Kde 4.1 suddenly won't run properly

I'm not sure what caused it, but KDE 4.1 suddenly won't run properly on one of my machines. It will start to run and die right at the point when the "splash screen" disappears. If I click the popup to make it go away, the desktop will appear for less than a second before being dropped out of X.
The error message that I see after that is:
xprop: unable to connect to display :0
My main "DE" (Fluxbox) works perfectly, so I don't think that it's a problem with X itself.
The video card brand is nVidia, if that helps any....

If you're getting dropped out of X then it's X that's crashing.
I will assume you have desktop effects enabled and they are causing your graphics driver to die somehow. You can disable desktop effects from the terminal by typing:
kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Compositing --key Enabled --type bool false

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    Here's my JFrame apps, it's creating an array of 10 inner Car object and then proceeds to define the first two objects. Then through the buttons, Display Next, you're supposed to display the values in the object, starting with the first. I got the Clear button and the Display Button working, but it seems that the Add, Search and Change buttons won't work properly. Help me please!
    import java.lang.String.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class CarRental extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private Car cars[] = new Car[10];
    private char ct;
    private Date d;
    private double f, fee;
    private int addCount, carCount = 0, displayCount = -1;
    private int searchCount = 0, yMade, yRented, mRented, dRented;
    private JButton bDisplayNext, bClear, bSearch;
    private JButton bAdd, bChange;
    private JLabel lLicense, lYear, lCategory;
    private JLabel lFee, lDateRented, lMessage;
    private JPanel infoPanel, buttonPanel, messagePanel;
    private JPanel panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4, panel5;
    private JRadioButton rbSubcompact, rbIntermediate, rbLuxury;
    private JTextField tLicense, tYear;
    private JTextField tFee, tDateRented;
    private String licsNum, feeVal, yVal, mVal, dVal;
    private String dateVal, rf, searchString;
    DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    DecimalFormat twoNumber = new DecimalFormat("00");
    DecimalFormat fourNumber = new DecimalFormat("0000");
    public CarRental()
    super("Madterp's Rental Cars");
    cars[0] = new Car("ABC111",1999,'S',100,0,0,0);
    cars[1] = new Car("DEF222",2002,'I',160,2002,2,2);
    carCount += 2;
    infoPanel = new JPanel();
    infoPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));
    panel1 = new JPanel();
    panel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lLicense = new JLabel("License Number: ");
    tLicense = new JTextField(30);
    panel2 = new JPanel();
    panel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lYear = new JLabel("Year Made: ");
    tYear = new JTextField(30);
    panel3 = new JPanel();
    panel3.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lCategory = new JLabel("Category: ");
    rbSubcompact = new JRadioButton("S", true);
    rbIntermediate = new JRadioButton("I",false);
    rbLuxury = new JRadioButton("L",false);
    panel4 = new JPanel();
    panel4.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lFee = new JLabel("Daily Rental Fee: ");
    tFee = new JTextField(30);
    panel5 = new JPanel();
    panel5.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lDateRented = new JLabel("Date Rented: ");
    tDateRented = new JTextField(30);
    buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5,3,3));
    bDisplayNext = new JButton("Display Next");
    bClear = new JButton("Clear");
    bSearch = new JButton("Search");
    bAdd = new JButton("Add");
    bChange = new JButton("Change");
    messagePanel = new JPanel();
    messagePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    lMessage = new JLabel("");
    Container c = getContentPane();
    c.add(infoPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    c.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public static void main(String args[])
    CarRental app = new CarRental();
    new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource() == bDisplayNext)
    if (displayCount > carCount || displayCount > 10)
    lMessage.setText("No More Cars!");
    displayCount += 1;
    licsNum = cars[displayCount].getLicenseNum();
    yVal = fourNumber.format(cars[displayCount].getYearMade());
    ct = cars[displayCount].getCategory();
    rf = twoDigits.format(cars[displayCount].getFee());
    d = cars[displayCount].getRentedDate();
    if (ct == 'S' || ct == 's')
    else if (ct == 'I' || ct == 'i')
    else if (ct == 'L' || ct == 'l')
    else if (e.getSource() == bSearch)
    int found = 0, noOfFound = 0;
    DecimalFormat fourNumber = new DecimalFormat("0000");
    DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    searchString = tLicense.getText();
    searchCount = 0;
    if (searchString != "")
    while (searchCount < carCount && found != 1)
    licsNum = cars[searchCount].getLicenseNum();
    if (searchString == licsNum)
    yVal = fourNumber.format(cars[searchCount].getYearMade());
    ct = cars[searchCount].getCategory();
         rf = twoDigits.format(cars[searchCount].getFee());
         d = cars[searchCount].getRentedDate();
    found = 1;
    found = 0;
    if (noOfFound > 0)
    lMessage.setText("Search Found!");
    lMessage.setText("Search Not Found!");
    lMessage.setText("Search Not Valid!");
    else if (e.getSource() == bAdd)
    int count = 0;
    int foundEmpty = 0;
    while (count < 10 && foundEmpty != 1)
    String s = cars[count].getLicenseNum();
    if (s != "")
    foundEmpty = 0;
    foundEmpty = 1;
    if ( count < 10 )
    licsNum = tLicense.getText();
    feeVal = tFee.getText();
    yVal = tYear.getText();
    dateVal = tDateRented.getText();
    if (feeVal != "")
    fee = Double.parseDouble(feeVal);
    fee = 0;
    if (yVal != "")
    yMade = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
    yMade = 0;
    if (rbSubcompact.isSelected())
    ct = 'S';
    if (rbIntermediate.isSelected())
    ct = 'I';
    if (rbLuxury.isSelected())
    ct = 'L';
    if (dateVal != "")
    int s1 = dateVal.indexOf("/");
    int s2 = dateVal.indexOf("/", s1+1);
    int i = 0;
    while (i < s1)
    yVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    i = s1 + 1;
    while (i < s2)
    mVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    i = s2 + 1;
    while (i < dateVal.length())
    dVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    yRented = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
    mRented = Integer.parseInt(mVal);
    dRented = Integer.parseInt(dVal);
    yRented = 0;
    mRented = 0;
    dRented = 0;
    cars[count] = new Car(licsNum, yMade, ct, fee, yRented, mRented, dRented);
    lMessage.setText("No More Room To Add A New Car!");
    if (e.getSource() == bChange)
    licsNum = tLicense.getText();
    feeVal = tFee.getText();
    yVal = tYear.getText();
    dateVal = tDateRented.getText();
    if (feeVal != "")
    fee = Double.parseDouble(feeVal);
    fee = 0;
    if (yVal != "")
    yMade = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
    yMade = 0;
    if (rbSubcompact.isSelected())
    ct = 'S';
    if (rbIntermediate.isSelected())
    ct = 'I';
    if (rbLuxury.isSelected())
    ct = 'L';
    if (dateVal != "")
    int s1 = dateVal.indexOf("/");
    int s2 = dateVal.indexOf("/", s1+1);
    int i = 0;
    while (i < s1)
    yVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    i = s1 + 1;
    while (i < s2)
    mVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    i = s2 + 1;
    while (i < dateVal.length())
    dVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
    yRented = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
    mRented = Integer.parseInt(mVal);
    dRented = Integer.parseInt(dVal);
    yRented = 0;
    mRented = 0;
    dRented = 0;
    if (displayCount <= carCount)
    cars[displayCount].setRentedDate(yRented, mRented, dRented);
    lMessage.setText("No car to change!");
    else if (e.getSource() == bClear)
    displayCount = -1;
    public class Car
    private String licenseNum;
    private int yearMade;
    private char category;
    private double fee;
    private Date rentedDate;
    public Car(String l, int yM, char c, double f, int yR, int mR, int dR)
    public void setLicenseNum(String l)
    licenseNum = l;
    public void setYearMade(int yM)
    yearMade = yM;
    public void setCategory(char c)
    category = c;
    public void setFee(double f)
    fee = f;
    public void setRentedDate(int yR, int mR, int dR)
    rentedDate = new Date(yR,mR,dR);
    public String getLicenseNum()
    return licenseNum;
    public int getYearMade()
    return yearMade;
    public char getCategory()
    return category;
    public double getFee()
    return fee;
    public Date getRentedDate()
    return rentedDate;
    public String toString()
    DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    return licenseNum + " " + yearMade + " " + category + " " + twoDigits.format( fee ) + " " + rentedDate.toString();
    public class Date
    private int month;
    private int day;
    private int year;
    public Date( int yr, int mn, int dy )
    if ( mn > 0 && mn <= 12 )
    month = mn;
    month = 0;
    year = yr;
    day = checkDay( dy );
    private int checkDay( int testDay )
    int daysPerMonth[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30,
    31, 30, 31, 31, 30,
    31, 30, 31 };
    if ( testDay > 0 && testDay <= daysPerMonth[ month ] )
    return testDay;
    if ( month == 2 && testDay == 29 &&
    ( year % 400 == 0 || ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ) ) )
    return testDay;
    return 0;
    public String toString()
    return fourNumber.format(year) + "/" + twoNumber.format(month) + "/" + twoNumber.format(day);
    I have tried to put the actionPerformed sections into different sections. For each if or else if, I've tried to put them into another function. But still it didn't work. Can you tell me what's wrong with my logic and can you fix it? Thanks!

    Hi there,
    Your code as is is giving exceptions on hitting displaynext button after the first 2 cars are displayed.
    Pl find below some changes to yuor code, now displaynest, search and clear buttons work fine.
    In order to make the Change and Add buttons work, what you need to do is, instead of hardcoding the Car values in an array as you have done, store these values in a file or database table and only then, you will bw able to add or change these values. Cheers.
    import java.lang.String.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class CarRental extends JFrame implements ActionListener
              private Car cars[] = new Car[10];
              private char ct;
              private Date d;
              private double f, fee;
              private int addCount, carCount = 0, displayCount = 0;
              private int searchCount = 0, yMade, yRented, mRented, dRented;
              private JButton bDisplayNext, bClear, bSearch,bAdd, bChange;
              private JLabel lLicense, lYear, lCategory, lFee, lDateRented, lMessage;
              private JPanel infoPanel, buttonPanel, messagePanel, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4, panel5;
              private JRadioButton rbSubcompact, rbIntermediate, rbLuxury;
              private JTextField tLicense, tYear, tFee, tDateRented;
              private String licsNum, feeVal, yVal, mVal, dVal, dateVal, rf, searchString;
              DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
              DecimalFormat twoNumber = new DecimalFormat("00");
              DecimalFormat fourNumber = new DecimalFormat("0000");
              public CarRental()
                        super("Madterp's Rental Cars");
                        cars[0] = new Car("ABC111",1999,'S',100,0,0,0);
                        cars[1] = new Car("DEF222",2002,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[2] = new Car("GHJ333",2003,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[3] = new Car("KLM444",2004,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[4] = new Car("NOP555",2005,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[5] = new Car("QRS666",2006,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[6] = new Car("TUV777",2007,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[7] = new Car("XYZ888",2002,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[8] = new Car("AAA888",2002,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        cars[9] = new Car("BBB222",2002,'I',160,2002,2,2);
                        carCount += 10;
                        infoPanel = new JPanel();
                        infoPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));
                        panel1 = new JPanel();
                        lLicense = new JLabel("License Number: ");
                        tLicense = new JTextField(30);
                        panel2 = new JPanel();
                        lYear = new JLabel("Year Made: ");
                        tYear = new JTextField(30);
                        panel3 = new JPanel();
                        lCategory = new JLabel("Category: ");
                        rbSubcompact = new JRadioButton("S", true);
                        rbIntermediate = new JRadioButton("I",false);
                        rbLuxury = new JRadioButton("L",false);
                        panel4 = new JPanel();
                        lFee = new JLabel("Daily Rental Fee: ");
                        tFee = new JTextField(30);
                        panel5 = new JPanel();
                        lDateRented = new JLabel("Date Rented: ");
                        tDateRented = new JTextField(30);
                        buttonPanel = new JPanel();
                        buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5,3,3));
                        bDisplayNext = new JButton("Display Next");
                        bClear = new JButton("Clear");
                        bSearch = new JButton("Search");
                        bAdd = new JButton("Add");
                        bChange = new JButton("Change");
                        messagePanel = new JPanel();
                        messagePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                        lMessage = new JLabel("");
                        Container c = getContentPane();
                        c.add(infoPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                        c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        c.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              public static void main(String args[])
                   CarRental app = new CarRental();
                        (new WindowAdapter()
                                       public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (e.getSource() == bDisplayNext)
                        if ( displayCount > 9)
                             lMessage.setText("No More Cars!");
                                  licsNum = cars[displayCount].getLicenseNum();
                                  yVal = fourNumber.format(cars[displayCount].getYearMade());
                                  ct = cars[displayCount].getCategory();
                                  rf = twoDigits.format(cars[displayCount].getFee());
                                  d = cars[displayCount].getRentedDate();
                                  if (ct == 'S' || ct == 's')
                                  else if (ct == 'I' || ct == 'i')
                                  else if (ct == 'L' || ct == 'l')
                                  displayCount += 1;
              else if (e.getSource() == bSearch)
                        int found = 0, noOfFound = 0;
                        DecimalFormat fourNumber = new DecimalFormat("0000");
                        DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
                        searchString = tLicense.getText();
                        searchCount = 0;
                        if (searchString != "")
                                  while (searchCount < carCount && found != 1)
                                       licsNum = cars[searchCount].getLicenseNum();
                                            if (searchString.equals(licsNum)) {
                                                      yVal = fourNumber.format(cars[searchCount].getYearMade());
                                                      ct = cars[searchCount].getCategory();
                                                      rf = twoDigits.format(cars[searchCount].getFee());
                                                      d = cars[searchCount].getRentedDate();
                                                      found = 1;
                                            else {
                                                 found = 0;
                                            if (noOfFound > 0) {
                                                      lMessage.setText("Search Found!");
                                            else     {
                                                 lMessage.setText("Search Not Found!");
                             else     {
                                  lMessage.setText("Search Not Valid!");
                   else if (e.getSource() == bAdd)
                                  int count = 0;
                                  int foundEmpty = 0;
                                  while (count < 10 && foundEmpty != 1)
                                       String s = cars[count].getLicenseNum();
                                            if (s != "")
                                                      foundEmpty = 0;
                                                 foundEmpty = 1;
                                  if ( count < 10 )
                                            licsNum = tLicense.getText();
                                            feeVal = tFee.getText();
                                            yVal = tYear.getText();
                                            dateVal = tDateRented.getText();
                                            if (feeVal != "")     {
                                                 fee = Double.parseDouble(feeVal);
                                            else {
                                                 fee = 0;
                                            if (yVal != "")     {
                                                 yMade = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
                                            else {
                                                 yMade = 0;
                                            if (rbSubcompact.isSelected()) {
                                                 ct = 'S';
                                            if (rbIntermediate.isSelected()) {
                                                 ct = 'I';
                                            if (rbLuxury.isSelected()) {
                                                 ct = 'L';
                                            if (dateVal != "") {
                                                      int s1 = dateVal.indexOf("/");
                                                      int s2 = dateVal.indexOf("/", s1+1);
                                                      int i = 0;
                                                      while (i < s1) {
                                                                yVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                                      i = s1 + 1;
                                                      while (i < s2) {
                                                                mVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                                      i = s2 + 1;
                                                      while (i < dateVal.length()) {
                                                                dVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                                      yRented = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
                                                      mRented = Integer.parseInt(mVal);
                                                      dRented = Integer.parseInt(dVal);
                                                 else {
                                                                yRented = 0;
                                                                mRented = 0;
                                                                dRented = 0;
                                                 cars[count] = new Car(licsNum, yMade, ct, fee, yRented, mRented, dRented);
                                       else {
                                            lMessage.setText("No More Room To Add A New Car!");
                        if (e.getSource() == bChange)
                                  searchString = tLicense.getText();
                                  feeVal = tFee.getText();
                                  yVal = tYear.getText();
                                  dateVal = tDateRented.getText();
                                  int searchCount = 0;
                                  if (searchString != "")
                                            while (searchCount < carCount )
                                                 licsNum = cars[searchCount].getLicenseNum();
                                                      if (searchString.equals(licsNum)) {
                                                                displayCount = searchCount;
                                  if (feeVal != "")                              {
                                       fee = Double.parseDouble(feeVal);
                                  else {
                                       fee = 0;
                                  if (yVal != "")     {
                                       yMade = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
                                  else {
                                       yMade = 0;
                                  if (rbSubcompact.isSelected()){
                                       ct = 'S';
                                  else if (rbIntermediate.isSelected()){
                                       ct = 'I';
                                  else if (rbLuxury.isSelected()){
                                       ct = 'L';
                                  if (dateVal != "")
                                            int s1 = dateVal.indexOf("/");
                                            int s2 = dateVal.indexOf("/", s1+1);
                                            int i = 0;
                                            while (i < s1){
                                                      yVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                            i = s1 + 1;
                                            while (i < s2){
                                                      mVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                            i = s2 + 1;
                                            while (i < dateVal.length()){
                                                      dVal += dateVal.charAt(i);
                                            yRented = Integer.parseInt(yVal);
                                            mRented = Integer.parseInt(mVal);
                                            dRented = Integer.parseInt(dVal);
                                            yRented = 0;
                                            mRented = 0;
                                            dRented = 0;
                                  if (displayCount <= carCount)
                                            cars[displayCount].setRentedDate(yRented, mRented, dRented);
                                       lMessage.setText("No car to change!");
                        else if (e.getSource() == bClear)
                                  displayCount = 0;
              public class Car
                        private String licenseNum;
                        private int yearMade;
                        private char category;
                        private double fee;
                        private Date rentedDate;
                        public Car(String l, int yM, char c, double f, int yR, int mR, int dR){
                        public void setLicenseNum(String l){
                             licenseNum = l;
                        public void setYearMade(int yM){
                             yearMade = yM;
                        public void setCategory(char c){
                             category = c;
                        public void setFee(double f){
                             fee = f;
                        public void setRentedDate(int yR, int mR, int dR){
                             rentedDate = new Date(yR,mR,dR);
                        public String getLicenseNum(){
                             return licenseNum;
                        public int getYearMade(){
                             return yearMade;
                        public char getCategory(){
                             return category;
                        public double getFee(){
                             return fee;
                        public Date getRentedDate(){
                             return rentedDate;
                        public String toString() {
                                  DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
                                  return licenseNum + " " + yearMade + " " + category + " " + twoDigits.format( fee ) + " " + rentedDate.toString();
              public class Date
                        private int month;
                        private int day;
                        private int year;
                        public Date( int yr, int mn, int dy ) {
                                  if ( mn > 0 && mn <= 12 )     {
                                       month = mn;
                                  else           {
                                       month = 0;
                                  year = yr;
                                  day = checkDay( dy );
                        private int checkDay( int testDay ) {
                             int daysPerMonth[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30,     31, 30, 31, 31, 30,     31, 30, 31 };
                                  if ( testDay > 0 && testDay <= daysPerMonth[ month ] ) {
                                       return testDay;
                                  if ( month == 2 && testDay == 29 && ( year % 400 == 0 || ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ) ) ) {
                                       return testDay;
                             return 0;
                        public String toString()
                             return fourNumber.format(year) + "/" + twoNumber.format(month) + "/" + twoNumber.format(day);

  • HP Pavilion dv6 notebook crashed, and won't run properly anymore

    A couple of days ago, my notebook froze, whilst I was listening to music, and everything switched to "Not Responding". The first two or three times it started to work again. But one time it just kept saying that, so I had to force shut down it. I run Windows 8 on it. When I restarted it, it went to the Windows 8 screen whilst loading, then a black screen. It remained on that screen for a while, so I force shut down the notebook again. When I restarted it, the notebooks automatically went into System Recovery, and attempted to fix system errors. It went to another black screen, and in some impatience, I force shut down the notebook again. I assume this may have resulted in the corruption of some system files. I restarted it again, but this time left it running overnight, again the notebook was trying to do a System Recovery. The next morning I came back to the notebook, and it was on the login screen. It took a very long time attempting to login, and I was in a rush to leave that morning, so force shut it down again. It worked, but very very slowly. It would take ages to even open My Documents. One problem that occurred sometimes was that when I restarted, it would say "boot device not found", and then a couple more force shut downs and start ups later it would find the hard drive. But it still ran really slowly. I realized that it wasn't just going to work like this, so attempted to copy all of my file onto an external hard drive. I left that running overnight, and when I came back in the morning, the notebook was again on the "boot device not found" screen. After that, it refused to do anything but show that same screen, so my cousin, who works in IT, booted Windows 7 onto it from a USB. He tried to work with getting the notebook running, and spent a whole day on it, it ran so slowly, but found that the system files had been corrupted. And there was no access to my hard drive because both the system files and my personal files were on one C: drive, rather than partitions. He spent the afternoon trying to use a file recovery software, and said it managed to get about 90% done, and the approximate file count he stated sounded similar to how many it stated it had found to copy, when I attempted to copy all of my files. So, I'm assuming it's possible to recover my files, though right now I have no access to them. I have no problem with restoring it to it's factory default settings, installing a new operating system, etc, but I really really need my files. I have spent way too much time collectively creating a massive database of various files, in two or so years of use, and it's very unsettling that I may have just lost everything. So, what the hell happened? And how do I fix it? Will I need to send my laptop to HP, because I have no problem in that either, it's of no use to me right now, anyways?

    Hello Aeonica,
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    I understand the computer is unable to detect a boot device and run properly. I will do my best to assist you.
    To troubleshoot the issue, HP released a document on this hardware error. If you try these steps, you may be able to resolve the boot device error: Resolve Boot Device not Found Error Message
    I believe these steps will resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the computer should be serviced if the issue is not resolved. To do this, please contact HP phone support. You can utilize this website to learn how to contact HP appropriately, based on your region: Contact HP Worldwide
    Please let me know how it goes. Thanks!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • HT3680 macbook drive is so full that finder won't run properly in order to delete any files

    MacBook Pro hard disk is so full that it won't start properly.
    Finder stops responding.
    Tried to install OmniDiskSweeper, but there isn't enough disk space to install it.
    Computer sometimes will boot in Safe mode, sometimes it won't
    Disk Utiility finds a couple of minor things and successfully repairs them
    Is there any other way to locate and delete files other than Finder?

    I still haven't figured out how to get the two of them connect so I can transfer files directly. 
    Transfer files between two computers using target disk mode

  • Finished writing amazing code that compiles but won't run properly

    I finished writing this code for someone and it compiles but it does not run properly. Anyone see any problems? Any help would be gladly appreciated.
    /* Program is for the Coconut Grove Palace Building. This program keeps track of the building occupants and the maintenance for each tenant using a simple menu system. */
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Grove {
    private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    /* Declaring values that will not change throughout the program. The plus one is so that people don't get confused */
    private static final int TOTAL_BUILDING_MAX = 16 + 1;
    private static final int TOTAL_FLOOR_MAX = 8 + 1;
    private static final int APARTMENT_MAX = 4 + 1;
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    // Declare main variable
         int cocoPalace[][] = new int[2][3];
         char menuChoice;
         int aptNumber = 0;
         int floorNumber = 0;
         int totalFloor = 0;
         int totalBuilding = 0;
    //Fill up the array with the original amount of 2 people per apartment
         for (int dex = 0; dex <3; dex++)
                   cocoPalace[0][dex] = 2;
                   cocoPalace[1][dex] = 2;     
         System.out.println("Welcome to the coconut grove palace");
    //Main part of the program that is essentially the menu screen.     
              //method that calculates the maintenance that will be used several times
              double buildingMaintenance = calculateMaintenance(cocoPalace);
              //Menu System using a switch command with nested for loops and other code.
                   System.out.println("(A)partment, (B)uilding, (P)eople, E(x)it");
                   menuChoice = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0);
                        switch (menuChoice)     
                   case 'a':
                   //Idiot proof 1
                   System.out.println("Please enter floor number :");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (floorNumber > 2)
                   System.out.println("Floor number must be between 1 and 2. Try again:");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 2               
                   System.out.println("Please enter apartmentNumber :");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (aptNumber > 3)
                   System.out.println("Apartment number must be between 1 and 3. Try again:");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   System.out.println("Floor number" + cocoPalace[floorNumber] + "Apartment number" + cocoPalace[floorNumber][aptNumber] + " : " + buildingMaintenance);
                   case 'b':
                   for (int dex2 = 0; dex2 < 3; dex2++)
                   System.out.println("Floor number 1 Apartment number " + cocoPalace[0][dex2] + " : " + buildingMaintenance);                    
                   for (int dex3 = 0; dex3 < 2; dex3++)
                   System.out.println("Floor number 2 Apartment number " + cocoPalace[1][dex3] + " : " + buildingMaintenance);                    
                   case 'p':
                   //Idiot proof 1
                   System.out.println("Please enter floor number : ");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (floorNumber > 3)
                   System.out.println("Floor number must be between 1 and 2. Try again: ");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 2               
                   System.out.println("Please enter apartment number : ");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (aptNumber > 4)
                   System.out.println("Apartment number must be between 1 and 3. Try again: ");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 3 with the amount of people being added at the same time.
                   System.out.println("How many people will there be : ");
                   int amountPeople = keyboard.nextInt();
                   cocoPalace[floorNumber][aptNumber] = amountPeople;
                   while (amountPeople > APARTMENT_MAX || totalBuilding > TOTAL_BUILDING_MAX || totalFloor > TOTAL_FLOOR_MAX )
              System.out.print("Too many people in building. Please try again : ");
                   amountPeople = keyboard.nextInt();
                        cocoPalace[floorNumber][aptNumber] = amountPeople;
         while (menuChoice != 'x'|| menuChoice != 'a' || menuChoice != 'p' || menuChoice != 'b');
    //Method to calculate maintenance.
    private static double calculateMaintenance(int cocoPalace[][])
         int amountPeople = 0;
         for (int dex4 = 0; dex4 < 2; dex4++)
                   amountPeople += cocoPalace[0][dex4];
                   amountPeople += cocoPalace[1][dex4];
                   cocoPalace[0][dex4] = 2;
                   cocoPalace[1][dex4] = 2;     
              double buildingMaintenance = 5000/(amountPeople);

    ok the array problem is fixed i was having a simple "one off" mistake when accessing the array.
    As for the error that i keep getting. I honestly can't see where the problem with this is in code.
    The it cant be equalt to nothing because this is written so that it has to equal a letter before the program actually runs through everything. Thanks again for the help
    here is the error that i am getting when the program runs.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
    at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:558)
    at Grove.main(Grove.java:46)
    Here is the code with the new corrections.
    /* Program is for the Coconut Grove Palace Building. This program keeps track of the building occupants and the maintenance for each tenant using a simple menu system. */
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Grove {
    private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    /* Declaring values that will not change throughout the program. The plus one is so that people don't get confused */
    private static final int TOTAL_BUILDING_MAX = 16 + 1;
    private static final int TOTAL_FLOOR_MAX = 8 + 1;
    private static final int APARTMENT_MAX = 4 + 1;
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    // Declare main variable
         int cocoPalace[][] = new int[2][3];
         char menuChoice;
         int totalFloor = 0;
         int totalBuilding = 0;
    //Fill up the array with the original amount of 2 people per apartment
         for (int dex = 0; dex <3; dex++)
                   cocoPalace[0][dex] = 2;
                   cocoPalace[1][dex] = 2;     
         System.out.println("Welcome to the coconut grove palace");
    //Main part of the program that is essentially the menu screen.     
         //Variables intialized
         int aptNumber = 0;
         int floorNumber = 0;
              //method that calculates the maintenance that will be used several times
              double buildingMaintenance = calculateMaintenance(cocoPalace);
              //Menu System using a switch command with nested for loops and other code.
                   System.out.println("(A)partment, (B)uilding, (P)eople, E(x)it");
                   menuChoice = keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0);
                        switch (menuChoice)     
                   case 'a':
                   //Idiot proof 1
                   System.out.println("Please enter floor number     :");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (floorNumber > 2)
                   System.out.println("Floor number must be between 1 and 2. Try again:");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 2               
                   System.out.println("Please enter apartmentNumber  :");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (aptNumber > 3)
                   System.out.println("Apartment number must be between 1 and 3. Try again:");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   System.out.println("Floor number" + cocoPalace[floorNumber] + "Apartment number" + cocoPalace[floorNumber - 1][aptNumber - 1] + "  :  " + buildingMaintenance);
                   case 'b':
                   for (int dex2 = 0; dex2 < 3; dex2++)
                   System.out.println("Floor number 1 Apartment number  " + cocoPalace[0][dex2] + "  :  " + buildingMaintenance);                    
                   for (int dex3 = 0; dex3 < 2; dex3++)
                   System.out.println("Floor number 2 Apartment number  " + cocoPalace[1][dex3] + "  :  " + buildingMaintenance);                    
                   case 'p':
                   //Idiot proof 1
                   System.out.println("Please enter floor number     : ");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (floorNumber > 2)
                   System.out.println("Floor number must be between 1 and 2. Try again: ");
                   floorNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 2               
                   System.out.println("Please enter apartment number : ");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   while (aptNumber > 3)
                   System.out.println("Apartment number must be between 1 and 3. Try again: ");
                   aptNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //Idiot proof 3 with the amount of people being added at the same time.
                   System.out.println("How many people will there be : ");
                   int amountPeople = keyboard.nextInt();
                   cocoPalace[floorNumber - 1][aptNumber - 1] = amountPeople;
                   while (amountPeople > APARTMENT_MAX || totalBuilding > TOTAL_BUILDING_MAX || totalFloor > TOTAL_FLOOR_MAX  )
                          System.out.print("Too many people in building. Please try again : ");
                               amountPeople = keyboard.nextInt();
                        cocoPalace[floorNumber - 1][aptNumber - 1] = amountPeople;
         while (menuChoice != 'x'|| menuChoice != 'a' || menuChoice != 'p' || menuChoice != 'b');
    //Method to calculate maintenance.
    private static double calculateMaintenance(int cocoPalace[][])
         int amountPeople = 0;
         for (int dex4 = 0; dex4 < 2; dex4++)
                   amountPeople += cocoPalace[0][dex4];
                   amountPeople += cocoPalace[1][dex4];
                   cocoPalace[0][dex4] = 2;
                   cocoPalace[1][dex4] = 2;     
              double buildingMaintenance = 5000/(amountPeople);

  • After Win 8.1 upgrade, Acrobat 9 Pro suddenly won't run

    I have Web Premium CS4, and Acrobat Pro v. 9.5.5.  I bought a new  Window 8.0 computer 90 days ago, installed the suite, activated, and everything ran fine. Yesterday, I upgraded to Win 8.1. Now, when I open Acrobat Pro, I get a pop-up message saying that it was installed as part of a suite, and to open another program in the suite first. When I click OK, Acrobat closes. I have tried opening nearly every other program in the suite (Bridge, Flash, Photoshop 64-bit), they run OK, but Acrobat will still not run, and there are no activation messages.  I checked my Adobe account, and my version of Acrobat Pro 9 is still listed, with serial number.
    I'm very disappointed, as I use Acrobat Pro quite a bit, and currently it will not stay open at all. Other than telephoning Adobe for help (no free support # listed), or using on-line chat (no link available), or e-mailing them (no address listed)...what can I do to "activate" it?
    I've tried opening Acrobat Distiller and get the same message, but when I close it, I see a brief flash of what appears to be an input box with activation stuff.  It only appears for half-a-second, so I cannot do anything with it.

    Bill, thanks for that info. I don't think I would ever expect to get any support from Adobe on these programs, since I stopped buying revisions after CS4. I was surprised that I was even able to successfully install the CS4 Web suite onto Win 8.0, and Win 8.1 probably adds another couple hundred million lines of redundant code from our friends in Bill Gates-Land.
    However, my A-Pro9 problem did resolve unexpectedly!  I tried opening all the suite's programs, one at a time, and then Acrobat, with no luck. Then I realized that the suite had installed both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Photoshop (I use the 64-bit version) onto my new 64-bit computer.  So, when I opened the *32-bit Photoshop* for a minute, closed it, and re-opened Acrobat 9, it went back to working normally.  I'll take it! 

  • Flash Player Update won't run properly on my Windows Vista / IE 9

    I am having problems with updating the Adobe Flash Player. The player is installed and recognizes that an update is available. I select to download and install the update and an internet explorer window opens and I am given the opportunity to click the "Download Now" button. However once i do the screen changes for a while to a progress bar titled "Step 1 of 3" and "Initializing" which then changes to "Step 2 of 3" that shows "If you encounter any issues downloading Adobe Flash Player, Click here." but never does anything else. When I take advantage of the 'click here' option or the "Need Help?" prompt in the upper right corner I get another screen overlay showing the following. The problem is I am not getting any of the prompts shown below. It is as if the download never started. And no the prompts shown below are not really apearing and just hiding behind another open window on my screen. It seems to me that the update and download functions are broken. The same thing happens if i go directly to the ADOBE site and try to initiate the install or updates directly from there. Can someone help with this?
    When File Download dialog box appears, click Run.  Security scan will run automatically.
    When User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes.
    Note : If you are still unable to download Adobe Flash Player, click the Back button on your browser. Then click Install/Download now and select the option to  Save and Run.

    Hi jwklingon,
    Thanks for confirming the behaviour, much appreciated.  The online installer that you were using (aih in the file name) downloads the Flash Player installer silently in the background and installs it silently.  It appears that, for some reason, the download was not occurring.  The link Andy provided has the offline installers, which are the full installers and don't download anything in the background.  Those should work on your system.  If it doesn't, please provide a screenshot of the error the displays, if any.
    Thank you.

  • HT1926 I've successfully updated itunes and quicktime on windows XP but itunes won't run properly, the video tutorial loses audio after about 1-2 minutes and when I plug in my iphone 4s to sync the whole thing freezes, any ideas?

    Hi everyone,
    was prompted to upgrade itunes on my PC and also upgrade the software on my iphone 4s.Went through as usual but took 3 goes to get a successful upgrade of itunes on the PC. Then was prompted to update quick time, this was done successfully.
    Thought I'd look at the tutorial video for itunes - the sound went off 11/2 minutes into it, then I couldn't stop it. I had a quick look around itunes and decided to sync my phone. The program recognised the phone then everything froze. Windows message for a non responding program came up and had to pull out of the program. So far after several hours I have not been able to get beyond stage 2 of 7 of syncing the phone; it keeps freezing up at different stages.
    Any ideas?? I haven't had this kind of trouble before with any other version of itunes.

    Still nothing? Wow... maybe the quality of this discussion board really has gone down. Dissappointed.

  • AVi movies (MPEG-4 AVI format) suddenly won't play properly in iPhoto 6.0.5

    Since updating iPhoto to v.6.0.5, all of my old AVI movies in iPhoto (taken with a CASIO Exilim digital camera and uploaded earlier to my iMac G5) show only a blank screen when played and now only play the sound that was recorded. The "thumbnails still show a ppicture. They played very well before. New movies uploaded to iPhoto now show up as blank "thumbnails" and only play the sound. What gives?? Can I get the old version of iPhot back? Can someone help me?

    Did you upgrade Quicktime as well?
    Have you checked the Casio Website for an update?

  • IDVD won't run properly

    When I go to use iDVD it opens very slowly with the spinning color wheel of death. Once the tool bar at top is up, nothing else pops up and you can't do anything other than force quit. Wondering how to resolve this.

    Hey Terry,
    That link is to an article on Apple's website that among other things discusses how to correctly uninstall/reinstall an iLife application (of which iDVD is one).
    If you try the other steps given thus far and none of them take care of your issue you can follow the link I provided and look under the section of the article titled "Remove receipts and reinstall iLife applications".
    _This will guide you through removing iDVD and then reinstalling it fresh.

  • Power Point won't run

    Suddenly the Power Point application won't run properly it open but it would not run the presentation. Any solution to this matter?

    Since PowerPoint is not an Apple product, you'll probably want to use a forum dedicated to Microsoft's Mac products such as <http://www.microsoft.com/mac/community/community.aspx?pid=newsgroups> rather than an Apple forum that focuses on compatibility issues between Macs and Windows.
    Be sure to search the forum first in case someone has already had a similar question answered

  • T61 power adaptors do nothing - won't run computer & won't charge battery

    My T61 suddenly won't run on the power adaptor, or charge the battery.   I have several OEM power adaptors and none of them do anything plugged into this T61.  The computer runs fine on a battery charged in another T61.

    Assuming the power adapters are good, you'll need to replace the motherboard.
    ThinkPad W-510 i7-820QM(1.73-3.06GHz) Quad Core... ThinkPad T500, T9900, 8gb SSD...FrankNpad T-60p/61p (X9000 2.8ghz) 8gb SSD ips FlexView...ThinkPad T-61p (T9300 2.5ghz) 8gb ram...Thinkpad X-61 Tablet 4gb ram...ThinkPad A-31 (1.9ghz P4 1.5gb ram)

  • Iweb won't open properly

    I'm using iWeb '09 on a MacBookPro. It's all been fine, but it suddenly won't open properly. The options in the drop down menus are greyed out and it doesn't open to an iWeb page. The iWeb name appears in the menu bar, but nothing works. I've tried force-quitting it a few times, and I've shut down and started up again a few times, but no good. When I click on the iWeb icon in the dock it doesn't 'bounce' properly.
    Anyone got any thoughts? Thanks very much. x

    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file, com.apple.iWeb.plist, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder.
    2 - go to your User/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete the contents.
    3 - reboot.
    4 - launch iWeb and see if it will open.
    If that doesn't help continue:
    5 - move the domain file from your User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
    6 - launch iWeb, create a new test site and save.
    7 - go to the your User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and delete the new domain file.
    8 - move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    9 - launch iWeb and try again.

  • Keypad won't work properly on 'A'

    I need help about my keyboard. i'm using a curve 8520 on 0S5.
    My letter 'A' in the keyboard suddenly won't work properly.. Just a soft touch and it would appear automatically... in Uppercase. Because of this, i am having a hard time when typing. i copy paste the lower case 'a' so typing would be easy.
    Also, since the 'lock' is also in that key, my phone would always lock automatically and with that... my phone seems to go 'off' and i would have to longpress any key so it would come alive again.
    i tried the application clean-up thing in the desktop manager as @BlackberryHelp tweeted me when i asked them about this but still there are no changes.. i also tried putting a tissue in the back of the metal plate thing. i am so worried coz i just got this phone 3 months ago. Please help me about this! Thank you so much.

    i managed to unlock my phone by keeping power on, remove battery and presto its unlocked. problem is stil letter "a" in keypad is not working can anyone suggest how to fix it instead of going to a technician?

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