Jnet / Jgantt  - where to place images?

I am developing a WebDynpro 4J component that uses Network UI component to render / edit org charts. All works fine but now I need to display icons in the nodes but I cannot figure out where shall I place these images.
In my XML file passed to Jnet I have something like the code below taken from SAP examples...
<type name="OCLabelChief" inherits="OCLabelBase">
<icon space="5"><b>apps/orgchart/chief.gif</b></icon>
but where shall I phisically place the pic? I can't see any HTTP request generated from the client.
I am referring to the incomplete Jnet documentation at https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/lw/uuid/f010ec31-9658-2910-3c83-c6e62904eceb

I figured out by myself by tracing the client applet.
I can create a jar file (ex. myicons.jar) containing chief.gif in folder com/sap/jnet/apps/orgchart and supply this jar as additionalResources property of the Network GUI element (not that this is not documented).
The jar file must be placed under the mime folder of the same webdynpro component so that Jnet applet can retrieve it during start up.
I would not recommend to retrieve the icon via HTTP because the URL must contain also the hostname/protocol: this makes it not transportable across the landscape.
It would be grate if SAP enriches / completes the documentation of Jnet/Jgantt as well as the Network / Gantt UI Elements.

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    You can place an images directory here:
    < J2EE_HOME >/public_html
    Hope this will help you
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems Inc,

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    Hi Russ,
    Ideally, Image should stay where you placed it. Please send your .muse file to [email protected], add this forum link and refer it to me.

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    If that's the case.  You don't need green screen at all.
    You can shoot the students framed in such a way as to allow room for the photos and then use Picture in Picture.
    Here's a how-to from the MacMost site.  It's for iMovie '09 but is essentially the same for iMovie '11.
    Post back if you have further questions.

  • Unable to place images in Illustrator

    (Illustrator CS2)
    Hi, Im still learning the program but this is an error that hasn't occurred before under the same circumstances. I am working on Macs at uni (as I dont have Illustrator at home) and with images from my USB drive. I want to get the images into my ai document and trace them to make a logo, but Illustrator is preventing me from doing this in any way I try.
    * I try to 'place' (file>place...) a jpg from the USB into the ai document and one of three things happens:
    1. It appears as though nothing has happened so I 'select all' and this highlights an empty box where my image should be. This always happens on the first try after I open the document.
    2. I delete the box and try again. This time not even the invisible box is placed. The computer processes and then acts as if I commanded it to do nothing.
    3. Irregularly, if I try again it seems like it's about to happen (with a preview showing and asking me to approve) and then I get the message "the operation cannot complete because of an unknown error".
    * I tried opening the jpg in Photoshop and copying and pasting from there and got the same "unknown error" message, followed by the empty invisible box.
    * The images place in photoshop with no problem.
    * The images cant be dragged and dropped into Illustrator.
    * I tried opening the image with Illustrator and get the message "insufficient memory was available to complete the operation". The image is only small - less than 1MB.
    * I tried changing the file to a tiff and a pdf. I tried uploading the jpg to internet and saving and placing from there but this is unsuccessful. I tried other images saved both from my computer and the uni computer and they dont work.
    * SOMETHING WORKS: I tried with random images from the internet and some (usually around 4kb) saved to Documents and placed are done so successfully. But this is no use to me.
    I have done this in the past and there have been no problems placing or pasting images whatsoever. I dont think uninstalling is really an option as they are the uni's computers and that would probably be an ordeal.. I really need this to be fixed quickly as I have no other access to Illustrator and it's part of a job. It happens with all the computers in the lab. I cant even start making the logo until this is overcome. I would really appreciate some help! your ideas on what the problem could be and what needs to be done to fix it.
    Thanks for your time,

    One causes of this error I've encountered has to do with the volume size of the disk the user's home folder is stored on.
    I'm guessing that Simon Manion is logged onto the Mac at his university using a networked home folder that is stored on a volume larger than Illustrator scratch disk management routines can handle. (2TB is the limit I think.)
    The workaround that I've been using is to create a 500MB disk image with Disk Utility, mounting the image, and using it as the only scratch disk. You may need to make your disk image larger. (Remember to restart Illustrator for the new scratch settings to take effect.)
    Even though the actual local volumes are under 2TB, they don't seem to work as scratch disks if the user's home folder lives on a large server. For some reason, setting the scratch disk to a virtual volume gets thing working correctly.
    This has solved the place image problem for me in Illustrator CS, CS2, and CS3.

  • Place images to a specific spot in a template

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    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    What you want to do can be done but it is complex and actions have some limitations and can not use logic without using a script or two. File saving  can be tricky for an action will always save the same file name or use the current document name saved either overwriting the file or saving it to some other particular folder. Action that populate a template can be created but it will always populate the same number of images because an action can not use logic to find out how many spots there are to populate. There are different ways to drop an image into the active document you can paste into an area or just past in the image in as a new layer.  You can also Place images in as smart objects. Each method has some advantages and disadvantages. Layers can also be aligned with selections and layers can be transformed in size.  Your best off creating rule for creating a template and have a plan as to how your going to populate these templates that follow your rules. To protect the template from alteration you may want to dupe the template close the original and work on the duped version. When you dupe the template you can give the dupe a name if you do not name it the new document will have the same name with copy appended.
    Scripting is more powerful then Action but they are programs that are written in a scripting language. Photoshop supports three languages. VBS, Applescript and Javascript. Only Javascript is supported on both the MAC and PC platforms.  Even using Javascript you may need to code the script to work on both platforms for I'm sure there are some differences in the OS and file system the may need special handling to work on both platform.  From you description of you work-flow it is hard to tell exactly what you are doing.   If you trying simple create a photo Collage.  You may want to have a look at my free Package for Photoshop called "Photo Collage Toolkit" . I have been told this package works on a MAC but I created it and tested it on widows and got it To work with CS2, CS3, CS4 and CS5.
    Photo Collage Toolkit UPDATED Sept 24, 2011 added a script to replace a Populated Layered Collage Smart Object Image with an other image with resizing.
    Photoshop scripting is powerful and I believe this package demonstrates this.
    The package includes four simple rules to follow when making Photo Collage Template PSD files so they will be compatible with my Photoshop scripts.
    There are eight scripts in this package they provide the following functions:
    TestCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to test a Photo Collage Template while you are making it with Photoshop.
    CollageTemplateBuilder.jsx - Can build Templates compatible with this toolkit's scripts.
    LayerToAlphaChan.jsx - Used to convert a Prototype Image Layer stack into a template document.
    InteractivePopulateCollage.jsx - Used to interactively populate Any Photo Collage template. Offers most user control inserting pictures and text.
    ReplaceCollageImage.jsx - use to replace a populated collage image Smart Object layer with an other image correctly resized and positioned.
    PopulateCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to Automatically populate a Photo Collage template and leave the populated copy open in Photoshop.
    BatchOneImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Collage templates that only have one image inserted. The Collage or Image may be stamped with text.
    BatchMultiImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with images in a source image folder. Easier to use than the interactive script. Saved collages can be tweaked.
    Note: Rags Gardner www.rags-int-inc.com Photoshop Collage Template Builder script Copyright (c) 2006 builds layered Photo Collage Template psd files. Rags's has given me permission to include a modified version of his script in my package. The modification converts Rags's layered image template document into a flattened template compatible with Photoshop "Photo Collage Toolkit" package. There is also an option that will instead create a layered image stack like Rags's templates are these are also produced if you attempt to create a template with more then 53 images.
    Photoshop only supports up to 53 Alpha channels therefore with its design the Photo Collage Toolkit can only support collages with 1 to 53 images. I do not feel this is a big limitation for if you put 53 3:2 aspect ratio images on a large 16" x 20" paper they would need to be less then 1.9" x 2.86" in size if you wanted a frame around each and less then .95" x 1.43" on a 8" x 10" year book page size.
    While the maximum number of images in a collage is 53 you can actually create larger collages by populating a large number of images into several collages and then populate yet an other collage template with these populated collages. Each will be placed into the collage of collages as a single smart object layer. You may want to save the populates PSD file as Jpeg files first to cut down on the overhead of having large PSD file smart object layers in the collage of collages.
    Documentation and Examples

  • Most efficient way to place images

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    Should I create a small library of frames that I place, then place non-straight images in them (and how do I do that) and rotate in InDesign?  Etc?
    What would be the most efficient way to do this?

    To tag onto what Peter said, when you click on the image with the Direct Selection tool you can also use the up and down arrow in the rotation Dialog (where you enter the angle, at the top) to easily change the rotation.
    Also, when you place images in InDesign you can select a number of images at once and continually click the document (or image frame) and place all the images you selected to import. To clarify, you can have a whole bunch of empty image frames on the page then go to file > place and select all your images, then continually click and place them inside each empty frame.

  • Where to store images in webapp?

    I'm designing an web application which main purpose is to store and view images that users has stored.
    I'm considering that where is the best place to store those images? I have at least two options: relational database or filesystem. Is it bad idea to store images in database? What are the downsides?
    The user's images has to be seen only by the user itself, that is to say others should not get the user's private images. How this can be made by filesystem? I have thinking some kind of "ImageServlet" to where you pass image's id by parameter and the servlet checks that the requester has priviledges to fetch the image eg. is the owner of the image (fetching userinformation from the session). The application will have also a feature that the user can "share" some images to known persons. The "ImageServlet" can fulfil that requirement also.
    Am I in right direction or does somebody have a better idea?

    Ok maybe I do the matrix and consider the things that have been came up.
    I was wondering one thing. If I choose store images in database, what about db connections? Them are anyway resources that are always scarce even if there is connection pool in use. Could that be stumbling block? Because the application's nature is, that there can be lots of pictures, users create picture albums and can view them later.
    Nevertheless, I still think that I need to design some kind of "ImageServlet" to get the pics. I was wondering something like this:
    In JSP/HTML page images are referenced by img tag like this
        <IMG src="ImageServlet?name=pic1" width=... height=...><BR/>
        <IMG src="ImageServlet?name=pic2" width=... height=...>
        <!-- etc -->In ImageServlet pics are served eg. like this (this is just example to show what I'm thinking)
        // check if user have rights to access to pic
        // imageStore could fetch the image from database or filesystem
        InputStream picStream = imageStore.getImage(req.getParameter("name"));
        OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream();
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        int count = 0;
        while ((count = pic.read(buf)) >= 0) {
          out.write(buf, 0, count);
        out.close();Is there some drawbacks, if pics are sent to requester using OutputStream?

  • Where to put images in web Dynpro project to have them deployed?

    Hi Brothers,
    I would like to show an image in an <img>-tag within a Formatted Text View UI Element.
    I have created a folder img under src/.../projectname and I have referenced the image in the <img>-tag as follows:
    < img src="/LocalDevelopment~LocalDevelopment~testroadmap~demo.sap.com/src/packages/com/sap/demo/projectname/img/newRow.JPG"; /.>
    However, the image is not shown in the Formatted Text View UI Element.
    Does anybody know where to put images so that they are packed in the .war achieve and deployed and how to referenced them?
    Thanks, Johannes

    place the image in the following folder of application,
    src\mimes\Components\<your component name>.testroadmap.demo.sap.com
    If you store the image file in your Web Dynpro project under src /mimes /Components /<Name of Component>, you only have to specify the file name without a path.
    Edited by: Ramesh Babu V on Sep 19, 2008 1:58 PM

  • Find text place image

    I have a script that find text and replaced it with a image, but it makes a new document and i want it in the same document that i have open.
    Can somebody help me with this problem. See script below. I work with Indesign CS 5 mac.
    Kinde regards,
    #target indesign
    var myDialogResult = CreateDialog();
    if (myDialogResult == undefined) exit();
    var myIndFiles = [];
    var mySubFolders = [];
    if (myIndFiles.length == 0) err("No InDesign files have been found in the selected folder and its subfolders.");
    var myStartFolder = myDialogResult.imagesFolder.parent;
    mySubFolders = getSubFolders(myStartFolder);
    WriteToFile("\r--------------------- Script started -- " + GetDate() + "---------------------\n");
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
    for (f = 0; f < myIndFiles.length; f++) {
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
    WriteToFile("--------------------- Script finished -- " + GetDate() + "---------------------\r\r");
    alert("All done!");
    // ------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------
    function PlaceImages() {
              app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '@.+?@';
              var myFoundItems = app.activeDocument.findGrep();
              for (i = 0; i < myFoundItems.length; i++) {
                        var myName = myFoundItems[i].contents.replace (/@/g, "");
                        var myFile = new File(myDialogResult.imagesFolder + "/" + myName);
                        var myFrame = myFoundItems[i].parentTextFrames[0];
                        if (myFile.exists) {
                                  PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile);
                        if (!SearchInSubfolders(myName, myFrame)) {
                                  WriteToFile("\tNOT FOUND  -- " + myFile.fsName + "\n");
    function SearchInSubfolders(myName, myFrame) {
              for (j = 0; j < mySubFolders.length; j++) {
                        var myFolder = mySubFolders[j];
                        var myFile = new File(myFolder + "/" + myName);
                        if (myFile.exists) {
                                  PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile);
                                  return true;
              return false;
    function PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile) {
              try {
                        if (myFrame.characters.length < 100) {
                                  switch(myDialogResult.myRadSelected)          {
                                            case 2:
                                            case 3:
                                            case 4:
                                            // do nothing
                        WriteToFile("\tPlaced -- " + myFile.fsName+ "\n");
              catch(e) {
                        WriteToFile("\tSome error occured while placing -- " + myFile.fsName + "\n");
    function CheckFolder(folder) {
              var fileList = folder.getFiles()
              for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
                        var file = fileList[i];
                        if (file instanceof File && file.name.match(/\.indd$/i)) {
                        else if (file instanceof Folder) {
    function getSubFolders(theFolder) {
              var myFileList = theFolder.getFiles();
              for (var i = 0; i < myFileList.length; i++) {
                        var myFile = myFileList[i];
                        if (myFile instanceof Folder){
              return mySubFolders;
    function err(e, icon){
              alert(e, "Place Images Script", icon);
    function ProcessIndFile(myFile) {
              try {
                        var myDoc = app.open(myFile);
                        WriteToFile(myDoc.name + "\n");
                        var myNewFile = new File(myFile.fsName.replace(/\.indd$/i, "_Backup.indd"));
              catch(e) {
                        WriteToFile("Cannot open file -- " + myFile.fsName + "\nError: " + e.message + " (Error# " + e.number  + ")\n");
              myDoc = myDoc.save();
    function CreateDialog() {
              var myIndFolder, myImagesFolder;
              if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath") != "") {
                        var myIndFolderPath = app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath");
              else {
                        var myIndFolderPath = "No folder has been selected";
              if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath") != "") {
                        var myImageFolderPath = app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath");
              else {
                        var myImageFolderPath = "No folder has been selected";
              var myDialog = new Window('dialog', 'Place Images');
              myDialog.orientation = 'row';
              myDialog.alignChildren = 'top';
              var myPanel = myDialog.add('panel', undefined, 'Choose folders for:');
              var myIndFolderStTxt = myPanel.add('statictext', undefined, myIndFolderPath);
              var myButtonInd = myPanel.add('button', undefined, 'InDesign files', {name:'indd'});
              var myImagesFolderStTxt = myPanel.add('statictext', undefined, myImageFolderPath);
              var myButtonImages = myPanel.add('button', undefined, 'Image files', {name:'images'});
              var myGroup = myDialog.add('group');
              myGroup.orientation = 'column';
              var myRadioPanel = myGroup.add('panel', undefined, 'After placing:');
              myRadioPanel.alignChildren = 'left';
              var myRadioBtn1 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'do nothing');
              var myRadioBtn2 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'center content');
              var myRadioBtn3 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'fit frame to content');
              var myRadioBtn4 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'fit content proportionally');
              if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected") != "") {
                        eval("myRadioBtn" + app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected") + ".value= true");
              else {
                        myRadioBtn1.value = true;
              var myOkCancelGroup = myGroup.add('group');
              myOkCancelGroup.orientation = 'row';
              var myOkBtn = myOkCancelGroup.add('button', undefined, 'Place', {name:'ok'});
              var myCancelBtn = myOkCancelGroup.add('button', undefined, 'Quit', {name:'cancel'});
              myButtonInd.onClick = function() {
                        myIndFolder = Folder.selectDialog ('Chose a folder for InDesign documents');
                        if (myIndFolder != null) {
                                  myIndFolderStTxt.text = myIndFolder.fsName;
              myButtonImages.onClick = function() {
                        myImagesFolder = Folder.selectDialog ('Chose a folder for Images');
                        if (myImagesFolder != null) {
                                  myImagesFolderStTxt.text = myImagesFolder.fsName;
              var myShowDialog = myDialog.show();
              if (myIndFolder == undefined) {
                        if (myIndFolderStTxt.text == "No folder has been selected") {
                                  myIndFolder = null;
                        else {
                                  myIndFolder = new Folder(myIndFolderStTxt.text);
              if (myImagesFolder == undefined) {
                        if (myImagesFolderStTxt.text == "No folder has been selected") {
                                  myImagesFolder = null;
                        else {
                                  myImagesFolder = new Folder(myImagesFolderStTxt.text);
              var myRadSelected;
              if (myRadioBtn1.value) {
                        myRadSelected = 1;
              else if(myRadioBtn2.value) {
                        myRadSelected = 2;
              else if(myRadioBtn3.value) {
                        myRadSelected = 3;
              else if(myRadioBtn4.value) {
                        myRadSelected = 4;
              app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected", myRadSelected + "");
              app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath", myIndFolderStTxt.text);
              app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath", myImagesFolderStTxt.text);
              if (myShowDialog== 1) {
                        var myResult = {};
                        myResult.indFolder = myIndFolder;
                        myResult.imagesFolder = myImagesFolder;
                        myResult.myRadSelected = myRadSelected;
              return myResult;
    function WriteToFile(myText) {
              myFile = new File("~/Desktop/Place Images Report.txt");
              if ( myFile.exists ) {
                        myFile.seek(0, 2);
              else {
    function GetDate() {
              var myDate = new Date();
              if ((myDate.getYear() - 100) < 10) {
                        var myYear = "0" + new String((myDate.getYear() - 100));
              } else {
                        var myYear = new String ((myDate.getYear() - 100));
              var myDateString = (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getDate() + "/" + myYear + " " + myDate.getHours() + ":" + myDate.getMinutes() + ":" + myDate.getSeconds();
              return myDateString;
    function CheckIfChosenFoldersExist() {
               if (myDialogResult.indFolder == null) {
                        err("No folder has been chosen for InDesign files.", true);
              else if (myDialogResult.indFolder.constructor.name == "Folder") {
                        if (!myDialogResult.indFolder.exists) {
                                  err("Folder \"" + myDialogResult.indFolder.fsName + "\" chosen for InDesign files does not exist.", true);
              if (myDialogResult.imagesFolder == null) {
                        err("No folder has been chosen for pictures.", true);
              else if (myDialogResult.imagesFolder.constructor.name == "Folder") {
                        if (!myDialogResult.imagesFolder.exists) {
                                  err("Folder \"" + myDialogResult.imagesFolder.fsName + "\" chosen for images does not exist.", true);

    Try this, I use it every day
        this script will addimages to the document by
        substituting them with the name of the image file
        between @s (file format included[@mypic.bmp@]),
        selecting them from a specified file (see below)
        and applying object styles to them, as well as
        applying the right tab i necesary.
        It then looks for overflows in the document. If an
        overset is found, it will resize to margin size the
        text frame and if overset continues, it will add a
        new page and frame, which then will be linked
        to the previous frame, allowing the story flow.
        Questo file deve essere copiato nella cartella Script di InDesign
    //Creates a new document using the specified document preset.
    //Replace "myDocumentPreset" in the following line with the name
    //of the document preset you want to use.
    var myDocument = app.documents.add(true,app.documentPresets.item("MyPreset"));
    //If the active document has not been saved (ever), save it.
    if(app.activeDocument.saved == false){
    //If you do not provide a file name, InDesign displays the Save dialog box.
    app.activeDocument.save(new File("/Users/paolbot/Desktop/Document.indd"));
    function main()
    var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
    var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0);
    var myTextFrame = myPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds:myGetBounds(myDocument,myPage)});
    myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 7;
    //Place a text file in the text frame.
    //Parameters for TextFrame.place():
    //File as File object,
    //[ShowingOptions as Boolean = False]
    //You'll have to fill in your own file path.
    //Define GREP search
    var grepFind ="@@@.+@@@";
    //Name of the folder where pdf are
    var myFiguresFolder = "pictures";
    // Stile Paragrafo applicato
    var myPStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Normal");
    var NextPStyleCS = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style");
    var NextPStyleEN = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style_en");
    var NextPStyleDE = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style_de");
    // Text style applied
    var myCStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.item("text");
    //Object style applyed
    var myOStyle = "";
    var oStyle_1 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
    var oStyle_2 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
    var oStyle_3 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
    var maxWidth = 467; //Maximum width of an image
    var maxHeight = 666; //Maximum Height of an image
    var colWidth = 468; //Width of the main columb (340pt) + maximum Tab (128pt)
    var maxTab = 0;
    var xTab;
    var xtTab;
    var minTWidth = 340; //any image with a width below this will have the maximum Tab (maxTab) applied.
    var PWidth; //Width of the Picture
    var PHeight;//Picture Height
    var myTotal;

  • I have a complaint about my mac book pro being slippery. Why do these expensive computers that we as consumers purchase if you set them on a couch slip off no matter where you place them on the couch?

         Hi, my Mac Book Pro 15 inch lap top if i set it on the couch no matter where I place it slips off and luckily so far I have caught it before it falls onto the floor and gets ruined, of which I am super afraid of, due to what I initially paid for it as the consumer. Also, the couch is not made of slippery material at all. Also, when using it on my lap while watching tv, and multi tasking while doing my college homework, it even slides off of my lap at times. Why is it called a lap top then when it's not working as one? Are we to wear rubber pants that grip your products? Also, Why do you place on your Apple website that in one area a satin cover is available in the teal color, and then in another area it's discontinued? I believe it would be simpler if Apple would just remove the product all together from the purchasing website once any product becomes discontinued. Also, I was sitting here at home waiting for a reply about the satin cover in teal no longer being available period or that it has shipped, but yet I ended up calling Apple altogether myself and finding this all out that the only available color is the black. It would've been nice to have recieved an e-mail or a phone call on why it wasn't going to be shipped, or shipping instead of having to do customer services job and doing the leg work myself. Also, why is it that no one also even tells a consumer about the classes that were offered to a new consumer for 14 days after purchase of paying the $99.00s to learn about their macs of any kind? If I had known about such a program, I surely would've signed right up for it. Now I am being told that I can only take one clas at a time or something?!? I seriously wish I was told about this as a consumer of the Mac Book Pro 15 inch, because I would've purchased that offer right away, and now I am stuck and can no longer do it. Also I have had my computer since October of last year. So, I am in college as becoming a graphic designer within a degree of an Associates of Science and am now still struggling to learn the computer, and the programs I pruchased as well at the time of purchase, along with an Epson printer, the magic mouse, and the one year warranty. As for this all, I do believe that Apple needs to make a better bottom to the Mac Book Pro's within a much better quality for the price we pay as consumers, and all other lap tops and/or Notebooks in making them slide proof. The tiny rubber spots on the bottom of the lap tops or any Apple computer similar to mine just needs a better quality improvement to us consumers I spent good money on this purchase, I think now I deserve a rubberised protective cover for free for the slipperyness, and also since I was never told about the program for the classes of which a consumer  was to pay $99.00s for, I think as a good paying quality consumer for Apple's products, I now deserve these classes for free as well.

    Hi shldr2thewheel,
         it has been a while since we have last spoke, I would like to let you know, I am still working on getting used to the switch from windows to a Mac/Apple system. I do have a new question for you, I did purchase In Design CS5.5 through journeyed.com through Cuyahoga Community College of which I attend as a student, is there a way to purchase an online book through iTunes to learn that as well? Also, you know me, the struggling student, I would also, when and if the book can be purchased through the iTunes, would need to know if you do know of a much easier book for struggling students like myself and at a reasonable price as well for the In Design CS5.5 program. Our campus bookstore had closed early, and, so did the colleges library and our local library here where I do live, so, I cannot go to either place to purchase a book or to take out a book, plus cash funds are low at this moment as well but, I do have money left on the iTunes account to use, if it can be used. So, can it be used, the iTunes money, towards finding a low priced online book? I am in great need of assistance as I have a project due for my one course for this Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
    Sincerely in need of help once again,

  • Place image on canvas

    I am trying to place image on canvas.
    However the image doesn't show!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
    no error and compiles well....
    private void AddTile(String image, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy)
    tiles = ImageIO.read(new File(image));
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Image not Found");
    Graphics2D a =(Graphics2D)tiles.getGraphics();
    a.drawImage(tiles, 20,20,20,20,TileCanvas);
    if the above function is called the image should be placed on canvas right?
    TileCanvas is a canvas, and tiles is BufferedImage.
    just in case I'll put my source code followed by this
    * MapEditor.java
    * Created on 2006�� 7�� 20�� (��), ���� 11:48
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import java.io.*;
    * @author SeiKwon
    public class EditorComponent extends javax.swing.JFrame
    private java.awt.Button AddTile;
    private java.awt.Button DeleteTile;
    private javax.swing.JMenu FileMenu;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem LoadFile;
    private javax.swing.JPanel ManageTilePanel;
    private java.awt.Canvas MapCanvas;
    private javax.swing.JMenuBar MenuBar;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem SaveFile;
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane ShowMapScroll;
    private java.awt.Canvas TileCanvas;
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane TileScroll;
    private BufferedImage tiles;
    private int tilecount = 0;
    /** Creates new form MapEditor */
    public EditorComponent()
    AddTile("test.jpg", 0, 0, 10, 10);
    private void initComponents()
    ManageTilePanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    TileScroll = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    TileCanvas = new java.awt.Canvas();
    AddTile = new java.awt.Button();
    DeleteTile = new java.awt.Button();
    ShowMapScroll = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    MapCanvas = new java.awt.Canvas();
    MenuBar = new javax.swing.JMenuBar();
    FileMenu = new javax.swing.JMenu();
    SaveFile = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
    LoadFile = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
    getContentPane().setLayout(new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteLayout());
    ManageTilePanel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Tiles"));
    TileCanvas.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 255, 255));
    TileScroll.setBounds(10, 22, 100, 230);
    AddTile.setBounds(10, 260, 50, 26);
    DeleteTile.setBounds(60, 260, 50, 26);
    getContentPane().add(ManageTilePanel, new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints(310, 10, 119, 290));
    MapCanvas.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 255, 255));
    MapCanvas.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter()
    public void mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
    getContentPane().add(ShowMapScroll, new org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints(12, 10, 290, 290));
    SaveFile.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon("D:\\java\\MapEditor\\Image\\Save16.gif"));
    SaveFile.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    LoadFile.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon("D:\\java\\MapEditor\\Image\\Open16.gif"));
    LoadFile.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void MapCanvasMouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
    Cursor cursorshape = MapCanvas.getCursor();
    private void AddTile(String image, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy)
    tiles = ImageIO.read(new File(image));
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Image not Found");
    Graphics2D a =(Graphics2D)tiles.getGraphics();
    a.drawImage(tiles, 20,20,20,20,TileCanvas);
    private void LoadFileActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Open", FileDialog.LOAD);
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    private void SaveFileActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Save", FileDialog.SAVE);
    //fd.setFilenameFilter("*.map"); // HOW TO USE?????????????
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    public static void main(String args[])
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()
    new EditorComponent().setVisible(true);

    You have at least two problems.
    1) You are mixing AWT and Swing. Instead of using a Canvas you should use either a JComponent or a JPanel.
    2) In Swing, drawing such are you are doing should be done within the paintComponent(Graphics g) method using the Graphics provided as an argument to the method.
    P.S. I can't test you code because for some reason you feal the need to use a NetBeans specific layout manager.

  • How do i place image instead of text  in swing button  ?

    I need to place image in place of text in button i.e in place of button name i need to display image.
    Please tell me how to do this.......

    You'll need to use CSS floats.
    .floatLt {
    <div class="floatLt">
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal floatLt">
    Coding skills are essential to using DW.  Learn HTML & CSS first.  DW will be much easier.
    HTML, CSS & Web Design Theory Tutorials -
    Nancy O.

  • Place Image option is missing in Acrobat 9

    I'm trying to add an image object (jpg image) into a document.  Following the instructions to use Advanced Editing>Touchup Object tool, the right clicking, there are no options displayed.  The option to "place image" is absent.
    This previously functioned, but now it'g gone.  Any help??

    Security Restrictions of the document are unknown.
    The problem was
    resolved following an Adobe "repair" procedure, then I re-created the
    pdf file by printing it to pdf (the document had a few "typewriter"
    objects on it). Starting again from this point, the insert image options
    were present upon right click.
    My guess is that if there are
    typewriter objects on the document, this provides some conflict with the
    advanced editing tools. IF this is the case, the "help" sections on
    inserting images needs some more helpful info of this nature. Thanks for
    the response.
    On 2012-10-17 10:51, George Johnson wrote:
    created by George Johnson
    in Creating, Editing & Exporting PDFs - View the full discussion

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