KDE 5 fails to connect to wifi at boot...

Every time I reboot, KDE's network manager attempts to connect to my wifi network, and hangs at "Waiting for authentication". I end up having to delete the connection and give it my password again. Is anyone else having this issue?
On my previous Arch install I was using Wicd instead of NetworkManager, and somehow it "just worked" with KDE.
Sorry if I seem noobish with my lack of 3 pages of relevant info, I'm by no means a guru.
Edit: it seems to be a problem with NetworkManager itself I'm having. It's apparently bringing my ethernet interface up, even though I'm not plugged in and I'm 20 feet from my router. Is there a way to just disable my ethernet hardware or set a preference for wifi?
Last edited by ArgentWarrior (2015-06-11 11:44:06)

i have the same problem for few days only, it worked fine 2 weeks ago. I have to delete the connection and to send back my password.

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    Hello *,
    after upgrading my iPad 3 to iOS 6 it constantly fails to connect to WiFi with WPA2 and AES - hidden or broadcasted SSID - at home and at work because the device does not accept the WPA2 password. This is also the case for my iPhone 4S but both devices did work with WiFi (WPA2 / AES) perfectly with previously installed iOS 5.1.1.
    I tried to downgrade to iOS 5.1.1 but it seems to be no longer possible to downgrade for both iPad 3 and iPhone 4S as the certification and signage window for iOS 5.1.1 maybe has been closed by Apple.
    Does anyone know about a possible solution to connect to WiFi with WPA2 and AES with iPad 3 / iPhone 4S and iOS 6 upgrade?
    Thank you very much for any help and advise.
    Best regards from Germany

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2398063?start=60&tstart=0
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • IMac does not connect to wifi on boot

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    Index: 62294
    Zeit: 19.09.2012 21:08:28
    Interface: WLAN-1
    Ereignis: Rejected Association from WLAN station xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx []: ()
    Adresse: xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Grund: Cannot support all requested capabilities in Capability Information field
    It has worked flawlessly in the past with iOS 5 on my new iPad and iPhone 4. At the moment I hestitate to update my iPhone too.
    Anyone with the same issue or an idea how to fix it?
    Thanks in advance, greetings from Stuttgart (Germany),

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2398063?start=60&tstart=0
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    MSohm (Edit note) - Moved message to new thread and edited subject.

    Try turning off the power again, but this time disconnect the power cord and USB cable for 5 minutes.
    Then reconnect the power cord and turn on and check the network settings (in case the IP address has changed - it should not have but check anyway). Then open Network Utility (Applications > Utilities) and select the Ping tab. Enter the IP address of the MX860 and press Ping. You should get a ping response for each packet sent. If you do, then it shows there is a working path between the Mac and the MX. If there is no response, then there is an issue with the wireless connection between the Mac and the MX.

  • IPad Fails to connect to wifi, but shows the wifi icon

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    1. It is a new network so all the routers have the most up to date firmware. 
    2. I have tried to connect with my iPad2 and iPad both without success.  The iPad was recently wiped clean and set up for my son.
    3. I can connect to my home network, my sprint mifi card, and other networks (hotels, starbucks) with no problem.
    4. Laptops can connect with out issue to the network.
    5. Others have been able to connect their iPhone to the network.
    6. One other person could not connect their iPod Touch to the network.  He gets the same response that I do.  I don't know anyone else with an iPad that works in my building.  However see item two above.
    7. It is using WPA security.
    8. I have reset network settings numerous times on both iPads and rebooted both iPads numerous times.
    9. I am able to connect to another wifi network in our building.  Both networks use the same security and password.
    This is what happens:
    1. Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi and choose my companies wireless network.
    2. It asks for the password and I type it in (Trust me I am typing it in correctly.  I have done it about a hundred times now.)
    3. Recieve the message "Unable to join the network," I hit Dismiss and Cancel.
    4. I get the Checkmark next to the wireless network I just tried to join.  If you click the blue arrow I get an IP address, but NO "Forget This Network" Option.  I also have the wifi icon next to the word iPad in the upper left corner of the screen.  It will also not load any Safari pages.  Safari states "Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the internet."
    I have also tried:
    1. Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi and choose "Other."
    2. Type in the SSID name and choose WPA, Type the password.
    3. Hit "Join" & get the message "Could not find the network"
    4. I hit Dismiss and Cancel.
    5. I get the Checkmark next to the wireless network I just tried to join.  If you click the blue arrow I get an IP address, but NO "Forget This Network" Option.  I also have the wifi icon next to the word iPad in the upper left corner of the screen.  It will also not load any Safari pages.  Safari states "Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the internet."
    Please help.  I have read many articles on this forum and tried everything without success. 

    If you are getting a 169... IP, then you are not connected. That is a self-assigned IP that the iPad is giving itself because the router is not giving it one.
    Is it possible that you are not selecting the correct WPA security protocol for your network?

  • [SOLVED] NetworkManager failing to connect to wifi networks

    Up until yesterday NetworkManager had been working fine on my network. Then yesterday it began dropping internet access (but still reporting that it was connected to the network) and eventually dropping the connection entirely. This has been happening whenever I attempt to connect to the network.
    Now, nm will not even connect to the network, it appears to attempt authentication but fails. Ethernet however, works perfectly.
    Here are some of my logs:
    Last edited by tormund (2015-04-19 19:26:06)

    Xabre wrote:
    Apr 19 11:52:22 tormund NetworkManager[352]: <info> (wlp1s0): device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ip-config-unavailable') [70 120 5]
    Is ip-config available on your system?
    ip-config isn't a program/package (on linux at least). This message just means that DHCP is timing out.
    This thread may be relevant: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=146261. You could also try a different dhcp client.

  • Fail in connecting school WIFI

    When I use ios 3.2.2 I can conect WIFI without difficult. But after upgrade into ios 4.2.1 I can't log in School Wifi again. Our school use WPA 802.1x wifi. What can i do?
    Thx for help

    Have you tried resetting network setting? (Settings>General>Reset)

  • Canon MX860 Fails to connect via wifi

    Our MX860 suddenly stopped working. It's been a reliable printer on our home network for a few years now.
    "Support code 300: The printer does not respond..."
    I turned it off/on, which has been sufficient to resolve any hiccups in the past. No change.
    I restarted the primary Mac (an iMac running 10.8.5). No change.
    I downloaded the latest driver from Canon and installed it. No change.
    I downloaded the Canon IJ Network Tool and connected to the printer via USB and ran through the setup process. It seemed to go smoothly, but at the end where the network version of the printer and scanner are supposed to appear in the Default section of the Add dialog for adding a printer, no dice. The USB printer and FAX entries are there, but no new network printer or scanner entries to select.
    On the front panel of the printer in the WLAN setting list it reports:
    Connection: Active
    SSID: <mywifinetwork>
    Communications mode: Infrastructure
    Channel: 6
    Data encryption: AES
    Network authentication: WPA2-PSK
    WEP bit: Disable
    IP address:
    Subnet mask:
    Default gateway:
    MAC address: 00:00:85:F5:DA:A1
    Any tips/insight on what I should try next would be appreciated.

    Try turning off the power again, but this time disconnect the power cord and USB cable for 5 minutes.
    Then reconnect the power cord and turn on and check the network settings (in case the IP address has changed - it should not have but check anyway). Then open Network Utility (Applications > Utilities) and select the Ping tab. Enter the IP address of the MX860 and press Ping. You should get a ping response for each packet sent. If you do, then it shows there is a working path between the Mac and the MX. If there is no response, then there is an issue with the wireless connection between the Mac and the MX.

  • [SOLVED] NetworkManager doesn't connect Wifi at boot

    Hi all,
    I am again here with a new problem.
    I setup my arch box to boot into console where i login and do startx to open DE.
    The problem is, NetworkManager doesn't connect to WiFi on boot.
    However it is working absolutely fine under DE (KDE). As soon as DE opens, KdeWallet ask for password and then WiFi connected.
    But i want to connect to WiFi in console (without X). It is quite annoying to fire DE just to do a wget.
    I checked, NetworkManager service is enabled and running.
    Here is output of different commands that may help
    dmesg | grep wlp3s0
    [ 5.798296] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0 wlp3s0: renamed from wlan0
    [ 9.970511] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp3s0: link is not ready
    [ 9.970615] bridge-wlp3s0: device is wireless, enabling SMAC
    [ 9.970617] bridge-wlp3s0: up
    [ 9.970620] bridge-wlp3s0: attached
    [ 9.970645] bridge-wlp3s0: disabling the bridge
    [ 9.983966] bridge-wlp3s0: down
    [ 9.983972] bridge-wlp3s0: detached
    systemctl status NetworkManager
    ● NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2014-12-18 20:33:26 IST; 1min 35s ago
    Main PID: 341 (NetworkManager)
    CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager.service
    └─341 /usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
    systemctl --type=service
    bluetooth.service loaded active running Bluetooth service
    dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
    [email protected] loaded active running Getty on tty1
    kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel
    NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
    polkit.service loaded active running Authorization Manager
    systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service loaded active exited Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:acpi_video0
    systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-696f8115\x2d2fed\x2d4b28\x2d9fab\x2d834f9c40ece4.service loaded active exited File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/696f8115-2fed-4b28-9fab-834f9c40ece4
    systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-af474e61\x2d31bb\x2d484d\x2db12f\x2d2923fc9cd4f5.service loaded active exited File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/af474e61-31bb-484d-b12f-2923fc9cd4f5
    systemd-journal-flush.service loaded active exited Trigger Flushing of Journal to Persistent Storage
    systemd-journald.service loaded active running Journal Service
    systemd-logind.service loaded active running Login Service
    systemd-random-seed.service loaded active exited Load/Save Random Seed
    systemd-remount-fs.service loaded active exited Remount Root and Kernel File Systems
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill0
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill1
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill2
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill3
    systemd-sysctl.service loaded active exited Apply Kernel Variables
    systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service loaded active exited Create Static Device Nodes in /dev
    systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service loaded active exited Create Volatile Files and Directories
    systemd-udev-trigger.service loaded active exited udev Coldplug all Devices
    systemd-udevd.service loaded active running udev Kernel Device Manager
    systemd-update-utmp.service loaded active exited Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown
    systemd-user-sessions.service loaded active exited Permit User Sessions
    systemd-vconsole-setup.service loaded active exited Setup Virtual Console
    [email protected] loaded active running User Manager for UID 1000
    vmware.service loaded active exited VMware daemon
    vnstat.service loaded active running vnStat network traffic monitor
    wpa_supplicant.service loaded active running WPA supplicant
    LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
    30 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
    To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.
    Can someone guide me?
    Last edited by samtech09 (2014-12-19 14:06:05)

    Hi since no one else was able to help yet I will share this which I see from the Wiki:
    Once the NetworkManager daemon is started, it will automatically connect to any available "system connections" that have already been configured. Any "user connections" or unconfigured connections will need nmcli or an applet to configure and connect.
    Do you have system level connections defined with the necessary keys as opposed to just user connections?  Sorry I don't have specifics as on my laptop I always just used the kde applet and my desktop is wired.
    edit: to add if you have the authentication info stored in your wallet I don't think networkmanager has any way to get to it until you start KDE.  I could be wrong.  Look for another way to define it at the system level perhaps?  Just a guess.
    Last edited by davidm (2014-12-18 20:57:07)

  • IPhone 4 says connected to wifi but shows 3g connection.  I've tried turning off 3g - that does enable the wifi logo, but then when I try to connect to something it changes to 2g.  Tried resetting network connection in general setting.

    I've tried everything.... I see this problem all over the web, but no one seems to have an answer... so I know it's not just me.  Laptops and other wireless devices connecting fine, just iPhone 4 has problem.

    When you say you have tried "everyihing" that doesn't provide enough information to help you, as one person's "everything" is quite different from another person's "everything". In the absence of knowing what you have tried, the following are the most common causes of this problem.
    Turning off 3G will just switch you to EDGE. You can turn off Cellular Data, but that won't make it connect to WiFi if your WiFi isn't working, it will just eliminate all data access to your phone.
    Easiest to try answer if it is only your home WiFi, and it works other places:  Reboot your router.
    Next, update the firmware in your router.
    If it doesn't work with any WiFi anywhere first Reset Network settings. If that doesn't fix it, restore the phone using iTunes.
    You didn't say what symptoms you got, or when you were trying to use WiFi. You do know that the iPhone turns off WiFi when the phone is on standby to preserve battery, right? So if it only fails to connect to WiFi when you are not actively using it that is normal.

  • Ipad2 'fails to connect' to my Wifi.

    My Ipad2 'fails to connect' to my Wifi whereas my Iphone 3GS successfully connects and works without issue on the same router. Wifi is WEP encrypted with 26 character code. The Ipad 2 sees the network, yet will not connect. I have tried the 'reset network settings' option and I'm looking for any further suggestions?

    The process of checking your router settings depends on the router you have.  You will need the manual that came with your router.  If you don't have one, you probably can download a manual from the router manufacturer's website.
    Basically the process is starting your web browser on a computer that is connected to your network.  Entering the IP address of the router in the web address line.  Usually the IP address of the router is the same as the IP address of the computer connected to your network except the last number is 1.  For example if the IP address of the computer is, then the IP address of the router would be
    The next question you may have is how do you find the IP address of the computer. If you have a Windows computer, go to Start/Run or Start/Programs/Accessories/Run. Type in "CMD" (no quote marks) and press the Enter key.  A DOS window will appear.  At the command prompt type "ipconfig" and press the Enter key.  The resulting listing should show you the IP address of the computer and the IP address of your router (listed as Default Gateway.)  If you have a Mac I can't help you, because I don't have a Mac, but I'm sure someone on this forum would be able to help.
    Once you enter th IP Address of your router, you should get a login screen.  You will need to log into the router.  Note that the login password is not the network passcode.  If you do not know the Admin login name and password and you are sure no one has changed the password from the default, the router manual will have this information.
    When you are logged into the router you need to consult the router manual to find out how to check the settings.  If purchance you have a D-link DIR-625 I can help.

  • Wifi scans but fails to connect on Thinkpad W520

    Running Network Manager on a Lenovo Thinkpad W520 and able to scan but unable to connect to wifi.  Wifi works fine in dualboot on Windows, and ethernet works fine in both.
    $ lspci -vv
    03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 35)
    Subsystem: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 3x3 AGN
    Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx+
    Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-
    Latency: 0, Cache Line Size: 64 bytes
    Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 35
    Region 0: Memory at d5300000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]
    Capabilities: <access denied>
    Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi
    $ sudo systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.service
    ● NetworkManager-wait-online.service - Network Manager Wait Online
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2014-12-21 22:58:55 EST; 12min ago
    Main PID: 500 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Dec 21 22:58:55 Defiant systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Dec 21 22:58:55 Defiant systemd[1]: Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online.
    Dec 21 22:58:55 Defiant systemd[1]: Unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service entered failed state.
    Dec 21 22:58:55 Defiant systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service failed.
    $ sudo systemctl status NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
    ● NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-dispatcher.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    $ sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
    ● NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Sun 2014-12-21 22:58:23 EST; 13min ago
    Main PID: 341 (NetworkManager)
    CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager.service
    └─341 /usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> Activation (wlp3s0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) started...
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> (wlp3s0): device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ip-config-unavailable') [70 120 5]
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> Disabling autoconnect for connection 'Bifröst'.
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <warn> Activation (wlp3s0) failed for connection 'Bifröst'
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> Activation (wlp3s0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) complete.
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> (wlp3s0): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> (wlp3s0): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <warn> Connection disconnected (reason -3)
    Dec 21 23:10:12 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <info> (wlp3s0): supplicant interface state: completed -> disconnected
    Dec 21 23:10:15 Defiant NetworkManager[341]: <warn> Could not get scan request result: Scan request rejected
    Additionally, after stopping NetworkManager and trying wifi-menu, it scans correctly but fails to connect, never even prompting for a passphrase.
    So I tried wpa_supplicant on its own:
    $ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp3s0 -c <(wpa_passphrase "Bifr\xc3\xb6st" "mypassword")
    Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
    wlp3s0: failed to initialize driver interface
    For good measure:
    $ rfkill list
    0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no
    1: phy0: Wireless LAN
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no
    2: hci0: Bluetooth
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no
    $ ip a
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: enp0s25: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether f0:de:f1:62:13:b8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s25
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    3: wlp3s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:24:d7:c6:ab:48 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    I'm at a loss. and I've googled my little heart out.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Welcome to the forums - and thanks for a great initial post, all the needed information seems to be here.
    Specifically, the following error from wpa_supplicant will most likely be best to dig into:
    wlp3s0: failed to initialize driver interface
    I see several results of this error in a google search, but none of them quickly translated into solutions yet.  To get some more information on it, could you run the same wpa_supplicant command, but with the verbose debugging flag "-dd" and post the ouput here?
    I don't have a intel wireless card, so I don't know what the diagnostic signs are for the problem addressed in the wiki, but you may want to try the modprobe options shown in this section of the wiki.
    EDIT: there is a similar but unresolved thread on these forums here which points to using the -D flag for wpa_supplicant to specify other drivers.  I was thinking this too upon my first reading, but I don't fully understand what these are so I was reluctant to suggest it.  It certainly can't hurt anything to use the command in the wiki to see which drivers are available, then try each one.
    EDIT 2: and this thread seems to indicate that the -D flag driver specification is the right solution.  So start here with the -D flag and only if that fails follow up with my initial debugging suggestions.
    Last edited by Trilby (2014-12-22 12:52:13)

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