Kensigton keypad calcualtor not working with my iBook

Hi, I want to use an external numeric keypad for spreadsheets. I bought a kensington pocket keypad calculator and it says it is Mac compatable. Kensington tech support said it should work. the usb port works with other things. I get +-*/ to work but no numbers. Help please!

Well, sticking with you doesn't help you much if there are no answers.
Upon checking, I find this web page which documents exactly what you have said:
The keypad first became available on Amazon in 2003, well after OS X was released. Everything I can find says it should work, so I don't have the answer. I'm sorry.
You have a PC, too, so I guess you aren't too put out about going that route, but I so much prefer OS X over Windows (having tried Windows twice) that I couldn't bear to switch, myself. Have you checked out the features in Tiger? Very nice. And Leopard, due out next spring, promises to be better yet. With me, it's all about the OS, and even though I know it's harder to find peripherals that are compatible, it's worth it to put up with that, in my case, in favor of the Mac operating system.
I can't help but think that it's a problem within the keypad itself, since other devices work with the USB ports on the iBook.

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    2. MacBookPro B. (my friends system a CD2 2.16 with OSX 10.4.9)
    3. an iBook (my friends 1.07 GHz G4 with 10.4.8 and a VGA adapter)
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    Color LCD, Display: 800X600 stretched, Colors: Millions, Refresh Rate: N/A
    VGA Display
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    Color LCD, 1024X768, colors: Millions, Refresh rate: N/A
    Color tab: Generic RGB Profile
    VGA display, 1024X768, colors: Millions,
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    The midi interface works, but only with items with those kind of ports.
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    and better quality audio equipment to the Mac.
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    did not try their site far enough to see if it would take actual orders.
    In some locations, you may be able to find a quality second hand one
    for less than the asking price (without warranty, though) of a new one.
    What kinds of audio are you attempting? Do you have midi hardware
    already? The item you posted a link to has no way to connect directly.
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    1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 512MB   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I use a Sony Digital-8 TRV 330E, and it works perfectly with my G3 and G4 PowerBooks, Mac mini, etc.
    In the UK, and the rest of Europe, some lower-priced camcorders have a FireWire OUT connection that you can feed your footage into iMovie.. but don't necessarily have a FireWire IN connection ..for feeding your edited footage back to a tape in the camcorder. You may want to check and see if the DCRTRV-280 does have FireWire IN, but it's sure to have FireWire OUT, so that you can take the footage from the camera and edit it.
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    We have a strange issue in the our application (Oracle form) in the one of our client machine.
    Some times the forms are not able to work with the mouse but is able to work with the keyboard. After one or two machine restart its again working. When the issue occur we can able to work in other applications using mouse.
    Our Applications server is in Other country and client are accessing from India.
    This occurs for some user and not for all.
    Application server Version
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
    Java Plug-in version 1.6.0_31 .
    Please any info will help us lot.

    Thank you for the quick replies Michael Ferrante and HamidHelal.
    But since its occurring for some users (perticulary indian users) and some times. And also its occurring in production environment not in development environment.
    Even the java control panel is not working with mouse.
    For other country customers everything working fine.
    So its difficult for me to apply the patch with these uncertainties.
    Checking with fresh java installation and let you know the status.

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    i cant see menu page on display screen

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    But regardless of what settings I tweak, I can't seem to get Address Book to show a bezel of any kind on incoming calls - not even an 'Unknown Caller' message! Am I missing something obvious? Third party apps like BluePhoneElite work just fine, so I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with Address Book...
    15" Aluminum Powerbook 1.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    mdcdsc wrote:
    My caller ID does not work with the new ap either.  I don't like the new ap at all.  The old one was beautiful.  Now my email is very hard to see, so much that I will just use the Apple email that comes with my IPOD.  The caller ID was my favorite thing with the old ap.  and now it doesn't work.  I have followed the instructions and turned everything on, but it just does not work.
    The Caller ID issue was due to an outage. It should be resolved anytime soon. Can yu log out and log back in. Go to app settings and in notifications and turn CAller ID off and on.
    On email - what do you mean 'email is very hard to see' ? I would like to pass on this feedback to the team.

Maybe you are looking for

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