Kann ich vom Apple gekauften Iphone Türkische sim Card benutzen?

Ich habe ein Iphone von Der Apple seite direkt gekauft da stand ohne Simlock doch auf dem Lieferzettel stand GSM-DEU deswegen wollte ich nochmal nachfragen ob ich eine Türkische Sim Card benutzen kann

This is a user to user forum, you're not addressing Apple here. To contact Apple directly use this link: http://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html
Did you read the Repair faq's? See this article: http://www.apple.com/de/support/iphone/service/faq/#repair3
Kann ich mein iPhone außerhalb des Landes warten lassen, in dem ich das Gerät ursprünglich gekauft habe?
Nein. Der Service für infrage kommende Reparaturen ist nur in dem Land verfügbar, in dem Ihr iPhone ursprünglich erworben wurde.

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    Es gibt bereits sehr viele Posts zu diesem Thema und auch ich habe dieses Problem
    Meistens hat es etwas mit fehlgeschlagenen Zahlungen zu tun , also Zahlungen Überpüfen,
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    Appelhasser wrote:
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    Chamar wrote:
    There should be a SIM eject tool in the box.  Insert in the small hole on the right hand side of the iPhone to eject the tray. You have to get the correct angle.
    I do not believe that a SIM eject tool has been provided for the past couple of years.

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    Naeim G wrote:
    I took the phone to the Service provider in Malaysia MAXIS. They said the iphone is defective and had to be taken in for repair. The problem is they will most probably replace the phone, However there policy with Apple they say is that I have to WAIT 6-8 WEEKS for a new set. How ridiculous is that?
    You're right - it is ridiculous however thats not a decision made by Apple, but by Maxis. If Apple were asked to rpovide immediate replacements, they would do so and Maxis would have to pay the price. Under warranty, in other countries we can go into an Apple store and get an immediate replacement.

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    Yes but if it needs activating first then a Sim card must be inserted just during the activation process
    and can then be removed

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