K7N2 Delta - 3 Burning Questions

I have a K7N2-L Delta mobo and have three important questions I hope you can answer for me:
1. What does the AGP aperature setting in the BIOS do? Mine is currently set to 64 MB. I have a radeon 9800 pro. Should I up the aperature to 128 M?
2. Judging from my specs below, should I load the high performance defaults from the BIOS? How much would this increase the quality of my games (Fary Cry, HL2)? What are the risks? Would you reccomend the high performance or the regular defaults?
3. Can my mobo support SATA hard drives?
Thanks for all your help!

The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide by Adrian Wong @ Adrian's Rojak Pot
The above should get you going, and answer any questions you will have in the future regarding any BIOS setting. Granted some things will be in your BIOS that arent in the guide and visa versa. IF there is something you can't find in the guide, treat yourself to a Google search it's all there.
There's lot's of ideas about this, but many of them are outdated. For one, systems generally have 512-1024 MB of memory these days, so the general suggestion of a percentage of memory based on what you have, just doesn't make sense anymore. You can leave your AGP setting at 64. But you didn't tell us how much memory is on the card, 256 or 128. Myself, I've always used 64 for a 128 card and 128 for a 256. I've even played around in benchmarks and frankly, with the margin of error, I don't see any real difference worth noting. The real test is the game(s) you actually play, however, I doubt you notice much difference between the two (64-128) It all really depends also on the settings you like to play at (AA AF) and the resolutions. If you like to play at high resolution and the AA AF settings at upper levels, then a higher AGP aperture size may make a noteable difference. You'll just have to try it and see. Sometimes certain aperture settings can cure some isses in some configurations that are less stable as well (rare)
As was mentioned by Stu regarding Performance Defaults, I'd like to add that you can also gain stability problems, so, as mentioned by Frederik, try it and see. Personally I never use it. I just load the defaults and put the setting where I want them. Every BIOS can be different (behave differently) from one configuration to another, so one person might tell you, "I get XX% performance increase in games" may not be true for you and your particular hardware configuration. In this case, most of it really boils down the the RAM. If you have cheap RAM, and/or don't have the optimal timings set correctly, the high performance may cause the system to spit back at you. Finally, it's all about taking the time to find the sweetspots for your configuration, if you are so inclined.
With your current configuration, I see no need to go to SATA unless you plan on using a RAID setup. Personally I'd wait till you are ready to upgrade to the next level, A64.

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    First off your temp is ok on that board. If you have not loaded the onboard raid driver do so and it is something you have to suffer with on the MSI board. All of your USB ports should run at USB 2.0 and you also should be able enable all of them in the bios.

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    First. Is it K7N2 Delta-L or Delta-ILSR (the one with an actual Soundstorm chip on it)? If you have the actual Soundstorm chip, use it! It will sound much better than an SBLive. Assuming you have the normal K7N2 Delta-L like I have:
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    All the best!

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    1) I have seen people running over 425Mhz.
    2) Download the manual and check the BIOS Revisions for that answer
    3) The -ILSR Boards have Soundstorm.
    Take Care,

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  • K7N2 Delta-ILSR - Radeon 9700 pro - no power.

    K7N2 Delta - ILSR (6570)
    AMD Athlon XP2800+ (Barton)
    nVidia GeForce III 64mb
    1GB Samsung PC3200 400MHz DDR Original  [2x512MB] [Checked nVidia site = Compatible]
    40gb + 80gb Hard Drives
    Sony DVD burner
    500wat psu   3.3 - 28 / 5 - 40 / 12 - 17
    3 extra fans
    2 Cathodes
    1 EL Cable
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    The Radeon mostly worked for over a year, [trouble booting cold] now it does'nt. [not with my MSI]
    The card works with my old board, LEX BN790E via KT266A, 512mb, AMD XP1700+ and all extras.
    that is suggesting to me either your PSU is failing, or it is a Poor PSU with over-optimistic amp ratings (eg Q-Tec). it will all appear to work fine on your older board, as that has lower power requirements, have a look in my sticky Is your problem caused by your PSU? for more info and advice.
    Could people please read the entire post and NOT just the title.
    that was a bit rude. people try to help by asking questions and giving suggestions. making responses like that is more likely to make people ignore this topic. Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.

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    have u gottten the current Nforce drivers 5.10 for XP 32bit
    The Unified Driver supports all nForce platform processors. The UDP contains support for all nForce components in a single driver download and installation, making it simple to upgrade to the latest nForce drivers.
    Products Supported:
    nForce3 Ultra
    nForce3 Pro 250
    nForce3 Pro
    nForce3 250
    nForce3 250Gb

  • K7N2 Delta problem after flashing from 5.0 to 5.3

    I was using my K7N2 Delta nicely but after flashing the BIOS from 5.0 to 5.3 in LiveUpdate3 (all OK) and then when LiveUpdate ask to reboot... GOOD BYE!
    When bootin the D-lights show that I have a processor damaged or not intalled properly (two red light up, and two green down...).
    My processor is an Old Tbird 1.2 Ghz with 100FSB.
    The question is: Why the mother stops recognicing the processor if before flashing BIOS worked nicely?.
    J10 and J11 jumpers:
    When I opened case to check out, I had the green J10 and J11 jumpers closed in the mother. The J10 was in safe mode, and the J11 jumper was closed...(133FSB-166FSB??).
    I only have another athlon 1.1 ghz FSB100 processor to test the mobo, but I don´t want to take the risk of burn that one two (if is that the problem, of course).
    So... I want to know how can I reflash the bios back (I have the old BIOS in a backup floppy disk, of course)... or if anyone else have the same problem as me....
    Thanx a lot guys, and please help me... I´m very sad by now... because I don´t know how to get my computer to work.
    (from Argentina)

    Just add
    in your filerealm.properties file to login into console.
    Hope it helps,
    garry payten wrote:
    I am migrating from 5.1 to 7.0 on Solaris. I was able to run the conversion of the weblogic.properties file to config.xml, I was also able to start the new admin server, but I was not able to log in to the console. I get the following error:
    Authentication Denied
    The username or password has been refused by WebLogic Server. Please try again.
    I verified that the WL_USER and WL_PW were correctly set in the startscript and that the system password was set in the config.xml. Any hints? Thanks

  • K7N2 Delta bios versions 5.4 & 7.4 released

    MSI has now released bios version 5.4 for the K7N2 Delta-L and 7.4 for the K7N2 Delta-ILSR and can be downloaded here:- Link
    This bios fixes the following problems of the previous version:-
    -Fixed Nvidia FX5900 Ultra compatability issue.

    I was using my K7N2 Delta nicely but after flashing the BIOS from 5.0 to 5.3 in LiveUpdate3 (all OK) and then when LiveUpdate ask to reboot... GOOD BYE!
    When bootin the D-lights show that I have a processor damaged or not intalled properly (two red light up, and two green down...).
    My processor is an Old Tbird 1.2 Ghz with 100FSB.
    The question is: Why the mother stops recognicing the processor if before flashing BIOS worked nicely?.
    J10 and J11 jumpers:
    When I opened case to check out, I had the green J10 and J11 jumpers closed in the mother. The J10 was in safe mode, and the J11 jumper was closed...(133FSB-166FSB??).
    I only have another athlon 1.1 ghz FSB100 processor to test the mobo, but I don´t want to take the risk of burn that one two (if is that the problem, of course).
    So... I want to know how can I reflash the bios back (I have the old BIOS in a backup floppy disk, of course)... or if anyone else have the same problem as me....
    Thanx a lot guys, and please help me... I´m very sad by now... because I don´t know how to get my computer to work.
    (from Argentina)

  • K7N2 Delta bios versions 5.3 & 7.3 released

    Bios version 5.3 for the K7N2 Delta-L and 7.3 for the K7N2 Delta-ILSR have been released and are available via Live Update only at present.
    Fixes posted are:-
    -Modify CPU temperature detect
    -Fixed Nvidia FX5800 and FX5900 compatability issue
    I have downloaded 7.3 for my K7N2 Delta-ILSR and CPU temps are higher than before as expected. So far no problems.

    I was using my K7N2 Delta nicely but after flashing the BIOS from 5.0 to 5.3 in LiveUpdate3 (all OK) and then when LiveUpdate ask to reboot... GOOD BYE!
    When bootin the D-lights show that I have a processor damaged or not intalled properly (two red light up, and two green down...).
    My processor is an Old Tbird 1.2 Ghz with 100FSB.
    The question is: Why the mother stops recognicing the processor if before flashing BIOS worked nicely?.
    J10 and J11 jumpers:
    When I opened case to check out, I had the green J10 and J11 jumpers closed in the mother. The J10 was in safe mode, and the J11 jumper was closed...(133FSB-166FSB??).
    I only have another athlon 1.1 ghz FSB100 processor to test the mobo, but I don´t want to take the risk of burn that one two (if is that the problem, of course).
    So... I want to know how can I reflash the bios back (I have the old BIOS in a backup floppy disk, of course)... or if anyone else have the same problem as me....
    Thanx a lot guys, and please help me... I´m very sad by now... because I don´t know how to get my computer to work.
    (from Argentina)

  • HELP me with my K7N2 delta ilsr

    Can anyone help me with this problem. I have just upgraded to MSI's K7N2 delta ilsr motherboard. Its all working quite well apart from the fact that the pc wont start up from cold....at all.
    When I start the pc from an off state, it runs up the fans and drives, but does not post.
    The diagnostic led pannel on the back of the pc shows that the cpu is faulty or not installed correctly.
    If I then press the reset button, the pc posts, and boots up just fine.
    It does this EVERY time I start up.
    I have tried re installing the cpu, which is an XP 2800+ 333 barton, but to no avail.
    I have asked a few questions on other forums, but I cant solve it.
    These are the suggestions so far.
    1. the psu (I have a Tsunami 400 atx psu) could not be giving out enough power on initial startup, but once the pc is running, it has enough to boot the pc from a reset.
    2. The mobo or the bios could be at fault. I have not flashed the bios, or upgraded it in any way from original, so is there an issue with the original bios on these boards, and 2800 barton chips??? Could it be a mobo fault? The pc runs fine once the machine is booted.? how do I test it?
    3. The cpu could be faulty? but would this not stop it running fuull stop?
    4. my ram. I have a single stick of OCZ 512mb pc3200 ddr, which I was told would make the pc fly. Not shure on that statement, but is this ram compatible?? could this be the problem?
    Im fairly new to the upgrade side of things, and I need some help with this one.
    Also, Id be really greatfull if some one could talk me through flashing my bios to the latest version, as the thought of doing this narks me a bit...I dont want to mess it up and get a dead pc...

    +3.3v 14A
    +5v 28A
    +12v 16A
    +5vsb 2A
    -5v 0.5A
    -12v 0.8A
    Hope this helps, as my pc seems to be living with its case off a lot these days..haha

  • Sudden Restarts MSI K7n2 DELTA ILSR

    I've had this setup for about a year now.
    Sudden restarts now plague my system, no virus found per NAV 2004, ran processor burn in wizard, SISOFT sandra, on cpu arithmetic and cpu multimedia setting, 100 cycles (no problems) windows memtest ran with no errors via start up disk full cycle of tests.
    Have reloaded video drivers,to no avail, this happens about once a week, any ideas????
    MSI k7n2 delta ILSR Bios version 7.7
    1.5 Gig Micron PC 3200 (512x3) RAM supporting dual channel stock voltage
    mixed bag o ram, crucial, micron technology, and, patriot
    Athlon xp 2500  stock voltage
    SLK 900A heatsink with 80 mm tornado (temps at idle 35-38c) (42 load)
    Creative SB Live
    Nvidia 256  mb asylum video card GE FORCE USR DATA PCI FAX Modem (V92) 5610b
    Hercules 420W PS
    All drivers are up to date and windows update run regularly (Win XP Pro SP2)

    Originally posted by scooter787b
    well for one thing the k7n2 series can only support 2 pc3200 dimms,
    are you really sure ?
    my motherboard which is rather old now supports 3 pc3200 dimms.
    norton antivirus is CRAP.
    i stopped using it when i found my harddrive was full of viruses.
    try avg6 for example which is free.

  • MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR Memory problems

    I'm trying to burn in a system in a 50 deg C (122 deg F) room for a minimum of 12 hours.  The main system components are as follows:
    Motherboard:  MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR
    CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2800+
    Memory: 2x512 OCZ PC3200 EL
    My problem is that the burn-in software continues to freeze up during the memory test.  I've already contacted the software manufacturers and the software is stable.  It's a problem with the way the motherboard handles the memory.  I've tried putting the memory in dual channel configuration and changing the timing settings in the BIOS.  The SPD settings are 2.5-3-3-7.  Right now I have them at 3-4-3-8.  It's a lot more stable than it was under the default settings but it still freezes up sometime after 7 hours.  Unfortunately, I wasn't around when it froze so I don't know exactly how long it lasted.  I can say that after 7 hours, it wasn't showing any slowdown in performance.  If anyone could think of anything else I might be able to do to get the system stable, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks for the suggestions.  The CPU FSB is 200, so it's already matched up there.  And we have a ton of fans already.  There are two in the front, 4 inside and 1 on the back.  It's a custom case, 2u high.  The power supply is oversized and more than adequate to provide the required power.  I have four of these units running right now.  Two with 2x512 sticks and two with 1x1024 sticks.  For each combination, the memory clock speed for one is 166 and 200 for the other.  I have been loosening up the memory timings trying to get the system stable, but it still isn't.  If the power supply is good, and I'm unable to cool the system anymore due to limititions within the case, is there anything you can think of to stabilize the system.  Maybe other settings in the BIOS or suggestions on how to go about getting good timings for the memory.  Thanks.

  • MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR Wont boot up (no display no bios)

    i bought a AMD Athlon XP 3200+ & MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR.
    unfortuntly i can't boot it. it wont show anything on screen.
    i have tried anything i red in this forum (clear cmos... safe mode jumper...strip all parts...)
    all i get is : 
    blank black display, no beeps and keyboard lights flashes over and over (when connected to a KVM hub), when conected directly to keboard the lights flashes only once but stil black display and no beeps (i hear on speake,when powering up PSU, a silent short noise, no beep).
    power suply turns on (new one 500w), i tried agp video card and replaced with pci video card.
    memory is kingstone 512mb pc3200 400MHz x2, i tried only one of them and both in diferent sockets.
    cpu: AMD xp 3200+ 400fsb.
    i did succed to go into bios only once, after lots of resets and shutdowns and bios clear (after ouers)
    i choosed in the bios: load bios defaults, and thats it. i hoped it starts up but nothing.
    i did all testing i know (checked all pins, cables, clear cmos...all, you name it)
    all parts are brand new (except motherbord. it's seconds hand from eBay. i've bean talled that it works fine)
    i also e-mailed MSI support that question. (2 days ago. no answer yet)
    oh...and i have a pci POST diagnostic card and its 7seg display don't shows any numbers, only when once i succed to get into bios. i don't have the msi original D-Breket addon diag.
    can you help me? 

    hi guys
    here is my PSU specs:
    Colors-It 500w-Max Silent ATX Power Supply
    Voltage 115/230V
    Current 10A/5A
     Frequency 60/50Hz
    +3.3   +5    +12   -12     -5      +5SB   BLK    GRN    GRY
    30A    50A  15A   1.0A   1.0A   2.5A   COM   P-ON   PG
    ATX-2.03 Connector: 1
    ATX-12V Connector: 1
    CD-Rom/HD 4 Pin connector: 6
    Floppy 4 Pin Connector: 2
    Serial ATA Connector : 1
    cpu: AMD Athlon XP 3200+
    MotherBoard: MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR   More: http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=K7N2_Delta-ILSR&class=mb
    Memory: kingstone 512mb pc3200 400MHz x2      More: http://www.ec.kingston.com/ecom/configurator/PartsInfo.asp?ktcpartno=KVR400X64C3A/512
    i have other brand of memory moduls (micron pc2300) i tried them too. no go.
    i tried other PSU, i pulled from my brothers pc (amd xp 1400+).
    as i said before, i have  pci POST diagnostic card so it could tell me any problem. iguss it's the mobo, posibly bios upgrade.
    but if mobo not showing bios, i can't update bios from floppy.
    and the tested the mobo out side the case on a antistatic mat and i useed an antistatic strip.
    as i said i could get into the bios once, after many resets....choosed 'load bios defaults..', restarted and.....no go.

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