Just got my MBP :(

I got the antiglare with the silver bezel. The display in reference to the bezel lpols as if it's slightly tilted to the right. I also had to wipe off what seemed to be some sort of adhesive on the palm rests. On 2 of the 4 corners I had this black stuff that was hard to get off, maybe from the packing tray? Anyway not too happy with my 3k purchase. Maybe if I had gotten the glossy screen I wouldn't notice if the display was mounted a little crooked.
I bought this on apples online store. How do they handle exchanges?

I just received my new 2011 15" MBP and noticed too that there was a black marring on the corners. It freaked me out initially since the machine I bought was maxed out and hence over $4k. I used a bit of iKlear and it wiped right off with no sign of it ever being there left behind. I'm not sure where the marks came from, but I'm assuming that it came from either the packing material or something in the packing process. As for the tilted screen, I would say that getting a replacement is the best option. If you are near an Apple Store, they should be able to best handle this. Best of luck...

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    It doesn't defeat the purpose to lower the resolution. When you choose the size you can read, the extra pixels are used to make the text and graphics more detailed, closer to the high print resolution humans have been accustomed to reading on paper for hundreds of years. That is the difference compared to the coarse screen resolution of a conventional (non-Retina) screen.

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    Phone? E-mail?
    Your serial usually appears on the splash screen .... if you get to see that.

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    An 'erase and install' will remove EVERYTHING from your harddrive, and if you've already got Leopard installed, that's your only option.
    Reintalling Leopard will NOT install iLife; to my knowledge there are no Leopard+iLife 08 install DVDs. . . just Leopard DVDS. I may be wrong, as I have an old Mac and not a new one, which may come with a software package I've never seen (but I'm getting my GF a new MBP for Christmas!!). I think you need to (and should have) a seperate iLife 08 disk with which you can reinstall iLife.
    A couple of questions and some advice:
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    -Thinking about it again, where are you going to store your footage? On the same external HD as FCP? I think that will work . . .
    Looking forward to hearing more!
    Message was edited by: Smileswearily

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    Yes, it would be a good idea to let it warm to room temperature. Normal operating range is 15 to 50ºC.

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    I clicked on the DOWNLOADS area by the TRASH Bin.... but I couldn't delete it there. I WAS able to delete the second installer labeled with a (1) after it. If I click both firefox files on the downloads area, it brings up the (1) installer again. Also, I can't seem to delete the FIRST firefox installer at all, the TRASH turns into an EJECT symbol???? Weird.
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    CaryChilton wrote:
    I am a total green-horn with Mac computers. I just got my computer tonight, via UPS. *I was glad my custom MBP 17 was assembled in China rather than Japan* right now, too. I opted for 2.3GHz, 8GB RAM, Anti-Glare, 7400rpm 500GB.
    I haven't used it too much yet, just general navigating. I clicked on command +esc and suddenly movie trailers popped up and so I watched a couple! I love the screen, no choppiness on the streaming, sharp image! Stellar! Then I tried it out my new (arrived 2 days ago) Boog Taipan Slim L bag and man it is slick! Looks like I have a 13 inch MB in there! Highly recommend the Boog bag!
    Anyway would anyone by kind as to supply a link where I can learn setting up preferences, finding sys files and folders... I want to cross-reference what I know about my old XP system. I want to know my way around ASAP if possible.
    FOR EXAMPLE: I downloaded firefox 4.0 and it installed fast and fine. However, after following the instructions, clicking on the installer and dragging it into App folder I STILL saw FIRE FOX icon on my desktop and I can't delete it. I didn't know if I did something wrong so I downloaded it again and reinstalled. Now I had TWO firefox icons on the desktop with a (1) to denote the second.
    I am of the habit to check MY DOWNLOADS in windows and save and or delete files as I go.
    However, so far I don't know how to do this type of stuff on my new MBP's OSX.
    I clicked on the DOWNLOADS area by the TRASH Bin.... but I couldn't delete it there. I WAS able to delete the second installer labeled with a (1) after it. If I click both firefox files on the downloads area, it brings up the (1) installer again. Also, I can't seem to delete the FIRST firefox installer at all, the TRASH turns into an EJECT symbol???? Weird.
    When I click on the firefox installer on the desktop, it pulls up its window and off to the right, there is a file dir... at the top, the dir reads, MacIntosh HD, then FireFox ... it appears OSX is reading the firefox installer like a sys folder??? Should I uninstall firefox and reinstall a new preferred way? Or is this normal when downloading programs????
    1) Firefox 4 ***** (Windows Vista anyone?). Firefox destroyed Firefox with Firefox 4
    2) Safari > Chrome > Firefox 3.6 > all
    3) The only reason why it's made in China is because of cheap labor and sweatshops. A ton of high-tech stuff inside your iPod, iPhone, Mac, you name it are made in Japan.
    4) People need to stop freaking out and stop worry about "what if" and actually have some sort of feeling or compassion for the ones who are actually affected and are living there, people who lost their lives and people who risk their life right now as we speak.
    5) Grats on your new Mac.

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    I just got my laptop back yesterday. They did the logic replacement due to a bad graphics card (nvidia) I was not under warranty. I was having the Videocontroller error on the AHT. I just ran the AHT today via the apple disc. It came up with 4SNS/1/40000000:TGOD-86.500. I also noticed my superdrive does not accept blank disc media, it spits them out after a few seconds in. It still install and read programs off it. Burning discs is just the issue. I posted that issue here http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=12410595#12410595 But prior to the new logic board, it recognized the discs as "blank"
    Please any help would be appreciated.

    I had an issue whereby only certain DVDs were usable.....some were, and some weren't.
    My MBP went in for repair and the SuperDrive was replaced under my AppleCare extended warranty.
    You'll likely need your SuperDrive replaced.
    If I didn't have Applecare, I'd be up Shyte Creek by now with some very costly repairs on my September '08 MBP.
    BTW, My MBP had two logic board failures in its second year of ownership which were replaced under my AppleCare warranty.
    Message was edited by: AnonyMouse

  • Just got my MBP (unibody) again

    hi to all,
    i had bought the MBP (unibody) last month or so, had to get it replaced.....
    now i was wondering how to start my battery cycle.....
    i was thinking to let my battery die of juice now.... and then take it out of my MBP untill tonight so it can really drain....
    and then tonight let it charge all night...
    but i read this post, http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1764220
    where it does not suggest using the computer without a battery as i would have done today...... please give me some suggestions!!

    I urge you to read that article in GREAT DETAIL. Read it from start to finish, and then from finish to start, and then in German.
    There are a lot of miconceptions about these notebook batteries! Half the battery performance 'tips' we hear have finally trickled down to the consumer from batteries 5 years ago. These Lithium polymer batteries are different.
    I know you want one of us to just tell you, but you really really really really should just read the article, you'll learn everything you need to know about lithium polymer battery health.

  • Just got my MBP back from repair and VERY confused...

    Good Afternoon,
    Well, I just picked up my beloved MBP 2.2GHZ SR / 128MB Video Ram 8600GT from repair after a LCD / Logic board / Top case replacement under warranty.
    When I powered it up to test things, I went to System Information and my Mac stated it was a 2.6GHz SR / 256MB Video Ram 8600GT / 800Mhz FSB.
    Am I just really confused or did I get a serious upgrade wih this repair?
    Thanks in advance!

    maybe it was cheaper for apple to replace with an equivalent/better model than fix the old one, the warranty terms allow for this

  • I just got my MBP 6 days ago. When the battery is 100%, it says that the remaining time is only about 5 hours. Isn't it supposed to be higher?

    I'm just wondering if my computer is defective? The battery life should be 9 hours, and it's not like I have a thousand apps open or anything.

    msquire5 wrote:
    The battery life should be 9 hours,
    Not quite.  Please read the 'fine print', the operative words being 'up to'.  Then if you read the criteria used to achieve that level you will find the the least CPU/GPU intensive application was used with nothing else open. 
    Furthermore, that time estimate is not very reliable since it reflects what is occurring at that given moment.  That can be very volatile and can be observed by opening and watching Activity Monitor.  I suggest you use the % option.

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    File>Transfer purchases in iTunes. This will import the apps to your iTunes library. Note that apps for iOS will NOT run on OS X.

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    what should i do? any help

    But if you bought a new Mac, did someone already run the initial setup procedure for you?  Ordinarily, with a brand new, out of the box Apple computer, at first boot you would have been taken through a series of setup screens, one of which would have had you create an admin account with an admin password.
    If somebody else already did that when you picked it up, then you should call the store and ask them for the password as they must have set it.  Then, immediately change it to something you make up.
    If you did not have the store set it up, then I'd suspect you did not actually get a brand new Mac?

  • MBP shuts off, i've just got it last week!!!!! pleaaaase help me!

    when something touches the firewire port on my mac, it shuts down!!!
    is something wrong with my mac!!??
    i've just gotit last week!!!

    Short circuiting is normal behavior for any powered port into which something inappropriate and conductive is inserted. It happens because because people don't look at what they're doing, not because anything is wrong with the MBP's ports. If you look carefully at the interior of a MacBook Pro and how its many parts are arranged, it will immediately be clear that very little of the case's perimeter is available for ports. Nearly all of its perimeter is occupied by the optical drive, hard drive, battery, and the large air vents hidden behind the hinge cover (which itself contains the airport card and antenna because they can't be enclosed in metal without drastically reducing wireless signal strength). The only way to move the ports farther apart would be to reduce their number or increase the size of the case — neither of which is viewed as an acceptable option by Apple, apparently.

Maybe you are looking for