K8N NEO4 Platinum/SLI FSB 235MHz+ Bug Fix

OK after many days trying to solve this problem that I know some has.
It seems that the K8N Neo4 Plat./SLI doesn't like memory timings @ 3-3-3-8 when the FSB is pushed to 235 MHz or above.
The only way I could solve it is to run the RAM @ 2.5-3-3-8 timings.
Now remember, not all RAM are capable to run at these settings. If you have a Kingston Value RAM DDR400 you might have a chance by increasing the memory Voltage to 2.7v and switching the CL3 to CL2.5
P.S. Remember not every memory is capable of running @ CL2.5 when it is rated @ CL3
Good Luck.

Quote from: Arsenal on 05-December-05, 15:59:03
OK after many days trying to solve this problem that I know some has.
It seems that the K8N Neo4 Plat./SLI doesn't like memory timings @ 3-3-3-8 when the FSB is pushed to 235 MHz or above.
The only way I could solve it is to run the RAM @ 2.5-3-3-8 timings.
Now remember, not all RAM are capable to run at these settings. If you have a Kingston Value RAM DDR400 you might have a chance by increasing the memory Voltage to 2.7v and switching the CL3 to CL2.5
P.S. Remember not every memory is capable of running @ CL2.5 when it is rated @ CL3
Good Luck.
Could be, I've never had the bug, and my memory is running at 2.5-3-3-6 1T.
This may just help some people.

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    Hey all,
    I cant see 1t2t command rate option in my bios. It is disappered.   Need help pls.
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (7100v3A bios running)
    AMD athlon 64 3700+ S939 san diego (brand ID:4, model:7, stepping:2)
    A-DATA 2xddr 600
    not: I saw some other ppl had similar problems with their platinum ultra bords and they did solve the problem by flashing their bios to previous one.
    You can read that post in here:

    Quote from: flobelix on 30-January-07, 21:44:59
    ??? I'm kind of confused... As I said I'm using the same board with the same bios and I can see and change 1T/2T.
    Thanks for your reply,
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    Family:       F
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    Quote from: flobelix on 30-January-07, 21:44:59
    Where exactly are you trying to find this option in the bios? As Richard said make sure you enabled manual for CPU and Ram settings.
    I know where I am looking.
    User Config Mode --> [Manual] but there is only "Bottom of 32-bit" , "Read Preamble value" and " Async Latency value".
    Quote from: flobelix on 30-January-07, 21:44:59
    Please tell us exactly(!) what you changed in Cell Menu (core speed, HT, mem clock and so on), report your CPU model and stepping.
    Did you clear cmos after(!) flashing 3.A mod?
    After flash I remove my power cable for 1-2 mşnutes than press reset button. During post screen I enter bios to load failsafe defaults. After those steps I try to find what is good/bad with that bios.
    Feel free to ask anything that can fix this problem.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI RAM

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    No the MOBO can take advantage of any FSB that your memory can handle. I know people who have my memory and they run it at 300+ mhz. For whatever reason, I cannot achieve stability over 275 (which is what it's rated for). The point is, when you raise your FSB (keeping the stock multiplier), your CPU frequency goes up along with it. This can cause instability, even with the raise of VCore (overclocking is all luck). For instance, each CPU company does not make different CPU's. They make one CPU (the fatest version of it) and test it at the fastest speed. Just because it was built to handle that speed does not mean it will. So they test it and if it reaches an acceptable rate of failure then they stamp it at that speed and sell it. If not, they lower the multiplier (usually keeping the same FSB) and try again (at the new lower CPU frequency). They repeat this process until the CPU achieves an acceptable rate of failure. So when you think about it, you shouldn't be able to overclock your computer period but for whatever reason, we all manage to do it stably. Why? who knows.
    You achieve higher memory bandwidth with higher FSB's. Hence the title PC3200 (meaning the memory transmits data at 3.3GBps (this is measured in nano seconds and no this is not faster then the CPU the CPU frequency is measured in pico seconds)). PC4400 transmits data at 4.4GBps, which is much faster than PC3200.
    Therefore, running your computer at 10x200 (2000mhz) is actually slower than running your computer at 275x7 (1925mhz). Generally with the A64 you can raise the CPU frequency up a little bit without having to raise the VCore (with my CPU I could raise the CPU frequency 425mhz higher then stock the frequency without having to raise VCore (probably even higher but I was not changing the FSB, which I had set at 275mhz).
    Buy the most expensive version of G.Skill (LE) this way if you want to overclock you'll have the tightest timings. If you never plan on overclocking then the G.Skill you picked up is fine.



    which one is the BETA BIOS? none of them seem to be a BETA?
    Model Version Size Platform BIOS BIOS Date Counter
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (MS-7100) v. 3.6 353 kb AMD Award BIOS 7/22/2005 
    1. This is Award BIOS release.
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problem of the previous version:
    - Update CPU ID for E6.
    3. 2005/07/22
    Model Version Size Platform BIOS BIOS Date Counter
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (MS-7100) v. 3.3 358 kb AMD Award BIOS 5/10/2005 
    1. This is Award BIOS release.
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problem of the previous version:
    - Update SiI3132 Raid ROM version to 7.2.18.
    - Update NVRAID version to 5.27.
    - Update NVPXE version to 2.12.
    - Update NVMM version to 4.94.
    - Update CPU ID for Sempron E3 2000MHz/59W.
    - Update CPU ID for Sempron D0 1800Mhz/59W.
    - Support K8 Dual Core CPU.
    3. 2005/05/10
    Model Version Size Platform BIOS BIOS Date Counter
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (MS-7100) v. 3.2 358 kb AMD Award BIOS 3/30/2005 
    1. This is Award BIOS release.
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problem of the previous version:
    - Update SiI3132 RAID ROM version to 7.1.05.
    - Update CPU Microcode for Sempron D0 2000MHz CPU.
    3. 2005/03/30
    Model Version Size Platform BIOS BIOS Date Counter
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (MS-7100) v. 3.1 359 kb AMD Award BIOS 2/21/2005 
    1. This is Award BIOS release.
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problem(s) of the previous version:
    - Updates NVPXE version to 2.03.0469.
    - Updates CBROM version to 1.47. 
    Model Version Size Platform BIOS BIOS Date Counter
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI (MS-7100) v. 3.0 359 kb AMD Award BIOS 12/31/2004 
    1. This is Award BIOS release.

  • MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI sound needs -5V; newest Antec 550W has no -5V rail

    I came within a whisker of ordering a non-returnable  3700 Venice, MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI mobo and an upgraded Power Supply, Antec's newest 550W PS the TP2-550 EPS12V ($117).  This has dual 2x24pin 12V 19A rails and is touted as the new V2.0 EPS12V/ATX12v compatible power supply for high performance SLI systems.  By accident I came across a page at MSI for this mobo
    At the end is this warning:  MSI Reminds You...
    • For this model, you must use a Power Supply which has a -5V pin supply. Also, the users manual which I downloaded on Pg 2-10 says the same thing
    The above Antec PS specs do not  show a -5V rail, nor does an Enermax 600W I looked at.  The V2.0 specs for ATX12v which added 2x24pin 12V rails dropped -5V rail from the spec and it appears MSI is not conforming to the spec (See Antec response at end) None of the web sites selling these PS & mobos contain any warning.  I vaguely recall from a forum a while back it may have something to do with the Soundblaster system in the mobo.
    http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=22551 (click specifications)
    Isn't this a major showstopper which is going to cause a lot of grief for those of us upgrading to SLI systems using this mobo and upgrading our PS to the newest & best power design?  We won't know the PS won't work until we build the system.
    Regards, Ron
    Antec reply to me:
    >>>>Thanks for the link. Since MSI's website does state the motherboard needs the -5v, the True550EPS12V will not work with this motherboard. The Standard (http://enhanceusa.com/documents/atx12v_v2.01.pdf) has removed the use for the -5v rail and it is no longer needed. MSI has not manufactured that motherboard to the Standard. Finding an ATX12V v2.0 power supply with the -5v might be hard to find. You should contact MSI for a compatibility list of power supplys that were tested to work with the K8N SLI Platinum.

    Quote from: ccve3 on 21-May-05, 07:27:40
    Wow!!  syar2003 thanks for that post.  I've spend an hour going through it &  fasteddies links.  Now I are a power expert.  The dual rail argument is enough for me to go back to the MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI with one of the single rail PS -5V units listed by fasteddie. The only question left now refers to computerpro3  recommendation on ultra power supplies for SLI 
    >>I quite simply wouldn't dream of putting anything else in my machine. Keep in mind, this section is for 2x 6800 models, not the 6600's which most any good psu will handle (like Antec Neopower, ocz 520, etc). . Pc Power and Cooling 510 Deluxe SLI edition (refer to list)
    2. Zippy/Emacs 550-700w models
    3. OCZ 600w (personally I would get the pcp&c for the price, but it's been proven here, so I'll be fair...). 
    These are really high end, expensive and only 3-4 choices. Since I'm getting one 6800GT and eventually another & possibly eventually a 4800 X2, I was hoping the OCZ 520W would do it but computerpro3 says Powermaster 520 isn't good enough for SLI.  I found that there is an OCZ 600W ATX12 dual rail which surprisingly has a -5V rail needed for K8N Neo4 SLI Soundblaster.  Will this meet computerpro3's preference for a high end PS for SLI systems even though I'm losing the 1 rail advantage.  Maybe the 600 Watts just overwhelms the 1 rail/2 rail question.
    Thanks again for the teriffic help
    Regards, Ron
    Wondering what you settled on.  I got the Antec TP550 and it's flawless on the board.  I even have the older 20pin model which works perfectly (including sound).  If you really wanted what I would consider to be a top dog (pcpower and cooling), and find the -5v rail missing, all you have to do is place a phone order and request they add a -5v rail.  It's a minimal cost and a total solution for having everything.  Just my $0.02

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    Mine working fine, but on cold boot, sometime it hang on me. I have changed 3 PSU to get it stable, from Coolermaster 450W, Be Quiet 520W to Silverstone 650W, ambient 25C, CPU 30C, Proc 37C.
    Bios 3.7 the one they are still testing.
    Have you check you PSU rails volt., disable CnQ,....
    So far stable, multiple programs at once with no significant drop in responseness & speed,  Half Life 2, P2P downloading x2, IE x 3, encode DVD at the same time.

  • X2 3800+ (E6) support for the K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI

    Hi everyone:
    I have decided to purchase the K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI (MS-7100-020) and I ready placed the order.  However, I wonder if it supports the AMD X2 3800+ (E6 Version) CPU?  The reason I asked the question because I found the following table from the Taiwan MSI web site which shows that X2 3800+ E6 is undertesting.
    Thank you for any replies.

    Mine worked, ran for 2 weeks already at stock, tried & ran to 2.2GHz on stock HSF with no problem.
    Using X2 3800+ E6, MSI K8N PLI Platinum mobo, 3.7 bios & Inno3D 7800GTX single latest nvidia 78 drivers, 2x512MB DDR400 CL2.5 Kingston Ram, Hitachi T7K250 Sata 250GB HDD, NEC ND-3530A Benq 1640, , Silverstone Zeus 650W PSU
    At first I have this concern too, but tried it anyway.
    See my screenshots for your info.

  • Difference between K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI and K8N-SLI Platinum

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    I'm about to get an MSI SLI Platinum motherboard, but it seems that there are two versions, the K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI and the K8N-SLI Platinum.
    What is the real difference between them? As i can see in the manual, the Neo4 version has the additional SATA2 and Gbit LAN controller.
    Anyone: Does your K8N-SLI board have 4 or 6 SATA2 ports? and 1 or 2 LANs?
    At this picture  http://www.midtdata.dk/asp/index.asp?varernr=K8N-SLI-PLAT&goto=productinfo&mainfunc=link I can see that there are 6 blue SATA connectors (lower right corner), and 2 LAN ports left to the LPT port... But the description says 4 SATA and 1 LAN, and so says the manual.
    To all owners of this mobo:  Does this picture look like your K8N-SLI Platinum or does it look like your K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI ?

    d/l a raid manual and all should be clear

  • HELP ! CPU question on MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI Motherboard

    Hello i've a simple Question : Does A64 3400+ S939 works on this board ?

    Hi douglasp,
    Things haven't changed since K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI + athlon 64 3400+ ????
    There is no AMD64 3400 939 CPU - see AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Model Numbers and Feature Comparison
    754 CPu are single channel compatable withK8N Neo Platinum
    939 CPu are Dual channel. compatable with K8N Neo4 Platinum
    as someone said in previous thread it's probably a misprint.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI

    I am confused with regard to what is actually included with the K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI board in the US. Unfortunately, MSI isn't very clear with their information.
    Does this board include the following, or are they optional, & if optional how can I get them:
    IEEE 1394 (Firewire) ports (1 external, 2 internal)
    SPDIF Out
    D-Bracket 2
    SATA 5-6 ports
    Anybody actually have this board installed & running yet, & would you buy this board if you were starting all over again? Were your experiences with this board good or bad? Any gotchas?

    Unfortunatly, the MSI-websites (american, european, taiwanese) all have slightly different specs listed, but none exactly covered what my package included.
    I've read numerous posts about MSI motherboards & video cards not meeting the manufacturer's claimed specifications.   This deeply troubles me, & makes me wonder if I should buy MSI products at all.
    f you buy 2 6600GT's now, you're stuck on the performance of about a single 6800GT, less in some cases.
    If you buy a 6800GT now, you get the same bang, but have the option to add anotherone later to up your rig!
    Exactly my point! I just can't see paying extra money on a high-end, bleeding-edge SLI motherboard, then populating it with 2 mid-level graphics cards. I suppose that seems logical to some people, but not me. I've also read in the reviews that the attachment of the heatsink/fan on the 6600GT is not physically secure, & many of the heatsinks aren't properly attached to, or making full contact with, the GPU on retail versions of the cards!
    Of course, SLI is still very much a technology that has yet to prove its promise. Very few games support it, & teething pains abound. We're still in the verion 1.0 of SLI motherboards, which is kind of scary, & all of the current crop of SLI motherboards seem to have their "issues." nVIDIA is lagging behind in releasing updated video card drivers. Maybe SLI isn't quite "ready for primetime" yet.
    An Ultra would be a waste of money. The difference is not worth the extra dough for it, and a brand GT can
    be clocked to Ultra-levels as well.
    Some people would not want to spend the extra $ on an Ultra, but others might feel that it is well worth the cost. Sure, you can overclock a GT to gain a bit of extra performance, but what levels of performance can you gain by overclocking the Ultra? I don't know the answer to this. I still have a lot of research to conduct concerning the nVIDIA 6800GT & Ultras, & the "real world" viability of SLI.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI only showint 2.75Gb ram with 4Gb installed WinXP64

    Hi there,
    I have an MSI-7100 K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI, and I noticed that under WindowsXP Pro 64-bit, only 2.75 of the 4Gb installed are used by Windows.
    Is there something I'm doing wrong? My RAM is identical GEIL Single-Channel PC3200 1Gb DDR, four of them.
    -El Queso

    You need toenable the Hardware memory Re-Map Option.
    You may need the latest bios - I only have a Neo2, so I don't know if/when ReMap was added to the Neo4.
    Also... it's possible you also need a Rev E CPU for hardware re-mapping to work.

  • No Post - K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI - any help would be awesome

    Ok here it goes. I recently bought a K8N neo4 SLI and set everything up, hit the power button, and nothing happened. So i figured it was DOA and i sent it back. got another one, hooked it up and nothing happened. Tested the PSU and power switch on a different machine and they work fine. But with the K8N i have nothing, no fans, no lights, nada. I am a relatively experienced computer builder and haven't had this one happen to me yet. I've read every troubleshooting guide on the MSI site and i think everyone in the forums but the dang thing still won't turn on. Here the specs:
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI
    Athlon 64 3200+ 90nm
    512 x 2 Geil Ultra Platinum DDR 533
    Seagate SATA HD 7200 RPM 160 GB
    Chaintech 6600GT
    Ultra X-connect 500W with the 24-pin adapter
    Got a bunch of other junk too but thats all thats hooked up now. just going for the bare minumums so i could at least get some response. Please give me some ideas of what could be causing this are maybe something dumb i forgot. I know my power suppply blows but i've seen others get it going with that and since i only have barebones hooked to it, i'd think it would go. Thanks in advance.

    I had an interesting thing happen to me yesterday, that sounds exactly like your problem.
    I'm looking for ways to reduce my gpu temps, so I'm playing around with case fans, round wiring, etc...  One of the cables I replaced ran to one of my PCI-E cards.  aparently it had a short or something in it.  I spent hours trying to get my computer to start up again, I was afraid I had fryed the board....no power, no fans, tried a different power supply, etc.....    One wire, well two, because it's one of those that takes two molex plugs and turns them into a Pci-e plug.
    What a pain....
    Chack your wires, check for a short.  If you're having the same issue with a second mobo chances are it's not board related.  Could be you have the srews attaching it to your case to tight and have shorted it out there.
    Hope this helps.
    Good luck!

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI Microphone performance

    Hi All,
    1st post - sorry if this has been answered elsewhere...
    I've got a K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI, the one with Creative Live 24 bit onboard sound. I just got it running a few days ago. The audio playback is fine - I can play games, watch DVDs, listen to CDs, etc. No problems there. I've got the Creative drivers from the CD in the motherboard box installed, BTW
    The built-in microphone input is less than I expected. I have an old, cheap microphone which works fine (I tested it yesterday) with my (old) computer with built-in sound. On my new Neo4 the recording levels are _very_ low. I've gone in to the Creative Mixer and cranked up the recording volume, as well as toggled the "do not monitor" option (what does this do, BTW?), but it has not solved the problem. I have to speak very loudly with the microphone right by my mouth to hear anything at all.
    Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

    I had the same problem on my K8N Neo2 Platinum. I had a really weak microphone that I had to get right up to my mouth before it would start to work. I solved the problem by turning on the "mic boost" option in the control panel. Finding that option was tough. Here is what I had to do:
     I had to go into the control panel, get into the sound and audio devices options, hit the audio tab; next to the sound recording section is a button for Volume. Hit that, and it brings up the windows mixer. Under options, make sure the Advanced Controls is checked. Then make sure the microphone input is there. If not, select options/properties and mash down the adjust volume for recording button. Then check down below and make sure microphone is checked. Then the microphone slider should be available. Make sure it is checked. And then hopefully you will see an advanced button. Hit that and check the mic boost. That finally solved my problem.
    Good luck.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI and BIOS goofiness

    A couple nights ago I figured I'd flash my K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI to the latest BIOS version, since I hadn't touched it in over a year. I was using 3.1, and I decided to use the 3.A. Big mistake. Computer boots fine, but immediately bluescreens as soon as Windows tries to load. After diddling around on my brother's computer trying to make a bootable CD, I manage to get back to a state where I can flash again, and try the 3.7. Same problem...bluescreen on Windows startup. At that point I just gave up and went back to 3.1, ignoring the 3.3 and 3.2 BIOSes.
    Is anyone else having issues trying to flash the more recent BIOSes?
    (I just recently found out that MSI's US site doesn't have a complete list of available BIOSes, while the Taiwanese site does. I might have to give 3.9 and 3.8 a try.)
    EDIT: My system specs are in the link in my sig.

    Ok, quick update. I just spent about half an hour with 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.A. None of them work except 3.1...they all bluescreen while starting Windows. I made sure to clear the CMOS completely, yes I left APIC/MPS settings the same (they've always been on default so that hasn't been an issue), and I tried the various safe modes.
    Here's the error code given on the BSOD: 0x0000007B (0xF78A6528, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
    A quick search on the 0x0000007B error code gives a fairly lengthy MS KB article, but no real solution. I'm at a loss as to why 3.1 works great but nothing else does.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI Sound Problem

    I've recently build a system using the new K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI nForce4 board, which has the Creative SoundBlaster Live! 24bit onboard. The problem being the volume of the sound output (analogue) is extremely low. All volume controls in Windows are all set to full volume, but the sound output is still very very low. I consider myself pretty good with computers but with this problem I'm stumpted. Anybody else had this problem? Any insite would be very appricated.
    Various info:
    With my old SoundBlaster Live! Value the sound is fine
    System Specs:
    K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI
    Athlon64 3500 Winchester
    1gb PC3200 (Crucial ValueSelect RAM)
    nVidia GeForce 6800 256mb
    WindowsXP Professional w/ SP2
    Any help will be appreciated

    Ive been wanting to set up a new system based of this same motherboard, but all the power supplies Ive found so far have either been brands Im not familiar enough with or I havent been able to find a definitive answer on if the power supply supports that -5V pin(usually both, unfortunately). Can anyone point me in the right direction for a PSU under US$100? Any suggestions of power supplies anyone has had success with will also be greatly appreciated.
    Ive spent about the past three days searching and have finally reached my wits end.
    Second edit:
    I double checked the diamond forum link (it gave a link not found page the first time), I did get to see what was posted there, but since most online retailers and manufacturer websites dont give the best view of the main connector, thats not alot of help. The only websites Im comfortable ordering from also do not evne carry the suggested power supplies, or any other unit by those manufacturer.
    FINAL Edit (I promise...kinda):
    I double checked on NewEgg (and then double checked FrozenCPU.com), and I found one from OCZ that doesnt totally blow my goal of USD100 or less out of the water. Lists a -5v supply, and is 24 pin for the motherboard:
    Same thing for 129.99 on FCPU, which is where Ill be ordering the power supply from.
    I dont have any real need for the onboard adjustment dials of the more expensive series, and I really like the modular PSU design, not to mention the blue color scheme will work well in my blue-illuminated case.
    Now, are there any other hurdles I need to be aware of?  

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