Superscript in EPub

I'm using InDesign CS3, when I'm exporting the document to epub, suoerscript applied in the document is not coming in epub. I've used character style for applying superscript.
Any suggestion why it is not coming in epub?

Hi Jaswin,
It clearly shows that we need to apply the proper character styles in InDesign file before converting the file into ePub, since the manually applied styles are getting ignored during the ePub conversion, but still I find a problem in the CSS for some styles (Small caps & Superscript). So we need to update the CSS file as per the details below after generating the ePub file (The ePub file can be easily edited using the freeware 'Sigil'):
span.italic {
font-weight: normal;
font-style: italic;
span.bold {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: normal;
span.smallcaps {
font-variant: small-caps;
font-size: 8pt;
font-style: normal;
span.superscript {
vertical-align: 33%;
font-size: 75%;
Hope this will resolve your queries, pl. check and let me know for any further clarifications.

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    Hi John,
    A report with saved data can be altered using an updated record selection formula prompt without hitting the DB again.
    For example your report returns each Country sales records, You export that to RPT format or save data with report from the designer. Now you can hit the refresh button and if you have a Country Parameter it will prompt and you to use the saved data, do this for each.
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    CR Server and BOE has a feature like this. As well as being able to schedule for each user. In that case though you can simply create a report for each and not bother with subreports.
    Thank you

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    You are not doing anything wrong. It a bug in CS5.
    What happens is, the reference to the source file drops out of the code line, like this:
    <a id="anchor-50-anchor" /><span class="superscript"><a href="#anchor-57-anchor">1</a>
    and to should look like this
    <a id="anchor-50-anchor" /><span class="superscript"><a href="Notes.xhtml#anchor-57-anchor">1</a>
    So you will need to insert to relevant .xhtml file back into the code. I use Dreamweaver for the code stuff (only because it's free with CS package and because if give a preview window)
    I doesn't take long to fix...

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    Your question is rather an advanced one. I've observed that most of us who reply to ePUB questions here are still learning to make ePUBs.
    I've been told by someone more knowledgeable about it than I that the link below to the MobileRead Forums would lead you to more experienced ePUB creators who may be more helpful:

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    @Rob: Perhaps I should have given some background for what I was trying to do.
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    Run the default "findchangebylist.jsx" to remove any double spaces, tabs etc.
    Run a modification of Jongware's "preptext" script that will apply to all text frames rather than the current text frame.
    This was working well until we both noticed H2SO4 did not have the numbers as subs, even though the word file clearly did. Closer inspection on the word file showed that the subscript button was not toggled, but the baseline shift had been, hence why the preptext script had missed a key piece of formatting.
    With the preptext script, items that had subscript and superscript locally applied to the text would now be assigned "Sub" and "Super" character styles, and from there I agree - the more discerning typesetter could to into the character style and make the apperance of the said subs/supers more appealing. I believe a way of using the opentype subs/supers would be to replace the words SUBSCRIPT and SUPERSCRIPT in the said script to be OT_SUBSCRIPT or OT_SUPERSCRIPT respectively, provided an opentype font was being used for the formatting.
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    @Peter: I agree, there isn't a perfect solution, but for the situation that I have, the script does what it is intended to do.
    It should be noted for readers of this post that this script is specifically purpose-driven, and that I would not use this script if a document contained:
    fractions made using baseline shifts;
    character or paragraph formatting that used baseline shifts;

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    Sigil is good to start with. As you grow more confident in editing e-pubs, you might want to ditch it though (it has its own personal set of annoying features).
    Superscripts are prone to mess up paragraph spacing in HTML, and with everything said and done, that's just what an e-pub is. Nothing you can do inside InDesign, it takes raw CSS editing to "fix" it (meaning, to make it less conspicuous than the downright stupid default handling!).
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    Have you applied superscript via Control Panel or Character Panel's fly out menu? I am asking this because if you have specified via open type settings, then this will not be honored.

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    Have you applied superscript via Control Panel or Character Panel's fly out menu? I am asking this because if you have specified via open type settings, then this will not be honored.

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    I just came across this same problem -- similar but not exactly the same.
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  • Epubs from InDesign.  When will they work?

    Dear All,
    More of an observation, than a question. 
    All our books are now on epub format, and we are discontinuing paper books.  Paper is too much trouble, and epub sales are doing well.
    However  -  and it is a big however.
    We are using an epub translating company, because InDesign will not output complex epubs, and we do not understand epubs.   But we are losing control of the quality of the books, because we are having to edit and make changes with some guy in India who does not understand book layouts or what we are trying to do.  Thus everything is two steps forwards, and one step back, just to get a simple change done.
    So when will InDesign be able to output complex epubs?  (ie,  different fonts, load of images, lots of in-line hieroglyphs, videos, audios etc: etc:)     And I don't mean outputting by: check this, change that, do this, change this HTML to that HTML    ---   I mean "click for epub output" the same as I "click for a PDF output".  Done, instant.
    I give Adobe due warning here.    The first company that comes out with a publishing suite that will output complex epubs, we will change to them in an instant.   We have been with Adobe for 20 years, but we cannot go on editing books 5,000 miles away, it is like editing with boxing gloves on.   You cannot even highlight an error in 'paragraph three on page 487'   -   BECAUSE THERE ARE NO PAGES.   (Grrrr)
    Come on, Adobe.  Do something, or InDesign will only have three customers in five years time.
    Ralph Ellis

    >> Ascerbic Levine
    >>The reader is the one with the final control over how an EPUB looks, not the developer.
    >>The reader picks the fonts, the reader picks the size, the reader picks the orientation of the device.
    Nonsense.  The developer chooses the sizes and positions of the images, whether the text flows past images, the relative sizes of the text, the type of font, the italisation or boldness of fonts, whether the Greek and Hebrew fonts are presented correctly (as images!), the positions of hieroglyps in the text, the justification of headings and text, lines and line-spacing, the indentation of text  etc: etc: etc: etc:
    The developer can and will destroy the presentation and layout of a book in one easy move  -  and sorting out these many problems and errors at arms length, with someone who knows nothing about literature or publishing, is a nightmare of biblical proportions.
    >> This already exists. It's called "PDF" (a funny side note in that is that's an Adobe invention). There is no
    >>"straight translation" possible from book to e-book. If you think there is, use a PDF, because
    >>that is a flat out translation.
    Yes, and if Apple and Kindle had chosed PDFs as the standard file type for ebooks, there would be no problems.  We can control the layout of a PDF through InDesign, and the iPad will display a PDF book exactly as we design it  -  INCLUDING ALL OUR STRANGE FONTS AND HIEROGLYPS.   A pdf is the perfect solution, and there is only one small problem with this ebook Nirvana  -  both Apple and Kindle will not sell straight PDFs.....
    As an aside, why the hell cannot epub display strange fonts, when pdf can?  Why is this basic function such an insurmountable problem?
    >>The reason it is not possible is because an e-pub is reflowable, resizable, reformattable,
    >>reviewable, etc. etc., as Bob, possibly ascerbic or carping, but yet entirely correctly, remarks.
    >>It is a different kind of text, with its own set of features -- and limitations as well.
    We don't care if epubs are flowable or resizeable  (PDFs are also rezieable, you just increase the magnification).  In fact, a well-made epub book is quite a good platform for reading books  (except it is crap at tabbing and tables).
    What we do care about, is that if I say to InDesign  -  'make epub'  -   it will not translate Greek or Hebrew fonts, it sticks the hieroglips from chapter 3 into chapter 4, it puts page numbers into a flowable text, it cannot understand indents, tables or italisation, it left justifies center justified text, and then to add insult to injury it center justifies left justified text.  It cannot understand superscript references, it will not link to references to the references section, it cannot flow text around images, all the images are the wrong size, it does not even realise that you have cropped an image, and it turns bold text into underline text.
    In short, the epub translator within InDesign (and most other packages) is a joke.   If epub translation worked (and I have to say that most of these errors are easily fixable) we would have no problem with epub as the industry standard for ebooks.  But at present, it looks like the major tablet producers have chosen the turkey (epub) instead of the eagle (pdf).    Just because Kindle chose a reflowable text, to fit on its microscopic tablet, why did Apple follow suit?  An iPad will easily display a 234 x 156 pdf page (royal format), in all its glory.

  • How do I change the way the title/author appear and is there any way to remove pages on EPUBs?

    Hi all--
    I am having a really hard time--I am trying to transfer EPUBs from my Win 7 comp to my Nook Tablet. I bought a lot of books from several non-BN sites because they were lots cheaper and were also sold in bundles--but the site was messed up and sent the books in PDF form rather than EPUB.  PDF files won't read like a regular book on my Nook Tablet, so my friend offered to convert them to EPUB for me.
    Most of the books turned out fine, but some of them now have a few extra pages at the beginning before the cover image and the correct title and author are not displaying--it seems to instead show the filepath where the file was saved on m friend's computer (C:\My Computer/Documents and Settings...etc.)
    So, what I would like to do is be able to edit the EPUB files so I can delete the extra pages at the beginning so the correct cover image will be displayed and to be able to change the file's data sp it will show (and be searchable by) the correct title and author.
    I am new to all this, so I appreciate any help you can offer.  Thank you SO much for your help!!
    P.S.  Having the title and author show up correctly so they are searchable and appear in the correct place on my Nook Tablet is the top priority--correct cover pages would be nice aesthitically, but it is not that important.
    ****ALSO--does anyone know of an app or anything for the Nook Tablet that would allow PDF files to be read just like an EPUB/B&N=purchased book?  Currently when I open a PDF, it shows the page in TINY print--you can use pinching to zoom in, but then the file enlarges so it is bigger than the screen, making it very hard to read.  I can't figure out any way to enlarge the text but still fits the page like an EPUB does, so I'm wondering if there's an app that would do that--it's hard because you can't try apps before you buy them and I can't teel if they will work from the descriptions.

    For sideloaded content the nook pulls the metadata from ePub file itself.  I would suggest looking at a program like Sigil or Calibre that will let you edit the metadata in the book to make it appear like you want.
    For the PDF vs ePub - No, that's the way PDFs work (think of them as graphics, not text), wheres ePubs are Web Pages - so  no you can't them to behave exactly alike without converting the files.

  • Smart quotes and em-dashes in epub file

    When I create an epub file from my InDesign book file, I find that sometimes (not always, thought!) my smart quotes and em-dashes revert to gibberish.
    For example, when I open the epub file, the em-dash is fine, but in chapter 2, it changes to —.
    Does anyone know how I might correct this?
    Thanks so much!

    It sounds like somethings wrong with the chapter's character encoding.  The character encoding is declared in the header of the ePub HTML. From ID it's:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    This test has UTF-8 declared in the first line of its source code:
    And this has no encoding
    Most browsers let you override or choose the character set, so in Safari if you set the character set to View>Text Encoding>default, you'll see a difference between the above links, but if you set it to Unicode (UTF-8) they both display correctly. In FireFox it's View>Character Encoding.
    You can check and edit the contents of the .epub file by changing the extension from .epub to .zip, and then extracting the contents.

  • Is there a way to create a subscript and/or superscript in FRS?

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    I've done some more searching and understand there are programs that extract the info out of an email. I believe they are called email parsers. Anyone have any more info on this? If so, any suggestions for a program that I could use? Thanks again.

  • How to print the superscript in smartform

    Hi gurus,
    Please tell me the procedure how to print the superscript in middle of the text displaying?
    when we are displaying the smartform its converted to some special character like & .
    please let me know procedure at the earliest

    Hi thanks for ur patience.
    see my requirment was to print TM as superscript for HLL ,already smartstyle is there, and also a character format with superscript is also defined.
    then aftet HLL how it prints as superscript.
    for HLL we are using another character format and for superscript we are using the another character format.
    If posiible send me the code to write in smartforms
    Points are awarded for useful answers.

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    Known issue now for almost 9 months.
    Use Pages '09 if you have it.

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