Keychain -- first problem

I restarted my MacBook Air (latest version & 10.9.1) for the first time in a week (had been putting in sleep mode when not using) and am suddenly getting boxes asking for a password so that CalendarAgent,, MenuCalendarClock iCal, Messages Agent, etc. can use the "login" keychain -- or "Local Items."  I can't get past these boxes.
Frankly, I don't remember ever setting up a password for Keychain in past years, and I have never been asked for one like this before.  Passwords I've tried don't work.
I have a 2 month old clone that I could pull a file from, but I think Mavericks hides this stuff nowadays. I could also just clone it back -- probably the best idea.
Having had many Macs over the years, I have never run into this problem before!!

Well, I moved my SuperDuper clone back to the MacBook Air and all is well.  The password that wouldn't work in Keychain was the right password because it works now. 
Apparently, somehow Keychain got corrupted, but I have no idea how that happened -- never have seen the problem before and hope I never see it again.

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    There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 9 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
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  • Keychain Access problem

    not sure if this is the right forum for this, please move it if it's not.
    I was trying to buy something in the iTunes store, but when I was trying to log in with my account, it said "The requested keychain was invalid", and told me to run Keychain Access/Keychain First Aid.
    This is what happens when I do:
    Verification started
    Checking keychain configuration for John Kim (user ID=501)
    Home directory is /Users/johnkim
    Checked login keychain
    Checked default keychain
    Checked keychain search list
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/johnkim's Keychain.keychain
    Keychain /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors appears to be damaged
    Problems were found; you should choose the Repair option to fix them
    Verification failed
    Repair started
    Checking keychain configuration for John Kim (user ID=501)
    Home directory is /Users/johnkim
    Checked login keychain
    Checked default keychain
    Checked keychain search list
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/johnkim's Keychain.keychain
    Keychain /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors appears to be damaged
    Unable to restore /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors. You will need to manually copy it from another machine, or reinstall the system software.
    Warning: some problems were not fixed
    Repair failed
    I have a friend who has Leopard... Can I just find this file on his computer and copy it over to mine, or how exactly does this work?

    Hi and a warm welcome to the forums!
    I'm not certain, but a Leopard one will likely work.
    If need be I could Archive mine and post a link, but it requires a bit of manipulation.

  • Keychain First Aid  won't run

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    I have tried to run Keychain First Aid, but it quite and won't fix anything.
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    Any suggestions on how to fix keychain?

    In Mac OS X 10.4.10 I already see several Entrust root certificates. Are your sure you need to add another CA? What you need to be importing is the user's own certificate file rather than the Entrust root certificate. Are you able to do this?
    After the user's certificate is installed then you can then select it in the user's Entourage account.
    Hope this helps!
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1 GHz Powerbook G4

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    Thanks in advance!

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    Repair started
    Checking keychain configuration for Gary (user ID=501)
    Home directory is /Users/gary
    Checked login keychain
    Checked password for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    Checked settings for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    Checked default keychain
    Checked keychain search list
    No problems found
    Repair completed
    Why does it do this?
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  • Keychain Access problems: error -2147415734

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    any suggestions?

    Try deleting the .Mac entry in your keychain, then trying to reconnect to the .Mac account. IIRC, that should prompt for a new username/password combo.

  • Keychain First Aid screwed up my keychain

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    Any help would be most appreciated. Is there a way to get the information out of the keychain file and reenter it in Keychain as a new account? Is there a UNIX fix for this?
    Thanks in advance.

    This is resolved, as rebooting actually brought the account and its passwords back into view in Keychain Access. I still don't know why it disappeared in the first place.

  • Keychain First Aid Fails

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    "User differs on ~/Library/Preferences/, should be 501, owner is 0
    Owner not corrected on ~/Library/Preferences/, reason: No such file or directory"
    Yet, I can see the "~/Library/Preferences/" file, and have opened it in Omnioutliner. I've already repaired permissions and run Disk Warrior 3.0.3 to no avail; same erroneous error message. Help?

    A couple of things to try. Move the ~/Library/Preferences/ to the trash, but don't delete it. Restart and try Keychain First Aid. If it works, quit the app, and empty the trash. If you have a backup of your system, move the ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain to the desktop, copy over the backup, restart, and try it again. Report back.

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    After everything was wiped, i was pretty angry. But I still had books to read, even if i couldn't do much else. Then the battery died, and it really wrecked me up. I feel so mad right now, although this actually happened about 4 days ago. The iPod being wiped happened about 3 days after the Christmas holidays began. This iPod also was not brand new, I bought it off a friend who had it for over a year, although it was in perfect condition (Obviously out of warranty.) I desperately need a solution to this HUGE problem. Due to personal reasons, I can't go to a Genius Bar or go to an Apple retailer in person, but communicating by E-mail is an option, as is instant messaging.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • Keychain "login" Problems   Can't remember my Keychain password.  Admin Password also does not help. Mac Mini(Late 2012) OS 10.10.2

    Series of Keychain "Login" Problems.
    Hardware: Mac Mini (Late 2012)  2.5 GHz Intel COre i5,  4GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    OS X : 10.10.2 upgraded yesterday
    Mail wants to use "login" keychain.   I enter Password but no success.
    CalendarAgent wants to use "login" keychain.   I enter Password but no success. wants to you "login" keychain. Password, not successful.
    At some point in past days I was offered to rename Keychain, so I did.
    In Keychain Access, I deleted "Login"    and selected Delete references.
    Just now I went into ~/Library/Keychains and found Login.Keychain and Login_renamed.Keychain.
    I have renamed Login.keychain -> Login-old.keychain.
    I renamed Login_renamed.keychain-> Login.Keychain.
    In Keychain Access, I added "Login" back.  This should be the renamed keychain.
    Original problems still persist.  No noticeable changes.
    Keychain wants to use the "Login" keychain.   Can't remember my password or it is incorrect.

    I turned off and turned on the computer.  When restarting it said that it could not use the Login and did I want to create a new or use and alternate?  I created new and for the moment things seem to be working under the command of the "New Login"
    That still doesn't really alleviate the problem of the old login.

  • Keychain login problems

    After I have updated to Snow Leopard from Tiger I keep on getting the message: cannot find the "login" to keychain. It slows down my computer as well. What to do?

    something is seriously wrong with your keychain then. have you tried keychain first aid? if that does not help quit keychain access and go to the directory homedirectory/library/keychains. what do you have in there? do you see login.keychain? if so move it to the desktop and log out/in. a new blank login keychain will be generated. open keychain access and see if it shows up and is open.

  • Keychain Acces problem

    Im trying to see some saved passwords in my Keychain Acces, but instead of plain text passwords, i get somekind of encrypted password. Something like this : AFQZKkqnZms3xBiZSLtn8G2SI0Gf.YPot4yg2ghM1sPYulXA2Sk-
    Is there any way to see the real password, instead of this encrypted one?
    This is used by an application. The other ones, used for WI-FI are fine, they appear as plain text.
    Any help/input on this?
    Thank you.
    Best Regards

    Thanks for the reply Linc Davis,
    Already tried Keychain First Aid, but it found nothing wrong.
    Any other suggestion?
    Whats the meaning of the encrypted password?

  • There is NO Keychain First Aid showing in my Keychain access

    Mail not retaining passwords and there is NO Keychain First Aid showing in my Keychain access in Utilities.  HELP!

    Do you mean it is not on the menu or grayed out not able to choose it?
    Also did you unlock the lock and authenticate?

  • Keychain access problems after Safari 3.1 update?

    I recently installed the Safari 3.1 update. Two other updates were available and I installed them at the same time. One was a security update - I don't recall the other (and, strangely, the update log is blank). After this update, I received the message that "Safari has been changed and moved, so you need to grant permission for access to the Keychain." I selected "allow all" and things seemed to progress.
    The next time I started Safari, the same message. I again selected "allow all", but the program hung. I forced it to quit, tried again, same result. I ran the system maintenance programs, repaired permissions, etc. (using Cocktail) and got the same result. Keychain Access itself seems to hang and becomes unresponsive. Firefox appears to be unaffected, but I don't use it as much.
    The problem seems to be with Safari 3.1 - has anyone else experienced this problem? If I uninstall Safari, download and install 3.1 over again, is there a way to save my bookmarks and cookies to reimport?

    In installing the Safari Update (along with Quicktime 7.4.5, iTunes 7.6.2, and Security Update 2008-002 for Power PC), I found my Mac Mini slowed to a crawl and persistently displayed the "beach ball of death" for extended periods of time just starting up ANY program for the first time. Just restarting the computer took forever and trying to use Disk Utility did nothing.
    I have talked with a friend whose son had all sorts of problems with his newer i-mac upon installation of this Safari update. I am crawling along with my machine right now, not one bit happy.
    I have no answers, just a note to show I also am having problems since this update. Keychain? Never use it. I am thinking of just trying to re-install the older Safari version-3.04. Suggestions?

  • Keychain/Router Problems.

    I've never had a problem with Keychain or my internet connection until I purchased a linksys wireless router.
    First the passwords that the linksys router provided me didn't work when entered into Airport. However, at times Airport will connect automatically, usually for long periods of time, yet when it does disconnect, it asks me for a password which isn't in Keychain.
    Then today I discovered a linksys wireless password hidden in keychain, I tried to access it and when prompted for my keychain (The same as my login) password it denies me, saying it's the wrong password.
    I want to know why Keychain is denying me access to my password and why linksys won't accept my passowrds.
    Thanks in advance,
    - Alex

    There are no problems with Linksys and Keychain.
    It sounds like your Linksys was configured by a previous owner, or your neighbor has broken into it and set a password different from the default, or it is just plain defective.
    I suggest you do a hard reset on the router. Insert a tool in the hole in the back and holding down the button plug in the machine. Hold the button down for about 30 seconds then release it. The router will boot up. After a bit click here: and you should get a login dialog. Enter username root password admin, but various models have different logins. Once you are in, go to the Administration tab and update your firmware. You should be up and running.
    Be sure to set your password to a non-default one, as they are commonly known. Also, set your WiFi channel to non-default, and also your SSID name, all this reduces interference in your neighborhood.

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