KDE Applications 14.12 repo

The KDE Applications 14.12 pre-release is available for testing in the repository:
Server 1: http://kde-beta.wirephire.com/repo (courtesy of wirephire.com)
Server 2: http://arojas.hol.es/repos/kde-beta/
Pakages are x86_64 only, and signed with the key ID 941C2A25
The following packages are ported to KF5: kwrite, konsole, gwenview, kate, kalgebra, kanagram, khangman, kig, parley, okteta, kapptemplate. They will replace the corresponding KDE4 version. There are also three additional packages katepart4, konsolepart4 and oktetapart4, which are needed for some KDE4 applications that still use their Kparts. You will need to install them manually if you use any of these apps (e.g. yakuake) before upgrading.
Please test and report packaging and upgrading issues in this thread, so that we help making the update as smooth as possible when KDE Applications 14.12 hits [extra]. Other bugs and issues should be reported upstream to http://bugs.kde.org
EDIT 30/11/14: Konversation 1.6 beta (KF5 based) added
EDIT 12/12/14: Calligra 2.9 beta added
EDIT 16/1/15: KDE Applications 14.12 is now in [testing], so removed all outdated beta packages.
Last edited by arojas (2015-01-16 15:46:42)

UPDATE: kdeartwork-kscreensaver + kdeartwork-styles needs kdebase-workspace. Why?
Does anyone understand why installing kde-meta-kdeartwork needs kdebase-workspace in the end?!?
$ sudo pacman -Sp kde-meta-kdeartwork
Last edited by LeonardK (2014-11-30 16:44:51)

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    EDIT / Solution:
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    3. edit /etc/locale.conf and add line LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" (or whatever you decided to use)
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    Dynamic Linking is not working
    If you are on BSDDid you specify the correct libc file during installation
    Dynamic Linking is not working
    If you are on BSDDid you specify the correct libc file during installation
    DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
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    If you are on BSDDid you specify the correct libc file during installation
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    @formoza - Please take a look at: https://www.kde.org/announcements/annou … 4.12.0.php - KDE Applications 14.12 is a very strange Most of these apps are based on kdebase-workspace 4.11.14 (KDE4), only few are KF5 based (kate, kwrite, konsole, gwenview, and few more). Dolphin is still KDE4 apps. There is a 3rd party repository with KDE Apps 14.12 in 14.11.97 (RC1) version, look at: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=190482
    I've allready tried build *-frameworks-git apps from AUR, but it's not possible. Almost all of these apps are build against KF5-git and Plasma5-git, then if you want to build them from AUR, you have to build all KF5-git, Plasma5-git and KDE Apps-git. And... only few more apps will be native Qt5/Plasma5 apps then there're allready in kde-beta repository.
    According to: https://dot.kde.org/2014/12/17/kde-appl … orks-ports KDE Team are expecting the porting of applications to Qt 5 and Frameworks 5 to happen over the next year or two.
    In the other words, most of KDE Applications 14.12 are bug fixes releases to KDE4.14.2 apps
    Personnally, I am user of Plasma5 + KDE Applications from kde-beta repository by arojas. You have to know, that allmost all plasmoids for KDE4 aren't compatibille to Plasma5 platform.
    Last edited by pb (2014-12-26 10:48:53)

  • KDE applications in GNOME menus and vice versa

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    There is a hack explained at http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=26170 that "fixes" this, but it's kind of unusable because:
    1) While it's rather easy to do this for KDE, when I install new KDE applications I have to do this again. It's easy because it's in /opt/kde
    2) GNOME *.desktop is located in /usr/share/applications, and not only GNOME stores its .desktop files there. Makes it hard to ShowOnlyIn=GNOME there.
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    Last edited by sredna (2012-08-09 15:10:14)

    I got no messages on the terminal, and restarting KDE or even rebooting did not help. But killing some stale processes did, so now I just wonder where those came from...
    Thanks for your help anyways!

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    In my .xsession, I am currently exporting
    export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk # Make Qt5 use the GTK+ theme
    export DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome # For something I can't quite remember
    I've also seen XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=gnome vs XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=kde floating around, but neither achieves anything in this regard.
    Does anybody know which setting in which config file I could set to emulate what the KDE configuration GUI does in a KDE session, or what KDE packages I would have to install in order to add the correct settings component to my KDE configuration utilities (KDE4 and/or Plasma 5), or what environment variable to set? A last resort would be installing a full KDE workspace or Plasma 5 and toggling the setting there, but I'd rather avoid doing that.
    Last edited by 2ion (2015-05-07 13:39:25)

    Xabre wrote:
    Would running "kcmshell5 style", or "kcmshell4 style" be an option? Am not sure what you have installed, but under fine tuning tab there, there's exactly what you need.
    Edit: if that doesn't work, .config/kdeglobals
    Change to false and TextOnly, respectively
    Might have to look for another kdeglobals file for kde4 apps, which should be either in .kde4 or in home dir, since there's a bit of a mess currently during transition
    Please excuse my belated reply; thank you for the solution:
    The line
    in kdeglobals removed the icons for KDE 4 applications. For some reason, applications using KDE Frameworks 5.x did never show the button icons to begin with.

  • [kde-unstable] KDE Applications 15.04 Beta

    Packages (x86_64 only) are available for testing in the official [kde-unstable] repo.
    New applications in this release: kdenlive, telepathy-kde
    Ported to KF5 in this release:
    - kdeadmin: kcron
    - kdeedu: blinken, cantor, kbruch, kgeography, kiten klettres, kmplot, kstars, kturtle, kwordquiz, rocs, step
    - kdegames: bomber, bovo, granatier, kapman, katomic, kblackbox, kblocks, kbounce, kbreakout, kdiamond, kfourinline, killbots, kjumpingcube, klines, kmines, knetwalk, kollision, kpatience, kshisen, ksquares
    - kdegraphics: kruler
    - kdesdk: kompare, lokalize
    - kdeutils: filelight, kcalc, kcharselect, ktimer, print-manager
    - kdetoys: kteatime
    Please report packaging issues to bugs.archlinux.org (using [kde-unstable] in the description), upsteam issues to bugs.kde.org
    Known packaging issues:
    - cantor is missing, compilation fails at the moment
    - kdeartwork is not packaged, it's mostly stuff for KDE4 which hasn't been updated for years. Same for kde-wallpapers, kde-base-artwork.
    - l10n packages are not available, so new KF5 apps will not be translated
    - rocs depends on grantlee-qt5, which conflicts with grantlee-qt4, so currently can't be coinstalled with some KDE4 apps such as kdepim, kdevelop or skrooge. Hopefully will be fixed before the final release.
    Last edited by arojas (2015-03-23 21:54:10)

    fishonadish wrote:
    pb wrote:
    MilesRdz wrote:No Qt5 Dolphin in this release?
    No. Both: Dolphin and all KDE-Baseapps will be in 15.08.
    Personally I use dolphin-git version (from AUR) and it works pretty well. It depends only on baloo-widgets from git (and AUR). The all other dependencies are in repositories.
    I was going to try this but following the baloo-git dependency, it seems to depend on a lot of git versions
    I've just modified PKGBUILD of baloo-widgets-git:
    # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="A framework for searching and managing metadata"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'git' 'kdoctools')
    pkgver() {
    cd baloo-widgets
    printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
    prepare() {
    mkdir -p build
    build() {
    cd build
    cmake ../baloo-widgets \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    package() {
    cd build
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
    It depends only on stable baloo-frameworks and... so on, it works.
    Then build and install this baloo-widgets-git before dolphin-git, and after that install dolphin-git from AUR. This solutions is for those from us, who want to use baloo with dolphin.

  • How to add KDE applications in KDE_base --SOLVED--

    I installed Archlinux base 0.7.2, xorg, KDE base 3.5
    There is less in KDE base than I thought. ( no filemanger, no tools, no terminal )  In fact it is an empty dektop with a few icons even without applications linked to these icons.
    I installed a few more KDE packages with pacman, but these are
    not added in the KDE menu. How can I fix this ?

    Linteg wrote:
    I guess you didn't log out and log in again after installing KDE? If you do, your $PATH var gets updated, and /opt/kde/bin is added, then you will be able to start the kde apps by just typing their names.
    Thanks Linteg, fixed the PATH this is ok now.
    I have a few "working" icons on my desk now, Konsole, Kwrite, Firefox but I don' t find find how to add these
    applications to the KDE menu.

  • KDE applications stop working, logout required

    Recently, because of problems migrating to systemd, I erased my / and /boot partitions and reinstalled Arch. Ever since, I've had a strange problem with KDE. The system will work fine for a while--hours or days, usually--but after an indefinite amount of time, and with no real trigger, all applications will stop working. For example, my Chrome browser will freeze, and when I exit it and attempt to re-launch it, I get this error:
    Service '/usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop' is malformatted.
    Attempting to launch any other application (including even Konsole) produces a similar error. Logging out and logging back in is the only way to restore system functionality.
    I'm not really sure where to begin trying to troubleshoot this. Any ideas?

    It happened again, and this time I managed to get to a terminal window, and entering any command produced the following message:
    bash: start_pipeline: pgrp pipe: Too many open files in system
    bash: /bin/dmesg: Too many open files in system
    I also see the following repeated many times in the /var/errors.log, which maybe is related?
    [322048.272439] ata4.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x1 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
    [322048.272449] ata4.00: irq_stat 0x40000008
    [322048.272457] ata4.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    [322048.272472] ata4.00: cmd 60/08:00:f7:9e:8f/00:00:33:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 4096 in
    res 41/40:00:fc:9e:8f/00:00:33:00:00/40 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>
    [322048.272479] ata4.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
    [322048.272484] ata4.00: error: { UNC }
    [322048.274639] ata4.00: configured for UDMA/133
    [322048.274674] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled sense code
    [322048.274680] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb]
    [322048.274684] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
    [322048.274689] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb]
    [322048.274693] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] [descriptor]
    [322048.274700] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):
    [322048.274703] 72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00
    [322048.274721] 33 8f 9e fc
    [322048.274730] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb]
    [322048.274738] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x4
    [322048.274743] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB:
    [322048.274746] cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 33 8f 9e f7 00 00 08 00
    [322048.274761] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 865050364
    [322048.274809] ata4: EH complete

  • KDE applications think that they are offline after wakeup

    I'm using pm-utils and NetworkManager and everytime I suspend and wakeup my computer Kopete, Konversation, and Kontect refuse to reconnect. Restarting Kopete and Konversation forces them to reconnect (Kopete still thinks KDE is in offline mode but it works somehow) but Kontact doesn't reconnect until I restart the computer.
    After some internet search I think it's a NetworkManager related problem but I cannot find the solution.
    Is here anyone with the same issue?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by foobar42 (2012-03-05 18:18:42)

    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • KDE Applications look better in Cinammon. Solved

    I am trying to get a decent desktop going. have installed KDE, KDE-Base etc.
    But the KDE apps have very poor color scheme/fonts/ Thin light grey letters on a light grey tool bar.
    I have tried to use KDE to change the themes but no luck.
    I have installed Cinnamon, and when I run Konqueror etc under Cinnamon they look MUCH better. Menus and letters are readable.
    Is there a way to fix KDE so the apps look right?
    Last edited by pgmer6809 (2014-05-09 20:50:12)

    K Thanks for the pointers.
    'looks right' means that under cinnamon the desktop does not look like kde (duh!) and the menu structures are all different, and the bar at the bottom is using non KDE icons etc.
    Under KDE the fonts were grey on grey and very hard to read. (number one complaint).
    However now fixed mostly. Changed the theme from CDE to Oxygen.  and just to be safe the appplication appearance ditto.
    KDE now seems useable.
    Next step is to get X, KDE, and network to start automatically at boot.
    Thanks again for the help.

  • [SOLVED] Very slow application launch in KDE

    Hi, some days ago a nasty makefile tried to delete my / directory while I was trying to compile a program. While it didin't touch anything in my system folders, it made a big mess on my home. I recovered almost everything, but since then KDE is behaving strangely. In particular, launching an application with lancelot or with the standard KDE launcher has become painfully slow. All the KDE applications are affected, but the issue is particularly annoying with firefox. Launching it from the command line, however, resolves everything. Chromium is launched quickly in any case.
    I deleted .mozilla and .kde4, but the problem is still there. I have no idea to what look at to try to understand what's going on, so I would appreciate some help...
    Last edited by snack (2011-03-27 13:36:58)

    Oh, you don't have to rebuild everything. Backup your configuration also, then put it back one by one and see what has gone wrong. (All those hidden files started with a dot ".").
    I did mean those files are also important data, who would want to lose all the configuration that took so long to do
    Shouldn't take too long to figure it out. If it's my configuration, I think I can find out what wrong in less than 15 minutes.
    Good luck if you choose to do so.

  • KDE 5 default

    When kde 5 components will replace plasma and apps (4.x version)? it will be natural (I mean pacman -Syu) or all the time that will be different packages? will kde 14.12 apps land in Arch official repo?
    Last edited by ktatar156 (2014-12-30 10:03:47)

    ktatar156 wrote:When kde 5 components will replace plasma and apps (4.x version)?
    In Arch? We have 3 groups: plasma-next, kf5 and kf5-aids. If you want to install new DE (Plasma 5) you have to type:
    # pacman -S plasma-next
    It should install new DE and unistall some parts of KDE4 (because they cannot coexist now)
    BTW: There isn't (and will not be) such DE like KDE 5
    ktatar156 wrote:will kde 14.12 apps land in Arch official repo?
    As arojas said https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 1#p1485631 they should be in official repo soon.
    But you must to know, that almost all packages in KDE Applications 14.12 are bugfixes for KDE 4.14.3 apps. Only few are building against of KF5. See: https://www.kde.org/announcements/annou … 4.12.0.php and https://dot.kde.org/2014/12/17/kde-appl … orks-ports As Mario Fux said: " We expect the porting of applications to Qt 5 and Frameworks 5 to happen over the next year or two."

  • What about kde-extragear?

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    I think I'm missing something.
    Please, can somebody tell me why there is not a package kde-extragear in the repos.
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