John Lewis selling MBP cheaper than Apple?

Dear Forum
John Lewis in the UK seem to selling MBPs cheaper than Apple. ididnt think this was something Apple liked. i assume its thesame machine?
JL: re-i7-256gb-flash-storage-16gb-ram-15-4-/p1613211
Ive not got that wrong have i?

mumbles2701 wrote:
thanks Roger
...Apple seem to command their retailers to somehow not discount their products
Doing this would be seriously illegal and could attract a large fine. It's more likely that retailers mostly see no reason to undercut Apple on a product which is in much demand. 16GB is the maximum available, and indeed the only configuration for this model. (The 13 inch ones come with 8GB which you can upgrade to 16GB but only at the time of purchase - it's not possible to upgrade later as the RAM is soldered onto the motherboard.)

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    Kind regards

    AppleCare IS an extended warranty.
    See also this:
    Apple Products and EU-wide Consumer Laws:

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    If john Lewis are offering two year warranty on iPads then they must have faith in the product.
    Yes, I can understand the extra warranty gives people that extra insurance.
    Was looking at John Lewis but could not wait, so ordered one from apple. Had it within a week. Great service
    Now have two, the first one again from apple , well the family look it over. No real problems with them at all. Wi-fi ok, heat ok, charges in 6 hours, just had a small problem when finishing a spreadsheet. Did not wait for it to save and upadate so it froze. How I wait for the sheet to update and save before closing the app and I have no problems.
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    Probably the same comparison can be made in the U.S. of Best Buy over Apple's warranty.    Only John Lewis can state their advantage.  I would recommend reading the terms of each warranty.    See Apple's warranty covers manufacturer defects.  I would also consider the fact warranties are not insurance, so if you have an accident, unless terms specifically say it, you are on your own as long as you can't prove a condition existed before the accident.  I recommend always when getting a new machine to run the hardware test that comes with it to at least have a base line, and if there is an issue, to record it with Applecare.

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    Simple explanation Im sure, please advise
    Thank you
    Terry Matthews
    <Serial Number Edited by Host>

    Your description of who you purchased your ipad from seems unnecessary to solve the problem you are having. The password is entered on the lock screen. After a certain number of unsuccessful tries (maybe 10?) you'll be locked out. You'll have to restore the iPad. Since it sounds like you havent really used it, this shouldn't be a problem. Do you know how to do this?

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    *Hi LOC-MAN, Welcome* to Apple's Users Help Users Forums.
    *Francine Schweider* a |||| bar poster in these forums has what I think is an excellent thought. This is what I would do.
    "I plan to buy my next computer before Leopard comes out. Why? Because generally new Mac computers will not run any system older than the one they ship with, I want to be able to use the fully mature Tiger system, rather than having to rely entirely on Leopard. Who knows whether the software I own will be fully compatible with Leopard? Or how long it will take for developers (think Adobe) to update if there are incompatibilities with Leopard. Or even just how stable and reliable and all like that Leopard will be.
    Enjoy your new Mac, JP

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    Hello and Welcome to the world of Apple Computer users
    Don't get the wrong impression from some here in Apple cyber-land. Most of us will help you as best as we can. Some will tell you to read the rules and don't ask questions not approved by the people that review your questions. I was very new once also, and asked many questions. So ask away, and you will learn in time
    When you buy an Apple Computer, or any other item for that matter, and it breaks down, Apple has the right to fix it or replace it. They choose, not you. If it breaks over and over, then most of the time Apple will replace it with a new one. Again they decide, not you. Apple is a really good company. They will really do their best to help you. If your iMac failed after just a week or so, then the place you bought it from should have replaced it for you. If they refuse to replace it after only a week or so, then never buy a thing from them again, tell every one you know how their customer service is, and call your version of the "Better Business Bureau" and report what happened. It is a shame that you had lemons, but it truth, Apple Computers are very well made and rarely if ever break down. I have had Apple Computers for over 24 years. I had only one ever give me a problem. After three "fixes" Apple replaced it with a brand new one. Good luck and please don't think this is the norm.

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    John Lewis in time, will get just the basic unit. Like already said, any other model comes from Apple.
    But be warned JL are very, very, VERY slow at realising there is a new model. If you go in now and ask for a Mac Pro, you'll get the old basic unit.
    with OSX 10.4, 2 dual-core 2.66GHz processors, iLife 06, etc., at full price.
    Edinburgh JL was trying to sell an ex-display single CPU 1.8GHz PMG5 at £100 below original price right up until Xmas.
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    It's your money, and it'll be your Mac, but I beg you to do some research first. The basic unit comes with a hopelessly underpowered ATI 2600 card, so anyone with any foresight is ordering a MP with the BTO nVidia 8800 card. And I wouldn't see the point of saving a few pounds by only taking the single CPU option. But it's your money and your choice.

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    Thank you all

    I have 1GB of Kingston RAM in my iBook. As long as they'll guarantee compatibility buy it.

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    <Link Edited by Host>

    As to the "iPhone 5 test", that's a total scam. Congratulations: you've just signed yourself up for all sorts of spam as well as possible indentity theft. Apple never, repeat never, recruits testers for their hardware by some anonymous and random email. They don't use people from the general public to test new hardware at all, but if they ever wanted to contact you would do so directly.
    Probably time to get a new email address, as your current mailbox is probably going to get hammered with spam now. And if you were really foolish and gave them your home and cellphone numbers and address, you're going to get marketing calls and all sorts of junkmail.

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    Somebody care to explain to me exactly why Verizon is charging $50 more than Apple themselves for each model of the Verizon iPhone? 
    Seriously, I'd love to hear the reasoning. 
    I'm upgrade ineligible but use Macs for my business so I've accepted that I can't get an early upgrade, even though VZW has selectively chosen who they'll give discounts or rebates to. We've been with Verizon for 10+ years and are loyal customers. Regardless, I've accepted it and have planned on paying full retail since day one. 
    So rather than whining and saying that it's a slap in the face that they won't give me an early upgrade- I won't. WHAT I will say though is that charging $50 more per phone when they know full and well that the vast majority of buyers at full retail WILL be upgrade ineligible, loyal customers, now THAT is a slap in the face.
    Think $50 isn't much when you're already spending X amount on the retail price of the phone? Consider that when pricing the 16GB at $649 through Verizon and THEN adding sales tax, you're not far off at all from the 32GB version via Apple.
    I don't mind spending a few extra $'s if I'm going to get something from it. I don't like spending another $50 because the corporate suits say "Let's charge a little more because upgrade ineligible customers WILL pay whatever we want and LIKE IT".
    If you want the Verion iPhone bad enough, vote with your wallets, give your money DIRECTLY to Apple and save your $50. 
    Or maybe someone here, or better yet, a Verizon rep can enlighten me on why I should just hand over that extra $50.  

    If you are already a VZW customer,  go to this link, underneath the device description, click on "Check your iPhone 4 eligibility" and type in your info. If you're not eligible for an early upgrade it will show the the full retail price if you buy now and, it will also show you the price and date when you are eligible for the reduced price.
    If you are eligible for an ugrade, I'm not sure if it still shows the full retail price.
    And yes, we all full understand the ins and outs of the business world. However, Apple is pretty strict about how much you can charge for their products. That aside, if in fact the pre-order can only be done on Verizon's site on Feb 3rd, and they are not giving loyal customers any type of discount, sure would be nice if they could keep the retail price the same for us. Especially when they know that the majority of those purchasing at full retail will be existing customers. Besides, we're talking about a "reputable business" with Verizon, not Ebay or Craigslist.
    In case you're wondering why I think the majority of people paying full retail will be existing, non-upgrade eligible customers? It's simple, a new customer could get the discount price, and cancel a couple months in, eat the ETF and it would still be cheaper than the full retail cost. 

  • Did anybody else lose Safari history -- other than Apple history -- overnight?

    I rely on return visits to many of the websites I access every day.  It's so convenient to merely use the Safari History dropdown menu to back track but today, along with other aggravating weirdness, I can no longer access any websites I visited earlier other than Apple.  The only reason I've been here today to Apple's crazy environment is because of all the stupid things my computer's suddenly doing today. . . like ousting all web history except their own.  What arrogance!
    Is anybody else having this problem?

    (people do forget to update their signatures you know )
    I have the same issue. I was using my MBP Retina on the w/end and all of a sudden my auto complete was not working (for something as simple as I'd normally type in news and it would display the '' part.
    Likewise for all my commonly used sites. They're simply gone. I've observed this before, but not bothered to investigate. This time, I had a large number of sites and it's just plain frustrating.
    I have my history set to manually delete, and there's a heap of HDD space left.
    As I mentioned, this is not the first time. I've observed this on 10.8 as well.

  • John Lewis Reading in stock

    Hi all,
    I've just got back from John Lewis in Reading with a new touch. Just to let you know they;re in stock there!

    John Lewis in West Quay Southampton have stock but all week 37. I returned my iTouch (week 37) to the Apple Store in West Quay today, they had no new stock so I got a refund. One of the Apple guys was very offish about but his colleague butted in and said that he had already taken back several week 37 units already. He referred to later versions having a different image on the box front and that these 'should' be OK. I am now waiting for new stock and will not bother unless it's > week 37.
    Message was edited by: rattty

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