Jobs seems to be tied to terminal start

it seems that every time i open up terminal it starts a exec file. it displays something like this...
Last login: Wed Jan 31 21:40:27 on ttyp1
/Applications/; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
lamshel:~ ryan$ /Applications/; exit
at which point i have to hit crtl+z to get it to bring up a prompt. i think i know what i did. i right clicked on the coreduotemp app in the applications folder and chose "show package contents" then i opened the contents folder...the MacOS folder and clicked on the exec file called CoreDuoTemp. i guess it was stupid to do so but i wanted to see what it did. anyways it seems to have somehow been tied to my terminal. it displays the above display until ctrl+z out and use "ps" to grap the id and then kill -9 it. I know this has to do something with me clicking on the exec file because everthing worked perfect before i did so.
I tired uninstalling the app but this just cause the terminal to report that /Applications/ doesn't exist. I would much appreciate it if someone could tell me how to undo this connection to the exec file and my terminal.

Well, now you know what happens.
Start with Terminal->Terminal Preferences and see what's selected under When creating a new Terminal window and Open a saved .term file when Terminal starts. Also, check Terminal->Window settngs->and go through the various settings.

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    Hi 2wicky,
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    thanks for your helpful info. Two questions:
    when I login to my remote server (Tiger Server) via SSH, the command line on my laptop changes to reflect the server name Im logging into.
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    2. laptop closes SSH session to server
    2. laptop now launches Terminal
    3. laptop now sees prompt line restated as: margaritaserver:~ username$
    how to get back to normal prompt: jimmydeuce:~ username$ ???
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