a recommended approach

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    5/31/06 13:08:24:094 EDT] 0000007f ServletWrappe E SRVE0014E: Uncaught service() exception root cause /WEB-INF/station/station_results.jsp: Null property value for 'searchResults'
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  • Javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key

    Hi All,
              I'm a System Engineer. My application code in Java and using JDK 1.3.1.
              My Application deploy in IBM iSeries V5R2 and not error. But after I upgrade to iSeries V5R3, my application encounter missing message error such as "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key".
              I already downgrade for iSeries V5R3 to JDk 1.3.1.
              Did Weblogic 6.1 support IBM iSeries V5R3?
              Do you have any ideas?
              Thank you.

    hi siewmun ,
              weblogic 6.1 does't support IBM iSeries V5R3 .
              IBM iSeries V5R3 is supported by IBM products mostly.
              go through the link, you can find the documention on IBM iSeries v5r3
              Anilkumar kari

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    How / from what was the PDF originally created?  It would be easiest to insert page breaks into the original document, then recreate the PDF.

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    That would be a question for Adobe support. Firefox does advise users when their Acrobat plugin is out of date, but the actual update is done by Adobe.

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    You cannot treat Acrobat as a word processor. But you can duplicate a page and crop the bottom on one page and the top of the other. The problem is there will be no reflowing of the rest of the document.

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    If there are form fields, then whoever added them probably used the forms menu, not the Acrobat form fields. Thus the PDF was converted to Designer and you are out of luck. The FORMS button found in various places in Acrobat 7 and latter takes you to Designer, not the Acrobat form tools. The latter are located in the tools menu.

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    -I followed the instructions of "Packaging and Deploying Your Provider" and made the changes to the files.
    -Copy mpi_servlet.class at <war working directory>\WEB-INF\classes.
    -Write the following to <war working directory>\WEB-INF\providers\mpi\provider.xml.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <?providerDefinition version="3.1"?>
    <provider class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.DefaultProviderDefinition">
    <portlet class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.DefaultPortletDefinition">
    <title>MPI Portlet</title>
    <description>MPI Portlet.</description>
    <timeoutMessage>MPI Portlet timed out</timeoutMessage>
    <renderer class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.RenderManager">
    -Write the following to <war working directory>\WEB-INF\deployment\
    -Zip and rename to mpi.war
    -Copy mpi.war to <ear working directory>
    -Write the following to <ear working directory>\META-INF\application.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN" "">
    <display-name>Template Application</display-name>
    <description>This is a template application</description>
    - Zip and rename to mpi.ear
    -After deploy it at OEM Console and try "http://myhost:7777/mpi/providers/" I got the test page
    Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
    Checking for components:
    Portlets are:
    Recognizing initialization parameters.
    invalidation_caching : true
    - The problem is that I cannot access my servlet at "http://myhost:7777/mpi/mpi_servlet/"

    Hi Marko,
    You need to update the web.xml file in WEB-INF folder
    Add the following lines to it,
    <servlet-class>add the fully qualified class file name here</servlet-class>
    - Abhinav

  • After refreshing system Windows 8 I can't Insert page nos or headers in documents


    Hello Saltyscan,
    I understand that your MS Office is not working correctly after you refreshed your operating system. I am providing you with some steps to follow below to resolve this issue:
    Step 1. At the Tiles Menu type Control Panel
    Step 2. Click Control Panel 
    Step 3. Click Programs
    Step 4. Click Programs and Features
    Step 5. Select your Microsoft Office program
    Step 6. Click Change
    Step 7. Select Online Repair
    Step 8. Click Repair
    After Online Repair process is complete, you should be able to use your Office applications should work correctly.
    Please re-post if you require additional support. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Why can't I insert pages in Adobe XI anymore?

    Since I've downloaded updates for Adobe Reader XI now I can't insert pages or delete pages. Am I doing something wrong or did they change the easy way I was doing it before?

    You never, never could insert pages in Adobe Reader. But you could in Adobe Acrobat.
    My guess is that you had Adobe Acrobat, but were invited to download Adobe Reader. This destroyed your Acrobat install, which you will probably want to put back if you can find the disks and serial number, or have a suitable full system backup.

  • I can't insert my data into the table - help please

    Hello everyone,
    I have a trouble about JSP. I'm using Java2 SDK,JSP 1.2,Mysql and TOMCAT.
    I want to do this. A user has to enter the nicno,into the html form(EnterNicInter.jsp),to verify if it is already exist or not. If it is exist in the db, an error msg(Record already exist) must be displayed. If not, then the page "InterviewForm.jsp" displayed. This part is working.
    But, I can't save these details into the db by clicking submit button int the InterviewForm.jsp.
    I wrote a javaBean for this task. Here is it.
    package hrm;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CandidateMgr
         private String nicno;
            private String title;
            private String firstName;
         private String civilStatus;
            private String tele;
            private String eduQua;
         // Constructor
         public CandidateMgr()
              this.nicno = nicno;
              this.title = title;
              this.firstName = firstName;
              this.civilStatus= civilStatus;
              this.tele = tele;
              this.eduQua = eduQua;
              //getters & setters.
               // Initializes the connection and statements
            public void initConnection() {
                    if (connection == null) {
                 try {
                          String sql;
                          // Open the database
                          connection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL);
                          //Verify nicno
                          sql="SELECT * FROM Candidate where nicNo= ?";          
                   pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                   sql ="INSERT INTO Candidate                               
                   pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
             catch (Exception ex) {
         public boolean verifyNicNo(){
              boolean nic_no_select_ok = false;
              String nic="xxxx";
                    try {
                       pstmt1.setString(1, nicno);
                   ResultSet rs1 = pstmt1.executeQuery();               
                        nic_no_select_ok = true;
                   } else{
                        nic_no_select_ok = false;     
                    catch (Exception ex) {
              return nic_no_select_ok;
         public boolean addInter(){
              boolean add_inter_ok = false;
                      //assign values for the object
                   pstmt2.setString(1, nicno);   //      ERROR(java:652)
                   pstmt2.setString(2, title);
                   pstmt2.setString(3, firstName);
                   pstmt2.setString(4, civilStatus);
                   pstmt2.setString(5, tele);     
                   pstmt2.setString(6, eduQua);
                   if(pstmt2.executeUpdate()==1) add_inter_ok=true;
                  catch(SQLException e2){
              return add_inter_ok;
    IntreviewForm.jsp (used to submit data into the db)
    <form method="POST" action="InterviewCtrl.jsp">
    <input type="text" name="nicno" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    <input type="text" name="title" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    <input type="text" name="firstName" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    <input type="text" name="civilStatus" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    <input type="text" name="tele" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    <input type="text" name="eduQua" size="14" style="border:1px solid #0000FF;           
    color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">
    Here is the "InterviewCtrl.jsp"
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*"%>
    <%@ page import="hrm.CandidateMgr" %>
    <%@ page session="false" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="candidate" class="hrm.CandidateMgr" scope="request"/>
    <jsp:setProperty name="candidate" property="*"/>
    <%-- Execute the addInter() method on the bean and check if it is true or false.-- %>
    <%-- if it's true then display a confirmation message "InterConfirm.html" --%>
    <%-- else display InterError.html --%>
    String nextPage ="MainForm.jsp";
    <jsp:forward page="<%=nextPage%>"/>.......................................................................
    Here is the error:(I mark it in my bean also)
    root cause
         at hrm.CandidateMgr.addInter(
         at org.apache.jsp.InterviewCtrl_jsp._jspService(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    I use JSP 1.2 , mySQL with TOMCAT. My table name is Candidate.It's fields are as follows:
    Can anybody tell me whats going on, help me to solve this please.

    you should try something different, since you are mixing up a lot of code.
    1) create a separate method just to connect and disconnect from a database;
    2) use the value entered and see if you can find a record in the table. If the record is there, then you should re-direct your jsp to a jspError, else goes to another form.
    the code below give you some idea
          if( sAction.equals("Add1") ) {
            sITEM = request.getParameter("parameter1");
            try {
              itemmaster.viewitemmaster( sITEM );
              rs = itemmaster.getRs();
              if( ) {
                sURL = "additemmaster1.jsp";
              else {
                request.setAttribute( "asITEM", sITEM );
                sURL = "additemmaster2.jsp";
            finally {

  • Insert pages from a single document multiple times

    I'm trying to create a simple program that I can use to display PDF files that I can use to play at the piano. I perform often, and need to create "play lists" from which I can pull all, or part of, a PDF file containing music and display it.
    I have it all working, except for one problem. I may need to "repeat" a section of a piece. I'm building up the play list by calling AcroPDDoc.InsertPages for each item in the play list. If a PDF file appears multiple times in the play list, when I call InsertPages, the call fails.
    In this code snippet, pdDoc is the main doc to which I'm adding pages. playList is a generic List of my own PlayList objects, and I need to iterate through all the items in the playList except the first one, which is already loaded.
    This code works great unless the fileName I specify has already been opened. The call to AcroPDDoc.Open succeeds just fine, but the call to pdDoc.InsertPages fails if the file has already had pages from it inserted. All other documents work fine. The documentation, of course, doesn't mention this.
            int insertPage = pdDoc.GetNumPages() - 1;
            for (int i = 1; i < playList.Count; i++)
              var newDoc = new AcroPDDoc();
              var item = playList(i);
              int startPage = 0;
              int endPage = 0;
              if (newDoc.Open(item.fileName))
                startPage = Math.Max(0, item.startPage);
                endPage = Math.Max(0, item.endPage);
                var totalPages = newDoc.GetNumPages;
                if (item.endPage < 0 || item.endPage > totalPages)
                  endPage = totalPages - 1;
                int numPages = (endPage - startPage) + 1;
                if (pdDoc.InsertPages(insertPage, newDoc, startPage, numPages, 0))
                  insertPage += numPages;
    So, the questions:
    1.) Is it possible to load pages from a single document multiple times?
    2.) Is there a better way to do this? (That is, loop through a list of file names, starting and ending page numbers, and add the documents to an existing document.)
    Any help appreciated! Thanks -- Ken

    Hi Ken,
    >The documentation, of course, doesn't mention this.
    The documentation does not state explicitly that you can't insert pages again from a PDDoc you open again and never close.
    But it mentions that you get references only from an already opened PDDoc.
    "...Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open..."
    It doesn't state that you can't insert pages from a referenced PDDoc but it seems so.
    I would close the PDDoc within your for-loop after inserting pages and release newDoc.

  • How to insert page numbers in document

    How can I insert page numbers using Pages starting with the second page of the document?

    click where you want the numbers > Menu > Insert > Page Numbers
    At the end of the first page:
    Menu > Insert > Section Break
    Click in the 2nd page:
    Inspector > Layout > Section > Start at: 1 > uncheck Use previous headers and footers

  • Javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server reportserver fail??

    why i cant open my report in JDeveloper tools but i can open in report builder ????
    this is the error i get ...
    Reports Error Page
    Fri Oct 18 15:41:54 SGT 2002
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server reportserver failed
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server reportserver failed
         int oracle.reports.jsp.ReportTag.doStartTag()
         void MyReport.jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         boolean com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerThread, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletRequest, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse,,, boolean)

    i still get the same error .. is it i need to set any environment variable or ... any setting ...??
    login Oracle Database
    user name = system
    password = manager
    services = dbhenry
    setting JSP Report
    Report Name = MyReport1
    Reports Server = reportserver
    Parameters = userid=system/manager@dbhenry
    the cource code below is my JSP report coding :
    <rw:report id="MyReport1" parameters="server=reportserver&userid=system/manager@dbhenry">
    <rw:objects id="objects">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" ?>
    <report name="MyReport1" DTDVersion="">
    <xmlSettings xmlTag="MYREPORT1" xmlPrologType="text">
    <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="&Encoding"?>]]>
    <dataSource name="Q_1">
    FROM HENRY ]]>

  • "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null" When trying to use JSTL

    I am trying to use some taglibs from Apache but I am getting the following error when trying to access the relevant page:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
    root cause
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
    root cause
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.SetSupport.doEndTag(Unknown Source)
         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( web.xml file is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""
    <display-name>Jsp_Ex09 - JSP Standard Tag Library</display-name>
    </web-app>I have the standard and jstl jars in my lib directory and the relevant tlds files int the tlds directory. I am using Tomcat 5.5 and J2EE 5.
    The jsp in question is as follows:
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    <title>JSTL Q2</title>
    <h1>JSTL Question 2</h1>
    <h2>How do I use the JSTL?</h2>
    <jsp:useBean id="questions" class="com.apress.faq.Questions"
    <jsp:setProperty name="questions" property="topic" value="EL"/>
    <table border="1">
    <!-- the literal JSTL tag will be in left column of table -->
    <!-- the evaluated JSTL tag will be in right column of table -->
    <!-- this tag uses c:out to send the value of an EL to the response -->
    <tr><td><c:out value="${'${'}questions.topic}"/></td>
    <td><c:out value="${questions.topic}"/></td>
    <!-- this tag uses c:set to set the property of a JavaBean -->
    <c:set target="${questions}" property="topic" value="JSTL" />
    <td><c:set target="${'${'}questions}" property="topic"
    <td><c:out value="${questions.topic}"/></td>
    <!-- this tag uses c:if to determine whether to create another row -->
    <c:if test="${questions.topic == 'EL'}">
    <tr><td>This row will not be created</td>
    <c:if test="${questions.topic == 'JSTL'}">
    <tr><td>This row was created because the c:if tag result was true</td>
    <h2>Multiplication table, 1 - 5</h2>
    <!-use the forEach tag to create a table -->
    <table border="1">
    <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="5">
    <tr><td><c:out value="${i}"/></td>
    <c:forEach var="j" begin="1" end="5">
    <td><c:out value="${i*j}"/></td>
    <h2>Formatting numbers</h2
    <br><fmt:formatNumber value="23.456" type="number" /> results in
    <fmt:formatNumber value="23.456" type="number" />
    <br><fmt:formatNumber type="currency">23.456
    </fmt:formatNumber> results in <fmt:formatNumber
    <br><fmt:formatNumber value=".23456" type="percent"/> results
    in <fmt:formatNumber value=".23456" type="percent"/>
    <br><fmt:formatNumber value=".23456" type="percent"
    minFractionDigits="2"/> results in <fmt:formatNumber
    value=".23456" type="percent" minFractionDigits="2"/>
    </html>Can anyone spot the problem?
    Sorry for such a big post!

         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core.SetSupport.doEndTag(Unknown Source)From the stacktrace, it appears to be from a <c:set> tag.
    Invocation target exception would meant that an error was encountered calling the setter.
    That would focus on this part of the code:
    <!-- this tag uses c:set to set the property of a JavaBean -->
    <c:set target="${questions}" property="topic" value="JSTL" />
    <td><c:set target="${'${'}questions}" property="topic"
    </td>That nesting of ${ } inside ${} looks dodgy to me. What is it you are trying to achieve?

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to convert javascript alert message into an Inline message in Apex Page

    Hi All. Im new to Apex. Present Approach - I have a dynamic report region developed using API's like APEX_ITEM etc. I am using java scripts to validate these dynamic items and popup alert messages as shown below - function ValidateNotObservedCB(p_row

  • Documents Print with Blurry Text in Acrobat Pro 9

    I'm running Acrobat Professional 9 on a Windows XP machine.  I recently upgraded to version 9 from version 7.  When I print files in color in version 9, the documents come out with bold-faced font and the text is a little blurry.  The document prints

  • Variable in the planning level

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  • Can't use Smoothcam filter

    I have an AVI file in Final Cut and want to use the smoothcam filter but when Iclick on it nothing happens. I get the same result when I thow it on to the timeline manually. Do I have to convert this file to an .MOV in order for smoothcam to work. an

  • Dynamic Reloading

    Well, after a lot of questions and a loft of responses, i can't restart my webapps automatically. Now, i'm working on the FCS/final release and the problem is the same. I enabled dynamic reloading in the Applications Page, I created a file .reload at