[JS][CS3] Superscript

I have seen other posts on here sort of relating to my question, but have not managed to solve my problem.
I simply neeed to change all instances of ® to superscript within mystory.
This is what I have:
app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "®";
app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = "®",{position:Position.SUPERSCRIPT};
myRSearch = myStory.changeText();
but no change is made to the ® signs.
Any ideas?

Hi Roy,
In findWhat replace "®" with "^r".
Checkout below working code:
app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "^r";
app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = "®";
app.changeTextPreferences.position = Position.SUPERSCRIPT;
myRSearch = myStory.changeText();

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    I'm exporting my InDesign (CS3 Design Standard) file to PDF, and the headings are all nicely showing up in the bookmarks, but the superscript chars in my headings (such as the trademark symbol) are showing as regular chars in the resulting PDF bookmarks.
    Anyone know if it's possible to get superscripts into the PDF bookmarks? Either directly from InDesign's export function or after-the-fact w/Acrobat?
    I'm using Acrobat 7.0 Standard on Win XP, but if this is do-able with Professional or a later version, I'm open to upgrading.
    (I asked the same question in the InDesign forum, and it was suggested that I ask here in the Acrobat forum.)
    Many thanks,

    >superscript chars [..] (such as the trademark symbol)
    There is some dispute over a trademark symbol being superscript or not. In some fonts it is, in others not. Therefore, for some fonts you need to apply "superscript" and in others not.
    >[..] showing as regular chars in the resulting PDF bookmarks
    That's the way it is. You cannot apply formatting to bookmark text. You
    i can
    change the font (I seem to rembember), but that doesn't help -- it's a global change.
    If you desperately positively need some characters to be in superscript, check the character map for (I think) Arial Unicode. There is a tiny set of characters that has a superscript form: ¹²³ -- but do check if they appear the same in Acrobat.

  • [JS - CS3]  Not able to add 'Superscript' style to a character within a string

    Hello fellow experts...
    I'm stuck with trying to change the style of a character from Normal to Superscript!
    b Situation:
    I have a string - 'myCourseTitle' - that has both CharacterStyles & ParagraphStyles applyed and could include the following character/Word:
    > '®' (Character)
    'OperateIT' (Word)
    b Requirements:
    I am wanting to add the style 'Superscript' to both the '®' characters and 'IT' from the words 'OperateIT', while keeping their initial CharacterStyles & ParagraphStyles!
    b My Starting Block:
    if (myCourseTitleField.editContents == ""){
    var myCourseTitle = "-no title has been defined-";
    var myCourseTitle = myCourseTitleField.editContents;
    // The contents should now be checked for '®' characters and 'OperateIT'
    // And set to Superscript if found!
    if (myCourseTitle.indexOf("®") != 0){
    alert("Registered Trade Mark '®' found in Course Title at position:"+myCourseTitle.indexOf("®")+"\rThis will be set to 'Superscript' formatting", "WARNING '®' within Course Title",)
    I have tried many scripts, including the attached sample 'FindChangeByList.jsx' script - but to no avail!
    Can anyone help me - point me in the right direction to start looking?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lee,
    In the example, you're trying to apply InDesign formatting to a JavaScript string (from an InDesign dialog box text field). That won't work, because the JavaScript string doesn't know anything about InDesign text objects.
    I'm assuming, however, that what you want is to change the formatting of the text on your page. To do that, you can use the findText method on the text, story, or document. Here's an example (the relevant part is the "mySnippet" function--the rest is just setting up an example):
    function main(){
    function mySnippet(){
    //Clear find text preferences.
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "®";
    app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    //Reset find/change text preferences.
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //Reset find/change GREP preferences.
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //There's probably a way to do this in a single pass, but I'm short on time...
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\l(?<=)IT";
    app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\l";
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("[None]");
    app.changeGrepPreferences.position = Position.normal;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //mySetup simply takes care of setting up the example document.
    function mySetup(){
    var myDocument = app.documents.add();
        var myPage = app.activeWindow.activePage;
    //Create a text frame on page 1.
    var myTextFrame = myPage.textFrames.add();
    //Set the bounds of the text frame.
    myTextFrame.geometricBounds = myGetBounds(myDocument, myPage);
    //Fill the text frame with placeholder text.
    myTextFrame.contents = TextFrameContents.placeholderText;
    myTextFrame.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = "OperateIT®\r";
    myTextFrame.paragraphs.item(-1).insertionPoints.item(0).contents  = "OperateIT®\r";
    var myHeadingStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.add({name:"heading"});
    var mySuperscriptStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.add({name:"superscript", position:Position.superscript});
    function myGetBounds(myDocument, myPage){
    var myPageWidth = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
    var myPageHeight = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight
    if(myPage.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand){
      var myX2 = myPage.marginPreferences.left;
      var myX1 = myPage.marginPreferences.right;
      var myX1 = myPage.marginPreferences.left;
      var myX2 = myPage.marginPreferences.right;
    var myY1 = myPage.marginPreferences.top;
    var myX2 = myPageWidth - myX2;
    var myY2 = myPageHeight - myPage.marginPreferences.bottom;
    return [myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2];

  • [CS3]How to export a table in InDesign to an excel file?

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    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry, no javaScript, but here are some lines from a localization tool that I made in VB. I simply loop through the Rows and Columns and use the Excel DOM to fill the Excel-cells.
    Of course you can read amended/localized Excel files back into inDesign the same way, provided that the tables match (nr of rows and columns).
    Afterwards you could loop through the characters of each cell to apply the formatting that you want to keep in Excel, such as SuperScripts.
    Hope it helps you.
    Set myExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    myExcel.Visible = True
    Set myTableBook = myExcel.Workbooks.Add
    Set myTableSheet = myTableBook.Worksheets.Item(1)
    myTableSheet.Columns.ColumnWidth = 35
    myTableSheet.Cells.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignTop
    myTableSheet.Cells.WrapText = True
    For R = 1 To myTable.Rows.Count
        Set myTableRow = myTable.Rows.Item(R)
        For C = 1 To myTableRow.Cells.Count
            Set myTableCell = myTableRow.Cells.Item(C)
            If Len(myTableCell.Contents) = 0 Then
                myTableSheet.Cells(R, C) = ""
                myTableSheet.Cells(R, C) = myTableCell.Contents
                myTableSheet.Cells(R, C).Value = Replace(myTableSheet.Cells(R, C).Value, "1397058884", "—")
                myTableSheet.Cells(R, C).Value = Replace(myTableSheet.Cells(R, C).Value, Chr(13), Chr(10))
            End If
        Next C
    Next R
    good luck

  • Importing a clean text in CS3

    When I was with CS2, I had a Word macro that was cleaning my texts before importing it to InDesign. The resulting text was a Tagged Text, without any formatting. The work flow was simple: cleaning the Word files removing everything unnecessary (this was done with a powerful macro built over years), keeping only italic, super and subscript. Also keeping style tag when the document was well formed. Then saving it as a simple text file with the appropriate tagged text header. This work flow was so swift and saved me a lot of works.
    With the venue of Word 2008, and InDesign CS3 I was facing a new challenge. My VBA macros didn't work any more and CS3 had trouble with importing tagged text (it seems to have been resolved since then). So I just imported my Word file with the «Removing style» option on and the flag «keep local overrides» checked.
    However, this filter is annoying. Since we need usually to keep only italic, superscript and subscript in a text (and perhaps bold) (as in FrameMaker, by the way), I don't understand why this has not been implemented in InDesign so far.
    Any idea, macros, on that subject?
    Again, the task is simple: removing everything except the essential markers: italic, bold, sometimes styles, superscript and subscript.
    In almost every importing task, this is what is needed.

    well, I should be able to rebuild them in AppleScript, but there is a learning curve that I would have like to not climb ;-)
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  • Superscript just the "2" in a text string "m2"?

    I need to know how to change all occurrences of the text "m2" in an indesign CS3 document, to "m2", where the "2" is styled as superscript i.e. the symbol for metres squared (I'm on the right hand side of the Atlantic as you can see!).
    The text has already had a sequence of paragraph styles applied to it, therefore the "m2" occurrences throughout the document may be in several sizes and weights of a single font family, so any solutions would need to leave this formatting in place.
    I have experimented with using a character style with only one attribute (superscript) in the Change Format section of find/replace, but this then changes the "m" to superscript as well.
    Is this sort of thing outside the scope of Indesign's Find/Replace functionality?
    Any pointers or suggestions gratefully received.
    Best wishes,

    If you're working with CS3, there is a much slicker way to do just that.
    In GREP mode, search for "(?<=m)2". Put just Superscript in the replace field.
    Possible (!) explanation:
    (?<= ...) switches on Positive Lookbehind for the '...' part of the search string. That means that only the '2's will be found with a
    i preceding
    text '...'. Put 'm' in the place of the dots, and it'll find all '2's preceded by an 'm'. The 'm' itself is not touched.

  • [CS3 JS] Correcting a Character Style Anomaly

    It used to be that you could define a character style to merely colour the text and give it an underline (e.g. for Hyperlinks) or just superscript the text (for Reference citations). When such styles, which do not call for a particular font or font size, are placed into InDesign CS, the styled text would take on the font and font size of the underlying paragraph style. However, after placing a Word .doc with these styles into a CS2 template, the font and font size becomes Times New Roman and 10 pt. The solution was to save an .rtf file and re-import the text. Now, in CS3 this work-around doesnt quite work: the font is okay, but the font size reverts to that default size of 10 pt.
    So, I would like a script that finds all occurrences of two specific character styles (Hyperlink and bibref) and then corrects the font size of the found text to that of the underlying paragraph style. These styles can appear anywhere within a document, including in tables. I have trawled through this forum and found enough to be able to search for the character styles, but I cannot fathom how to apply the font size of the underlying paragraph style. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    By the way, re-applying the character styles doesnt work because the character styles dont define the font size; also clearing the overrides on the paragraph style while the text is selected isnt a viable solution, because other local formatting (i.e. italic) would be lost.

    Hi Peter
    Thank you very much for your quick response. I tried your script and it did as you intended by clearing the Font, Font Style and Point Size in the character style, but unfortunately it did not correct the problem of the style becoming some default style and size (Times New Roman 10 pt) when placed into ID.
    In fact, I had already set up the 'bibref' and 'Hyperlink' character styles with these fields blanked out. Also, I made Adobe aware of this bug when CS2 came out and they warned me that CS3 wouldn't fix the problem; but I didn't realize that CS3 would be worse than CS2 so that using an rtf file wouldn't fix things.
    So, I am left with my initial query: is it possible to write a script to search for the character styles in question and apply the font size of the underlying paragraph style?
    Thanks a lot for any help you can give.

  • JS CS3 script form word styles to indesign styles

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    Here I translated the script from Russian into English for you. BTW, it is based on a script written by Dave Saunders (thanks Dave for it) — I totally reworked it to my needs. You should replace paragraph style names, font names, find-search strings, etc. with your own stuff.
    // Description: Script for InDesign CS3
    // Version 4
    // Removes local formatting of the text after importing it from Word transforming it into characters styles
    // Removes non CMYK colors
    // Removes imported styles
    // Adds non-breaking space before some abbreviations in text. For example: В, У, гг., млрд.
    // Removes superfluous. Finds-replaces some sequences of characters:  For example:"--" to "—"
    // Removes hyperlinks
    // Copyright © 2008 Kasyan Servetsky
    #target indesign
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
         alert("Open a document and try again.", "Error", true);
    else {
         var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
         if (myDoc.selection.length == 1) {
              if (myDoc.selection[0].constructor.name ==  "TextFrame") {
              var myTextFrame = myDoc.selection[0];
              else {
                   alert("Select a TEXT BOX.", "Error", true);
         else {
              alert("Select a single text block.", "Error", true);
         if (!myDoc.saved) {
              alert("This document has never been saved. Save it and try again.", "Error", true);
    //--------------------------------- Progressbar ---------------------------------
         var stop = 11;
         var w = new Window ( 'window', 'Preparing the file', undefined, {closeButton:false, maximizeButton:false, minimizeButton:false} );
         var pb = w.add ('progressbar', [0, 0, 350, 20], 0, stop);
         var txt = w.add('statictext', undefined, 'Starting the process');
         txt.alignment = "fill";
         pb.value = 1;
         var myTxtReplace;
         var myGrpReplace;
         txt.text = "Finding-replacing text";
         myProblems = 0;
         pb.value = 2;
         txt.text = "Removing non CMYK colors";
         if (app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text") == null) {
              pb.value = 3;
              txt.text = "Creating paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add( {     basedOn:"[No Paragraph Style]",
                                                                                                        name:"Body Text",
                                                                                                        fillColor:"Black"} );
         else {
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
              pb.value = 3;
         pb.value = 4;
         txt.text = "Removing imported styles";
         pb.value = 5;
         txt.text = "Saving local formatting";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, true);
         pb.value = 6;
         txt.text = "Applying paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
         pb.value = 7;
         txt.text = "Processing tables";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().clearOverrides(OverrideType.all); // ***
         pb.value = 8;
         txt.text = "Removing local formatting";
         pb.value = 9;
         txt.text = "Replacing text";
         pb.value = 10;
         pb.value = 11;
         txt.text = "Removing hyperlinks";
         if (myProblems == 0) {
              alert ("No problems were found.", "All done");
         else {
              alert ("Problems were found and corrected.", "All done");
    //************************************** Functions *******************************************************
    function protectLocalStyling() {
        var myStyles = ["Italic","Bold", "Bold Italic"];
        var myPosns = ["superscript","subscript"];
        var myPosnEnums = [Position.superscript, Position.subscript];
         var noCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles[0];
        for (var j = myStyles.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myStyles[j]);
          if (myCharStyle == null) {
            var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myStyles[j], fontStyle:myStyles[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.fontStyle = myStyles[j];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myStyles[j];
        for (var j = myPosns.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myPosns[j]);
          if (myPosCharStyle == null) {
            var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myPosns[j], position:myPosnEnums[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.position = Position[myPosns[j]];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myPosns[j];
         app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //  Removing non CMYK colors
    function myReplaceNonCMYK(){
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.colors.length; myCounter > 0; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Registration" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Paper" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Cyan" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Magenta" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Yellow" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Black") {
                   if ((myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].space != ColorSpace.cmyk)  || (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].model != ColorModel.process)){
                        myProblems = myProblems + 1;
                        myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].remove ("Black")
    // Removing imported styles
    function removeImportedStyles(){
         var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
         var noneCharaStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item("[None]");
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.paragraphStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles[myCounter].imported == true ) {
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.characterStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.characterStyles[myCounter].imported == true) {
    // Processing tables
    function removeInTables(){
         if (myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.length > 0) {
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY") == null) {
                   myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add({name:"05. TABL_BODY", appliedFont:"HeliosKas\tCondensed Regular", pointSize:8, leading:8});
              else {myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY")}
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(myTableStyle, true);
    // Find-replace pairs
    function myReplaceStuff() {
         myTxtReplace =     [ // TEXT
                                            [" А ", " А^S"],
                                            [" В ", " В^S"],
                                            [" С ", " С^S"],
                                            [" К ", " К^S"],
                                            [" О ", " О^S"],
                                            [" У ", " У^S"],
                                            [" На ", " На^S"],
                                            [" По ", " По^S"],
                                            [" Из ", " Из^S"],
                                            ["г-н ", "г-н^S"],
                                            ["г-на ", "г-на^S"],
                                            ["г-ну ", "г-ну^S"],
                                            [" т", " ^Sт"],
                                            [" г.", " ^Sг."],
                                            [" гг.", " ^Sгг."],
                                            [" грн.", " ^Sгрн."],
                                            [" коп.", " ^Sкоп."],
                                            [" тыс", " ^Sтыс"],
                                            [" млн", " ^Sмлн"],
                                            [" млрд", " ^Sмлрд"],
                                            [" т.п.", " ^Sт.п."],
                                            [" т.д.", " ^Sт.д."],
                                            [" др.", " ^Sдр."],
                                            [" км", " ^Sкм"],
                                            ["см. стр.", "см.^Sстр."],
                                            [" ^p", "^p"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            ["№ ", "№"],
                                            ["$ ", "$"],
                                            ["EUR ", "EUR"],
         myGrpReplace =     [ // GREP
                                            ["[~m~>~f~|~S~s~<~/~.~3~4~% ]{2,}", " "], // Multiple Space to Single Space
                                            ["--", "~_"] // Dash Dash to Em-dash
                                            // ["~b~b+", "\\r"], Multiple Return to Single Return
    function replaceTxt() {
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = true;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
         for (i = 0; i <  myTxtReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myTxtReplace[i];
              app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function replaceGrep() {
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         for (i = 0; i <  myGrpReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myGrpReplace[i];
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myRemoveHyperLinks(){
         if (myDoc.hyperlinks.length > 0){
              for(var myCounter = myDoc.hyperlinks.length; myCounter > 0 ; myCounter--){
                   myDoc.hyperlinks[myCounter - 1].remove();

  • InDesign CS3 and Unicode

    From BabelMap (character map application for Windows), I have pasted in InDesign CS3 the 818 characters of OT Adobe Garamond Pro. Something is strange : for exemple the digit nine have the Unicode number U+E097 in the Info Panel but U+0039, in the Glyphs panel. I don't understand why this difference. Someone can explain me ? Thanks

    Adobe Garamond Pro has several nines: lining nine, oldstyle figures
    nine, superscript nine, subscript nine. If you pasted every glyph, you
    should have gotten at least four nines, probably more. Although U+E097
    and U+0039 may look the same, U+E097 is an oldstyle figures nine. U+0039
    is a regular lining nine.
    I think.
    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

  • CS3 TM issue

    Hi all,
    Im having an issue w Contribute cs3 where when a page has been edited and posted it changes all the superscripted TM symbols to just uppercase "T"s.
    Here is a page containing TMs(see left hand side). Now that section is a library item and never gets touched during the contribute users edit. As soon as a draft is created all those TMs get changed into Ts and consequently stay as such when published.
    Any ideas, Im at my wits end.

    The "you can only install 1 product at a time" can be eliminated by killing msiexec.exe in your task manager. Basically your install never finished. That being so, use the CS3 Clean Script/ CS4 Clean Utility from the support pages, then start out with a clean slate and re-install everything. No way around that. The licensing system is just one hell of a touchy mess... Just make sure you have sufficient user permissions. Installs not finishing means that you don't have proper administrative privileges....

  • Loading personal preferences in CS3

    I'm using InDesign CS3. I've been having a preferences annoyance for some time now.
    I have my workspace and InDesign preferences set to my wishes, however when I work on a file that another designer created the preferences are obviously different. As this doesn't effect my workspace, it effects my InDesign preferences. I would prefer not resetting the Type, composition, Units & Increments, etc. everytime I work on someone else's file. Is there any way to load the preferences I've set in a way similar to loading a workspace?

    Run the script with the document open. It will then change the prefs for that document. If you are working on a lot of supplied files that you want to change the prefs for it will save some time to run the script on each file before you begin editing it.
    This is pretty basic, but cut and paste into Applescript and then modify as needed and it will work.
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
    tell document 1
    set properties of view preferences to {horizontal measurement units:points, vertical measurement units:points}
    set ruler origin of view preferences to page origin
    set superscript size of text preferences to 65
    set superscript position of text preferences to 33.3
    set subscript size of text preferences to 65
    set subscript position of text preferences to 33.3
    set small cap of text preferences to 75
    set cursor key increment of view preferences to 1
    set kerning key increment of text preferences to 5
    set baseline shift key increment of text preferences to 0.1
    set leading key increment of text preferences to 0.1
    set x to the name of every paragraph style
    --set PScount to the count of every item of x
    repeat with i from 2 to the count of x
    set PSname to name of paragraph style i
    set composer of paragraph style PSname to "Adobe Single-line Composer"
    set minimum word spacing of paragraph style PSname to 85.0
    set desired word spacing of paragraph style PSname to 100.0
    set maximum word spacing of paragraph style PSname to 133.0
    set minimum letter spacing of paragraph style PSname to 0.0
    set desired letter spacing of paragraph style PSname to 0.0
    set maximum letter spacing of paragraph style PSname to 0.0
    set hyphenate after first of paragraph style PSname to 2
    set hyphenate before last of paragraph style PSname to 3
    set hyphenate ladder limit of paragraph style PSname to 2
    set hyphenate capitalized words of paragraph style PSname to true
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell

  • Embed superscript style in text

    Hi, I am currently working on a project using InDesign CS2 and the plugin InCatalog to pull in text from a database into our InDesign book. All the copy being brough in is just plain text, so formatting is done after it is brought into InDesign. There are certain characters in the text we are pulling in (specifically the registered trademark symbol) that we would like styled with superscript. Right now everytime we sync the document with the database, we have to do a replace to find all of those trademark symbols and apply the superscript.
    Are there any special strings or codes we can store in the database text that InDesign would know to convert to superscript? For example I noticed when copying the registered symbol into the replace box, it shows up as ^r. Was just hoping there was some way for us to avoid the step of search/replace every time we sync.
    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated,

    I think you might be able to do this with a nested paragraph style.
    Create your superscript character style, then for the paragraph style that you use for your text add a nested style like this:
    none up to 1 (insert the symbols you want to superscript as a string)
    superscript through 1 (insert the symbols you want to superscript as a string)
    In CS2 you'll have to repeat that sequence at least as many times as you will ever have the symbols in a paragraph. CS3 is a bit more sophisticated in its repeat ability.
    The trick is the string of symbols. Don't use spaces between them, and the string cannot contain any character that you would ever not want to superscript. You might have to copy and paste them into the field. InDesign uses strings in this case in a non-intuitive way. Rather than matching the entire string, InDesign will use the first instance it sees of any single character in the string as the trigger.
    If you are careful, and you can limit the characters, you should do fine, but do some tests on a sample paragraph. If you see whole words or parts of words superscripted you have a problem. Note that since this is triggered by single characters you can't use it for superscripting things like ordinals or multi-digit exponents, but I can't think of a case off the top of my head where a multi-character superscript wouldn't involve characters that shouldn't be superscripted most of the time.

  • Superscript in EPub

    I'm using InDesign CS3, when I'm exporting the document to epub, suoerscript applied in the document is not coming in epub. I've used character style for applying superscript.
    Any suggestion why it is not coming in epub?

    Hi Jaswin,
    It clearly shows that we need to apply the proper character styles in InDesign file before converting the file into ePub, since the manually applied styles are getting ignored during the ePub conversion, but still I find a problem in the CSS for some styles (Small caps & Superscript). So we need to update the CSS file as per the details below after generating the ePub file (The ePub file can be easily edited using the freeware 'Sigil'):
    span.italic {
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;
    span.bold {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: normal;
    span.smallcaps {
    font-variant: small-caps;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-style: normal;
    span.superscript {
    vertical-align: 33%;
    font-size: 75%;
    Hope this will resolve your queries, pl. check and let me know for any further clarifications.

  • Adobe Bridge CS3 windows error

    When I open Bridge cs3 on its own after a few seconds the window banner comes up. Adobe bridge has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for any inconvenience. The same happens if I try to open bridge from within Photoshop cs3
    I can still work in the programme ok and move the windows error aside, I would like to fix the problem, Tried to debug but the programme just closes.
    I use windows xp pro with all the latest updates that are available.
    have any others experienced this problem and how to fix it.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Mikep500 wrote:
    This is a copy of the message that comes up.
    No messageto see, but you can check your Startup Scripts in Bridge preferences. Mine are like this:

  • Text Wrap options not showing in InDesign CS3

    Using InDesign CS3 on a Mac 10.4.  I've had this problem for a couple of months now and it's getting past the point of annoying.  When I open my text wrap options pallete it's blank even when I expand options.  I can see the text wrap icons in my header panel, but I no longer have options to change the right/left/top/bottom margins.  Just a general "add wrap" and "remove wrap".  Is there any way I can get my pallete back?  I've tried defaulting my tools, but still it does not show up.  I don't know what to do to get it back.

    Did you try resetting preferences? While pressing Shift+Option+Command+Control, start InDesign. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference files. If you don't get the message about deleting preferences, you weren't fast enough.
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/InDesign/5.0/help.html?content=WSa285fff53dea4f86173837510 01ea8cb3f-6d1e.html

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