Kinit takes about 12 seconds to authorize a user

I am being told that there is a problem with my Open Directory config. They tell me to type kinit myusernamehere at the terminal and see if it asks for a password instantly or if there's a delay. There is a delay of about 12 seconds.
Can someone help me fix this? It is causing an unacceptable delay with OD users when they are logging in.
Message was edited by: TC10284

Roughly the same effect, but not exactly -- without knowing what's causing the problem, it's rather hard to tell exactly what'll fix it.
One thing occurs to me: check the file /Library/Preferences/, and see what's listed as the kdc address (in the \[realms\] section, not in \[logging\]). Under some circumstances, this can get bogus entries listed, which means the clients may need to make several tries before finding a valid address for the KDC.
If that's the problem, destroying & repromoting should fix it, as would swapping replicas. Or, if you're feeling daring (and have backups of everything important), you could try to edit it directly: In Workgroup Manager's preferences, enable 'Show "All Records" tab and inspector, then select "All Records" (the bullseye tab that just appeared to the right of users, groups, computers, and computer groups tabs), then "Config" from the pop-up menu under that, then KerberosClient from the list under that, then "XMLPlist" on the right, then "Edit" below that (if you don't have an Edit button, you may need to authenticate to the domain first). You're now editing the XML property list that is created from (maybe you should copy it into a text file in case something goes wrong); you need to remove bogus entries from the arrays under the KADM_List and KDC_List keys, then increase the generationID by one. Then run "sudo kerberosautoconfig" on a client to force it to update, and test again.

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    I read a solution for something that sounded similar.
    Anyone in similar position:
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    1/2/14 3:07:31.135 PM iPhoto[1092]: This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    1/2/14 3:07:31.136 PM iPhoto[1092]: This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    1/2/14 3:07:31.136 PM iPhoto[1092]: This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    1/2/14 3:07:31.136 PM iPhoto[1092]: This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    1/2/14 3:07:31.247 PM iPhoto[1092]: CFURLGetFSRef was passed this URL which has no scheme (the URL may not work with other CFURL routines): /Applications/
    1/2/14 3:07:31.254 PM iPhoto[1092]: CFURLGetFSRef was passed this URL which has no scheme (the URL may not work with other CFURL routines): /Applications/
    1/2/14 3:07:31.257 PM iPhoto[1092]: CFURLGetFSRef was passed this URL which has no scheme (the URL may not work with other CFURL routines): /Applications/
    1/2/14 3:07:31.261 PM iPhoto[1092]: CFURLGetFSRef was passed this URL which has no scheme (the URL may not work with other CFURL routines): /Applications/
    1/2/14 3:07:31.375 PM iPhoto[1092]: ICAGetDeviceList_Deprecated-Has been deprecated since 10.5.  Calls to this function in the future may crash this application.  Please move to ImageCaptureCore
    1/2/14 3:08:23.664 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1106]) mdworker(1106) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1106) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:23.669 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1107]) mdworker(1107) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1107) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:23.674 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1106]) mdworker(1106) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.678 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1107]) mdworker(1107) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.682 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1106]) mdworker(1106) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.686 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1107]) mdworker(1107) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.689 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1106]) mdworker(1106) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:23.692 PM sandboxd[279]: ([1107]) mdworker(1107) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo ()
    1/2/14 3:08:24.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1108) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:24.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1108) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:24.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1108) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:24.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1108) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo
    1/2/14 3:08:24.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: mdworker(1108) deny file-read-data /Users/Paul/Pictures/iPhoto Library_2/Contents/PkgInfo

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    How can I stop the 10 second delay? I've rebooted, and the function isn't failing, it's just too slow.

    To bmihura -
    I am thinking of the traditional "Debug Output" that is available in MSVC and CVI 7.x, i.e. calls to the SDK function OutputDebugString the debugger collects. I do not think that CVI 6.0 supports this. These messages can slow down a debugged process.
    I ran the default CVI OI from TS 2.0.1 in the debugger on my system, which is similar to yours, and the performance was almost identical, under a second.
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    2) Do you see this performance hit when debugging your OI when you run a client sequence that is empty but using your pro
    cess model?
    3) Do you see this performance hit when using the default CVI OI that ships with TestStand?
    Scott Richardson (NI)
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    National Instruments

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