JSF - Where is it going?

Hi All,
I make the following observations relating to SUN's behavior in dealing with JSF developers and early adopters:
1. There has been no response from SUN in regards to what are the fixes and/or enhancements in the NEW EA4 (for lack of a better version scheme).
2. There is a school of thought that for successful software projects you need to release versions often (even with small improvements). This has been amply demonstrated by other projects like Eclipse etc. But we have no idea if for the next two years we will get the next version of JSF. Sounds like a research project to me.
2. The project has progressed extremely slowly. JSF has been in development for more than 2 years now. And what do they have to show for progress?
3. There are a number of bugs and poor design choices.
4. There is an attitude of "We know what is best for you. We will take you along." There is little learning from other projects. Even MyFaces with a few developers have improved the original JSF concepts but there is no acknowledgement that these ideas will get included in JSF future.
5. Very few standard components.
It is very disconcerting that SUN deals with their flagship products in this manner. I call it flagship because JSF is the product that will compete with .NET FORMS which is so successful and lures developers easily.
Is there someone listening here or are we developers making a MISTAKE in devoting our energies to JSF?
Two years and this is the output? Do they realize that this is more important than EJBs?
Does the JSF team even have a Product Manager? Do they have a product road map? Are these communicated to the developers?
I hope developers realize the reality of current state of JSF and unite to ask these and other questions before figuring out how to handle some button events. It is not your fault that the command_button has a bug!
Hoping that these questions will make a few people wake up.
Vinay Soni

Hello Vinay,
Thank you for your interest in JavaServer Faces. Please understand that
we're not ignoring the forum. The forum is constantly monitored by the
JSF engineering team. Unfortunately, the team has to make resource
allocation decisions that cause forurm replies to be delayed in favor of
developing and increasing the quality of the next release of Faces.
VS> I make the following observations relating to SUN's
VS> behavior in dealing with JSF developers and early
VS> adopters:
VS> 1. There has been no response from SUN in regards to
VS> what are the fixes and/or enhancements in the NEW EA4
VS> (for lack of a better version scheme).
We're not at liberty to share the set of new features just yet, but I
can say that we'll have a beta release out to the public before the end
of calendar year 2003.
VS> 2. There is a school of thought that for successful
VS> software projects you need to release versions often
VS> (even with small improvements). This has been amply
VS> demonstrated by other projects like Eclipse etc. But
VS> we have no idea if for the next two years we will get
VS> the next version of JSF. Sounds like a research
VS> project to me.
Sure, we're aware of and adhere to the XP practice of constantly
releaseable software, but since we're not doing JSF as an open source
project, we have to go through the closed source release machinery.
This reduces the number of releases we can do.
VS> Is there someone listening here or are we developers
VS> making a MISTAKE in devoting our energies to JSF?
You are not making a MISTAKE. You are investing in the FUTURE of web
application UI development.
VS> Does the JSF team even have a Product Manager? Do they
VS> have a product road map? Are these communicated to the
VS> developers?
JSF is not a product. It is a specification and reference
implementation. Several vendors, including IBM, Sun and Oracle, will be
providing product implementations of JSF.
Thanks again for your interest,
Ed Burns

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    import java.util.Scanner;
    Simple line-oriented calculator program. The class
    can also be used to create other calculator programs.
    public class Calculator
        private double result;
        private double precision = 0.0001; // Numbers this close to zero are
                                           // treated as if equal to zero.
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Calculator clerk = new Calculator( );
                System.out.println("Calculator is on.");
                System.out.print("Format of each line: ");
                System.out.println("operator space number");
                System.out.println("For example: + 3");
                System.out.println("To end, enter the letter e.");
            catch(UnknownOpException e)
            catch(DivideByZeroException e)
            System.out.println("The final result is " +
                                      clerk.getResult( ));
            System.out.println("Calculator program ending.");
        public Calculator( )
            result = 0;
        public void reset( )
            result = 0;
        public void setResult(double newResult)
            result = newResult;
        public double getResult( )
            return result;
         The heart of a calculator. This does not give
         instructions. Input errors throw exceptions.
        public void doCalculation( ) throws DivideByZeroException,
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
            boolean done = false;
            result = 0;
            System.out.println("result = " + result);
            while (!done)
               char nextOp = (keyboard.next( )).charAt(0);
                if ((nextOp == 'e') || (nextOp == 'E'))
                    done = true;
                    double nextNumber = keyboard.nextDouble( );
                    result = evaluate(nextOp, result, nextNumber);
                    System.out.println("result " + nextOp + " " +
                                       nextNumber + " = " + result);
                    System.out.println("updated result = " + result);
         Returns n1 op n2, provided op is one of '+', '-', '*',or '/'.
         Any other value of op throws UnknownOpException.
        public double evaluate(char op, double n1, double n2)
                      throws DivideByZeroException, UnknownOpException
            double answer;
            switch (op)
                case '+':
                    answer = n1 + n2;
                case '-':
                    answer = n1 - n2;
                case '*':
                    answer = n1 * n2;
                case '/':
                    if ((-precision < n2) && (n2 < precision))
                        throw new DivideByZeroException( );
                    answer = n1 / n2;
                    throw new UnknownOpException(op);
            return answer;
        public void handleDivideByZeroException(DivideByZeroException e)
            System.out.println("Dividing by zero.");
            System.out.println("Program aborted");
        public void handleUnknownOpException(UnknownOpException e)
            System.out.println(e.getMessage( ));
            System.out.println("Try again from the beginning:");
                System.out.print("Format of each line: ");
                System.out.println("operator number");
                System.out.println("For example: + 3");
                System.out.println("To end, enter the letter e.");
                doCalculation( );
            catch(UnknownOpException e2)
                System.out.println(e2.getMessage( ));
                System.out.println("Try again at some other time.");
                System.out.println("Program ending.");
            catch(DivideByZeroException e3)
    }Here's me trying to make it into an applet with the added button functionality.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Calculator extends JApplet implements ActionListener
              // Variables declaration. 
               private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel2;
             private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel2;
             private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField1;
             private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel3;
             private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField2;
             private javax.swing.JButton jButton1;
             private javax.swing.JButton jButton2;
             private javax.swing.JTextArea resultArea;
             private Container container;
             // End of variables declaration
         public void init () {
            setSize(400, 200);       
        private void initComponents() {
            container = getContentPane();
            container.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                // Creating instances of each item 
                jPanel2 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
            jLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            jTextField1 = new javax.swing.JTextField();
            jLabel3 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            jTextField2 = new javax.swing.JTextField();
            jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton();
            jButton2 = new javax.swing.JButton();
            resultArea = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
                // End Creation
            // Set text on labels, preferred size can be optional on labels,
                // size should/must be used on text fields.
              // Then each individual item is added to a panel.
            jLabel2.setText("Input =");
            jTextField1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(65, 20));
            container.add( jPanel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                container.add(resultArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            container.add(jButton1, BorderLayout.WEST);
            container.add(jButton2, BorderLayout.EAST);
                     resultArea.setText("Calculator is on.\n" +
                             "Format of each line: " +
                                             "\noperator space number" +
                             "\nFor example: + 3" +
                                             "\nThen hit Update to compute"+
                             "\nHit Reset to set the result back to zero.");
       private double result;
       private double precision = 0.0001;
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                Calculator clerk = new Calculator( );
                catch(UnknownOpException e2)
            catch(DivideByZeroException e2)
            resultArea.setText("The final result is " + clerk.getResult( )+
                                        "\nCalculator program ending.");
         public Calculator( )
            result = 0;
        public void reset( )
            result = 0;
        public void setResult(double newResult)
            result = newResult;
        public double getResult( )
            return result;
         The heart of a calculator. This does not give
         instructions. Input errors throw exceptions.
        public void doCalculation( ) throws DivideByZeroException,
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
            boolean done = false;
            result = 0;
            resultArea.setText("result = " + result);
            while (!done)
               char nextOp = (keyboard.next( )).charAt(0);
                if ((nextOp == 'e') || (nextOp == 'E'))
                    done = true;
                    double nextNumber = keyboard.nextDouble( );
                    result = evaluate(nextOp, result, nextNumber);
                    resultArea.setText("result " + nextOp + " " + nextNumber + " = " + result+
                                                    "\nupdated result = " + result);
         Returns n1 op n2, provided op is one of '+', '-', '*',or '/'.
         Any other value of op throws UnknownOpException.
        public double evaluate(char op, double n1, double n2)
                      throws DivideByZeroException, UnknownOpException
            double answer;
            switch (op)
                case '+':
                    answer = n1 + n2;
                case '-':
                    answer = n1 - n2;
                case '*':
                    answer = n1 * n2;
                case '/':
                    if ((-precision < n2) && (n2 < precision))
                        throw new DivideByZeroException( );
                    answer = n1 / n2;
                    throw new UnknownOpException(op);
            return answer;
        public void handleDivideByZeroException(DivideByZeroException e)
            resultArea.setText("Dividing by zero."+
                               "\nProgram aborted");
        public void handleUnknownOpException(UnknownOpException e)
            resultArea.setText(e.getMessage( )+
                              "\nTry again from the beginning:");
                resultArea.setText("Calculator is on.\n" +
                             "Format of each line: " +
                                             "\noperator space number" +
                             "\nFor example: + 3" +
                             "\nHit Reset to set the result back to zero.");
                        doCalculation( );
            catch(UnknownOpException e2)
                System.out.println(e2.getMessage( ));
                System.out.println("Try again at some other time.");
                System.out.println("Program ending.");
            catch(DivideByZeroException e3)
    }I'm not getting any compiling errors or anything and it launches, but it doesn't work at all. I'm sure it has something to do with the calc program and the applet actionevent. I just don't know where to go from there. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? Or even make sense of what I've posted. I know its a lot. I've been looking at this thing for a day now and its killing me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    This is a mistake
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                Calculator clerk = new Calculator( );
                clerk.doCalculation();You don't want to create a whole new applet every time anyone pushes a button.
    Make whatever changes are neccessary so that you don't have to create a new applet in your actionPerformed

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    How should I proceed?
    thank you 

    Take it back to Apple in the US where the iPhone originated ,any Apple Store genius bar will look at it under warranty

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    import java.io.*;
    public class EmployeeRecord {
        private String employeeName;
        private int employeeIDNumber;
        private String jobCat;
        private double hourlyPayRate;
        private double annualSalary;
       /* public constructor.
       public Student(String employeeName, int employeeIDNumber, String jobCat, double hourlyPayRate)
             this.employeeName = employeeName;
             this.employeeIDNumber = employeeIDNumber;
             this.jobCat = jobCat;
             this.hourlyPayRate = hourlyPayRate;
       } // end method
           * return  employee name
          public String getEmployeeName() {
             return employeeName;
          } // end method
           * return employee ID number
          public int getEmployeeIDNumber() {
             return employeeIDNumber;
       } // end method
           * return job Cat
          public String getJobCat() {
             return jobCat;
          } // end method
           * return hourly pay rate
          public double getHourlyPayRate() {
             return hourlyPayRate;
       } // end method
           * return annual salary
          public double getAnnualSalary() {
             return annualSalary;
       } // end method
              public void calculateAnnualSalary(){
                      int tempCount = numberOfScores;
                      int tempScore = totalScore;
                      if (employeeArray[2] == "Full") {
                         annualSalary = 40 * employeeArray[3];
                      else {
                         annualSalary = 20 * employeeArray[3];
                      } // end else
                   } // end method
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          Employee[] employeeArray = { new Employee("JohnSmith", 654789345, "Full", 25.60);
                                        new Employee("BobJones", 456983209, "Full", 28.20);
                                        new Employee("LarryAnders", 989876123, "Full", 35.30);
                                        new Employee("TomEstes", 237847360, "Full", 41.35);
                                           new Employee("MariaCosta", 115387243, "Part", 15.40);
                                           new Employee("JoeShowen", 223456732, "Full", 45.75);
                                           new Employee("JillRoberts", 574839280, "Part", 38.45);
                                           new Employee("MaryAble", 427836410, "Part", 25.90);
                                           new Employee("NancyAtkins", 349856232, "Full", 35.60);
                                           new Employee("MarkSeimens", 328978455, "Full", 48.50);
       } // end method
    } // end classDesign the Java class to represent an employee record. Pseudo code for this object is given below:
    Employee class definition
    Instance Variables
    Employee name
    Employee ID number
    Job category
    Hourly pay rate
    Annual salary
    Instance Methods
    Use the String class for the employee name.
    Use an array of objects for the employee records.
    Calculate each employee's annual salary from the job category and hourly rate, using the following constant information:
    Job category: Full - 40 hours a week
    Part - 20 hours a week
    Assume 52 weeks in a year.
    Display each employee's name, id and annual salary.
    Calculate and display the company's total amount for employees salaries.
    Use the following information to populate the employee objects: Employee
    Name Employee Id Job Category Hourly Pay Rate
    John Smith 654789345 Full 25.60
    Bob Jones 456983209 Full 28.20
    Larry Anders 989876123 Full 35.30
    Tom Estes 237847360 Full 41.35
    Maria Costa 115387243 Part 15.40
    Joe Showen 223456732 Full 45.75
    Jill Roberts 574839280 Part 38.45
    Mary Able 427836410 Part 25.90
    Nancy Atkins 349856232 Full 35.60
    Mark Seimens 328978455 Full 48.50

    I think this is what people mean, but It still wont work. Can someone else figure it out?
    import java.io.*;
    public class EmployeeRecord {
    private String employeeName;
    private int employeeIDNumber;
    private String jobCat;
    private double hourlyPayRate;
    private double annualSalary;
    /* public constructor.
    public void EmployeeRecord (String employeeName, int employeeIDNumber, String jobCat, double hourlyPayRate)
    this.employeeName = employeeName;
    this.employeeIDNumber = employeeIDNumber;
    this.jobCat = jobCat;
    this.hourlyPayRate = hourlyPayRate;
    } // end method
    * return employee name
    public String getEmployeeName() {
    return employeeName;
    } // end method
    * return employee ID number
    public int getEmployeeIDNumber() {
    return employeeIDNumber;
    } // end method
    * return job Cat
    public String getJobCat() {
    return jobCat;
    } // end method
    * return hourly pay rate
    public double getHourlyPayRate() {
    return hourlyPayRate;
    } // end method
    * return annual salary
    public double getAnnualSalary() {
    return annualSalary;
    } // end method
         public void calculateAnnualSalary(){
              int tempCount = numberOfScores;
              int tempScore = totalScore;
              if (employeeArray[2] == "Full") {
              annualSalary = 40 * employeeArray[3];
              else {
              annualSalary = 20 * employeeArray[3];
              } // end else
              } // end method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    EmployeeRecord[] employeeArray = { new EmployeeRecord("JohnSmith", 654789345, "Full", 25.60),
         new EmployeeRecord("BobJones", 456983209, "Full", 28.20),
         new EmployeeRecord("LarryAnders", 989876123, "Full", 35.30),
         new EmployeeRecord("TomEstes", 237847360, "Full", 41.35),
         new EmployeeRecord("MariaCosta", 115387243, "Part", 15.40),
         new EmployeeRecord("JoeShowen", 223456732, "Full", 45.75),
         new EmployeeRecord("JillRoberts", 574839280, "Part", 38.45),
         new EEmployeeRecord("MaryAble", 427836410, "Part", 25.90),
         new EmployeeRecord("NancyAtkins", 349856232, "Full", 35.60),
         new EmployeeRecord("MarkSeimens", 328978455, "Full", 48.50),
    } // end method
    } // end class

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    We don't know. You didn't tell us what those settings are. However, if you contact your email provider, Blueyonder, they should be able to help you. Check their website where they may even have information on how to configure Mail for their site.

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    I've just started using the App Tabs. I think this feature could be handy but why are the sites not updated when I start Firefox. Now I have to manually update the site which is somewhat of a downer. Does any of you know where I'm going wrong?

    To answer the post title FireFox save all downloads automatically in the download folder, which you can find in the Documents folder. If you want to choose where to save your downloads go to tools>options>check always ask me where to save files.
    Secondly, I am assuming you have IE 8 installed as this is the only version that supports this fix that is currently not in beta. Go to control panel>internet options>advanced tab and reset the settings at the bottom. This may or may not fix the problem but it is a good first step.

  • I have an iPhone 4. I've been archiving email I want to keep but I don't know where it's going. I don't see a folder called "Archive"

    I have an iPhone 4. I've been archiving email I want to keep but I don't know where it's going. I don't see a folder called "Archive"

    The procedure is Settings>Messages>Send & Receive at>You can be reached by iMessages at>Add another email address. The email address has to be a valid working email address, obviously. Apple should verify the email address and you have to go to the inbox of that email account, read the verification email from Apple and follow the inductions in the email in order to complete the verification. Then you go back to the settings, uncheck your email address and check the new email address to be used as the contact email address.

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