Jdbc connection blocks when run from jar

The following code establishes a connection EXCEPT when run from within a jar file:
String jdbcDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
String dbConnectionURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
String userName = "mdo";
String password = "mdpass";
// Load the JDBC driver and create a connection to the database
Class.forName( jdbcDriverName );
OracleDataSource dataSource = new OracleDataSource();
dataSource.setURL( dbConnectionURL );
dataSource.setUser( userName );
dataSource.setPassword( password );
connection = dataSource.getConnection();
When run from a jar file, the application does not execute beyond the line:
connection = dataSource.getConnection();
No exceptions are thrown, it just appears that getConnection never returns.
Do I need to do anything different to execute this code from within a jar file?
Thanks in advance,

When building the JAR file, I inadvertently included files from two Oracle JDBC driver versions (1.2 and 1.4). I was building a single jar file with all files in it.
I am guessing same named files existed in both driver JARs and caused "confussion" when combined into the single JAR.
Still, I would have expected an exception to be thrown or a null connection to be returned instead if the thread just blocking.
Thanks for all replies,

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    IDE: Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8
    Plaform: windows xp
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        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            Main receiver = new Main();
            //Create and set up the window.
            frame = new JFrame("R�FILOG RFID Empf�nger");
            //Display the window.
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            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
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    thanks in advance.

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    Class-Path: BrowserLauncher2-10rc4.jar
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    I was having similar problems. If you use an IDE, such as NetBeans BE SURE to copy that image/ folder into the build/classes in the right place in the hierarchy. In any event, not having resource files such as textfiles and images over in the classes will prevent the IDE from executing a java run. That is obvious and easy to remedy.
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    ClassLoader cldr = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL imageURL   = cldr.getResource("images/usa_small.png");
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    [Class Loaders|http://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc/org-openide-modules/org/openide/modules/doc-files/classpath.html]
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    No, the command is explicitly designed for interactive use, not within a script. If you see
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849707.aspx you'll even see it clearly state that it "Starts an interactive session with a remote computer".
    There are quite a few threads elsewhere on the same subject, all of which say the same thing, for instance
    http://powershell.com/cs/blogs/tips/archive/2010/11/15/enter-pssession-do-s-and-don-ts.aspx and
    http://powershell.org/wp/forums/topic/running-multiple-remote-commands-with-enter-pssession/ and
    http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2009/10/29/hey-scripting-guy-october-29-2009.aspx and
    So when you run it interactively, you've started the interactive connection to the remote computer and are now running the relevant commands on that machine. When you run it from the script it starts the remote connection, but crucially it doesn't use that
    new connection, the script is still being run in the current local session.
    When you think about it makes sense. Using the Invoke-command method you're connecting to a remote machine, sending the script block to the remote machine, and then running that block of code on the remote machine. The remote machine only knows about the
    code you send it, not the rest of the script (which is why if you use variables you have to pass them to invoke-command otherwise they won't be available to the script block on the remote machine. Conversely, when you use the Enter-PSSession method, you've
    connected to the remote machine, but you haven't passed any code to it. At that point you're on the remote machine, but it has no way to know what you want it to do since your script code is on the local machine. It can then either return to the local
    machine and run the next line of code locally (which it does), or sit there connected to the remote machine waiting input that will never come (which would be even less useful).

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    Would be extremely grateful if any one out there has had any success in running Excel automation on Server 2012 in a non-interactive environment that they could share.
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    [VBScript error msg]
    Z:\TestExcelMacro.vbs(35, 1) Microsoft Office Excel: Microsoft Office Excel cannot
    access the file 'Z:\TestExcelMacro.xlsm'. There are several possible reasons:
    • The file name or path does not exist.
    • The file is being used by another program.
    • The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open work
    [Powershell error msg]
    Exception calling "Add" with "0" argument(s): "Microsoft Office Excel cannot open or save any more documents because th
    ere is not enough available memory or disk space.
     To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need.
     To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to."
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ComMethodTargetInvocation
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

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    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
    }then the application works also when installed from jar, but when I use this:
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {
       String label = new String("Exit");   //just for test
       if (label.equals("Exit"))
    }then it ends with Application Error right after I run the program (and it works when I use OnDeviceDebug). I'm using jdk1.5.0_06 and WTK from Sony Erricsson (my target device is W800i, which supports CLDC1.1 and MIDP2.0)
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    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
    MIDlet-Name: HelloMIDlet
    Created-By: Sun Microsystems Inc.
    MIDlet-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    MIDlet-1: HelloMIDlet, , HelloMIDlet
    MIDlet-Version: 1.0
    MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0
    MIDlet-Description: Hello Worldand I don't use the jad file when installing the application (seems to be unecessary when you have a manifest file inside the jar). And I'm unable to debug it because when debugging then it works normally. Also I tried to recompile the BluetoothDemo and the same error(and works through OnDeviceDebug). And when I installed the jar file, which is originally distributed with BluetoothDemo then it worked. When I compared original jar file and my jar file then the only difference was in the size the class files (class files compiled by me were bigger then the class files in original jar file (which work)).
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    create table testuser.testtab(t1 number);
    Select Count(*) From Dba_Audit_Trail Where Owner='TESTUSER';
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER testuser.testtab_bi_trg BEFORE
          ON testuser.testtab FOR EACH ROW
    Select Count(*) From Dba_Audit_Trail  Where Owner='TESTUSER';
    drop user testuser cascade;
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    If I edit the trigger from  All Arround Automations PL/SQL Developer the CREATE TRIGGER statement does get audited.

    DoyleFreeman wrote:
    Not sure what you mean by "perform the audit".
    Have you tested my script? Does the "Select Count(*) From Dba_Audit_Trail  Where Owner='TESTUSER';" increment by 1 after each of the ddl statements or only after the Create table statement.
    Your question doesn't have ANYTHING to do with sql developer and should be posted in the Database General forum
    Yes - and it works just fine once you ENABLE AUDITING. Your scripIt  does NOT include the statements or code used to ENABLE auditing and, specifically, enable auditing for triggers.
    Auditing doesn't just 'happen'; you have to enable it and you have to specify any non-default auditing that you want to perform.
    Have you read any of the extensive documentation about auditing to learn how to use it?
    See the Database Security Guide
    Also see 'Auditing Functions, Procedures, Packages, and Triggers
    And see the AUDIT statement in the SQL language doc for how to specify auditing of specific operations.
    Select count(*) From Dba_Audit_Trail  Where (Owner='SCOTT' or username = 'SCOTT')
    and action_name = 'CREATE TRIGGER';
    audit create trigger by scott
          ON emp_copy FOR EACH ROW
    Select count(*) From Dba_Audit_Trail  Where (Owner='SCOTT' or username = 'SCOTT')
    and action_name = 'CREATE TRIGGER';

  • Failed to initialize  Databank exception when run from OLT

    HI All,
    I've created a script with an associated databank,that runs perfectly fine when run from OpenScript. But when I run from OLT, the following waring is encountered.
    Start failure message from agent "OLT Server": oracle.oats.common.databank.DatabankException: Failed to initialize Databank 'Forms.forms'
    Stopped Autopilot because of error on agent "OLT Server".
    Name of my DB is : forms
    and Script name is :Forms
    Please let me know the solution for this.
    Edited by: user777720 on May 21, 2013 5:00 AM

    Have you tried changing the parameter in the Assets/Databank "Save Path" from "Relative to current script" to "Relative to a repository"?
    Regards, Ian.

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    I solved it my self. It was OK (no buzz and fuzz) when it was plugged in (when the electicity line was down once and I was running on the UPS battery).....

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    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Moving to BusinessObject forum

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    The WebSession() works for a detail page, but nor a list page in EP.
    Does anyone know of a workaround to this issue?

    You should ask in the Microsoft Dynamics Community Forums.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
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    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
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    I'm sure this is specifically a leafpad problem, because there is no noticable lag in other programs. (Mousepad for example is fine.) However, the fact that it loads immediately when run from a terminal scares me. Why doesn't gmrun (and the fvwm menu) work just like a terminal? Is there a possible fix to this problem?

    droog wrote:
    I'm not having this problem as far as i can see, I use fvwm and scim already so installed leafpad to test and it starts instantly from fvwm's menu or terminal.
    from gmrun leafpad starts instantly too so maybe i'm missing something.
    what are you exporting?
    Just the normal:
    export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM
    export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
    export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"

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    The OS X Lion v10.7.3 Update includes Safari 5.1.3 and fixes that:
    Resolve a Wi-Fi connection issue when waking from sleep
    It continues to be a real pain having to reconnect to the network each time I wake my MacBook Air from sleep.
    Does anyone have a suggestion for the resolution to this problem?

    It seems the update fixed old problems for some and caused new problems for others. Sorry to hear you're in the latter group.
    Here are some things to try.
    1. Go to System Preferences > Network, and click the gear icon under the network interfaces like so:
    Whatever service order you have set, drag Wi-Fi either to the top (assuming it's not already there) or someplace else in the list. Click OK and then Apply. Sleep the system then wake it again to observe any changes.
    2. Click Wi-Fi in the above then click Advanced. Select all the networks your computer has ever joined and delete them with the "-" button. OK then Apply again. Select your network under the AirPort icon to re-join it. Sleep and wake again to see if that did anything.
    3. Try creating a new, temporary user account. Log in under that account to see if its behavior is any different.
    You may have done all of these already but perhaps there is something you have not thought of. If nothing helps we may just have to wait a bit longer for Apple to release a fix.

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    Bingo! My script started the rmiregistry and continued on to start the servers. Apparently, it was too quick. I put a 10 second delay after the rmiregistry startup and all is working as it should.
    Thanks for your help. You get the Duke dollars if I can figure out how that works.

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