Keyboard writting diffrent letters

When i type a letter like = it displays "=6" or "=6n" when i type "n" it displays "n=" when i press the right arrow button it types "8".
What might be the problem with the macbook pro.

There are only two explanations for your keyboard acting up:
1. It is a software issue (which it doesn't look like at the moment)
2. Or a hardware issue (which can be more expensive to repair)
Some people reccommend that you pull off all of the keys on your keyboard and check if there is any dust underneath them, which I would not reccommend doing.
Worst case scenario, it is a hardware issue and you will have to go to apple care at an apple store and get it checked up.
I would try one more thing.
1. Back up all of your data
2.Shut down your mac
3. Turn on you mac and as it is turning on, hold the shift key
4. This may take quite a long time as it will go into safe boot
5. At login screen make sure it says safe boot and log in
6. Try your keyboard out
7. If it still doesn't work, look at my instructions about the system preferences and follow those instructions.
Hope this helps!
Message was edited by: ppaul97

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    Not Charge
    - See:      
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    lol, I was going to add "as long as it's not doing that all the time" ...but was hoping for the quick fix. You might want to check your Activity Monitor and see which program or background process is causing the activity ...have you installed anything lately that coincided with this problem? You also might want to try booting into Safe Mode to see if things still persist.

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    I have tried to use my Macbook Pro this morning and when I type its typing the wrong letters
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    Turn off your computer. Unplug for 30 sec, and everything attached. Then power it back on and hurry and hold Command + Option + P + R. I held Command + Option + P with one hand and then after I hit power I added the R.
    The computer will make one chime. Keep holding it. I will then shut down and make one more chime and you can let go.
    Taa daa!!
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    Without knowing more, one would guess there was a spill, maybe?
    If the USB keyboard gave the same odd results, I would wonder about settings.
    Perhaps a replacement keyboard would cure the problem?
    You also may want to try posting in the iBook G4 Forum.
    You have posted in the iBook G3 (Dual USB) Forum.

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    If you are near an Apple Store, you might take it in for testing.
    From what you describe, I suspect the KB has failed.

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