JSP as UI technology with GP instead of Webdynpro

Instead of Webdynpro, I want to use JSP as UI technology to deliver screens to the GP process layer.
How can I work with the GP interface from JSP when the GP interface is only available from Webdynpro?
I wish GP Development would deliver such callable object "JSP with GP Interface" or at least provide means/apis for me to create it.
Or maybe someone came up with a creative way to manage it and would love to hear from you.

I looked at the demo
It's interesting.
However, I would point out two things:
1- Before Oracle, Sun failed with UI technologies: there was AWT then Swing then Java FX. None of them was a star. The only place where Sun really won the UI war is the Bluray Disc format.
2- About half of the RIA in the financial/banking industry are developed with Flex, the other half is developed with Silverlight / WPF. HTML 5 is being taken up by some, but you still end up with the usual problem of having to pick up an AJAX framework, and get tied to a vendor anyway in the end. Never heard about any project developed with Oracle ADF yet.

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          SELECT   a,
            FROM   table_name
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          SELECT   a,
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    Sorry... copy+paste error :)
    INSERT INTO table_view t (a,
        SELECT   *
          FROM   (  SELECT   a,
                      FROM   table_name
                  ORDER BY   d)I need to insert him by a D column order, because my trigger needs to validate each record and insert him. I have some restrictions. For example, my records are:
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    1     2     2007 M
    1     3     2007     S 2007
    1     2     2007     S 2007
    2     1     2009     S
    2     1     2009     S
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    Here three example of the exceptions that I got END:
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    <!--%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%-->
    <%@ page import = "myapplet.Applet1, java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Vector, javax.swing.JFrame, java.lang.*" contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Hello World
    The current time is:
    <%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
    <APPLET CODE="myapplet.Applet1" ARCHIVE="jdev-rt.jar,ojsp.jar,ojsputil.jar,oc4j.jar,servlet.jar,ojc.jar" HEIGHT="200" WIDTH="200" ALIGN="bottom">This browser does not appear to support Applets.</APPLET-->
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    <c:set var="userRows" value="${requestScope.Users}" />
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              <!-- create a "user" object for each element in the userRows -->               
              <c:forEach var="user" items="${userRows}" varStatus="idx">
                              <c:when test="${( idx.count+1 )%2==0}">
                                 <tr class="contentCell1">
                                 <tr class="contentCell2">
                                           <td align="center">
                                                              <html-el:checkbox property="selectedUsers[${idx.index}].selected" />
                                                              <html-el:hidden property="selectedUsers[${idx.index}].id" value="${user.id}"/>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.createdByUserID}" /></td>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.firstName}" /></td>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.lastName}" /></td>
                             <td colspan="6" align="left">
                                      <html-el:link action="/admin/selectUsers.do">Edit Selected Users</html-el:link>
                   <center><H1>No User Found.</H1></center>
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    <!-- Create a variable in scope called userRows from the Users object -->
    <c:set var="userRows" value="${requestScope.Users}" />
         <c:when test="${not empty userRows}">
                                    <html-el:form action="/admin/findUsers.do">
                                               // many textfields and a submit button
              <!-- create a "user" object for each element in the userRows -->               
              <c:forEach var="user" items="${userRows}" varStatus="idx">
                              <c:when test="${( idx.count+1 )%2==0}">
                                 <tr class="contentCell1">
                                 <tr class="contentCell2">
                                           <td align="center">
                                                              <html-el:checkbox property="selectedUsers[${idx.index}].selected" />
                                                              <html-el:hidden property="selectedUsers[${idx.index}].id" value="${user.id}"/>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.createdByUserID}" /></td>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.firstName}" /></td>
                                           <td align="center"><c:out value="${user.lastName}" /></td>
                             <td colspan="6" align="left">
                                      <html-el:link action="/admin/selectUsers.do">Edit Selected Users</html-el:link>
                   <center><H1>No User Found.</H1></center>

    your strtus config file looks like
    <form-beans >
    <form-bean name="manageAuditFindingsForm" type="com.lib.struts.form.ManageAuditFindingsForm" />
    </form-beans >
          <forward name="success" path="/AuditFindings.jsp" />

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    we will be releasing a new example w.r.t creating a parameter form using the reports JSP within the next month.
    as for your request for a combo box. this widget is not available via regular HTML form elements. you can either have a select list or dropdown list.
    for a regular select list you would use the following (only pseudo-code)
    <select ...>
    <option value="<rw:field .../>">
    to populate a select list.

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    I had a similar probem after updating to the newest Safari -- and I posted that question on the forum this morning.  Like you, I didn't have any adobe plug-ins.  then I read another post that made sense:
    find a pdf document that you know opens in Preview. Do a command-I on that document's icon.  Then you'll see 1/2 way down an item that says "open with Preview" - click on the arrow beside that, then beside it you'll see "use this application to open all documents like this one"  Under that, you'll see "change all" -- and it will change all pdfs to automatically open with Preview instead of Adobe.From then on Safari worked perfectly
    Then I wondered why I didn't have the Adobe plug-in that people were telling me to disable - so I downloaded Adobe Reader again - looked in the library and sure enough there was the plug-in - so I went ahead and disabled the Adobe pdf plug-in (by dumping it in the trash).
    so far so good -- first time that Safari 6.02 has worked for me since I installed it.

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    Try clicking on the toolbar at the top of the artist column (on the word "artist"). When I do this on my MacBook it changes back and forth between starting from A and starting from Z. You should also see a little arrow next to the word "artist" that points up and down when you press the toolbar button. "Up" means starting from the top, and down means starting from the bottom.

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    y mis correrías con alguien que más allá
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    I can not open the image, but I can say something in general about the tilde.<br>
    The tilde "~" is an unreserved character and therefore it can be replaced by its percent-encoded form "%7E" inside a URI without changing meaning. See<br>
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    If you mean can you design ADF applications with Eclipse then yes, you can do that with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. It isn't as full-featured as the JDeveloper experience, though.
    More info: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/eclipse/overview/index.html
    Tutorial: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/eclipse/adf/gettingStarted/Tutorial/ADFwithOEPE_1.html
    If you meant something else, please be more specific!
    - Joonas

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    Hello Experts,
    I want your help in one of my problem. I have a camera from Sensors Unlimited which is SU-640 1.7 RT-D and a NI parallel card PCI-1422. I can use and acquire data with MAX from the camera but I want to operate,use and acquire images from the camera using LabView. Is there any way of exporting or using the camera with Labview instead of writing a fresh code in LabView? 
    Does LabView offer any support or reads automatically from PCI-1422 or any possible solution that I get the block diagram code for using this camera in LabView.
    Please let me know, reply.
    Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Nitai wrote:
    Thanks but again it requires writing and struggling with coding and experience on  LabView skills.
    Just wondering something easy. I tried one of the example and it worked actually but I am trying to get more ideas or options to make it look better and impressive.
    You want something and easy and doesn't require any effort on your end?    Hire someone who knows how to program in LabVIEW.

  • How do I keep my installer from trying to update with Photoshop instead of installer? Quark can't update because the installer opens Photoshop which doesn't recognize the file and I'm not given the option to choose anything else.

    How do I keep my installer from trying to update with Photoshop instead of installer? Quark can't update because the installer opens Photoshop which doesn't recognize the file and I'm not given the option to choose anything else.

    1. Sync wasn't intended to be used in that manner. You would be better off carrying around a USB Flash Stick with Portable Firefox for use on "strange" PC's.
    2. You could open the "Library" {Ctrl + Shift + B} and highlight all those bookmarks and then delete them all at once. But that would also delete all the other bookmarks, and it isn't foolproof. All another person would need to do it to '''''restore''''' a bookmark backup file that has your bookmarks. Beyond that, a new Profile could be created and then the current Profile deleted; but that's "messing with" someone else's computer - an action that is worthy of terminating a friendship over, IMO.
    And if that "public" computer was set up properly, Sync should have been disabled.

Maybe you are looking for