JSF parameter handling

Hi to all;
I would like to ask you, if it is possible to do in JSF with following condition:
Step 1 of 3 [edit page]
Parameter 1 : value 1
Parameter 2 : value 2
Parameter 3 : value 3
Parameter 4 : value 4 (new val 4)
Parameter 5 : value 5 (new val 5)
1) the parameter and its values is spooled from DB using Entity bean
2) user is allowed to edit any parameter as shown in the page
Step 2 of 3 [confirm page]
Parameter 1 : value 1
Parameter 2 : value 2
Parameter 3 : value 3
Parameter 4 : new val 4
Parameter 5 : new val 5
1) this page is to display all the values has been changed by the user
2) it has 2 options here, either proceed (submit and update to db) or back (return to previous page by displaying the last history (old & new values)
Step 3 of 3 [submit page]
Update DB and display success / error msg
Please, if you could advise or point me with sample, I am really appreciated for your help, thanks in advance.
Yoke Yew

Hi, thanks for your reply. But, i'm not sure if i could program as following:
<h:dataTable id="pmPara" value="#{pwdMgmtBean.pmCol}" var="pmEdit" binding="#{pwdMgmtBean.myDataTable}"
          styleClass="table" headerClass="tableHeader" rowClasses="tableRowOdd, tableRowEven" width="600">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                         <h:outputText value="#{lbl['pm.ival']}" />
                         <h:inputText id="fldval" value="#{pmEdit.fldval}" valueChangeListener="#{pmEdit.editPmCol}"/>
public class PasswordManagementBean extends CommonBean implements ValueChangeListener {
private final String CLASS_NAME = "PasswordManagementBean";
private PasswordManagementDelegate pmDelegate = null;
private Collection pmCol = null;
/* Get selected datatable row. */
private HtmlDataTable myDataTable = null;
//private PasswordManagementDto myDataItem = new PasswordManagementDto();
private PasswordManagement myDataItem = new PasswordManagement();
public PasswordManagementBean() {
pmDelegate = new PasswordManagementDelegate();
public void editPmCol(ValueChangeEvent event) {
System.out.println("YY test 2.");
// Get selected MyData item to be edited.
myDataItem = (PasswordManagement) myDataTable.getRowData();
public Collection getPmCol() {
try {
pmCol = pmDelegate.getAllPara();
} catch (ApplicationException e) {
System.out.println(CLASS_NAME + "-" + e);
return pmCol;
public void setPmCol(Collection pmCol) {
this.pmCol = pmCol;
public HtmlDataTable getMyDataTable() {
return myDataTable;
public void setMyDataTable(HtmlDataTable myDataTable) {
this.myDataTable = myDataTable;
public PasswordManagement getMyDataItem() {
return myDataItem;
public void setMyDataItem(PasswordManagement myDataItem) {
this.myDataItem = myDataItem;
public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent arg0) throws AbortProcessingException {
System.out.println("YY test 1.");
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
It didn't print the system.out, instead complain with following error:
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.infopro.eserv.app.passwordmanagement.domain.PasswordManagement.editPmCol(javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent)
     at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1581)
     at org.apache.myfaces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(MethodBindingImpl.java:121)
     ... 30 more
Suppor,t the method editPmCol i 've added in PwdMgmtBean Pls advise

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    jsf impl version 1.1
    When loading a jsf with (http GET), I am sending a get-parameter (ID=123). When resolving this in the domain model, this might cause an exception which needs to be handled. How do I correctly redirect to an error page in this case?

    Depends on business requirements. You can define an error-page for specified exception (sub)classes in web.xml. But you can also invoke HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect() to the desired page. Or simply use h:message / h:messages to display a message.

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    Any suggessions...
    Thanks in advance...

    Sorry . . .
    One more thing . . . .
    Since JSF loses parameters after a page reload you will have to store all the the values you want to "remember" in hidden fields. But . . . JSF autotmatically generate ID with form name at the begining. For example, if you want to pass the parameter: userId and the name of the form is: userForm, the name of the hidden field will be:
    Now . . . this makes a problem extracting the hidden value by get parameter. Since on first call the paramter is named: userId, on a second call to the same page the parameter will be in the hidden field and named: userForm:userId.
    In order to overcome this problem I wrote the following method:
      public static HttpServletRequest getRequest()
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)FacesContext.
        return request;
      public static String getRequestParameter(String key)
        return getRequest().getParameter(key);
      public static String locateRequestParameter(String partialKey)
        Enumeration enumeration = getRequest().getParameterNames();
        String key, value;
        while (enumeration.hasMoreElements())
          key = (String)enumeration.nextElement();
          if (key.indexOf(partialKey) > -1)
            value = getRequestParameter(key);
            return value;
        return null;
      }This is not a neat solution, since we iterate all the parameters . . .
    You can also look here: http://www.jsftutorials.net/param.html
    This is a "param" component, that keeps the URL with the parameter after the form is reloaded.
    Thats it . . . ;-)

  • JSF error handling when the bean is not correctly loaded

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    When the bean is initialized I load the bean with values from DAO which give SQL Exceptions.
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    //intializing the contex object
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    try {
    //ready to dispatch the url.
    } catch (IOException e) {
    //TODO what to do when there is an error at this stage.
    finally {
    }Thanks and Regarding
    Edited by: sgatl2 on Aug 28, 2008 2:32 PM
    Edited by: sgatl2 on Aug 28, 2008 2:45 PM

    Just let it throw the exception and define an error-page entry in the web.xml which catches the specified exception (or a superclass of it or a HTTP status code) and displays the error.jsf page accordingly.

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    thanks edwin
    jsf page
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    <f:selectItems value="#{selectDesk.deskSelectItems}"/>
    Selektdesk backing bean
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    userInfo = (UserInfo) valueBinding.getValue(facesContext);
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    selectItems = userInfo.getSelectItems();
    return selectItems;
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    userInfo.setBindings( getBindings());
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    setBindings(userInfo.getBindings()) ;
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    selectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    DCBindingContainer bc = getBindings();
    SicmaService sicma = (SicmaService)bc.findDataControl("SicmaServiceDataControl").getDataProvider();
    ViewObject desk = sicma.findViewObject("DeskSelectView1");
    RowSet rows = desk.getRowSet();
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
    Row a = rows.next();
    String DskId = a.getAttribute(0).toString();
    String DskOms = a.getAttribute(1).toString();
    selectItems.add( new SelectItem(DskId ,DskOms ));
    return selectItems;

    The SRDemo has an example of a selectOneRadio bound to a parameter being used to pass to an ExecuteWithParams action (to automatically feed a view object's named bind variable. This is in the SRStaffSearch.jspx page.
    Also, if you check out example # 72 from my blog:
    There is another example of using a selectOneListbox to do the same type of thing.
    The steps involved in creating something like this are to:
    (1) Define your named bind variables on your view object
    (2) Drop the "ExecuteWithParams" action in the operations folder of that view object from the Data Control Palette to your page as a "Parameter Form"
    (3) Drop the specific attribute (nested child of the "ExecuteWithParams" action from step (2) as whatever kind of selectOneXXXX control you want
    (4) Delete the extra field on the form you don't want.

  • JSF Exception Handling Example

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    JSF tags:
    <h:commandLink id="myActionLink" value="#{msgs.myLinkText}" binding="#{MyFormBean.uiComponentLink}" action="#{MyFormBean.linkProcessingMethod}"></h:commandLink>
    <h:messages layout="table" errorClass="Errors" styleClass="AlignLeft"/>
    ...And now the exception handling and message creation inside of the managed bean:
    private HtmlCommandLink uiComponentLink;
    * Method that processes the link action
    * @return String (action ID)
    public String linkProcessingMethod()
              // BEGIN: TEST ONLY
              if(1 == 1)     // Always true
                   throw new Exception("TEST ERROR MESSAGE DISPLAY");
              // END: TEST ONLY
         return "dummyPageReference";     // No reference for this in faces-config.xml. Redisplays same page.
         catch (Exception e)
             addFacesMessageForUI("Exception detected. Message: " +e.getMessage());
             return "dummyPageReference";
    * Add faces message for display on the UI
    * @param String uiMessage
    private void addFacesMessageForUI(String uiMessage)
         FacesMessage facesMessage = new FacesMessage(uiMessage);
         FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
         // Passing null for the client ID argument to the FacesContext
         // addMessage() method specifies the message as not belonging
         // to any particular UI component. This will cause the message
         // to be displayed as a general message on the UI

    chrisjohn wrote:
    Following link would be helpful
    Thanks!!Please, don't resurrect old threads, and especially not to post link-spam. Your account will get blocked if you continue with it. I'm locking this thread.

  • A new approach to JSF error handling?

    I would like to run an idea by the community to check that I am not being crazy in doing this stuff. I would appreciate any comments, criticism or ideas.
    I was thinking about JSF's error processing mechanism, specifically about how label text gets associated with an input field. So, I am talking about this kind of stuff:
    <h:outputLabel for="firstName" value='#{msgs["applicant.search.firstName"]}: ' />
    <h:inputText id="firstName" value='#{applicantDetailsBackingBean.firstName}' required=�true�/>If the value is not entered into the input field, we will get an error message saying:
    �First Name�: is required.
    So HtmlMessageRenderer has replaced the field id in the FacesMessage with the label text by using the association set up with the 'for' attribute on the label. All of this message "decoration" work happens in the RENDER phase in a centralized location. I see a couple of weaknesses in this approach
    1) It is too late for resolving label text data if the label is inside a data table
    2) JSF establishes associations between label text and the input fields by using the label components to point to their input fields. Although this seems more natural, it limits label text sources to just the label components present on the current page (or whatever is nested under them), which makes it impossible to associate input field messages with label text that does not exist on the page in its entirety.
    Let's look at a couple examples, both of which I ran into in my application:
    1) Consider a situation in which we have a dataTable where every row consists of a student name and an input field for entering their assignment mark. The validation on the input field will be restricted to valid letter grades only. If the user enters an invalid grade, we want them to see an error message of the form: +�The mark entered for <student name> is invalid�.+ Since <student name> is dependent on the row in which the error occurred, this error message is not possible to generate with bare JSF functionality.
    2) Another situation that gets us in trouble is when the label text we want in our error message is not on the page (or not in it's entirety). For example, your page could be split up into multiple parts with those parts having input fields with the same name. We would want the error message to include the page part as well as the field name. This is not easily achieved with the bare JSF functionality.
    So to generalize, any situation where a label component with a static value throughout the lifecycle is not available will cause difficulty.
    Please correct me if I am wrong on any of these points.
    Since in my app I had a lot of complicated pages to deal with, I solved my difficulties by writing a very simple framework that I called Message Decorator Framework (MDF). It enabled me to easily construct much more detailed error messages than what the standard JSF approach seems to allows for. MDF provides a mechanism to specify the label text to be applied to a validation or a conversion message by either a literal, an el expression or via an id of another ValueHolder and all of these work in data tables.
    The idea is a s such, and this is what i would like your opinion on:
    MDF provides more flexible message decoration by adapting the opposite approach to the one used by the JSF:
    1) Message decoration is decentralized. MDF wraps converters and validators on individual input fields and performs message text replacement right on the spot in the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase, when all of the pertinent data for resolving the label text is still available.(i.e the components in data tables would still have the correct values for the current row being validated)
    2) The label text to be used is specified by the input field, not the label. This allows the developer to reference any text value, instead of tying them to a specific label component.
    Pictures are better than words, so here is an architectural diagram:
    The framework consists of two main classes, ConverterMessageDecorator and ValidatorMessageDecorator. I will just talk about the converter part, b/c the validator part is very similar but wraps a list of validators instead of one converter.
    So ConverterMessageDecorator is a JSF converter. Its purpose is to wrap the converter that is going to do the actual conversion work and decorate the FacesMessage inside ConverterException if one was thrown.
    The converter to wrap can be either determined automatically based on the type of the value reference of the input field or specified explicitly. This converter decorates the message by replacing all instances of the input field�s id with the resolved label text. The power of this approach is that not only do you get a much more flexible way to specify what the label text is (either fieldLabel or fieldLabelComponent attributes), but now data tables are no longer a problem.
    Here are some usage examples:
    <h:inputText value='#{section33SetupBackingBean.contribution.sampleGatePct}'>
       <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabel= '#{msgs["section.34.setup.contribution.initial.sampling.gate.max.size"]}' />
    <h:inputText value='#{section33SetupBackingBean.payment.sampleGatePct}'>
       <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabel= '#{msgs["section.34.setup.payment.initial.sampling.gate.max.size"]}' />
    </h:inputText>The two input fields have exactly the same labels on the screen (they are in two different parts of the page), so if we used their respective labels, the error messages would look the same for these two input fields.
    More complicated example:
    <h:dataTable value="#{paymentCalcBackingBean.currentPaymentPercentages}" var="currentPercentage" >
      <ops:refDataDescription id="provinceLabelTextId" refDataType="provinceStateType"
                code="${currentPercentage.programProvince.provinceStateTypeCode}" />
      <h:inputText value="${currentPercentage.federalPercentage}">
    <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabelComponent="provinceLabelTextId"  valueRequired="true" >
       <f:converter converterId="ops.PercentageConverter" />
    <md:decorateValidatorMessage fieldLabelComponent="provinceLabelTextId" >
       <f:validator validatorId="ops.PercentageValidator" />
    </h:dataTable>This would produce errors shown in this screenshot: http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1259418_Example3.png
    Here is another example that shows off what you can do by referencing other ValueHolders on the page.
    The code is exactly the same as the snippet shown above, but the inputText component is referencing a text box, so the label text is going to be whatever the user types into the text box:
    Does this approach seem reasonable to people, or am I reinventing the wheel? Please let me know.

    Try restarting the DTR application and see if the problem persists.

  • Parameter handling in  screen painter

    Hi All,
    Hope all are doing fine!!!
    I have designed a screen using screen painter ...
    in that screen ,, i have 2 parameters and 3 input fields ...
    if  1st parameter is ciicked/selected then  1st input field should only be input enabled and other 2 input fields should be input disabled.
    if 2nd parameter is clicked/selected ..., the 1st field should be input disabled and the other 2 fields should be input enabled..
    am designing all these in a screen painter not in a selection criteria.
    pls.. suggest alternatives..
    Thanks in advance

    Supposu you want to do the disabling and enabling part using radio buttons.
    Firstly group the radio buttons in the screen painter, set a function code for them and declare them in the TOP.
    Now for the 2nd and 3rd input fields double click on them and set the group name.
    In PBO of flow logic
      IF R1 = 'X'.
        IF screen-name = 'field1'.
         Screen-Input = 0.
         Modify Screen.
      IF R2 = 'X'.
        IF screen-group1 = G1.
         Screen-Input = 0.
         Modify Screen.

  • JSF event handling - JSF/struts/tiles

    Has somebody had any luck integrating these technologies
    and having events for JSF work?

    I just came back from the Thanksgiving holiday.
    I followed the IBM tutorial and got the stuff to
    work. But I have JSF events that work fine when
    they were used in a framework with JSF only. Once I put
    Struts and Tiles, the events were not caught all the time;
    only some times. I traced the code and maybe
    because of Tiles, the Render Response Phase from JSF did not take place.
    "Ordinary Guy", when you said that you had an action listener hooked to a command button, I assume you refer
    to a JSF action listener. Right?

  • NavigationTarget parameter handling

    Hello Gurus,
    I've implemented IF_RS_BBS_BADI_HANDLER for jumping to URL. Now, when I call jump from BEx Analyzer (Excel/Web) it works fine.
    But when I display query within portal, jump's not working - it seems that portal clasifies link as internal address and modifes it somehow. And instead of jumping to ERP system it ends on initial page of current BW portal.
    Is there any setting on iview or somewhere else to prevent this?
    Link looks like this
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Edited by: Ondrej Vach on Jun 29, 2011 2:27 PM

    Supposu you want to do the disabling and enabling part using radio buttons.
    Firstly group the radio buttons in the screen painter, set a function code for them and declare them in the TOP.
    Now for the 2nd and 3rd input fields double click on them and set the group name.
    In PBO of flow logic
      IF R1 = 'X'.
        IF screen-name = 'field1'.
         Screen-Input = 0.
         Modify Screen.
      IF R2 = 'X'.
        IF screen-group1 = G1.
         Screen-Input = 0.
         Modify Screen.

  • JSF 1.2 tag handler classes in JSF 1.1 environment

    I’m developing a JSF 1.2 application with RSA 7.5.1. When I run it in the WAS 6.1 I get the following exception:
    Unable to convert string '#{onebean.onestring}' to class
    javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute title:
    Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException
    I think my WAS 6.1 running environment doesn’t admit Tag Handler classes in JSF 1.2 style (you know: Extending UIComponentELTag, with all attributes in the tag class of type valueExpression along with setter methods...).
    In case this suspect is true, is there any tricky way to run this JSF 1.2 components in a JSF 1.1 environment?
    Do you have any ideas to solve this problem without downgrading my JSF tag handler classes from 1.2 to 1.1?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi BalusC,
    This is the full history:
    I started coding the tag handler classes of my JSF components in the JSF 1.2 way.
    But know, I’am being forced to run the web app that uses those JSF 1.2 components in a WAS 6.1 (servlet 2.4 & jsp 2.0, I suppose).
    Not very elegant solution, I put a ‘servlet2.5-jsp2.1-api.jar’ file in my ‘WebContent\WEB-INF\lib’ directory, and configured a ‘PARENT-LAST’ class loader policy in the server configuration.
    This is my web.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
          <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
          <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    </web-app>When I launch the JSF example page, I get no logs, no messages, ONLY a blank page (¿?)
    Thank you very much for your skilled help!

  • Will JSF handle a really huge webpage?

    HI. I know Struts2 & JSP. My career hinges on the ability to create a WebApp that can display 6000 pieces of data on ONE WebPage. struts2 can't do it. Neither can using the C TagLib. Can someone tell me that JSF can handle this kind of volume. Speed is an issue, but right now, I just want to know if it is feasible? If not, do you have a recommendation?

    My recommendation would be to redesign your UI. Nobody can handle 6000 items on a web page. Page it, make it searchable, ...

  • How to implement JSF text input down-arrow key = next record navigation?

    Hi All,
    I've got a small query which you experts might be able to help me through. I would not be surprised if such questions would already have been raised in this forum.
    Formerly, I've created an Oracle Form that allow user to quickly insert data in bulk. It only has three 3 fields - first name, second name and address. Because of the flexibility of the Oracle Form, by pressing the down arrow key, user is able to create record when the last record is detected. And vice versa by hitting the up arrow key, it will move to the previous record when the current record is not the first record. So basically, the form is very 'key-driven' and without the use of the mouse, a lot of data can be inserted very quickly and efficiently.
    I've successfully converted such form to an ADF BC JSF page using the JHeadstart toolkit. But when I showed it to my users for comment, they were really disappointed with the number of mouse interactions they need to click every time to navigate between records as well as creating new records. My question is can I build some sort of ADF JSF event handler on any of the text items to perform the following tasks:
    1.) When 'down arrow key' is pressed AND not the last record THEN
    Go to the next record.
    2.) When 'down arrow key' is pressed AND is the last record THEN
    Go to the next blank record.
    3.) When 'up arrow key' is pressed AND not the first record THEN
    Go to the previous record.
    4.) When 'up arrow key' is pressed AND is the first record THEN
    Do nothing.
    If all the four above tasks are achievable in ADF JSF, can you please guide and brief me on the steps to implement them. Or these functionalities are already available somewhere in other open source toolkits. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Steven,
    I've tried to incoporated attached link's codes with the JHeadstart generated code inside the jspx but I still cannot get it to work. There is a lot of Javascript error and is impossible to debug.

  • How to handle multiple fields data

    Hi All,
    My data is :
    FldName           FldTypeCode          Text
    Sandya            02                         nothing
    Raj                 01                         12/Oct/2008
    Lokesh            03                          12546
    Harish             04                          12565.35
    King                01                          12/Nov/2007
    Cobra              02                          texttype In the UI I have give with refcursor all three fields data. now from UI to DB he is passing all values to update at a time.
    Q) Now My question is How to update all the values.
    Eg: Create procedure procdname (ip_allvalues in typerecord)
    the above procedure input parameter can handle all three fields data when they pass,
    1) If the parameter handles, which type i need to create ?
    2) How i need to update multiple records at a time?
    Please can any body...
    Thanks in advance..

    sanjuv wrote:
    In the UI I have give with refcursor all three fields data. now from UI to DB he is passing all values to update at a time.
    Q) Now My question is How to update all the values.With an update statement. Identify the row with a where condition and then set the new values. That's one of the first reasons why primary keys are used.
    1) If the parameter handles, which type i need to create ?
    2) How i need to update multiple records at a time? If you don't explain how you User Interface is designed to work nobody can tell you anything about it. Anyway for such things there is no need to define any type.
    Usually the application should submit an update command(like the following one) for each row to update.
    update <table_name>
         set field_1= <value1>,
              field_2= <value2>
              field_n= <valuen>
    where <primary key column> = <primary key value of the row to update>Bye Alessandro
    Edited by: Alessandro Rossi on 6-ott-2008 16.37

  • How to get parameter from URL - part II

    Is there a way to assign a value of JavaScript variable to JSF variable?, something like
    <h:commandButton value="Send" actionListener ="#{myBean.myAction}" 
    <f:attribute name="source" value="<some JavaScript variable>"/>
    </h:commandButton>Here is my problem
    Following the thread in http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=427&threadID=545973
    I have a facelets page that is used as a "contact us" from this page the information is send to the action bean for saving in the database. We want to know where the users come from to this page. This can be done either by using the "referring page" or adding parameters to the URL - http://mylink?param=myval
    In both cases the problem is that when transferring the information from the faclets page to the action bean the information is lost and instead of showing the "real" referring page or parameter it shows the information of the faclets page.
    One solution to the problem is to save the information in the faclets page in a javascript variable and then transfer it using the f:attribute to the action bean. By the way, the opposing is very easy, one can save easy the value of a JSF parameter in a javascript variable:
    <script type="text/javascript">
         // <![CDATA[
         var foo = "#{myBean.bar}"
    // ]]>

    I can, but the EL doesn't contain the "right" value..
    But there is a general question
    Can one use javascript in expression like f:attribute ?
    BTW I solved the above problem by using AJAX like behavior, But I wanted to know if there is another way

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    I'm trying to help someone at work re-image their Toshiba 1805-S274 laptop, that got hit with scareware and various other virus problems. At this point, we have no othe option but to recover the hard drive to the out of box state, or buy Windowx XP H

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    I install PCI-6527 card in computer, I want to test the card to see it is work. I right click the DAQ board in MAX configuration and choose "test panel", the compuer show a test panel, there is no error message, does that meaning that my card is ok?

  • Migration from VFP to Oracle 8i

    Dear Friends, I am about to migrate a Visual FoX Pro 7.0 & 5.0 databases to Oracle 8i. I would like to share the experience with you, if you have undergone such a task. Is there any utility for achieving this. Any white paper or link for guidance on

  • Only one spread visible on pasteboard (CS4)

    Something weird happened to my indd file (a 128-page book) and although all the pages are all accounted for, only one spread is visible at a time: if I scroll up or down in the document window, there is nothing but blank space. I can access any other

  • User Rights Regarding Voicemail Deletion

    As Microsoft has decided without our approval or notice, to prevent our deletion of and hold onto our personal and business voicemail for an indefinite period for their own direct access and review, I have decided to register formal complaints with t