Jump in second report with condition (RRI)

I have a report with 0MATERIAL in the column and one kyf in the layout. Also i have an active condition, which displays the TOP10 materials with the ten highest kyf-values.
For example: inactive condition: 20 mat.nr.; active condition: 10 mat.nr.
Now, i want to jump into another report with this TOP10 Mat.nr.. The problem is, that the target-report shows all mat.nr. (for this example: 20) and not only the TOP10 materials.
Have you any ideas to solve this problem? Thanx!!!

If I understand your problem clearly , you want to display detail report for top 10 materials.
If it is so , then you can achieve this with resultset query.
1. QRY1 - Query with top 10 material which you have.
2. QRY2 - Query with details, which you want..
3. In QRY2 create variable for 0MATERIAL and select type "Peplacement Path". Replace with Query QRY1.
This will serve your problem.

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    Hi Huzefa,
      Pls check the relevant table where the condition records are stored. then do a query with  that condition table and KONP. say for eg: condn type ZINV,ZMRP gets stored in condition table A821, then combine A821 and KONP, u can input condition type and get the values........................
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    There are no standard reports available which shows the transaction data of CONDITION TYPES. However  you can refer to the condition type related details in database tables KONV at transaction level.
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    This type of question is almost impossible to answer over a forum .
    You need to work with your business to understand what these requirements mean in terms of data modelling and relationships between object entities.
    - Some of these metrics should be delegated to source, and calculated in the update routines to your datatargets (aka Cubes/Tables)
    - Others could be resolved in the semantic layer (Universe)
    - Other will be calculated in the presentation layer as local formulae or variables.
    whilst BusinessObjects is a fairly intuitive tool, it may be unreasonble to expect a new learner to deliver an advanced report with conditional formatting.

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    Hi Caroline,
    In BI 7.0, you goto do this in Query Designer.
    Select any of your characteristic in the designer and choose Display Properties to always display result.
    Then run the query.
    Assign Points if Helps !!
    Naveen Rao Kattela

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    Some condtions like background color do not work in custom mode reports. This is because in case of custom reports the table html is specified by the user and the report renderer has no control over it.
    Hope this helps.

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    I could not reproduce your problem in internal SP8 system. Also images in rows with conditional formatting are displayed.
    Do you get any errors after the execution in the portal?
    Try to use exactly the same image in both rows (drag-and-drop with CTRL key pressed).
    If then your problem still occurs, open a customer message. Describe your problem in detail and write technical name of the report you used.
    Regards, Karol

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    Hi Kishore,
    Thanks very much for the reply. It answers one part of the question.
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    then i tried to trace the error by putting srw.message() in parts of the code to try to figure out the problem
    here is cf_itemtype currently
    function CF_itemtypeFormula return Char is
    itype char(60);
         srw.message(1000,'item type is'||:p_itemtype);
         --return ' ';
    if :p_itemtype = '%-ALL' then
         itype:=' ';
         srw.message(1005,'itype code is'||itype);
         return itype;
         srw.message(1003,'item type is'||:p_itemtype); --it prints this one
         itype:='AND il.itty_code= itty.code and itty.item_type = '''||:p_itemtype||''' ';
         --itype:=' ';
         srw.message(1005,'itype code is'||itype); --and never reaches this line i think.
         return itype;
    end if;
         when value_error then
              srw.message(1007,'value error');
    i think the error is because of this line
    'AND il.itty_code= itty.code and itty.item_type = '''||:p_itemtype||''' '
    because when i comment it out and uncomment itype:=' '; the srw.message(1005,'itype code is'||itype); works

    You just need to increase the length of itype.
    Or even better option is to return the value directly without assigning to a local variable.
    return ('AND il.itty_code= itty.code and itty.item_type = '''||:p_itemtype||''' ');Your over all function without the SRW messages will be like, you don't even need Exception handler:
    function CF_itemtypeFormula return Char is
    if :p_itemtype = '%-ALL' then
      return (' ');
      retrun ('AND il.itty_code= itty.code and itty.item_type = '''||:p_itemtype||''' ');
    end if;
    end;Also I have doubt about your if statement, I dont understand what you are trying to do by this.
    > if :p_itemtype = '%-ALL' then
    May be you just need to check if :p_itemtype is null
    so may be your above IF clause will be like
    > if :p_itemtype IS NULL then
    Edited by: Arif Khadas on Apr 21, 2010 10:37 AM

  • Display the second report as modalform and filter with primary key value of first report when you click on first report column link

    Hi All,
    I have two reports.
    1. order report
    2. order detail report
    when you click on the order report column it display the order detail report as a modal form.
    i was done below steps.
    1. In page header i was written the below code
    <link rel="stylesheet" href = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/
    redmond/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.js"> </script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.js"> </script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
    autoOpen : false ,
    width :470,
    height: 500,
    resize :false,
    function openForm1()
    function closeForm()
    $('#ModalForm1 input[type="text"]').val('');
    2. order report.
    3. order detail report
       select * from order_details where order_id = p_order_id;
    region header
    <div id="ModalForm1" title="Ordered Items" style="display:none">
    <p class="msg"></p>
    4. created the hidden item in order detail report.
    5. in order report column attributes i was given link like below.
    when i click on the order report column link it passing the row primary key value to hiddent and open the report as modal form. however it is not filter the report with hidden item. it showing the no data found.
    problem is hidden item value is not submitting. once we submit that value it showing the 2nd report with filter data.
    can any help me to achieve above requirement.
    apex: 4.2
    oracle 11g

    Issue 1: Your usage of $s() JavaScript API seems to be wrong. For the first parameter, you need to use the name of the hidden page item and not p_order_id.
    Issue 2: Seems like you are not setting the hidden page item's value in session state. Assuming your hidden page item is called P1_ORDER_ID, Under "Region Definition" tab of your "Order Detail Report" under "Source" tab, for page items to submit, enter the name of the hidden page item P1_ORDER_ID.

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      Could you please tell the steps to accomplish it with RRI, PLEASE ?

    Why don't you create a calculated KF just for the quantity.
    Then, on the first report you make a condition (quantity > 0). for that CKF.
    In the second report you do the same but for negative.
    See this link for more details:

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    ME80FN is still giving me orders that have no confirmations but closed.
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    What can i use to achieve this open order report?

    You can write a small report for this requirement:
    Just select all the PO's from EKKO and EKPO table into an internal table(ITAB) with the given where condition.
    Write a select statement for the MSEG for all entries in ITAB into an seperate internal Table(ITABM).(nothing but all GR's entries)
    Compare Both internal tables and delete all entries which are present in second Int table ITABM from the first.
    That's all.
    The remaining entries are nothing but the OPEN PO's without any Goods Receipt.

  • Apex IR report with Heading label

    i have IR report with 15 column with heading..
    The end user can accessing from different department, when the user can see the report shown only their particular department rows only. each department have different column value and Header label .how can display the column header depend on the department user.
    e.g. IR report view
    Seq# -- Department -- date -- Subject/Customer Message
    1                          Communication done with Jony(from HR department)
    2                          low sales from East region(from Sales Department)IN the IR report Table data structure.Heading_code value as LOV in IR form(1.Subject/2.Customer Message/ect...) and Column_value as Text Field.
    Seq# -- Dept_name -- Heading_code --  Column_value
    1        HR              1           Communication done with Jony
    2        Sales           2           low sales from East regionApex have limitation of one IR report in one page. so i could not create different Report region even i don’t want create another page due to the further functionality issue.

    I'm glad you could apply that approach. I'm not crystal clear on what is needed but I have a few general ideas.
    1) If there will only have 3 or 4 classes (types) of users, you might try using a CASE statement in a Before Header process:
        WHEN condition for 'KAC' THEN
             SELECT [first label constant or variable], [second label], ...
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        WHEN condition for 'MIS' THEN
             SELECT [first label constant or variable], [second label], ...
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        WHEN  condition for "ADMIN"  THEN
             SELECT [first ADMIN label constant], [second ADMIN label constant], ...  
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        ELSE -- default case
             SELECT [default first label constant or variable],
                         [default second label constant or variable], ...  
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
    END; NOTE: Do not make the "ADMIN" case the default. That seems like a security hole. I would always want a data check for the ADMIN case.
    2) Or put the above code in an Application Process rather than a Page (Before Header) Process so it's only computed once.
    Does that give you some ideas?

  • How to prevent duplication on a column with condition

    Hello everyone,
    I need some advice here. At work, we have an Oracle APEX app that allow user to add new records with the automatic increment decision number based on year and group name.
    Says if they add the first record , group name AA, for year 2012, they get decision number AA 1 2013 as their displayed record casein the report page.
    The second record of AA in 2013 will be AA 2 2013.
    If they add about 20 records , it will be AA 20 2013.
    The first record for 2014 will be AA 1 2014.
    However, recently , we get a user complaint about two records from the same group name have the same decision number.
    When I looked into the history table, and find that the time gap between 2 record is just about 0.1 seconds.
    Besides, we have lookup table that allows admin user to update the Start Sequence number with the restraint that it has to be larger than the max number of the current group name of the current year.
    This Start sequence number and group name is stored together in a table.
    And in some other special case,user can add a duplicate decision number for related record. (this is a new function)
    The current procedure logic to add new record on the application are
    _Get max(decision_number) from record table with chosen Group Name and current year.
    _insert into the record table the new entered record with decision number + 1
    _ update sequence number to the just added decision number.
    So rather than utitlising APEX built-in automatic table modification process, I write a procedure that combine all the three process.
    I run some for loop to continuously execute this procedure, and it seems it can autotically generate new unique decision number with time gap about 0.1 second.
    However, when I increase the number of entry to 200, and let two users run 100 each.
    If the time gap is about 0.01 second, Duplicate decision numbers appear.
    What can I do to prevent the duplication ?
    I cannot just apply a unique constraint here even for all three columns with condition, as it can have duplicate value in some special condition. I don't know much about using lock and its impact.
    This is the content of my procedure
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE        add_new_case(
      --ID just use the trigger
      p_case_title IN varchar2,
      p_year IN varchar2,
      p_group_name IN VARCHAR2,
      --decisionnumber here
      p_case_file_number IN VARCHAR2,
      p_user IN VARCHAR2
      default_value NUMBER;
        caseCount NUMBER;
      seqNumber NUMBER;
      previousDecisionNumber NUMBER;
      --execute immediate q'[alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yyyy']';
      SELECT count(*)
            INTO caseCount
            FROM CASE_RECORD
            WHERE GROUP_ABBR = p_group_name
            AND to_number(to_char(create_date, 'yyyy')) = to_number(to_char(date_utils.get_current_date, 'yyyy'));
            SELECT max(decision_number)
            INTO previousDecisionNumber
            FROM CASE_RECORD
            WHERE GROUP_ABBR = p_group_name
            AND to_number(to_char(create_date, 'yyyy')) = to_number(to_char(date_utils.get_current_date, 'yyyy'));
            IF p_group_name IS NULL
            THEN seqNumber := 0;
            SELECT seq_number INTO seqNumber FROM GROUP_LOOKUP WHERE ABBREVATION = p_group_name;
            END IF;
        IF caseCount > 0 THEN
               default_value := greatest(seqNumber, previousdecisionnumber)+1;
               default_value := 1;
        END IF; 
      INSERT INTO CASE_RECORD(case_title, decision_year, GROUP_ABBR, decision_number, case_file_number, active_yn, created_by, create_date)
      VALUES(p_case_title, p_year, p_group_name, default_value, p_case_file_number, 'Y', p_user, sysdate );
      --Need to update sequence here also
      SET SEQ_NUMBER = default_value
      WHERE ABBREVATION = p_group_name;
        logger.error(p_message_text => SQLERRM
                    ,p_message_code => SQLCODE
                    ,p_stack_trace  => dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace
    Many thanks in advance,

    Why not using a sequence for populating the decision_number column ?
    Sequence values are guaranteed to be unique so there's no need to lock anything.
    You'll inevitably have gaps and no different groups will have the same decision_number in common.
    Having to deal with consecutive numbers fixations you can proceed as
    case_record as
    (select 2012 decision_year,'AA' group_abbr,1 decision_number from dual union all
    select 2012,'BB',2 from dual union all
    select 2012,'AA',21 from dual union all
    select 2012,'AA',22 from dual union all
    select 2012,'BB',25 from dual union all
    select 2013,'CC',33 from dual union all
    select 2013,'CC',34 from dual union all
    select 2013,'CC',36 from dual union all
    select 2013,'BB',37 from dual union all
    select 2013,'AA',38 from dual union all
    select 2013,'AA',39 from dual union all
    select 2013,'BB',41 from dual union all
    select 2013,'AA',42 from dual union all
    select 2013,'AA',43 from dual union all
    select 2013,'BB',45 from dual
    select decision_year,
           row_number() over (partition by decision_year,group_abbr order by decision_number) decision_number,
           decision_number sequence_number -- not shown (noone needs to know you're using a sequence)
      from case_record
    order by decision_year,group_abbr,decision_number
    for retrieval (assuming decision_year,group_abbr,decision_number as being the key):
    select decision_year,group_abbr,decision_number -- the rest of columns
      from (select decision_year,
    -- the rest of columns
                   row_number() over (partition by decision_year,group_abbr order by decision_number) decision_number
              from case_record
             where decision_year = :decision_year
               and group_abbr = :group_abbr
    where decision_number = :decision_number
    if that's acceptable

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