Keeping windows in front

I want to be able to force windows like JOptionPanes, JFileChoosers, etc. to be place in front of the main window of my program. The problem is that the class that calls the 'show' methord of the new windows is not necessarily a Component object. So when I call methords like ShowMessageDialog, I can only use null as the paramenter value for the Component.

Try this:
Frame main = null;
Frame[] instantiated = Frame.getFrames();
for(int i=0;i < instantiated.length && main==null;i++) {
  // you need to identify your main frame somehow,
  // maybe through the caption or the class
  if(f.getCaption().equals("My Main Window")) {
main = f[i];
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(main, "A message");
Hope that helps

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    function scrollPanePopulate(event:Event){     
         //create the temp variables
         var calledPhoto=pntxml.row[pointindex].PhotoUrl;
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    var req=new URLRequest();
    function scrollPanePopulate(event:Event){    
         //create the temp variables
         var calledPhoto=pntxml.row[pointindex].PhotoUrl;
         var jscommand:String = "var'"+req+"','win','height=400,width=600,left=650,top=50,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no');";
         var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:" + jscommand +"void(0);newwin.focus();");
    navigateToURL(url, "_self"); }
    //  p.s.  you should be using externalinterface class.

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    What setting does your daughter use to do this with then ?
    10:02 PM Thursday; December 30, 2010
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    Sure...check out this thread:
    How to keep a Stage always on top...
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    it should have the focus
    jsut tried your code and my browser keeps focused on the other window
    i would be looking elsewhere for your problem
    maybe in your browsers setup?

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    Only works in 1.5 but
    public final void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean alwaysOnTop)
    throws SecurityExceptionChanges the always-on-top window state. An always-on-top window is a window that stays above all other windows except maybe other always-on-top windows. If there are several always-on-top windows the order in which they stay relative to each other is not specified and is platform dependent.
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    Before you do anything else, I would make a copy of the Windows system on to an external hard disk.  Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) will help you do this.
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    See if any of these provide pointers.
    *Various causes of sleep issues in Macs*
    [Post by Dale Weisshaar|] - general post on sleep issues.
    [Logitech keyboard drivers out of date after updates|]
    [Try safe boot, then rebooting normally|]
    [Mac OS X: Why your Mac might not sleep or stay in sleep mode|]
    [A long list of sleep issue reports and comments| ]
    Check if third party USB devices or cards are causing problems.

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    in jad file add 2 more keys:
    Background - True
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    Go to Solution.

    The T540p is a really nice machine. I have Windows 8.1 running on mine. The display is fantastic. I'm sure you will really enjoy yours.

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    Parallels should be able to handle that without any problems.
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    John F. Richardson

    I used the JPanel on the glasspane technique and it seems to work pretty well

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