Jwsdp and Ant problems

Hi folks, I am having some problems with the JWSDP package.
I have the fellows programs:
- j2sdk at directory C:\j2sdk1.4.2
- jwsdp at directory C:\jwsdp-1.1
- ant at directory C:\jwsdp-1.1\jakarta-ant-1.5.1
like the default installation of respective software.
I set in my autoexec.bat file:
- set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk1.4.2
- set JWSDP_HOME=C:\jwsdp-1.1
- set ANT_HOME=C:\jwsdp-1.1\jakarta-ant-1.5.1
When I try to execute the tomcat by the menu start/Prgrams/Jwsdp/start
tomcat I receive a error message ("Out of Environment Space"), and to
solve this I change the "memory settings" of my .bat (like at site www.moreservlets.com).
After made this alteration the Tomcat execute normaly by the start menu,
but don't execute by the prompt (C:>catalina start). I receive just the
same message when I try execute without change the "memory settings".
The another problem is, when I try execute the 'ant build' command on
the prompt I receive the same message ("Out of Environment Space") and the message
"ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could be not located. Please set ANT_HOME".
I waana know, why I receive this message if I just have set the environment variables?!!?
and what I receive the message "Out of Environment Space"!??!
Or even better, how I can setup the my programs at the jwsdp on Windows98SE?!!?
thanks, any tip or advice is very welcome.

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    :28: Javadoc failed: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javadoc.execute() (/usr/lib/lib-org-apache-t
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform() (/usr/lib/lib-org-apache-tools-ant-1.5
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute() (/usr/lib/lib-org-apache-tools-ant-1
    can anyone gives me a hint what the problem might be ?
    Kind Regards,
    Marco Laponder
    mlr AT interchain DOT nl

    I would suggest there is a problem with the parameter in your XML file. So it would be best you could post the JavaDoc task here so everybody can analyze it for a possible error.
    So long.

  • Jwsdp - examples  ant install problem

    this is what i get when trying to install bookstore1 example app with ant (-verbose)install.
    ant prepare and ant build worked successfully. can someone give me a hint what i have to change? thanks a lot. jens
    Ant version 1.4.1 compiled on July 31 2002
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Detected Java version: 1.4 in: /home/jens/sdk1.4/jre
    Detected OS: Linux
    parsing buildfile /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build.xml with URI = file:/home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build.xml
    Project base dir set to: /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1
    [property] Loading /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build.properties
    [property] Unable to find property file: /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build.properties
    [property] Loading /home/jens/build.properties
    Build sequence for target `install' is [init, prepare, build, install]
    Complete build sequence is [init, prepare, build, install, reload, package, deploy, remove, list, undeploy]
    [javac] cart/ShoppingCart.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/cart/ShoppingCart.class is up to date.
    [javac] cart/ShoppingCartItem.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/cart/ShoppingCartItem.class is up to date.
    [javac] util/Currency.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/util/Currency.class is up to date.
    [javac] util/Counter.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/util/Counter.class is up to date.
    [javac] messages/BookstoreMessages.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/messages/BookstoreMessages.class is up to date.
    [javac] messages/BookstoreMessages_es.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/messages/BookstoreMessages_es.class is up to date.
    [javac] database/BookDB.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/database/BookDB.class is up to date.
    [javac] database/BookDetails.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/database/BookDetails.class is up to date.
    [javac] exception/BookNotFoundException.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/exception/BookNotFoundException.class is up to date.
    [javac] exception/BooksNotFoundException.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/exception/BooksNotFoundException.class is up to date.
    [javac] exception/OrderException.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/exception/OrderException.class is up to date.
    [javac] CatalogServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/CatalogServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] BookDetailsServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/BookDetailsServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] filters/HitCounterFilter.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/filters/HitCounterFilter.class is up to date.
    [javac] filters/OrderFilter.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/filters/OrderFilter.class is up to date.
    [javac] filters/CharResponseWrapper.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/filters/CharResponseWrapper.class is up to date.
    [javac] ReceiptServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/ReceiptServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] listeners/ContextListener.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/listeners/ContextListener.class is up to date.
    [javac] BannerServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/BannerServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] BookStoreServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/BookStoreServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] ShowCartServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/ShowCartServlet.class is up to date.
    [javac] CashierServlet.java omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/classes/CashierServlet.class is up to date.
    [copy] web.xml omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/WEB-INF/web.xml is up to date.
    [copy] duke.books.gif omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/duke.books.gif is up to date.
    [copy] errorpage.html omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/errorpage.html is up to date.
    [copy] context.xml omitted as /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build/META-INF/context.xml is up to date.
    [install] FAIL - Encountered exception java.io.IOException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    /home/jens/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/web/bookstore1/build.xml:91: FAIL - Encountered exception java.io.IOException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.AbstractCatalinaTask.execute(AbstractCatalinaTask.java:278)
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.AbstractCatalinaTask.execute(AbstractCatalinaTask.java:171)
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask.execute(InstallTask.java:157)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:217)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:184)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:202)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:601)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:560)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:454)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.start(Main.java:153)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.main(Main.java:176)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at com.sun.launcher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:208)
    --- Nested Exception ---
    FAIL - Encountered exception java.io.IOException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.AbstractCatalinaTask.execute(AbstractCatalinaTask.java:274)
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.AbstractCatalinaTask.execute(AbstractCatalinaTask.java:171)
    at org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask.execute(InstallTask.java:157)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:217)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:184)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:202)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:601)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:560)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:454)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.start(Main.java:153)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.main(Main.java:176)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at com.sun.launcher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:208)

    Unable to load the launcher file index. Invalid file type in file index.
    what is wrong here? ive downloaded file for 3 hours and this is what i get?

  • JWSDP and J2EE Integration: Doesn't work. What's the point?

    My problems involve the integration of JWSDP and J2EE as described in these two documents:
    It looks like a long one, but it�s really not that bad. All comments are appreciated.
    I�ve numbered each line-paragraph-section for easy reference later.
    (1) My ultimate goal is to setup a website that displays data from a database. I will use Java, Apache, Oracle, and whatever else I need to create a website that uses servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), and JDBC.
    (2) I�ve got four Pentium III computers:
    1. Windows 2000 Server to be the web server (MyWebServer, IP =
    2. Windows 2000 Professional to be the database server (MyDatabaseServer, IP =
    3. Windows 2000 Professional that I use to develop and test (MyDeveloperPC, IP =
    4. Windows 2000 Professional that I use as a client to connect to the website (MyClientPC, IP =
    (3) On MyWebServer I installed the following:
    Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
    Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
    Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP)
    The JWSDP tutorial
    Apache HTTP Server
    (4) The files I downloaded and installed are as follows:
    (5) After installing these products, I set the environment variables as follows:
    JAVA_HOME = c:\j2se
    J2EE_HOME = c:\j2ee
    JWSDP_HOME = c:\jwsdp
    Path = c:\j2se\bin;c:\j2ee\bin;c:\jwsdp\bin; [and other previous statements]
    (6) I checked to see that Apache is running as a service. It is.
    On MyWebServer I start Tomcat and J2EE. Both start properly and are operating simultaneously.
    (7) From MyClientPC I open Internet Explorer and in the address box I type:
    This displays the page c:\ApacheHTTP\apache\htdocs\index.html.en (The Apache default server installation page.)
    (8) I then enter this address in IE:
    This displays the page c:\jwsdp\webapps\root\index.html (The default JWSDP page).
    (9) I then enter this address in IE:
    This displays the page c:\j2ee\public_html\index.html (The J2EE 1.3 Default Home Page).
    (10) So far so good. Now I want to test JWSDP as a container for JSP pages.
    (11) I use ant to build the converter app found in the tutorial examples (in folder c:\jwsdp\�\tutorial\examples\gs). I then deploy the converter app to the c:\jwsdp\webapps\gs folder.
    (12) From MyClientPC I open Internet Explorer and in the address box I type:
    The converter app works perfectly.
    (13) To eliminate the need to enter the port number, I create a link from the Apache default server installation page to the converter app. From MyClientPC and enter this address into IE:
    I then click on the link to the converter app and it works perfectly.
    (14) Question: Is this the best way to display JSP pages without having to enter the port number?
    (15) Now it�s time to integrate JWSDP and J2EE as described in these two documents:
    (16) After I complete this integration I cannot start both Tomcat and J2EE at the same time. This makes sense because they both share port 8080.
    I start Tomcat.
    (17) From MyClientPC and use Internet Explorer to test the various relevant addresses. Everything works the same as it did before except this one:
    The page cannot be displayed. The J2EE default home page is not displayed, which makes sense because the J2EE port is no longer 8000; it has been changed to 8080.
    (18) Now I shutdown Tomcat and start J2EE.
    From MyClientPC and use Internet Explorer to test the various relevant addresses:
    Displays the JWSDP default home page.
    The page cannot be displayed. The converter app no longer works.
    (21) From MyWebServer and use Internet Explorer to test localhost:
    This displays the J2EE default home page.
    (22) Question: Why does localhost give me a different page than the IP address?
    (23) Question: What was the point of integrating JWSDP and J2EE?
    (24) I want to get the converter app working, so I create a .war file and attempt to add it to the J2EE deploytool (see the two integration documents listed above at section 15.) I create the .war file following the instructions in the JWSDP tutorial:
    (25) I change to the c:\jwsdp\�\tutorial\examples\gs\build folder.
    I then type:
    jar cvf converter.war .
    A .war file is created.
    (26) I open the deploytool: File, New, Application, and I name it �converter�.
    I attempt to add the .war file: File, Add to Application, Web WAR.
    (27) When I attempt to add the converter.war file I get this error:
    �converter.war does not appear to be a valid web JAR.�
    I tried a few different attempts, all with the same result. I�m stuck.
    (28) I ask again, What was the point of integrating JWSDP and J2EE?
    (29) If this is the preferred configuration, how do I display my JSP pages like the converter app?
    Please help!!!

    The JWSDP tutorial says to be in the �build� folder of the example when issuing the jar command to create the .war file. The build folder is created when I run the �ant build� command.
    Attempt 1 from the command prompt in folder c:\jwsdp\tutorial\examples\gs\build>
    I typed this command:
    jar cvf c:\jaxmservices\converter.war .
    In this case I directed the .war file to be placed in a different folder as you suggested. Here�s the output:
    added manifest
    adding: index.jsp(in = 921) (out= 525)(deflated 42%)
    adding: WEB-INF/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
    adding: WEB-INF/classes/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
    adding: WEB-INF/classes/Converter.class(in = 582) (out= 358)(deflated 38%)
    Didn�t work. Same error as before.
    Attempt 2 from the same folder:
    I typed this command as you suggested (I tried it with and without the final dot):
    jar tvf converter.war
    Here is the output:
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: converter.war (The system cannot find the file specified)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:103)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:66)
    at sun.tools.jar.Main.run(Main.java:185)
    at sun.tools.jar.Main.main(Main.java:904)
    I tried a few other variations on these attempts with no luck. I�m stuck.
    I�m attempting to create a .war file out of two files: index.jsp and converter.class.
    Now that I�ve integrated JWSDP and J2EE, is there some other way that I can run the converter app instead of a .war file and the deploytool? In other words, if I go back to using ant to build and deploy converter, where would I deploy it so that it will work with J2EE?
    By the way, it doesn�t have to be converter. I�d be happy if I could get any JSP page to work in J2EE after the integration.
    Forever grateful,

  • N97 Bugs ant problems...

    Dear forum members...
    I have been used N97 RM505 for couple of months.
    I bought it brand new with 3 generations old fw.
    My problems with the phone started then! Very disappointing and embarrassing for Nokia, to be honest.
    Since I consider myself  "power user", I have never had smartphone  or  pocket PC so I could use it as phone or music player. I have always wanted to use phone as mobile computer so I aimed hi-tech products (7-8 years ago)  from manufacturers like HTC, HP...half year ago I fell in love with Nokia E71 smartphone, and that was my first Symbian powered gadget. I was very interested in how  "symbians" do it. And I was surprised how it worked. But, I wanted more. I gave E71 as present and decided to go for N97, flagship Nokia device.
    And then, problems started to show up...
    3 FW updates from that moment, and problems I have with this...device..do not disappear!
    Same things happen all over again!
    I read about particular issues and there are many of them, that's for sure.
    My problem is simple: I have all of them!
    Main camera works from time to time, after I answer the call I cant unlock the phone, freezes during boot sequence, left side of display in landscape mode dissapears, phone "kind of soft-restarts" every day or two and after that I have to reconfigure my email settings all over again, speed dial and favorite contacts lose pictures, contacts or group assigned ringtones mess up...
    Phone has to be rebooted using "battery-pulled-out" method at least 3 times a day!
    Tried everything: formatting, reinstalling device's FW, hard-resetting, FW upgrading...
    Every time I format memory or hard-reset the phone i hope that will be last time!
    But, nothing happens. Phone works well for a couple of hours. Phone call and it gets stuck, and i start all over again...when I come home.
    I work as industrial automation software developer and, believe me, i know what "faulty device" means.
    I know Nokia's origins, and I know that Finland is cradle of mobile communications, I have visited couple of companies in Finland that produce very reliable digital radio devices and I am familiar how professional they are up there...Every bug I have found in devices produced and developed in Finland was reported and problems were solved in couple of weeks or so! This does not fit in my experience with Nokia. E71 is outstanding device. I am sorry because I switched it for this "flagship phone" or, even worse, "mobile computer".
    Bottom line:
    Phone is not reliable, especially if you want to use it as multipurpose device!
    Calling this device  "Nokia flagship phone" is very wrong.
    I am gonna wait for couple of weeks for new FW since it is not still available for rm505 officially, and after that I'll do something bad with this phone.
    Technical support in my country is more than "unprofessional" and problem solving does not consist of turning off and turning on the phone or continuous reinstalling FW, as they do it.
    My Question: Anything similar happened to anybody, and what I should do?
    Thanks for advices. Forget technical support or local repair centre.

    Thanks for the tips, carman58. I have already managed to try all different combinations and procedures for getting my phone to work including your recommendations.
    As I told you before...after formatting E-drive, reinstalling phone software and hard resetting things went pretty well...until something happens. Week or two...day or two of heavy usage and I can't unlock device after phone call...Or main camera fails. Or, sometimes I just can't turn it on. White screen and stuff like that. 3-4 days before I decided to post on this forum I conducted procedure similar to the one recommended by carman58. I tried to conclude "critical amount of free space on C drive" that affects phone's stability. Phone works well (but I want it to work better than that) with 40-50 MB of free space on C drive. Anything below that level does not guarantee your phone will work well. Memory allocation may be the key...Not my job, just trying to conclude something logical.
    I am not fan of third party software that watches RAM or CPU usage...Bad experience with Windows mobile devices, but I'll try to see somehow  if there's not enough memory when s**t happen.
    And, yes...There are some apps that definitely do not free allocated memory after program is closed or even crashed. I am not going to name these apps, just want to know forum members experience with remote desktop management software compatible with N97. Hahaha!...In ths very moment I found out that my phone is not charging although it is connected to  the charger! Never mind...Maybe notification does not work.
    Is there Nokia's official explanation for problems with N97? They can't deny problems. I mean, if you are not heavy user, or power-user....whatever....maybe you won't have problems we are dealing with?
    And then, what's the point of 400MHz cpu clock, and great amount of RAM? It is there so we can watch video clips, take pictures, or surf the web? Yes but not all of that at the same time...
    Multitasking is what devices like N97 should eat for lunch, if you know what I mean. Memory management should not be like this...3rd party apps for monitoring and flushing RAM. No way.
    I know how hard it is to develop device that has all of these functions N97 has. So many hardware modules in such small housing, powered by such small power source...That's hell of a job!
    If it is true, then my device should still have "beta" somewhere around "N97". I am not going to mention how much money N97 costs...
    Bugs antS problems...

  • FlexBuilder 3 = MXMLC and ANT?

    Hi all-
    Admittedly I'm a flash / flex newbie, I have kindof a basic
    question... Flex Builder 3 has the .project and
    .actionScriptProperties files. I'm aware that MXMLC has a
    "--load-config" option. What is the best way to unify those two
    things? I've been trying for a week to get this stuff working using
    basic MXMLC stuff and I've got some things but I don't think it's
    the same thing that running a build in FlexBuilder does.
    The command I'm running is:
    mxmlc +FOO=something +BAR=something
    --load-config=./test-flex-config.xml MyFile.as -output MyOutput.swf
    ...so I think I've gotten far, but I don't understand why I
    can't use "mxmlc
    --load-actionScriptProperties=./.actionScriptProperties" ??? Aren't
    they all made by Adobe?

    No not really (thanks anyway). The link shows basically the same as my input except for the better formatting of the output.
    Both my and the example given both uses the Ant <exec> tag which start ojaudit from the command line. The problems still exist because I would like Ant to know if something was reported and the stop the Ant build process. A kind of "failOnValidationError".
    PMD has this (example below shows and Ant tag called pmd which is part of the PMD system.
    <pmd printToConsole="yes" failOnRuleViolation="on">
    Can ojaudit also do something like this? Or is there a way Ant can "scan" the result from the audit process and take the appropriate action?

  • [svn] 758: Updating all modules to Java 1.5.0 and Ant 1.7.0

    Revision: 758
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-07 10:47:56 -0800 (Fri, 07 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Updating all modules to Java 1.5.0 and Ant 1.7.0
    * Updated setup.sh to reflect this.
    * Added an Eclipse project called flex-asc; it's required to run the other compiler projects now (now you can build and debug the entire compiler, including asc, all in Eclipse; I've removed the reference to asc.jar).
    * The other Eclipse projects now specify Java 1.5.
    * Revving asc.jar for compatibility with Java 1.5; it's taken from the 3.0.x branch temporarily while mainline asc is fixed up.
    * Fixed some assertions in mainline ASC (commenting them out with comments means fixing them, in this case)
    * Fixed some in-your-face warnings in the modules when compiling.
    * This will probably break the build, so hold tight. Preemptively, I'm on it...
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/development/eclipse/java/flex-compiler/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.pref s
    flex/sdk/trunk/development/eclipse/java/flex-debugger/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.pref s
    flex/sdk/trunk/development/eclipse/java/flex-swfutils/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.pref s
    Added Paths:
    Property Changed:

    I'm expieriencing the very same problem, i.e. code compilation with a 1.5.0_06 compiler and execution on a 1.5.0_06 jre works fine, but the code parser will display an red line under a code line like the following:
    Vector<String> sv = new Vector<String>();
    I did what was hinted to in the reply. I connected to archive rt.jar in the jre-director of the jdk-1.5 and connected the javadoc for 1.5, but I still have the red lines.
    I have also added the argument -source 1.5 to the compiler, but nothing seems to help.
    Any hints very much appreciated. Many thanks.

  • Howto - JDev 10.1.3 - Audit tools and Ant

    I'm playing around with Audit tools. I want to be able to call this from Ant. One primitive method is as follows:
    <target name="Audit" description="Running audit on source code">
    <property name="audit" value="ojaudit"/>
    <property name="profile" value="-profile MyRules"/>
    <property name="project" value="test3.jpr"/>
    <property name="output" value="-output d:\result.xml"/>
    <exec executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows XP" >
    <arg line="/c ${audit} ${profile} ${project} ${output}"/>
    With results like:
    [exec] Oracle JDeveloper 10g Early Access Audit
    [exec] Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    [exec] Audit completed: 1 violation, no exceptions, 2 documents, 3 seconds
    Total time: 3 seconds
    But then I'm unable to handle the result - unless I parse the output file. I want the Ant build file to fail if ojaudit find errors. Is this possible?
    I know the PMD extension exist but I really like the Jdev Audit stuff - but I need an interface to Ant to make it really useful: We have a build tool which build on every SCM check in. I would like the JDev Audit be part of that process so that source code problems (audit, metrics) are handles in the same process as well.
    By the way JDev 10.1.3 is great...

    No not really (thanks anyway). The link shows basically the same as my input except for the better formatting of the output.
    Both my and the example given both uses the Ant <exec> tag which start ojaudit from the command line. The problems still exist because I would like Ant to know if something was reported and the stop the Ant build process. A kind of "failOnValidationError".
    PMD has this (example below shows and Ant tag called pmd which is part of the PMD system.
    <pmd printToConsole="yes" failOnRuleViolation="on">
    Can ojaudit also do something like this? Or is there a way Ant can "scan" the result from the audit process and take the appropriate action?

  • JDev9033, SQLJ and Ant

    Hi, can anybody help me with this?
    In this project we use JDev9033, JDK1.4.2_02, SQLJ, Ant1.54 and Oracle client. Now I have a problem integrating OJC and Ant, since we want to use Ant from within JDev to build the project.
    I have set up the paths and class paths according to Oracle 9i SQLJ Developers Guide (Release 2). If I compile from JDev without Ant, JDev compiles the projects *.java and *.sqlj classes corretly.
    I have set the build.properties and build.xml file according to the paths specified in the build.xml file, which JDev can generate for me. And I have included jdev.jar and ojc.jar in the class path.
    Any way I get the exception with the -debug flag set i Ant:
    file:D:/JDev/GCSSMLIS/Tests/build.xml:166: Compiler Adapter 'oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ant.teskdefs.OjcAdapter' can't be found.
         at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.CompilerAdapterFactory.resolveClassName(CompilerAdapterFactory.java:195)
    In build.properties I have:
    and in build.xml:
    includes="**/*.java, **/*TEST*.java, **/Test*.java"
    <classpath refid="classpath" />
    with classpath:
    <path id="classpath">
    <fileset dir="${javac.path}" >
    <include name="*.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${jdev.home}/sqlj/lib" >
    <include name="*.jar" />
    <pathelement location="${jdev.home}/jdev/lib/jdev.jar" />
    <pathelement location="${jdev.home}/jdev/lib/ojc.jar" />
    <pathelement location="${ora.home}/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar" />
    <pathelement location="${ant.path}/optional.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${junit.path}/junit.jar" />

    Thank for your replies. I manages to get rid of the Ant error by using the first method. I would expect the second to work to.
    I do not expect the OjcAdapter to translate the sqlj files into java files. I have read those chapters in the SQLJ Developers Guide.
    I would like to do obtain is the following:
    1) Use Ant as build system. I do not care, if Ant is external or internal to JDeveloper since both version are 1.5.3. But we have a lot of other steps like ftp to development server, running JUnit, updating CVS and VSS, documentation and so on, so I need Ant to make one build file that every body in the project can use.
    2) Use jre/sdk 1.4.2, sqlj and Oracle client 9.2.0. So I have to translate the projects sqlj files to x.generate.java files before I pass all projects files to a Java compiler.
    3) I tried to build an Ant precompile task in this way:
    a) copy all java and sqlj files from src directory to compile directory.
    b) From the Ant task run the sqlj translator on the compile directory
    c) pass the translated files to javac or ojc
    Since I can translate and compile the project with jdsk1.4.2 from the Jdev Make/Recompile menu point I assume I should be able to write Ant tasks to behave as I have want it to.

  • I am not able to launch FF everytime i tr to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report, i even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but stiil FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue in English

    I am not able to launch FF everytime i try to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report,and restore yr tabs. I even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but still FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue
    '''(in English)'''

    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
    but not 180, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by you are using the count() function in the incorrect way, please modify the expression as below and have a test:
    =COUNT(IIF(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4 ,1,Nothing))
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • BOSD, Battery issues and Heating problem after iOS 8 upgrade

    i have upgraded my iPad mini to iOS 8. Ever since I upgraded to iOS 8 am facing blue screen issues and heating problem as well. This is really frustrating even the patch iOS 8.0.2 dint solve the problem. Are you guys listening our complaints. When will you fixing it.

    The same thing happened to me on my 2012 Subaru Outback.  I'm not sure this will help you since you have a Honda, but I'm posting this just in case.
    I paired the audio on my car with my iPhone 6.  However, when I turned the car off and back on again, the iPhone would not pair automatically.  I had to manually connect the iPhone with the car.  Turns out there are two separate bluetooth pairings on my car: one for phone which allows up to 5 devices and one for audio which allows only one device.  So I did the second bluetooth pairing for the phone (had already done the audio), and that fixed it.  YMMV

  • I am making code to try to make a game and my problem is that my code......

    I am making code to try to make a game and my problem is that my code
    will not let it change the hit everytime so im getting the first guy to hit 1 then next hits 8 and so on and always repeats.
    Another problem is that I would like it to attack with out me telling it how much times to attack. I am using Object oriented programming.
    Here is the code for my objects:
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class rockCrab {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 70;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 50;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         rockCrab() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              double done = rint(fH - fA);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("Rockcrab hit" +done);
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class self {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 1;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 1;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         self() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("You hit" +done);
    }Here is the main code that writes what the objects do:
    class fight {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              self instance1 = new self();
              rockCrab instance2 = new rockCrab();
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
    }when the code is run it says something like this:
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 38
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 8
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 31
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 7
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 24
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 17
    my point is whatever some one hits it always repeats that
    my expected output would have to be something like
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 9
    your health is 37
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 4
    your health is 33
    you hit 2
    RockCrabs health is 4
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 26
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 1
    RockCrab hit 6
    your health is 20
    Edited by: rade134 on Jun 4, 2009 10:58 AM

    [_Crosspost_|http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5390217] I'm locking.

  • Remote and IR Problem

    A rather odd and annoying problem has recently been occuring on my MBP. A couple days ago my remote (after working without fail for over a year now) suddenly stopped working. Yesterday night and this morning it started working again but after a while it stopped again. I've read dozens of support articles which haven't really helped because there seems to be another problem.
    Most articles have stated that there is an option to disable the IR receiver in the "security" window under system preferences. When the IR and remote are not working this option disappears but when they are working the option is present. I have also tried replacing the battery without any result.
    I am now thinking that it might have something to do with heat buildup because it is mainly occuring after the laptop has been on for about a half hour, so I am going to try to borrow someone's fan.
    If anyone has any suggestions to solve this I would appreciate it if you could help. Thanks!
    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    check out this thread. Seems to be the same problem.

  • LG Ally text message and gps problems

    hello. ive been with verizon for about 10 years maybe. ive been overall happy with the service and customer service. but the prices should be alot lower.lol. i started out with the motorolas then switched to the lg phones. only problem with the motorola was the speakers. not loud enough. could never hear the phone ring. the lgs usually suffer from the same problem.
    i had a few phone problems but nothing like this lg ally. im on my second one and about to be my 3rd one in about 3 months. 1st phone i had every problem under the sun. this phone i am suffering from text message problems and gps problems. i suffer from what everyone else has problems with. the messages wont send. they will eventually lock up. it will show the envelope with the red explanation point ( i think thats the graphic). then usually everytime when i sent a text the texts will close. it will send then bounce back and show up as a draft and i have to resend it and wait for it to go thru. finally the last problem with the texts. when i send a text a phone number from my contacts shows up and freezes on the screen. its in white text with a black background. its the same number every time. it stays on the screen until i restart or pull my battery out.
    gps. when i open up google gps that comes with the phone i make sure the gps is on... when the directions are found and the map pops up 9 out of 10 times it just keeps saying searching for gps. the turn by turn never is found. the 1 time it does it takes a good 10 minutes to be found. atleast on my first one ally the gps did work 8 out of 10 times. it just took a good 5-10 minutes for gps to be found and show turn by turn.
    anyone else have these problems? where you able to fix them or did you need to get a new phone? the 2.1 update was supposed to fix problems. i think they just made it worse. the ally is supposed to have 2.2 froyo. where is it. is it ever going to get it. i got this phone because i like the lgs and the keyboard. also the sales representative on the phone was giving the lg ally rave reviews. why couldnt he say dont buy this go with a motorola droid. this phone is the biggest junk ever made

    I do apologize you are having trouble with your device I looked in our information system on the LG Ally in reguards to issues you are having it states if you have the Free Droid Security anti virus protection application down loaded it will cause the phone to lock up or freeze. Check and make sure you do not have the application on your device. Check you GPS settings and make sure correct. Go to Settings; Location & Security; make sure GPS is on wireless network. If this does not fix issue you can try doing a Master Reset on your device. Make sure your contacts are saved in your G-mail account or through Back Up Assistance.
    Master Reset/Soft Reset:
    Factory Reset option 1
    From the main screen, touch menu tab
    Touch Settings
    Touch Privacy
    Touch Factory Data reset
    Touch Reset Phone
    Warning: This will erase all data from your phone, including:
    Your Google account
    System and application data and settings
    Downloaded Applications
    It will not erase: Current System software and bundled applications; SD Card files, such as music or Photos
    Factory Reset option 2  - Warning this will reset device back to original factory settings.
    Turn off the phone
    Press and hold "home" + "end" + "volume up or down" keys together for a few seconds when the device is power off
    Once device displays boot information, release keys.
    Soft Reset
    Press the Power key.
    Touch Power off.
    Touch OK.
    Press the Power key to power on the device.
    Remove battery cover, remove battery and reinstall.Also there is a new update for LG Ally it will be the Froyo 2.2 but there is not release date available at this time it will post on your device when available. Hope this Helps. Leslie

  • I am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!

    i am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!
    When i press command+I (Get Info) i see that there is 140 GB "Available Space" on my hard disk but when i click on my hard disk icon on the desktop, and then press "space" i only see 102 GB free!! What the f*???
    Please HELP!!!!!! Getting second thoughts on Lion!!!!

    Hi b,
    Have you restarted yet?

Maybe you are looking for