JMS properties

I am writing a simple JMSSender and receiver using queues. I understand there are some properties that need to be set in the Context.
JMS Sender:
public class SimpleQueueSender {
     * Main method.
     * @param args     the queue used by the example and,
     *                 optionally, the number of messages to send
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String                  queueName = null;
        Context                 jndiContext = null;
        QueueConnectionFactory  queueConnectionFactory = null;
        QueueConnection         queueConnection = null;
        QueueSession            queueSession = null;
        Queue                   queue = null;
        QueueSender             queueSender = null;
        TextMessage             message = null;
        final int               NUM_MSGS;
        if ( (args.length < 1) || (args.length > 2) ) {
            System.out.println("Usage: java SimpleQueueSender " +
                "<queue-name> [<number-of-messages>]");
        queueName = new String(args[0]);
        System.out.println("Queue name is " + queueName);
        if (args.length == 2){
            NUM_MSGS = (new Integer(args[1])).intValue();
        } else {
            NUM_MSGS = 1;
         * Create a JNDI API InitialContext object if none exists
         * yet.
        try {
            jndiContext = new InitialContext();
          Hashtable hashTable = jndiContext.getEnvironment();
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not create JNDI API " +
                "context: " + e.toString());
         * Look up connection factory and queue.  If either does
         * not exist, exit.
       int j=0;
        try {
                queue = (Queue)jndiContext.lookup(queueName);
              queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)jndiContext.lookup("jms/QueueConnectionFactory");
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            System.out.println("JNDI API lookup failed: **" + j +"**" +
         * Create connection.
         * Create session from connection; false means session is
         * not transacted.
         * Create sender and text message.
         * Send messages, varying text slightly.
         * Send end-of-messages message.
         * Finally, close connection.
        try {
            queueConnection =
            queueSession =
            queueSender = queueSession.createSender(queue);
            message = queueSession.createTextMessage();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) {
                message.setText("This is message " + (i + 1));
                System.out.println("Sending message: " +
             * Send a non-text control message indicating end of
             * messages.
        } catch (JMSException e) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred: " +
        } finally {
            if (queueConnection != null) {
                try {
                } catch (JMSException e) {}
}Could not create JNDI API context: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need
to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet paramet
er, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
What are the properties I need to set? And how do I set these properties? I am using a OC4J j2ee container.

you need tos set the environment properties depends on what server/middle were you are using.
connection factory and url are the mandate and security credentials are optional.
exp: for weblogic
Properties env = new Properties( );
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "guest");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "guest");
and for Sonic with Ldap
Properties env = new Properties( );
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "guest");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "guest");
InitialContext jndi = new InitialContext(env);

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    -----------------------name = 'Country'
    -----------------------value = 'Brazil'
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    I am able to specify JMS Header and JMS Properties when producing a message. However I am not able to user "Message Selector" to filter messages based on JMS Properties information when consuming messages.
    In the link you provide, there is an example on how to use Message Selector:
    # (a copy from the link)
    Message Selector
    ...for example, you can enter logic, such as:
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    * Country in ('UK', 'US', 'France')
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    best regards,

    Hi Prasad
    You can use a simple user defined function. The question is, to which destination element should the function be connected to? I tried to connect to the root element of the destination structure (as dummy) and it worked.
    I prefer JAVA Mapping it's more transparent and reusable.
    Btw. My original problem remains still unsolved. Our IBM MQ still cannt see the JMS Properties.I contacted SAP for this matter, I will provide you with the solution when there is any.
    Message was edited by: Roland Stellmach

  • Message Queue 4.4 doesn't know "" ?

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           Properties props = System.getProperties();
           try  {
      pf = new prop );
               props.load( new );
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    This is all about JNDI configuration. Before you can look up an object in a JNDI repository you need to tell the JNDI runtime which JNDI provider to use. This means you need to set the system properties java.naming.factory.initial and java.naming.provider.url to specify which JNDI provider to use and where the data is located. There's a bit about this in the JNDI tutorial [|] .
    The tutorial you are running uses the simple file-based JNDI provider known as "fscontext" and included in fscontext.jar.
    That tutorial seems to be reading the property and importing its contents, though I can't see where that is supposed to happen and so am not surprised it doesn't work. is not, as far as I can see, a standard property name.
    The MQ 4.4 documentation describes how to configure an InitialContext to use fscontext by configuring those properties directly. This would definitely work!
    Note that your JNDI datastore (which you've defined to be in C:\Temp) will start off empty, so any lookups will fail unless you've inserted connection factories or destinations in there yourself. I see that is covered elsewhere in the JMS tutorial you were following. There's also a simple MQ GUI tool that can do this. [|]
    Finally, if you're simply trying to learn about JMS and MQ you can skip the use of JNDI completely and simply instantiate the underlying connection factories explicitly. This wouldn't be appropriate in a production environment (where it is recommended to store such objects in a central store) but for developmeht purposes would work just fine.

  • Proxy-2-JMS Scenario: more than 10 additional JMS properties possible

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    Thanks and best regards,

    Hi @all,
    there is no way to handle with more than 10 additional jms properties for jms header.
    Best Greetings,

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    Hi Sinkar, Nandagopal,
    The following is the message we are trying to send:
    <mes:message transport="async" acknowledgeRequired="true"
    xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../Schemas/messageV3.01.xsd"
              <mes:value>Expedio IM</mes:value>
              <mes:value>TP BT MOM Bridge</mes:value>
              <inc:incident xmlns:inc=""
                        xmlns:xsi="" majorVersion="1" minorVersion="1"
              xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../Schemas/IncidentV1.01.xsd">
                   <inc:sourceSystem type="Remedy" name="Expedio IM"/>
                   <inc:targetSystem type="TP" name="TP BT MOM Bridge"/>
                   <inc:incidentHeader supplierTicketRef="XF02958950" customerTicketRef="NA" masterTicketRef="unknown" supplierTicketCreateDate="2006-12-18T07:00:55.000Z">
                   <inc:customerDetails contactNumber="609-252-6596" customerContact="Jo Bloggs" customerContract="ABC123" customerID="23558" customerName="ENCO"/>
                        <inc:role>Prime Contact </inc:role>          
                        <inc:firstName>GCS Helpdesk </inc:firstName>          
                        <inc:lastName>GCS Helpdesk </inc:lastName>          
                        <inc:telephone>0800 282820 </inc:telephone>          
                        <inc:product xsi:type="inc:CPEproductType" xmlns:xsi="">
                             <inc:productName>Cisco 7204</inc:productName>
                             <inc:productDescription >Unknown</inc:productDescription>
                                  <inc:siteName>RUSSIA:MOSCOW;17; BUILDING 1;KRYLATSKAYA STREET;121614</inc:siteName>
                                  <inc:country>RUSSIAN FEDERATION</inc:country>
                        <inc:incidentTitle>Network Unreachable</inc:incidentTitle>
                        <inc:incidentAction incidentAction="attribute change" incidentType="fault"/>
                             <inc:noteLine timestamp="2006-12-18T08:14:38.000Z" author="macenadf">INITIAL VALUES:Element reported is INB_RU_MOS01_RTR_01 at RUSSIA:MOSCOW;17; BUILDING 1;KRYLATSKAYA STREET;121614.Assigned to Douglas Macena.Status set to WORK IN PROGRESS.Severity set to 2.Ticket submitted at 18/12/2006 07:00:55.</inc:noteLine>
    Do the header properties have to be modified here?
    Further no other details were obtained in the B2B opmn server logs besides Start and Stop OPMN
    Is there a stub we can run from WLI that can put a message on the JMS, that can be read by B2B?
    With Thanks & Regards,

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    Any help is appreciated.

    SOA Suite 11g - how to set/get JMS headers ?

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    Or am I doing something wrong?
    Thanks for the help.

    Nope, im using the inbuilt JMS queues that come coupled with the deveopler install of the process manager... I can see the header variables when i dont try to use correlation but when i correlate them the header variables on the receive are empty!
    I've also had a bash at trying to get native correlation to work with the JMS adapter but not having much (any!) luck... Any chance you have some resources for that?

  • PasswordSync Configuration - JMS Properties Settings

    I am basically trying to install and configure the password Sync process on a Windows 2000 Domain controller to interact with Sun IdM 6.0.
    I had installed the .NET 1.1 framework required for a Windows 2000 Domain Controller and PasswdSync. Now when I am trying to configure the PasswordSync, I am not sure what values should be entered against the "java.naming.factory.initial" and "java.naming.provider.url" properties under the JMS Properties tab of the PasswordSync configuration wizard. Also, I would appreciate if any one of you could throw some light on JMS Settings as well. I have set-up the JMS server and created a connection factory required before trying to configure.

    I put tcpmon proxy between windows pwsync and IDM to determine if the password update
    was being sent and got the following:
    Listen Port: 8080
    Target Host:
    Target Port: 8080
    ==== Request ====
    POST /idm/servlet/rpcrouter2 HTTP/1.0
    Accept: text/*
    SOAPAction: "urn:lighthouse"
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    User-Agent: VCSoapClient
    Content-Length: 1165
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Pragma: no-cache
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="http:
    //" xmlns:soapenc=""><soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap
    .org/soap/encoding/"><snp:queuePasswordUpdate xmlns:snp="urn:lighthouse"><userEmailAddress>[email protected]</userEmailAddress><resourc
    eAccountId>CN=Gabriela Castro,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=net</resourceAccountId><resourceAccountGUID>889e54e67501944ab573934e4b2724d6</resourceA
    ccountGUID><password>fr6j+8qxoHOqarRvYS8Flg==</password><accounts xsi:nil="1"/><resourcename xsi:nil="1"/><resourcetype>Windows Active Direc
    uePasswordUpdate></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>==== Response ====
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.4
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 22:23:05 GMT
    Server: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server
    Connection: close
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
          <return xsi:type='xsd:string'>noIDMSessionRequired|ok|</return>
    ==============from which I saw that java.naming.provider.url specifies a windows path and not a unix path, and since
    IDM is installed in UNIX (the servlet which is invoked by pwsync) this is what was failing, I changed it to the actual unix path where the .bindings file
    is and it worked.
    I can�t recall what I read in the documentation but it is not clear the value that this parameter must have,
    it specifies what the parameter is but when using both unix and windows environments it gets confusing, at least for me,
    but anyway, it works now.

  • Setting JMS Properties

    Can any one point to an example of setting JMS Properties (feature available since SP14). Appreciate help from to get double reward points....

    This should help.. SenderJMS adapter Reciever JMS adapter
    This should also help with dynamic configuration for JMS adapter
    Dynamic Configuration JMS
    Hope that helps
    Ravi Raman

  • JMS Properties in JNDI Directory

    We are starting to use Message-Driven-Beans within our WLS 8 environment. My responsibility
    is for WebSphere MQ and JMS. Currently our JMS usage has been such that that the
    connection_factory information is stored in a central LDAP directory and administered
    by the WebSphere MQ team. The queue objects are administered by the application
    teams and kept locally. We would like to keep this concept also when using MDBs
    in WLS. Looking at the configuration I cannot see how I could define two seperate
    JNDI (initial_context) references - one for the queue object and a different one
    for the connection_factory.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,
    PS: Using MQ as transport for JMS is mandatory!

    If your program is in an executeable jar file then add the following in the manifest
    class-path: junk.jar
    junk.jar has
    pjb/props/ file
    To access the properties in junk from your executable jar file in your class, do the following
    Locale eng = Locale.ENGLISH;
    String myvalue  = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("pjb.props.myconfig",eng).getString("greeting");That should work
    Or if you not using an executable jar file just set your CLASSPATH to the directory where that junk.jar is.
    java -cp c:\myjavalib\stash\                 <-----Assmuing junk.jar is in thereJava dynamically reads jar files.

  • Deployment JMS Properties not handled.

    Apologies if this is something wrong on my part - it could very well be.
    I have been trying to implement the jms queue properties, as detailed here:
    I have a simple ejb module to receive a message and rollback immediately in order to test this.
    Upon deployment, the deliveryAttemptsLimited and maxDeliveryAttempts are implemented and perform as the document states.
    However, the deliveryDelayInterval and errorDestination properties seem to be ignored.
    With the following jms-resources.xml, a message placed on the queue is processed twice (remember the ejb module just rolls back), and then disappears, and does not use any kind of delay before retrying and does not use the errorQueue specified.
    Here is the jms-resources.xml.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jms-resources xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="jms-resources.xsd">
                <description>Client ID</description>
    I just cannot see what is wrong with the file.
    Any pointers?  Im more than happy to be completely wrong here...
    Does it require a restart of the application server?

    Hi Andrew,
    Try to change the type of the connection factory from javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory to javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory. Tell me if it is still not working properly.
    Best regards,

  • Message Selector and Setting JMS Header Properties PL/SQL Enqueue

    Currently I am attempting to use the Message selector functionality. I just know know exactly how we need to set the property in PL/SQL when enqueuing. I also want to verify the syntax that I should use in the event that I am doing this incorrectly...
    The code I am using to test the enqueue is
    enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    message_handle RAW(16);
    agent$_agent :=$_agent('', null, null);
    message :=$_jms_text_message.construct;
    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'XX_OM_MONITOR_Q',
    enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
    message_properties => message_properties,
    payload => message,
    msgid => message_handle);
    we have tried a few other methods, but still to no avail...
    the syntax I believe for the selector in the ems should be bamfilter='ORDER_ENTRY'
    Any help would be great.
    The DB the Queue is locate is on 10g if that makes any difference...

    I am able to specify JMS Header and JMS Properties when producing a message. However I am not able to user "Message Selector" to filter messages based on JMS Properties information when consuming messages.
    In the link you provide, there is an example on how to use Message Selector:
    # (a copy from the link)
    Message Selector
    ...for example, you can enter logic, such as:
    * JMSType = 'car' AND color = 'blue' AND weight > 2500
    * Country in ('UK', 'US', 'France')
    I believe the example with "Country" is exactly what I need, but I can´t get it work.
    I create the same example above, setting a property named "Country" in the JMSHeader, sending the message to a JMS Queue (BPEL Process #1) and try to comsume it on the Message Selector (BPEL Process#2), but JMSAdapter never consumes the message.
    Thanks for your help.

  • How to read JMS message properties from BPEL or BPMN process

    Hi all,
    I have a JMS Adapter that consumes messages from a remote ActiveMQ queue and I don't find the way the get the properties of the JMS message as I would like to map them in BPEL or BPMN process variable. I only manage to get the content of the message.
    I've also read that if using a MapMessage, one of the map entry can be mapped directly and that the other map entries go to jca.jms.Map.xxxx where xxxx is key of the map entry.
    But how can I map those "jca.jms.Map.xxxx" properties on process variables ? and how to map JMS Properties (that seem to be mapped on jca.jms.JMSProperty.xxxx) to process variables ?
    I use SOA Suite version :
    Thanks for your help

    SOA Suite 11g - how to set/get JMS headers ?

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