Kernel with archck and win4lin patches?

I've tried to patch the kernel with archck and win4lin myself, but compilation fails :-( Without the win4lin patch compilation is successfull... but I need win4lin for some windows app.

phrakture wrote:Yeah, it's the correct place, the problem is that you didn't ask anything
I thought the subject of the posting was clear that I was looking for someone who is willing to build this kernel (or has a PKGBUILD for this kernel).
If I was looking for someone to help me build this kernel, I would have post in "Kernel & Hardware Issues" and I would've put the error message and .config file in my posting... But I was just asking someone to build this kernel for me... hoping someone is willing to do this for me or maybe if the guy who made archck read my posting, he will include win4lin in future versions. Yeah, I know, that's lazy, but this is the place for this kind of favours.
Maybe the body of my posting created the confusion, next time I'll be more clear, I should say something like: "I'm looking for 2.6.13+archck6.2+win4lin... anyone?" instead of: "I've tried to patch and compile but it fails..."
phrakture wrote:For instance, if you post the exact error message you get, along with what patches you used and how you changed the configuration, if anything, someone here will probably be able to track the error down in very short time.  However, saying "it doesn't work" doesn't help us much 8)
So, instead of saying "it doesn't work", I should have said "I want it, can you make it for me or give it to me?"
Anyway, now that this thread has evolved this way, I'll post the .config and error message when I have access to my own computer (that's after the weekend).

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  • How to create a custom kernel with initrd and ARCH patches

    I like the default kernel because everything seems to work well and I think the Arch kernel includes patches I need (such as the mactel patch). But some options that i would like to be enabled are not. in fact i would like to use powertop but i can't because it needs the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS option.
    What I would like is a kernel based on the arch kernel but with a different config file. Nothing more.
    if i look at the solution on the Wiki, I see that I have to add all patches the standard kernel have ... Moreover there is no initrd creation. i think i will need it if I use the Arch kernel configuration.
    And if i use the kernel26 PKGBUILD, I must change the package name in order to keep my current kernel. It's easy to do in the PKGBUILD but much more complicated to do it in the kernel26.install file beacuse I have to change the filenames in /boot and I do not want to replace the kernel26 files.
    So do you have any ideas how to compile my custom kernel ? Is there a better solution ?
    Last edited by mildred (2007-07-03 01:46:33)

    tomk wrote:It's possible I'm missing something here, but I don't understand what you're worried about. If I understand correctly, you now have a PKGBUILD and associated files for kernel26mildred (or whatever you've decided to call it). Why do you think you would have to change the files again when kernel26 is updated?
    don't the patches change from version to version?
    anyways, i was bored so i wrote a little script... edit the configuration variables at the top and it'll do the work for you. just put it in /var/abs/kernels or wherever you have the kernel26/ at, chmod +x scriptname, and run.
    if you're in /var/abs/kernels you'll probably have to run as root.
    from my testing, it seems to be all working (looking at resulting files and no errors so far from makepkg); but i'm still building my test kernel with it.
    # Author: kano <[email protected]>
    # Configuration #
    appendname="-custom1" # Name to append to kernel package
    BUILD=0 # Build package when done? No = 0; Yes = 1
    #MAKEPKGOPT="" # Uncomment if you're building after you make; Add any options you want passed to makepkg (can be nothing)
    # Work starts here; shouldn't have to edit anything below #
    mkdir kernel26${appendname}/
    cp kernel26/* kernel26${appendname}/
    regen_md5sum() {
    if [ ${file} != 'PKGBUILD' ]; then
    echo "Regenerating md5sum for ${file}"
    cat kernel26${appendname}/PKGBUILD \
    | sed "s/'`md5sum kernel26/${file} | awk '{ print $1 }'`'/'`md5sum kernel26${appendname}/${file} | awk '{ print $1 }'`'/;" \
    > PKGBUILD.tmp
    mv PKGBUILD.tmp kernel26${appendname}/PKGBUILD
    for file in "PKGBUILD" "kernel26.preset" "kernel26.install"; do
    echo "Editing ${file}"
    cat kernel26/${file} | \
    sed "s/kernel26/kernel26${appendname}/g" \
    | sed "s/vmlinuz26/vmlinuz26${appendname}/g" \
    | sed "s/kconfig26/kconfig26${appendname}/g" \
    | sed "s/System.map26/System.map26${appendname}/g" \
    > kernel26${appendname}/${file}
    # Regenerate md5sum
    for file in "config" "config.x86_64"; do
    echo "Editing ${file}"
    cat kernel26/${file} | \
    > kernel26${appendname}/${file}
    # Regenerate md5sum
    mv kernel26${appendname}/mkinitcpio-kernel26.conf kernel26${appendname}/mkinitcpio-kernel26${appendname}.conf
    mv kernel26${appendname}/kernel26.install kernel26${appendname}/kernel26${appendname}.install
    mv kernel26${appendname}/kernel26.preset kernel26${appendname}/kernel26${appendname}.preset
    # Add make menuconfig to PKGBUILD
    cat kernel26${appendname}/PKGBUILD | \
    sed 's/# load configuration/\n # configure kernel before build\n make menuconfig\n\n # load configuration/;' \
    > PKGBUILD.tmp
    mv PKGBUILD.tmp kernel26${appendname}/PKGBUILD
    echo "Custom kernel pkgbuild created."
    # To build or to not to build?
    if [ ${BUILD} -eq 1 ]; then
    cd kernel26${appendname}
    makepkg ${MAKEPKGOPT}

  • Problem building kernel with makepkg

    I tried several times building a custom kernel with makepkg and the PKGBUILD file obtained from … with%20ABS. Unfortionately, the process allways ends with the following error:
    ln: when making multiple links, last argument must be a directory
    make: *** [_modinst_] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.  Aborting...
    Is there something wrong with the build file posted on the wiki or am I doing something stupid?

    Err... I might have done a small mistake in my previous post.
    I didn't try to build the kernel using the Wiki page above.
    I've used … with%20ABS
    You can find below the revised PKGBUILD for that page. It might look weird, but it's very functional. It should also work with the stock kernels.
    This PKGBUILD includes kernel version/revision autodetection. This helps when you apply patches which change those variables (such as ck, mm etc.). The changes I've made automatically change the package details (pkgname, pkgver, pkgdesc) to reflect the kernel changes.
    Please test because I've made some cosmetic changes lately which might have scrambled something around there. If you find it working, please post here and I'll put it in the Wiki page above. Maybe it could also be used as a base for building kernels with the ABS.
    Any feedback is welcomed. Enjoy.
    # ChangeLog
    # v0.3 2004/08/19 - Mircea Ionut Bardac (IceRAM)
    # Updated the PKGBUILD for autodetection of the kernel version and kernel revision
    # v0.2 2004/07/23 - Wojciech Szlachta
    # Modified from official PKGBUILD for kernel26-scsi by judd <[email protected]>
    # and from custom PKGBUILD to support multiple installed kernels by jea.
    # you can leave kerrev empty if you don't want to name the kernel in any way
    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel and modules"
    getvar() {
    old=$(cat Makefile | grep "^$1")
    echo $(echo ${old/"$1 ="/} | sed -e "s/[ ]*(.*)[ ]*/1/g")
    return 0
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/linux-$pkgver
    # apply patches here
    # patch -p1 < ../patch1
    # get rid of the 'i' in i686
    carch=`echo $CARCH | sed 's|i||'`
    cat ../config | sed "s|#CARCH#|$carch|g" >./.config
    # make changes in kernel configuration
    make oldconfig || return 1
    cp ./.config ../../
    #use the following line instead of the 2 lines above for default config
    #yes "" | make config || return 1
    # set EXTRAVERSION to create unique /lib/modules/ subdirectories
    _ker_extraversion=$(getvar "EXTRAVERSION")
    # update EXTRAVERSION in the Makefile
    _oldline=$(cat Makefile | grep "^EXTRAVERSION")
    if [ $kerrev != "" ]; then
    cat Makefile | sed "s|$_oldline|EXTRAVERSION = $_ker_extraversion|" > tmpMake
    mv tmpMake Makefile
    kerver=$(getvar "VERSION").$(getvar "PATCHLEVEL").$(getvar "SUBLEVEL")
    # update the package information from the kernel Makefile
    pkgver=$kerver$(echo $_ker_extraversion | sed -e 's/-/./g')
    # removing patches versions from the revision string
    _n1=$(expr match $kerrev '([.][0-9]*)')
    _n21=$(expr match $q '[.][0-9]*(.*)')
    _n2=$(echo $_n21 | sed -e "s/[0-9]*-/-/g")
    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel ($kerver) and modules - revision $kerrev / package version: $pkgver build: $pkgrel"
    echo "- Package information ----------------"
    echo " Package name: $pkgname"
    echo " Package version: $pkgver"
    echo " Package release: $pkgrel"
    echo " Kernel version: $kerver"
    echo " Kernel revision: $kerrev"
    echo "--------------------------------------"
    make clean bzImage modules || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/{lib/modules,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$startdir/pkg modules_install || return 1
    # create unique names in /boot/
    cp $startdir/pkg/boot/System.map26$kerrev
    cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage $startdir/pkg/boot/vmlinuz26$kerrev
    install -D -m644 Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/Makefile
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.config
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/boot/kconfig26$kerrev
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel
    for i in acpi asm-generic asm-i386 config linux math-emu net pcmcia scsi video; do
    cp -a include/$i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include/
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp -a scripts $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.tmp_versions
    cp arch/i386/Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/
    cp arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel/
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/`echo $i | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp $i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/$i
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include && ln -s asm-i386 asm
    chown -R root.root $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver
    # create a unique subdirectory under /usr/src/
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src
    mv linux-$kerver linux-$kerver$kerrev
    cd $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/$kerver$kerrev &&
    (rm -f build; ln -sf /usr/src/linux-$kerver$kerrev build)

  • Vanilla kernel with suspend2 support

    Hey people,
    I have started using the beyond kernel a while ago, because I wanted a precompiled arch kernel with suspend2 support. I used self-compiled vanilla+suspend2 kernels for a while before that, and they were very stable. With beyond, I first got strange bugs, hard to reproduce, suspending or resuming sometimes failed, and the newest version doesn't work at all.
    Just for some testing, I compiled a kernel with the same config and patches as kernel26 AND suspend2 patches included. It seems to work great, much stabler than beyond when suspending.
    What I am asking is, how many people would be interested if such a kernel would be maintained in community and what kernel modules they would need (I am planning to do rt2500, rt2x00, nvidia and maybe ATI, more if requested).
    Please only submit your vote to the poll if you are either a suspend2 user or interested in using suspend2

    brain0 wrote:
    dtw wrote:I think this is a waste of time and energy propogated by a lack of patience.  Do you really want to go to all this trouble, maintain what is in essence a very small but new kernel patchset and all the relevant modules _just_ because suspend2 is a broken in -beyond at the moment?  My Dog, I wish I had such time to spend.
    Can you give me your definition of "at the moment" please? Or better, name a beyond release where suspend2 was stable. I switched to beyond with 2.6.16 and since then it was always unusable for me. With a vanilla kernel, suspend2 hasn't failed for me in a year or so. With beyond, it failed every time I really needed it.
    Admittedly suspend2 may be _generally_ unstable with other patchsets but even still, it'll only take one bulletproof release to invalidate all you are suggesting.
    I won't spend the rest of my life waiting for the beyond release that will work. I'd rather do something about it and provide a kernel that is stable and has that very important feature. (And as tpowa wasn't willing to include suspend2 in kernel26 when I asked him, this is the best shot).
    Awesome -  I dont think I could have said it in better words - however I did try above >
    I have tried many patchsets that had suspend2=swap patches but the never worked or not as well as a vanilla kernel with just suspend2-swap patch.
    Lets do it.

  • Sever issue with Xorg and Nvidia Drivers

    I run a 2.6.20 kernel with Xorg and Nvidia drivers all from arch rep on a Asus NV6200. Everything works fine, except one thing. When I exit X, the monitor shuts down imediatly. It wont start up at all, not even by manual startup. I cant understand what happens. The configuration is correct, is done with the correct settings for my video-card and monitor taken directly from the documentation. I cant use my X server at all since several days ... I checked the logs and there are no EE's. Anyway ... here is the log. Help anyone can help, I cant use X at all.
    X Window System Version 7.2.0
    Release Date: 22 January 2007
    X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.2
    Build Operating System: UNKNOWN
    Current Operating System: Linux solarflare 2.6.20-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 16 20:22:11 CET 2007 i686
    Build Date: 27 February 2007
    Before reporting problems, check
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    Module Loader present
    Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Wed Mar 21 03:26:45 2007
    (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
    (==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
    (**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
    (**) | |-->Monitor "AOC 7F+"
    (**) | |-->Device "NVIDIA 6200"
    (**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
    (**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
    (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi".
    Entry deleted from font path.
    (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi").
    (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi".
    Entry deleted from font path.
    (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi").
    (**) FontPath set to:
    (==) RgbPath set to "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
    (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
    (II) No APM support in BIOS or kernel
    (II) Loader magic: 0x81c34a0
    (II) Module ABI versions:
    X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.3
    X.Org Video Driver: 1.1
    X.Org XInput driver : 0.7
    X.Org Server Extension : 0.3
    X.Org Font Renderer : 0.5
    (II) Loader running on linux
    (II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
    (II) Module pcidata: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
    ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.1
    (--) using VT number 7
    (II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
    (II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1106,3099 card 1106,3099 rev 00 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1106,b099 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
    (II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 1317,0985 card 1113,1216 rev 11 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:10:0: chip 1106,3038 card 1019,0996 rev 80 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:10:1: chip 1106,3038 card 1019,0996 rev 80 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:10:2: chip 1106,3038 card 1019,0996 rev 80 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:10:3: chip 1106,3104 card 1019,0996 rev 82 class 0c,03,20 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:11:0: chip 1106,3177 card 1019,0996 rev 00 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
    (II) PCI: 00:11:1: chip 1106,0571 card 1019,0996 rev 06 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 00:11:5: chip 1106,3059 card 1019,0996 rev 50 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 10de,0221 card 1043,820c rev a1 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
    (II) PCI: End of PCI scan
    (II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
    (II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
    (II) Bus 0 I/O range:
    [0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
    (II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
    [0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
    (II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
    [0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
    (II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
    (II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x000c (VGA_EN is set)
    (II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
    [0] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xeaffffff (0x3000000) MX[b]
    (II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
    [0] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b]
    (II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
    (II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:17:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
    (--) PCI:*(1:0:0) nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] rev 161, Mem @ 0xe8000000/24, 0xd0000000/28, 0xe9000000/24
    (II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
    [0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
    [1] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
    (II) OS-reported resource ranges:
    [0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xe0000000 from 0xe7ffffff to 0xdfffffff
    (II) Active PCI resource ranges:
    [0] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [1] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [3] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [4] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [5] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [6] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [7] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [8] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [9] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [10] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [11] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
    [0] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [1] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [3] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [4] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [5] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [6] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [7] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [8] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [9] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [10] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [11] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
    [0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) All system resource ranges:
    [0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [4] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [6] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [7] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [8] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [9] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [10] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [11] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [12] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [13] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [14] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [15] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [16] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [17] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) LoadModule: "dbe"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
    (II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
    Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
    (II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    (II) LoadModule: "extmod"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
    (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
    Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
    (II) Loading extension SHAPE
    (II) Loading extension MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD
    (II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
    (II) Loading extension SYNC
    (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    (II) Loading extension XC-MISC
    (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
    (II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
    (II) Loading extension DPMS
    (II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
    (II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
    (II) Loading extension XVideo
    (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    (II) Loading extension X-Resource
    (II) LoadModule: "freetype"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts//
    (II) Module freetype: vendor="X.Org Foundation & the After X-TT Project"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 2.1.0
    Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
    ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5
    (II) Loading font FreeType
    (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
    (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.9755
    Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.1
    (II) Loading extension GLX
    (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
    (II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.9755
    Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    (II) LoadModule: "mouse"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
    (II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.1
    Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
    ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6
    (II) LoadModule: "kbd"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
    (II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.1.0
    Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
    ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.6
    (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 1.0-9755 Mon Feb 26 23:23:13 PST 2007
    (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
    (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
    (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
    (--) Chipset NVIDIA GPU found
    (II) Loading sub module "fb"
    (II) LoadModule: "fb"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
    (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
    ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.3
    (II) Loading sub module "wfb"
    (II) LoadModule: "wfb"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
    (II) Module wfb: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
    (II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
    (II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
    (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
    (II) Module ramdac: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    compiled for 7.2.0, module version = 0.1.0
    ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 1.1
    (II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
    [0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [4] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [6] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [7] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [8] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [9] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [10] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [11] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [12] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [13] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [14] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [15] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [16] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [17] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    (II) resource ranges after probing:
    [0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [4] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [6] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [7] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [8] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [9] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [10] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b]
    [11] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b]
    [12] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b]
    [13] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [14] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [15] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [16] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [17] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [18] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [19] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [20] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [21] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b]
    [22] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b]
    (II) Setting vga for screen 0.
    (**) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
    (==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
    (==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
    (==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    (**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration
    (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 6200 at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
    (--) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 131072 kBytes
    (--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS: 05.44.a2.03.00
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Detected AGP rate: 4X
    (--) NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
    (--) NVIDIA(0): Connected display device(s) on GeForce 6200 at PCI:1:0:0:
    (--) NVIDIA(0): AOC Spectrum7F (CRT-0)
    (--) NVIDIA(0): AOC Spectrum7F (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Assigned Display Device: CRT-0
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:
    (II) NVIDIA(0): "1024x768"
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1024 x 768
    (--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (81, 81); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config
    (--) NVIDIA(0): option
    (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
    (II) do I need RAC? No, I don't.
    (II) resource ranges after preInit:
    [0] 0 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b]
    [1] 0 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b]
    [2] 0 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b]
    [3] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
    [4] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
    [5] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
    [6] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
    [7] -1 0 0xeb021000 - 0xeb0210ff (0x100) MX[b]
    [8] -1 0 0xeb020000 - 0xeb0203ff (0x400) MX[b]
    [9] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x0) MX[b]O
    [10] -1 0 0xe9000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [11] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
    [12] -1 0 0xe8000000 - 0xe8ffffff (0x1000000) MX[b](B)
    [13] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b](OprD)
    [14] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b](OprD)
    [15] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b](OprD)
    [16] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
    [17] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [18] -1 0 0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [19] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000e00f (0x10) IX[b]
    [20] -1 0 0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dc1f (0x20) IX[b]
    [21] -1 0 0x0000d800 - 0x0000d81f (0x20) IX[b]
    [22] -1 0 0x0000d400 - 0x0000d41f (0x20) IX[b]
    [23] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[b]
    [24] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b](OprU)
    [25] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b](OprU)
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1024x768"
    (II) Loading extension NV-GLX
    (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA 3D Acceleration Architecture Initialized
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Using the NVIDIA 2D acceleration architecture
    (==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store disabled
    (==) NVIDIA(0): Silken mouse enabled
    (II) Loading extension NV-CONTROL
    (==) RandR enabled
    (II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XAccessControlExtension
    (II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
    (II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    (II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    (II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    (II) Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    (II) Initializing built-in extension XEVIE
    (II) Initializing extension GLX
    (**) Option "Protocol" "Auto"
    (**) Mouse1: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
    (**) Mouse1: Protocol: "Auto"
    (**) Option "CorePointer"
    (**) Mouse1: Core Pointer
    (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    (==) Mouse1: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
    (**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
    (**) Mouse1: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4, 5, 6 and 7
    (**) Mouse1: Buttons: 11
    (**) Option "CoreKeyboard"
    (**) Keyboard1: Core Keyboard
    (**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
    (**) Keyboard1: Protocol: standard
    (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
    (**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbRules: "xorg"
    (**) Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbModel: "pc104"
    (**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    (**) Keyboard1: XkbLayout: "us"
    (**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off"
    (**) Keyboard1: CustomKeycodes disabled
    (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard1" (type: KEYBOARD)
    (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse1" (type: MOUSE)
    (--) Mouse1: PnP-detected protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
    (II) Mouse1: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
    FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

    No ... the problem is in the kernel that comes precompiled.
    I did this test.
    The first time I installed the kernel I unloaded nvidiafb since I dont like it.
    When I install nvidiafb back something strange happends. Nvidia module fails to load.
    The modprobe sais it cannot find the device nvidia.ko ... but it is there!
    So my best guess is, there is something with the kernel. Any ideas?
    Problem resolved, installed older driver
    Last edited by Nefer-Ra (2007-03-22 02:59:25)

  • Required Postinstallation Tasks: Downloading and Installing Patches

    I installed on AIX 7.1. The postinstallation tasks begin with downloading and installing patches. I am not sure which patches or PSU to install. Following the directions in the installation guide, I go to My Oracle Support, then to Patches and Updates and specify Oracle Database and IBM AIX 64-bit. For "release" do I select, or do I select the seven releases from - If I select all seven the search returns 1293 patches. The instructions are obviously not telling me to download and apply all 1293 patches. I next searched for the most recent PSU and see that PSU was published on April 17, 2013. What is the right thing to apply? Should I download only PSU and apply that, or should I do something else not described here?

    You should apply the latest PSU (currently - you do not have to apply all of the one-off patches
    See MOS Doc 753736.1

  • Pactching kernel with fbsplash.patch (SOLVED)

    Never patched a kernel before and i'm having problems!!
    This what i've done so far (as root):
    1. Installed kernel26-ck (2.6.22-ck) with pacman and rebooted into arch using that kernel
    2. downloaded the fbsplash via (genpatches-2.6.22-1.extras.tar.bz2)
    3. put the splash.patch file into /usr/src
    4. made a symlink for current kernel in /usr/src; giving /usr/src/linux --> /usr/src/linux/linux-2.6.22-ck
    5. cd /usr/src/linux
    6. patch -p1 < ../splash.patch
    # NOTE: looking into using the abs method of PKGBUILD'ing a custom kernel with patches - hopefully i'll do better!!
    The best way to do this is by emulating the abs versions of the standard kernel as described in these forums
    1. copy the abs version of the stock kernel26
    2. adjust the PKGBUILD to include spock's patch (not gentoo's)
    3. makepkg
    4. pacman -U the new kernel
    Then get on with fbsplash!
    Last edited by Hongkongblue (2007-08-17 02:58:45)

    mazu wrote:
    I used to use kernel26-beyond kernel with fbsplash. Recently I found out that with this kernel any attempt to mount ntfs disk end with system hung. I switched back to standard kernel, but I want to still use fbsplash. I read the wiki several times but I can't figure out how to patch and compile kernel with fbsplash. Can anyone write step by step what shuld I do?
    Thanks for any help in advice.
    Not that it answers your question but I have been using the latest beyond kernel since it came out and have had no problem with mounting and using ntfs disks resulting in system hangs. Also I have recently been using ntfs-3g which allows safely writing to NTFS partitions. I am using it for backups on an external USB drive with an NTFS file system. Give ntf-3g a shot before patching the kernel.
    Last edited by raymano (2007-04-14 14:01:35)

  • How to patch kernel with this...

    How can I patch the kernel with this files?
    Archwiki about kernel compilation is really poor...

    Given your apparent level of expertise, it is not reasonable to expect procedures like this to "just work" without putting some time and effort into them. In this case, I would strongly recommend learning about the patch command first, and then learning about ABS (Arch Build System) and PKGBUILDs. You are throwing yourself in at the deep end by attempting to modify the kernel PKGBUILD - people usually work their way up to that.
    In other news - the 2.6.36 kernel has been released, and it includes this patch. The package is currently in the testing repo, and will soon be available in core. If the recommended learning above is not to your liking, I suggest you be patient until that happens. You could enable the testing repo either - but that's a whole other story.

  • Problem with HD6630M and catalyst on custom kernel

    My laptop is a sony vaio sa with hd6630m and intel graphics as a hybrid graphics setup. i m using linux-sony from aur.
    This is what i ve done so far:
    i have followed the instructions in the catalyst wiki in order to install catalyst for custom kernel, with catalyst-hook
    but after installing, aticonfig --initial -f throws no supported adapters detected. i m sure that my adapter is supported by the latest driver as some guys have successully made the setup.
    i' ve read every thread i could find in google about my issue but i didn't make a progress although other have made it!
    Things i tried:
    - installing the .run package from ati manually
    - reinstalling xorg and make a xorg.conf by my own (Xorg -configure does not work either)
    - installing catalyst in default latest kernel
    - i have not tried any other distro lately to see if i could make it work.
    - the open drivers also do not work with my setup, i can only have intel card and blacklisting radeon. (vgaswitcheroo does not work either)
    - many others i cannot recall
    The two cards show up in lspci so it isnt a hardware problem
    has anyone idea whats might going on or what i m doing wrong?

    Hello All
    I find out the solution myself !!!! Phew!!
    In order to create a french page couple of things need to be done
    1)In the configuration manager > display tab > chnage the language the to french
    2) Log in to Application designer and create the same component and page that was created in English. You may not have to create the page from scratch since you would first create it in base language english and hence when you log in as french you will have the page but it will be distorted so it will be rearranged.
    3) Any text that is there on the page will have to be rewritten in french if its is static text or else if it is being called from a message catalog it needs to be first written in English(this writes to PSMSGCATDEFN). Now go to PeopleTools>Translation>Translate System Definitions>Messages.
    And create the french transaltion.For more details on hopw to create new language specific message read peoplebooks(type Translating Messages in the search of peoplebooks).
    The language sepecific messages are written to PSMSGCATLANG table.
    Now when you log in to peoplesoft as french you will see all you custom pages in french.
    Have fun creating any global pages

  • Who is happy with Spot and Patch?

    First let me say that I'm thrilled almost completely with Aperture in general. It pretty much solidified my transition to digital from film. I have a long workflow history with scanned slides and photoshop so I am quite used to and adept at spotting and patching my shots with their wonderful healing brush, clone tool, etc. I was excited about the prospects of using aperture for all the minute details that go into a workflow but the one glaring shortcoming is the spot and patch tool. I find the spot tool does a very bad job of using surrounding details to fill in a spot. You get a circular blur that might be accurate color wise but retains no detail. This is very apparent on skin. It's pretty much unusable. And the patch tool is a poor substitute for cloning. No matter what I do I cannot get it to blend in, I always see the circle.
    I know what you all are going to say, just shoot it over to photoshop. This is what I've been doing but it really causes the size of your library to grow since you don't get the advantages of the smaller RAW file size.
    Maybe in Aperture 2.0? Any one have any thoughts.

    I've had very good success with the Spot and Patch tool, but you have to be very careful about the areas you work with. Chad's advice is very good---read the PDF. Note that the PDF says at the very outset under "Spotting Your Images"--"When the area around the blemish is continuous (such as a solid color) and doesn’t contain a distinct texture, you can use the spotting method to obscure the blemish by integrating the pixels that surround it."
    In my experience, that advice is critical. Spotting and patching replace pixels with other pixels. Ideally, what you want to do is have Aperture take out an anomolous set of pixels (they don't match their surrounding pixels, hence they create a spot) and replace these pixels with ones that have the same characteristics of the surrounding pixels. So, for example, if the spot is in the middle of a very varied area, Aperture has trouble determining what you want as a replacement for the offending area.
    The PDF tells us a lot about how to adjust the spotting and patching when the conditions for the operation are not ideal.

  • Old P3 CPU hangs when starting KMS with stock and ck kernels

    Hi, I have an old Pentium 3 machine on which I run Arch. If I try to boot the current stock kernel (or the ck kernel) the system freezes at boot. The system is still responsive, I can login via ssh but the screen is freezed. I nailed down the problem to KMS: booting with the nomodeset kernel option solves the problem. I have no problem in booting the lts kernel with KMS enabled, so I guess something changed between kernel 3.0 and 3.9 in this regard. Is anyone with old hardware experiencing this as well? It's not a big deal since I can live with lts kernel or disable KMS, but nevertheless I'd like to understand and possibly fix it. I can provide more informations on demand (right now I don't know what might be useful).

             From experience, I have found that trying to use Arch Linux (a leading edge OS) on very old hardware is like trying to plug all the holes in an old wooden leaky boat when all you have is composite materials. It becomes increasingly difficult to keep older hardware working when using leading edge software.
    If you are happy to administrator the system using Arch then you may need to remain with linux-lts etc. The other problem I have run into is getting the older APG video cards to work & if you can get them working at a decent resolution getting them to render anything from a browser will bring the system to it's knees.
    My suggestion is trying a few Linux systems that are purpose built to be used on older systems. You may even have some luck with "enterprise" OSs such as Scientific Linux or Centos as they use older kernels & software.


    Hi Freinds!!
    ..I have completed cinst, dbinst, client copy, jinst, xinst installation for XI 3.0 INSTALLAION ON ABAP + JAVA.
    I have first applied PI_BASIS patches and middle of it, it displayed the message that pre-requisite are not met i.e. First SAP_BW , SAP_BASIS, SAP_ABAP  pathces needs to apply.
    While applying SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA patches... I'm getting the following error message ...
    "  The import was stopped, since an error occurred during the phase IMPORT_PROPER, which the Support Package Manger is unable to resolve without your input..
    After you have corrected the cause of the erro, continue with the import by choosing Support
    Package > Improt Queue from the initial screen of the Support Package Manager.
    The following details help you to analyze the problem :
    -Error in phase : IMPORT_PROPER
    -Reason for Error : TP_STEP_FAILURE
    -Return Code : 0012 "
    ....So, what could be the cause of the problem ? Do I need to increase table space through brtools command at ora<sid> ?!!
    Pl. help....
    Many thanks in advance...
    -Rupen Patel

    Thanks a lot everybody.
    Although I had upgraded Kernel Patch Level from 43 to 155, the real cause was, it seems that was maxed out Oracle Table, I found it through ST22 tr code which inturn displayed a logfile which displayed the details of error. I used brtools to extend the tablespace of a table, reapplied the patches thorugh SPAM and it worked out quite smoothly.
    Thanks again and Regards,
    -Rupen Patel

  • Installing Multiple Operating Systems with grub and Arch Linux

    NOTE: Please keep in mind that there are many different ways to achieve this same result using various loop and ramdisk methods, read this with a separate window to jot down your comments and suggestions... this is ongoing for me so any help would be appreciated!
    Read the full article at Install Multiple Os without cds
    This is my first post and I plan on making this topic an official HOWTO with
    I have been into the computer security scene since 1990, but I realized that I had very little experience with the various LInux, Unix, and alternative Operating systems out there.
    I have a CD-RW drive but being a struggling computer security researcher I had no money for blank cd-recordables.  What follows is how I managed to install various operating systems on my computer (1 hard drive) without having to burn to a CD the ISO and then boot from that.
    I first partitioned my 120GB harddrive into 10 partitions, the 2nd partition is a small swap and the last partition is extra large because it holds all the ISO images..
    I then wrote a small shell script to automatically download (I love wget!)  the following.
    Local Area Security
    Packet Master
    The script also downloaded Installation manuals and md5 checksums.. (let me know if I should post... its pretty unsophisticated
    I installed Slackware (personal favorite) on hda1 using my last blank CD-R, note that I do not have a separate boot partitino.  (Should I?).  I also installed grub on the MBR.  I love grub, if you read through the man pages and all info you can find about grub, you can learn a whole lot.  Grub has much more features and capability than lilo, even though lilo comes installed by default with slack.
    I organize my kernel situation as follows...  In my /boot directory, I mkdir KERNEL, CONFIG, MAP, INITRD and that is a good way for me to keep my kernels and everything organized..  Another good way is a separate dir for each new kernel. 
    Since Arch-Linux is a solid distro, I'll use that as a first example.
    Here is the Arch-Linux section of my shell script
    goge Arch-Linux
    cat arch-0.6.md5sum
    md5sum arch-0.6.iso
    The first thing to do is to mount the downloaded ISO image so we can use it as if it were an actual CD.
    mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cdimage /mnt/cdrom
    Where cdimage= the ISO image.   EX. /usr/local/src/ISO/Linux/Arch-Linux/arch-0.6.iso
    This mounts the iso as /mnt/cdrom.
    Next you need to copy /mnt/cdrom to a separate partition for the booting process.  So mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda9.  ( I prefer reiserfs or even XFS to ext but if you use something other than ext2 you could run into some problems because some of the installation kernels and initrds don't include support for reiserfs and so can't recognize the files.  Although you could use mkinitrd to create a new initrd with reiserfs support, that might be pushin it IMO...   I use the 9th partition consistently for this.  I know there is a "right" way to copy the /mnt/cdrom files so everything stays the way it is supposed too, using tar or cpio, but I'm lazy so I just do cp -rp.   
    (What is the tar or cpio commands to copy with correct permissions etc??)
    So you mount the 9th partition as whatever, say /mnt/hd and then copy the files.  Now what?
    Now edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to include the specific options to boot arch-linux installation. 
    A good idea is to find the isolinux.cfg file somewhere on the distro cd, this will tell you what to include in the menu.lst.
    Here is the section in my menu.lst
    title Arch Install
    root (hd0,8)
    kernel /isolinux/vmlinuz load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 root=/dev/rd/0
    This should be self-explanatory.  The root (hd0,8) is pointing to partition 9.  So the rest of the commands start from partition 9. 
    When you experience problems, remember you can always edit the grub boot options by typing 'e' and then edit the section.  Also, a good idea is to include several variations in your menu.lst so you can easily try other ways to boot efficiently.  And, remember to read up on all the installation guides that come with your distro, specifically, hard-disk installs. 
    There are special cases, Gentoo, has a semi-new compressed filesystem called squashfs.  BTW, this is AWESOME, so check it out.  It has to be compiled into the kernel, so some work is in order, but use this recompile to optimize your kernel.  You can get the squashfs patch for almost any kernel.  I use the latest stable 2.6 kernel.  Squashfs is incredible and although I don't think you need it to install from ISO, you do need it to expand the livecd.squashfs filesystem that comes with the cd.
    Heres a sample Gentoo section from my menu.lst
    title Gentoo Install
    root (hd0,8)
    kernel /isolinux/gentoo root=/dev/ram0
    initrd=/isolinux/gentoo.igz init=/linuxrc acpi=off looptype=squashfs loop=/livecd.squashfs cdroot vga=791 splash=silent
    A nother' tip is the shell that is provided if you experience problems, typically busybox or ash.  The key tools to get you going from here is mount and chroot.  Sometimes you will need to manually create a simulated file system and then chroot into it.  For instance, you might have to create boot, etc, bin, directories on the target partition. 
    I generally install each OS onto the next partition (careful of the logical partition) and add it to my menu.lst after install.  A good idea is after installation, copy the kernel and initrd(if there is one) to the slackware(or whatever) boot partition on hda1.  I copy kernels to /boot/KERNEL/ and initrd's to /boot/INITRD, then menu.lst is more organized...
    You then need to add an updated section to your menu.lst (just comment out the install section for later)
    Here is the finished arch-linux section from menu.lst
    title Arch Linux 6
    root (hd0,2)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 ro root=/dev/hdc3
    This doesn't use my convenient boot/KERNEL/vmlinuz26 as you can tell by setting the root to partition 3.
    ***NOTE: Make a backup of MBR using dd and save to floppy, also backup the partition table to floppy, using cfdisk or parted.  And boot disks (I use 1 with grub, and 1 with slack, and tomsbootdisk) will invariably come in handy.  Tomsbootdisk is recommended, and make the grub boot disk when you install grub.  install to floppy.
    The final result after some fun experimenting, is when I boot, I have a cool grub boot screen come up with the option to boot into whatever OS I want, this is handy for multiple reasons.  One good thing to do after this is to port scan and vuln scan each OS, after you update of course.  Write this stuff down and you will know the weaknesses/strengths of the various OS's. 
    I can boot a custom Firewall, snort, or multiple honeypots using this procedure, as well as a graphical kde environment with a kernel optimized for graphics and my processor/architecture, or an environment devoted to forensics or even an environment suitable for programming.
    P.S. Some of the cooler alternative operating systems are BeOS 5, EOS, ER_OS, V2_OS, and my personal favorite Menuet.  Menuet is 100% assembly graphical operating system that fits on a floppy.  Its f'in money!
    This should be a good enough example to get you started, this kind of thing should be learned and not just copied... Knowing how to do this stuff could prove to be exceptionally useful...

    Start by reading all the articles built-in on your Mac - Help > Mac Help, search "printer sharing." rver-from-mac-os-x/ nter

  • [Solved] Compiling a new kernel with ABS

    I've made it through the whole process outlined in the wiki, up to installing with pacman.  Pacman is telling me that the stock arch kernel is a conflicting package and wants to remove it.  I want to hang on to it in case I've messed something up.  What am I doing wrong?  I know you can have two kernels installed.  Using the traditional way I can get this, but I'd rather keep to doing things The Arch Way.
    Last edited by Morrvick (2011-11-17 00:40:30)

    I double checked what I was doing, and I have done that.  Here is my modified PKGBUILD:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 130991 2011-07-09 12:23:51Z thomas $
    # Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <[email protected]>
    # Maintainer: Thomas Baechler <[email protected]>
    #pkgname=('linux' 'linux-headers' 'linux-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
    pkgname=('linux-morrvick' 'linux-headers-morrvick') # Build kernel with a different name
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=('xmlto' 'docbook-xsl')
    # the main kernel config files
    'config' 'config.x86_64'
    # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    # add upstream patch
    patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/patch-${pkgver}"
    # add latest fixes from stable queue, if needed
    # Some chips detect a ghost TV output
    # mailing list discussion:
    # Arch Linux bug report: FS#19234
    # It is unclear why this patch wasn't merged upstream, it was accepted,
    # then dropped because the reasoning was unclear. However, it is clearly
    # needed.
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-fix-ghost-tv-output.patch"
    # In 3.1.1, a DRM_DEBUG message is falsely declared as DRM_ERROR. This
    # worries users, as this message is displayed even at loglevel 4. Fix
    # this.
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-fix-incorrect-error-message.patch"
    # Add the USB_QUIRK_RESET_RESUME for several webcams
    # FS#26528
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/usb-add-reset-resume-quirk-for-several-webcams.patch"
    # set DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL to 4 (same value as the 'quiet' kernel param)
    # remove this when a Kconfig knob is made available by upstream
    # (relevant patch sent upstream:
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/change-default-console-loglevel.patch"
    if [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then
    cat "${srcdir}/config.x86_64" > ./.config
    cat "${srcdir}/config" > ./.config
    if [ "${_kernelname}" != "" ]; then
    sed -i "s|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${_kernelname}\"|g" ./.config
    # set extraversion to pkgrel
    sed -ri "s|^(EXTRAVERSION =).*|\1 -${pkgrel}|" Makefile
    # get kernel version
    make prepare
    # load configuration
    # Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
    #make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
    #make nconfig # new CLI menu for configuration
    make xconfig # X-based configuration
    #make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
    # ... or manually edit .config
    # stop here
    # this is useful to configure the kernel
    #msg "Stopping build"
    #return 1
    yes "" | make config
    # build!
    make ${MAKEFLAGS} bzImage modules
    package_linux-morrvick() {
    pkgdesc="The Linux Kernel and modules"
    depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'module-init-tools>=3.16' 'mkinitcpio>=0.7')
    optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country')
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    # get kernel version
    _kernver="$(make kernelrelease)"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/{lib/modules,lib/firmware,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${pkgdir}" modules_install
    cp arch/$KARCH/boot/bzImage "${pkgdir}/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgname}"
    # add vmlinux
    install -D -m644 vmlinux "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/vmlinux"
    # install fallback mkinitcpio.conf file and preset file for kernel
    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.preset" "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset"
    # set correct depmod command for install
    sed \
    -e "s/KERNEL_NAME=.*/KERNEL_NAME=${_kernelname}/g" \
    -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION=.*/KERNEL_VERSION=${_kernver}/g" \
    -i "${startdir}/${pkgname}.install"
    sed \
    -e "s|ALL_kver=.*|ALL_kver=\"/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgname}\"|g" \
    -e "s|default_image=.*|default_image=\"/boot/initramfs-${pkgname}.img\"|g" \
    -e "s|fallback_image=.*|fallback_image=\"/boot/initramfs-${pkgname}-fallback.img\"|g" \
    -i "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset"
    # remove build and source links
    rm -f "${pkgdir}"/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
    # remove the firmware
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}/lib/firmware"
    # gzip -9 all modules to save 100MB of space
    find "${pkgdir}" -name '*.ko' -exec gzip -9 {} \;
    # make room for external modules
    ln -s "../extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}" "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}/extramodules"
    # add real version for building modules and running depmod from post_install/upgrade
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}"
    echo "${_kernver}" > "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}/version"
    package_linux-headers-morrvick() {
    pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for linux kernel"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}"
    cd "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}"
    ln -sf ../../../usr/src/linux-${_kernver} build
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    install -D -m644 Makefile \
    install -D -m644 kernel/Makefile \
    install -D -m644 .config \
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include"
    for i in acpi asm-generic config crypto drm generated linux math-emu \
    media net pcmcia scsi sound trace video xen; do
    cp -a include/${i} "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/"
    # copy arch includes for external modules
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86"
    cp -a arch/x86/include "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86/"
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp Module.symvers "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    cp -a scripts "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    # fix permissions on scripts dir
    chmod og-w -R "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/.tmp_versions"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/kernel"
    cp arch/${KARCH}/Makefile "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/"
    if [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ]; then
    cp arch/${KARCH}/Makefile_32.cpu "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/"
    cp arch/${KARCH}/kernel/asm-offsets.s "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/kernel/"
    # add headers for lirc package
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video"
    cp drivers/media/video/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/"
    for i in bt8xx cpia2 cx25840 cx88 em28xx et61x251 pwc saa7134 sn9c102; do
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/${i}"
    cp -a drivers/media/video/${i}/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/${i}"
    # add docbook makefile
    install -D -m644 Documentation/DocBook/Makefile \
    # add dm headers
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md"
    cp drivers/md/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md"
    # add inotify.h
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux"
    cp include/linux/inotify.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux/"
    # add wireless headers
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/"
    cp net/mac80211/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/"
    # add dvb headers for external modules
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/"
    # and...
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/"
    cp include/config/dvb/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/"
    # add dvb headers for
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt330x.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    cp drivers/media/video/msp3400-driver.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    # add dvb headers
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners"
    cp drivers/media/common/tuners/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners/"
    # add xfs and shmem for aufs building
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/mm"
    cp fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h"
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/`echo ${i} | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp ${i} "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/${i}"
    chown -R root.root "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # strip scripts directory
    find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
    case "$(file -bi "${binary}")" in
    *application/x-sharedlib*) # Libraries (.so)
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_SHARED} "${binary}";;
    *application/x-archive*) # Libraries (.a)
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_STATIC} "${binary}";;
    *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_BINARIES} "${binary}";;
    # remove unneeded architectures
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/{alpha,arm,arm26,avr32,blackfin,cris,frv,h8300,ia64,m32r,m68k,m68knommu,mips,microblaze,mn10300,parisc,powerpc,ppc,s390,sh,sh64,sparc,sparc64,um,v850,xtensa}
    package_linux-docs() {
    pkgdesc="Kernel hackers manual - HTML documentation that comes with the Linux kernel."
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    cp -al Documentation "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    find "${pkgdir}" -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \;
    find "${pkgdir}" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # remove a file already in linux package
    rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile"
    After the compiling is finished:
    sudo pacman -U linux-morrvick-3.1.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: linux-morrvick and linux are in conflict (kernel26). Remove linux? [y/N] n
    error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
    error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
    :: linux-morrvick and linux are in conflict (kernel26)
    Any thoughts?

  • [Solved] Compiling kernel with 'localmodcfg' - 'brcmsmac' missing

    Hi all,
    I want to compile my own optimized ck-kernel with localmodcfg="y" which works mostly.
    However there is a small problem.
    The module 'brcmsmac' for the WLAN card is never included although it is listed in my modprobed.db.
    Does someone have any clue what could be the cause?
    Last edited by Radioactiveman (2012-01-13 16:36:15)

    A minor fix for the patch by Steven Rostedt solved my issue.
    I have compiled linux-ck 3.2.1-2 with localmodconfig today and brcmsmac is now included.
    Marking the thread as solved, thanks to Steve.
    Patch file:
    diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/ b/scripts/kconfig/
    index ec7afce..bccf07d 100644
    --- a/scripts/kconfig/
    +++ b/scripts/kconfig/
    @@ -250,33 +250,61 @@ if ($kconfig) {
    +sub convert_vars {
    + my ($line, %vars) = @_;
    + my $process = "";
    + while ($line =~ s/^(.*?)(\$\((.*?)\))//) {
    + my $start = $1;
    + my $variable = $2;
    + my $var = $3;
    + if (defined($vars{$var})) {
    + $process .= $start . $vars{$var};
    + } else {
    + $process .= $start . $variable;
    + }
    + }
    + $process .= $line;
    + return $process;
    # Read all Makefiles to map the configs to the objects
    foreach my $makefile (@makefiles) {
    - my $cont = 0;
    + my $line = "";
    + my %make_vars;
    open(MIN,$makefile) || die "Can't open $makefile";
    while (<MIN>) {
    + # if this line ends with a backslash, continue
    + chomp;
    + if (/^(.*)\\$/) {
    + $line .= $1;
    + next;
    + }
    + $line .= $_;
    + $_ = $line;
    + $line = "";
    my $objs;
    - # is this a line after a line with a backslash?
    - if ($cont && /(\S.*)$/) {
    - $objs = $1;
    - $cont = 0;
    + $_ = convert_vars($_, %make_vars);
    # collect objects after obj-$(CONFIG_FOO_BAR)
    if (/obj-\$\((CONFIG_[^\)]*)\)\s*[+:]?=\s*(.*)/) {
    $var = $1;
    $objs = $2;
    + # check if variables are set
    + } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*[:]?=\s*(.*\S)/) {
    + $make_vars{$1} = $2;
    if (defined($objs)) {
    - # test if the line ends with a backslash
    - if ($objs =~ m,(.*)\\$,) {
    - $objs = $1;
    - $cont = 1;
    foreach my $obj (split /\s+/,$objs) {
    $obj =~ s/-/_/g;
    if ($obj =~ /(.*)\.o$/) {
    Last edited by Radioactiveman (2012-01-13 16:37:06)

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