JDeveloper, Ant & directory structure

Hi, I've prepared ant build script that does all from project compilation to creation of the jar,war and ear files for our web-based aplication with JSPs.
What I have problem with is the directory structure required by the JDeveloper (9.0.3) to run/debug the web aplication - it doesn't follow the war files layout requirements (class files must be in the root of the build directory together with all the JSP and are ignored when placed properly under WEB-INF/classes directory).
Is there any way to fix it? I want the build directory to have a proper structure for war file as it is the usual way just to pack it with jar tool.

Can you add a copy task to your WAR target?

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  • Ant Directory structure.

    We are developing J2EE application that would contain number of components. Each component would be a ear file that would contain EJB jars and war which can be deployed in any J2EE compliant application server.
    We are currently using Bedrock framework for applications deployed in Weblogic. It provides a very robust directory structure with most of the ant targets. However it is very custom for Weblogic.
    Is there a similar framework that provides a robust directory structure (with built ant targets) which can be delopyed into Orion/Oracle Application Server.
    If not, is there any standard directory structure for building J2EE applications? Any recommended source directory structure and why?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    |---- . so on
    like this the folderers are created for modularizing and also separation of code for
    easier maintainance.
    the Build.xml for ant i am posting here
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="MainDeploy" default="development_build">
         <target name="development_build">
              <antcall target="ear">
                   <param name="directive" value="development"/>
         <target name="integration_build">
              <antcall target="ear">
                   <param name="directive" value="development"/>
         <target name="qa_build">
              <antcall target="ear">
                   <param name="directive" value="qa"/>
         <target name="production_build">
              <antcall target="ear">
                   <param name="directive" value="production"/>
    <!-- ################################ Build Calls ################################# -->
    <!-- ********************** Build the ats_ear.ear ******************** -->          
         <target name="ear" depends="web">
              <echo>Entering the EAR process</echo>
              <ant antfile="ear.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    <!-- ********************* Build the ats.war ******************* -->          
         <target name="web" depends="business">
              <echo>Entering the Web process</echo>
              <ant antfile="web.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    <!-- ********************* Build the ats_business.jar ******************* -->     
         <target name="business" depends="ats_ejb">
              <echo>Entering the Business process</echo>
              <ant antfile="business.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    <!-- ********************** Build the ats_ejb.jar ******************** -->     
         <target name="ats_ejb" depends="integration">
              <echo>Entering the Prototype EJB process</echo>
              <ant antfile="ejb.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    <!-- ******************** Build the prototype_integration.jar ************** -->
         <target name="integration" depends="common">
              <echo>Entering the Integration process</echo>
              <ant antfile="integration.xml" target="${directive}" />
    <!-- ********************** Build the ats_common.jar ******************** -->     
         <target name="common" depends="vo">
              <echo>Entering the Common process</echo>
         <ant antfile="common.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    <!-- ********************** Build the ats_vo.jar ******************** -->          
         <target name="vo">
              <echo>Entering the VO process</echo>
              <ant antfile="vo.xml" target="${directive}"/>
    /// End of Build.xml
    Start of modular xml.. for examlpe Business.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="business" default="development">
         <!-- set global properties -->
         <property file="global.properties"/>
         <path id="library.path">
              <fileset dir="${localdir}/lib">
                   <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                   <include name="**/*.zip"/>
         <property name="build" location="${localdir}/business/build"/>
         <!-- set properties based on build type -->
         <target name="development">
              <antcall target="create_jar"/>
         <target name="integration">
              <antcall target="create_jar"/>
         <target name="qa">
              <echo>Creating the business archive for qa</echo>
              <param name="promo" value="qa"/>
              <antcall target="create_jar"/>
         <target name="production">
              <echo>Creating the business archive for production</echo>
              <param name="promo" value="production"/>
              <antcall target="create_jar"/>
         <!-- Run during every execution -->
         <target name="copy_files">
         <mkdir dir="${localdir}/business/build"/>
         <copy overwrite="yes" todir="${build}">
         <fileset dir="${localdir}/business/src">
              <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.jpx"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.dep2"/>
         <!-- Compile the java source into the deploy directory with optimization -->
         <target name="compile_source" depends="copy_files">
              <echo>Compiling source</echo>
              <javac srcdir="${localdir}/business/src" destdir="${build}" >
                   <classpath refid="library.path"/>
         <!-- Create the JAR file to be deployed -->
         <target name="create_jar" depends="compile_source">
              <echo>Creating JAR file from compiled source</echo>
              <jar jarfile="${localdir}/lib/ats_business.jar"
    Hope you could get me
    Alll The BEst

  • How to force Jdeveloper to preserve existing sources directory structure?

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    I have JDeveloper which I have to use.
    I tried to import to project from existing sources and I tried to keep existing sources
    directory structure by selection option "Scan source paths to determine project contents" which should (according to documentation) preserve existing directory structure and show it in the Navigator.
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    HTML Sources
    Miscelaneous Files
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    Many thanks,

    I'd like to be able to specify the default project directory structure in 10g as well. For example I would like to have under the project root:
    Generating an ant build.xml using the wizard should also take into account the directory structure being used by the JDeveloper project build. I don't see why I should have to modify the build.xml file at all.

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    when I ant compile, all the .classes will be done in the "build" directory (reflecting the structure in the "src" dir):
    I am happy with this, but now comes the issue: a web interface to use this core engine (it will have the same package namespace) is in developing progess, so I have to put somewhere the *.jsp, the WEB-INF dir with web.xml and servlet sources: how would you do this? And where would you let Ant put the compiled servlet classes?
    I can modify the previous directory structure to accomodate the J2EE part, this is really not a problem!
    Thanks to who can suggest me a clean solution

    Create a web-inf folder at the same level of src and
    jsp folder inside src
    i mean
    /web-infSo, would you put in /src/jsp only the *.jsp?
    And what in /WEB-INF ? What woud you put there? Would you do something like:
    In this manner sources and classes are in the same tree, it does not seem very clean to me, expecially if you consider that probably I must have a "test" directory to unit test some j2ee stuff (as for the j2se stuff in "src"): how would you do that?
    Is this directory structure anyway what you meant or not?

  • Directory structure and files in Oracle Application server 10g and 11g

    Hi all,
    I am doing a lab migration from 10g to 11g based on the use of JAXB. There were some directory structures used in 10g to store the JAXB jar files and some other custom jar files. I want to know the equivalent folder structures in SOA 11g server. The 10g server directories are mentioned below:-
    2. server.xml located at <OracleAS_Home>\j2ee\home\config in 10g. Where can I find the equivalent file to "server.xml" in 11g server?
    3. <OracleAS_Home>\bpel\system\classes\com\oracle\bpel\xml\util.
    4. <OracleAS_Home> \bpel\system\classes.

    Here are the equivalents as per best of my knowledge:
    1. <WebLogic Home>\server\lib
    For example, D:\Middleware\wls1036\wlserver_10.3\server\lib
    2. config,xml located at <Domain_Home>\config\
    For example, D:\Middleware\wls1036\user_projects\domains\ArunBaseDomain1036\config\config.xml
    3. It should be the same as 10g (instead of OracleAS_Home, it will be ORACLE_Home) if you install the BPEL product. Since, I have not installed BPEL/SOA, I am not very sure.
    4. It should be the same as 10g (instead of OracleAS_Home, it will be ORACLE_Home) if you installed the BPEL product.
    Also, I would recommend that you consider using ORACLE Smart Upgrade (JDeveloper component) to help you with the upgrade process. It exactly points out these mappings of file/directory structures AND the necessary configuration changes as well.
    If you are requirement, is only about making the library jars available to your application, then consider reading the below discussion.
    Re: XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast to XMLParserConfiguration

  • Package and Directory Structure

    Hello --
    I work in a group that supports 3 web sites. (b2b, b2c, b2e)
    We're just beginning to develop Java in-house and
    currently using Solaris and JDK 1.2.x.
    I need to propose a package and directory structure strategy.
    The "reverse the domain name" guideline makes sense to me.
    My first thoughts are: ("classes" dir could be created anywhere)
    classes/com/ppco/b2X/ <--- for .java and .class files (development)
    lib/ <--- for b2X JAR files (ready for test or production)
    util/ <--- for our utility classes like DBAccessor
    lib/ <--- for our JAR files
    sun/ <--- for classes like com.sun.mail pkg
    lib/ <--- for JAR files like mail.jar
    org/ <--- for classes in org.omg.CORBA pkg
    lib/ <--- for JAR files
    We need to handle 3rd party classes.
    Development would be done in the b2X tree and JAR files would
    be installed the lib/ dir for testing and release to production.
    Does anyone have recommendations or experiences to share ?
    Are there some things to avoid ?
    Thanks !

    Hello Al,
    you are on the right track. A typical convention I follow is:
          bin - for startup scripts, etc. to run your application
          build - for build scripts (not necessary if you build using your IDE. See below.)
          classes - for my compiled classes
          lib - for my 3rd party libraries
          src - for my source code
          test - for my test code (see http://junit.org/ )
    That's the project hierarchy. The src (i.e. the package heirarchy) structure is another story.
    As you say, you start with the reverse domain name. This is to give your packages a unique namespace. After that, your best guide is practice. Packages can be larger or smaller, depending on your coding practices. Usually you would have these (exact names may differ), plus others:
    I think your break down of sun, org, etc. is a bit too much. If you would like to do so, however, I recommend you do the separation under /lib. This way, the top level project directory is not polluted by the different types of libraries in use.
    Manuel Amago.
    From build above: I would suggest you always build your release distribution directly with the JDK, not using any IDE compiler. This is because Sun's JDK is the reference implementation, thus, any compatibility issues are not yours.
    An easy way to achieve this is by using ANT (see http://jakarta.apache.ort/ant/ ).

  • Enable AppXRay on a legacy project with unconventional directory structure

    I've got a legacy project. My first need is to do remote debugging of JSPs (application will be deployed on an app. server on a remote server).
    I imported the existing project into Eclipse/Workshop Studio. When I try to enable AppXRay it popups a Folder Mappings dialog and asks for a folder in the project that corresponds to the '/' URI.
    Here's what my directory structure looks like:
    There is no WEB-INF/web.xml in the directory structure. The .war gets built by the Ant war command and just includes the web.xml from the conf/ dir.
    If I choose the conf/ dir or the htdocs/ dir I get a warning that information related to web.xml will be missing fron AppXRay.
    How do I get Workshop Studio to work in this situation?
    As part of the Ant build I can add directories to the existing structure that mimic the structure of the .war that gets deployed if that will make Workshop Studio happy, but I cannot modify the existing directory structure significantly.

    The WFM feature was implemented to support the project structure similar to yours.
    Try the following steps to configure the project in Studio:
    - The folder mapping for your project would be
    project/htdocs => "/"
    project/conf => "/WEB-INF"The "/" mapping will be your WebAppFolder (the folder containing web artifacts, like jsps, html...) and "/WEB-INF" would be the web configuration (containing web.xml and/or struts/jsf ... configuration filer).

  • What should be directory structure for Custom MDS files?

    I have personalize a page and then exported the personalization.
    Now my requirment is to migrate this personalization to other server, for which clients want steps specific to UNIX.
    My doubt is where should I copy these files on the server to import the personalization using XMLImporter command? ( Client do not have JDev on his server, so can not use impot command)
    my custom_top structure is like '/u02/int/applmgr/CUSTOM/xbol/11.5.0'
    The customization is part of product 'OTA'
    I am confused about where to put(Directory structure on custom top) customization and other MDS file to import using XMLImport.
    This customization is also using a Custom LOV for which, I have given the path xbol/oracle/apps/ota/admin/enrollment/webui/XbolGradeRN.
    For now I have transfered the file from window based JDeveloper and things are working fine. I need the UNIX directory structure for MDS files.
    Please help to clear my this doubt.

    There is nothing specific to UNIX since the files are never picked from the file system on a production instance. You can place them under a temp directory with the proper package structure, the same way you exported personalizations for the seeded pages and the same custom package structure for your new pages and run import command. It's only how you run your import command matters, if you have placed the files in the proper package under some temp directory just give the -rootdir to point to your temp directory and no -rootPackage option.

  • New Custom OAF project - Directory structure

    I am a newbie to the OAF. I am trying to set up a totally new custom OAF project (using Jdeveloper 9i)
    In our current directory structure under $JAVA_TOP, there is no folder/directory for custom projects. Is there a recommended standard directory structure that needs to be used for custom projects/applications? or is it advisable to set up a new directory and the children directories underneath? If new directory needs to be set up what is the logical structure? Can any one provide an example?

    Thank you Gyan for the feedback. One last question about the directory structure:
    We have a custom schema in our current Oracle Apps DB (let us say 'zz'). As far as I know there is no specific responsibility associated to this schema. In the current non-OAF prod world, we develop custom forms/reports based of the tables in that schema 'zz'. We tend to think of this schema as a custom module. Eventhough there is no specific responsibility associated to this schema, forms/reports developed of this, would be registered to relavent module. ie., AP, GL, FL, PN etc.
    If I want to use the tables from that schema and build OAF projects/pages, would my directory structure be still the same as I mentioned before but with zz as the module? i.e, $JAVA_TOP/xx/oracle/apps/zz/?

  • Is it possible to Change Directory structure once the project is developed?

    I am a Newbee to OAF development, I recently developed a JSP page using the oracle recommended directory structure "<companyname>.oracle.apps.<custom directory>." ie., for ex: "*xxcom*.oracle.apps.xxco.xxco_mapping.server", the page worked perfectly fine when I ran it from jDeveloper.
    but when I tried to deployed the same in the server to run from Oracle Applications, I found that our organization's unix directory structure where I need to deploy the files is not the same, they are excluding the "<companyname>" directory in there structure, the directory structure in unix looks like this "$JAVA_TOP.oracle.apps.<custom directory>...." ie., for example: "/u06/appsw/appdevcomn/java/oracle/apps/xxco", so now I cannot deploy the page I have developed.
    How do I resolve this issue? can I change the directory structure in jDeveloper now to match that on the server, ie., change it to "oracle.apps.xxco.xxco_mapping.server" instead of "*xxcom*.oracle.apps.xxco.xxco_mapping.server"

    Yes, it is called refactoring. PLease see the link below:
    Kristofer Crus

  • How to use the "split development directory structure" in JBuilder9 ?

    How to use the "split development directory structure" in JBuilder9 ?
    Have /APP-INF supported ?

    I've not used JBuilder much, but if it has ant support, then it should
    be pretty straight-forward.
    -- Rob
    Rick Ni wrote:
    How to use the "split development directory structure" in JBuilder9 ?
    Have /APP-INF supported ?

  • Jaxb+classpath+directory structure

    I have generated the files using xjc by giving xjc -b work\ItemList.xjs -dtd work\itemList.dtd -p test.jxml -d work from bin directory...
    When i try to compile the generated java files....
    " com.sun.xml.bind"...cannot find...like this its giving for all....Think classpath is not properly set or some problem with directory strcture.can someone help me...
    my cp is
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03
    set JWSDP_HOME=C:\jwsdp-1.4
    set JAXB_HOME=%JWSDP_HOME%\jaxb
    set JAXB_LIBS=%JAXB_HOME%\lib
    set JAXP_LIBS=%JWSDP_HOME%\jaxp\lib
    set JWSDP_LIBS=%JWSDP_HOME%\jwsdp-shared\lib
    set PATH=%JAXB_HOME%\bin;%JWSDP_HOME%\jwsdp-shared\bin;%PATH%
    set CLASSPATH=%JAXB_LIBS%\jaxb-api.jar;%JAXB_LIBS%\jaxb-ri.jar;%JAXB_LIBS%\jaxb-xjc.jar;%JAXB_LIBS%\jaxb-libs.jar;%JAXP_LIBS%\jaxb-api.jar;%JAXP_LIBS%\endorsed\xercesImpl.jar;%JAXP_LIBS%\endorsed\xalan.jar;%JAXP_LIBS%\endorsed\sax.jar;%JAXP_LIBS%\endorsed\dom.jar;%JWSDP_LIBS%\jax-qname.jar;%JWSDP_LIBS%namespace.jar;.
    According to me classpath i think its ok....Problem regarding directory structure.Pls xplain.
    Thanks in advance

    Right ... I just realized that %JAXP_LIBS%\jaxb-api.jar doesn't exist.
    Run any of the examples with "ant -v" to see what the classpath should be.
    -- Ed

  • Using wlappc with split directory structure

    I am trying to generate an EAR file of my application using wlappc in WLS8.1sp3.
    I am using the split directory structure, I have a src directory containing my
    source and xml descriptors, and a output directory containing the compiled classes.
    I am using the split structure to deploy to the app server in development, that
    is working fine. I use wlcompile to compile the code, that works ok too.
    I assume that the purpose of wlappc would be to take a split directory structure
    and create an EAR file from it, but there is only one source directory that you
    can pass to the ant task. If I pass the src directory, it complains that it cannot
    find the classes. If I use the output directory, it complains that it cannot
    find the META-INF directory.
    Am I missing a step? Do I have to use wlpackage to put everything in one directory,
    then wlappc? Do I have to copy the class files or xml files manually first?

    Jason Kriese wrote:
    I am trying to generate an EAR file of my application using wlappc in WLS8.1sp3.
    I am using the split directory structure, I have a src directory containing my
    source and xml descriptors, and a output directory containing the compiled classes.
    I am using the split structure to deploy to the app server in development, that
    is working fine. I use wlcompile to compile the code, that works ok too.Great.
    I assume that the purpose of wlappc would be to take a split directory structure
    and create an EAR file from it, No, wlappc does J2EE code-generation and validation. For instance, it
    will do hundreds of checks against your EJBs to make sure they comply
    with the spec. It will compile your JSP files into servlets etc. You
    just need to pass wlappc the output directory. It will automatically
    find the src directory.
    When you're ready to deploy to a production or staging server, you can
    use wlpackage to put everything into one directory or an archived EAR file.
    -- Rob
    but there is only one source directory that you
    can pass to the ant task. If I pass the src directory, it complains that it cannot
    find the classes. If I use the output directory, it complains that it cannot
    find the META-INF directory.
    Am I missing a step? Do I have to use wlpackage to put everything in one directory,
    then wlappc? Do I have to copy the class files or xml files manually first?

  • Where to put simple html-file in WebLogic directory structure?

    After installing JDeveloper 11g and WebLogic 10.3 which came in the same exe-file (jdevstudio11110install.exe), I want to try WebLogic as a ordinary web server for a simple html-file. Where should the file be placed in WebLogics directory structure, and are there any settings that need to be done to get this to work?

    Thank you, Maxence -
    I made it work this way:
    - Entered the following in weblogic.xml for a simple dummy-servlet...
    ... deployed to the WebLogic server:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    WebLogic served up the hoppla.html-file in the C:\WorkScratch directory with the following browser URL:

  • Best practices for package directory structure?

    I've only compiled a few java programs & while I find the language itself very easy to adapt to from C++ and Javascript, I get confused about the directory structure and classpaths & such.
    My main method of operation is to build small tools and test projects, and I would like to follow good practices for organizing my directory structure, so it will (a) work well with java, and (b) work well with my source control software.
    Let's say I am developing packages named "com.example.test.test1", "com.example.test.test2", "com.example.tools.flapper", and "com.example.tools.spinner".
    I know I can use this structure:
    /java/test/test1/com/example/test/test1/* (files for com.example.test.test1 including test1.java)
    /java/test/test2/com/example/test/test2/* (files for com.example.test.test2 including test2.java)
    /java/tools/flapper/com/example/tools/flapper/* (files for com.example.tools.flapper including flapper.java)
    /java/tools/spinner/com/example/tools/spinner/* (files for com.example.tools.spinner including spinner.java)
    But the directories seem unnecessarily deep & lead to a hassle in source control that makes it difficult to browse.
    Can I use this? and if so, how do I run "javac" and "jar" properly to compile/jar-ify each package?
    /java/com/example/test/test1/* (files for com.example.test.test1)
    /java/com/example/test/test2/* (files for com.example.test.test2)
    /java/com/example/tools/flapper/* (files for com.example.tools.flapper)
    /java/com/example/tools/spinner/* (files for com.example.tools.spinner)
    also is it recommended to leave the .class files in the same dirs as the .java files, or better to have a separate tree for compiled .class files?

    hmm, there's a lot to absorb here...
    I found these articles online that seem good:
    I'd like to use ant if possible & understand it; I've had troubles with IDEs in the past and would like to just stick with basic build mechanisms.
    I guess as a practical example let's say I have two different applications that use the serial port, that I want to release separately, each in separate .jar files. One is called com.example.applications.serial1 and the other is com.example.applications.serial2. They both use rxtx.org's gnu.io.* libraries. Serial1 uses some packages that I have developed: com.example.tools.spinner and com.example.tools.flapper, whereas Serial2 uses com.example.tools.spinner and com.example.tools.flopper
    I think I want to organize things this way: (everything below under /java/src/)
    and I think I want to compile to /java/classes/:
    but I'm sort of lost on where to put the ant buildfiles, which directories to be in to run javac, and how to get the jar files right. From what I've searched for online, the external libraries (RXTX's jar files & .dlls for windows) are "interesting", and the easiest thing is to tell users of my .jar files to put the rxtx libs in the same library as the .jar files so I can set the Class-Path: in the .jar manifest to point to them.

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