Kerberos-Web Services Implementation

I 'm working on a Java Web Services project. I need to implement a Kerberos Security System for my project. I dont want to use WS-Security, so everything should be coded from scratch. I have to code two servers, TGS and AC, and then use JAX-RPC handlers to transform/encrypt the SOAP messages between the client and the servers.
I've searched google but I didn�t found any similar implementation.
I�ve searched the forums and didn�t find anything really helpful.
Can someone please help me out?

Didn't know this was a fucking advetisement agency...

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    Web Service calls enter the application through a
    singleton, which in other respects is a POJO. I'm confused about this sentence. Is the application somehow separate from the web service? Is the application acting as a service to this web service? How is the application being hosted? Does it run in a container as well?
    class manages a number of instance variable
    references to other classes responsible for
    implementing each Web Service method, including data
    access using Hibernate. If all the references are stateless, preferably interfaced-based, you aren't likely to have thread issues.
    Since the top level
    singleton class is, well, a singleton, I understand
    this to mean that all of the other classes maintained
    as instance variables will themselves only ever have
    one object instantiated (assuming of course that no
    other thread of execution instantiates them except
    our singleton WS entry point). To my way of thinking
    this turns the whole of the Web Service
    implementation into a kind of singleton application.You keep using web service and application. Are we just talking about a web service implementation here?
    This strikes me as a procedural programming idiom
    that happens to be implemented using Java, since
    Objects with state are not being used. You are correct, sir. If services are stateless, and they should be, then they aren't exactly rich objects with state and behavior. It's very procedural, indeed.
    I have not
    yet asked the question "why?" of my new colleagues
    but I would like to ask you what the consequences of
    this design are likely to be. Particularly
    considering that this application will be expected
    to handle concurrent servicing of Web Service
    requests - and so be thread-safe. Can it be thread
    safe? If the web service is indeed stateless, then it should be thread-safe.
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    The stub generation approaches I was referring to are all implementation decisions on the part of the J2EE product provider. You'll need to refer to the documentation of your J2EE implementation to find out how to invoke your client code, and what, if any, tools need to be run.
    Kenneth Saks
    J2EE SDK Team
    SUN Microsystems

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    Thank you,
    Regards Andreas

    It's not an easy question to answer. So many other variables.
    Mac or PC, high speed cable versus lower connection speeds. Network traffic and the speed of your server also play a big part in your visitors experience.
    Add to those your desire to play back a file type that requires the viewer to have a very fast computer. I'd guess that less than a third of the computers in use can properly play most HD files (even the small sized ones).
    Your Mac is a monster! What you view on it isn't close to what I would see on my Mac mini.
    I would suggest you first figure out a display size of your file. Think small.
    I (personally) would avoid H.264 unless you know your target audience would only be using "high end" equipment. Hard to pick your audience for a Web based file.
    There are html "tricks" that can change the display size of your source movie. If you used a 480X360 (4:3 aspect) source you could "bump up" the display to 800X600 without too much loss in visual quality. Those "tags" are scale="tofit" and the to fit size is your height and width used in the html code (not the source file). Saves bandwidth and gives a better user experience.
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    Your only other option is to reduce the file to more "standard" definition.

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    Hi Jason,
    There's a little more to it than that I'm afraid.
    To upload a file to Apple (either XML or audio/video/PDF content), you have to POST a multipart MIME form. What you have will POST, but what you're missing is the multipart MIME.
    This is an example of the kind of thing you need to do:

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    [email protected]

    You should take a look at JAX-RPC, which specifies how the WSDL's you find at places like xmethods map to Java. Consuming a web service from e.g. xmethods is typically quite easy and can be done with just a few lines of Java code.
    You can use the JAX-RPC reference implementation from or any of the commercially available implementations, e.g. jBroker Web from Novell from
    - Bjarne.

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    If you are using 10.1.3 or later releases, you can use the JAX-RPC handler to gain access to the message. Your SOAP payload can then been manipulated using the SAAJ APIs. You have also the option to log messages directly from OWSM.

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    "Stateful web services
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    This issue caused me much confusion and delay, so I hope that what I am about to say is correct.  When Flex calls a web service that requires a stateful connection, the web service "cookie" is stored in the browser.  Flash automatically attempts to access this cookie value, and returns it to the web service when additional web service operations are called.  The cookie value will be placed in the "Request Headers".
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    2.  I work inside the Flash API.  Testing my movie never passed the cookie value back, and I have not figured out how to do this when compiling for Flash Player.
         - NOTE: I am able to test compiling as an Adobe Air App just fine.  I did this to get my web service calls/parsing of returned info correct first.  Cookie issue and Cross Domain issues are not issues in Adobe Air, so I find this is a good place to get the web service working.  After working compiling as Adobe Air, switch to compile for Flash Player to fine tuning other issues.
    3. Cross Domain issues.  Lots of posts on this.  Pay close attention.

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    Assuming that there is a reverse communication happening between J2EE 1.4 and J2EE 5 what are the issue which could arise?
    Edited by: Sanu Sasidharan on Apr 11, 2011 5:31 AM

    If understand the question correctly, the versions of Java used by the server & client are irrelevant.
    A Web service can be consumed even by apps written in another language (C++, for example). The only requirement is that the client send requests to the correct address, and that requests be valid according to whatever XML schema the service uses.

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    Please can anyone highlight me this subject?

    ok ... just answering my own question ;)
    that's what I found on sun's website:
    the Java Web Services Developer Pack will no longer be developed as a discrete release vehicle for the Web services and XML technologies that the Java WSDP shares with Project GlassFish.
    The current release of Java Web Services Developer Pack, Version 2.0, contains the new JAX-WS 2.0 EA, JAXB 2.0 EA, and SAAJ 1.3 EA implementations, the "integrated stack" for Web services. These components are now available as FCS-quality releases in Project GlassFish.
    as far as I know ... correct me if I'm wrong ... Sun App Server 9 is based on Proj Glassfish.

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    I'm trying to implement Web services using the Lodestar suite.
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    Do you know how to solve this issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Sorry for such a late reply. There were few architectural changes coz of which web service implementation was taken outside OAE app. So, I was unable to get the debug output.
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  • Implementing Web Service with Stateless Session Bean

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    It seems like I followed the instructions correctly. Is there a better way to build a service like this that is both a web service endpoint and a stateless session bean?

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    I've tried starting with a "web application" WorkSpace Studio project and adding bean annotations. This produces the error I originally described. I also tried starting with an "EJB" WorkSpace Studio project and adding web service annotations. This fails at deployment time with errors about missing web service descriptors (the error is correct - the web-service-related descriptor elements are missing from the deployment descriptors).
    The documentation explicitly presents this as an option (annotating a class with both web service and session bean annotations), but how does one actually make this work?

  • Implement the web-service API on an external service desk

    I want to implement the web-service API on an external service desk
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    port. At this point I need the web-service to be implemented on the
    external system.
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    Can you assist me with documentation for the web-service implementation
    on external system procedure?
    or if someone can share a step-by-step - it would be great.

    Hello Shelly,
    Please use the following link to Read a blog Service Desk Implementation Guide Part II
    Service Desk Implementation Guide Part II
    This blog describes the following.
    1) Integrate New data in the Service Transaction
    2) Implement new action: send mail to creator on message modification.
    3) Configure an interface to an external service Desk
    4)Implement a new action that send the message to the external system and change automatically the status.
    Hope it helps.

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